Trump 'demands' DOJ look into whether FBI 'infiltrated or surveilled' his campaign


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Apparently Nunes and Meadows just aren't running enough of an interference and distraction campaign for their Dear Donald. Look you Orange Asshat - It is not "YOUR" DOJ - They work for the American people. You don't GET to make demands of them. So shut your Big Mac Hole and go have a chat with Mr Mueller.

Verified account 2h2 hours ago
I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes - and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!

Trump demands DOJ look into whether FBI 'infiltrated or surveilled' his campaign
Apparently Nunes and Meadows just aren't running enough of an interference and distraction campaign for their Dear Donald. Look you Orange Asshat - It is not "YOUR" DOJ - They work for the American people. You don't GET to make demands of them. So shut your Big Mac Hole and go have a chat with Mr Mueller.

Verified account 2h2 hours ago
I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes - and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!

Trump demands DOJ look into whether FBI 'infiltrated or surveilled' his campaign
/----/ Oh, then is it still Obozo's DOJ? is his DOJ. Part of the Executive Branch, of which Trump is head.

They operate entirely independently - Not under the thumb of an Orange Buffoon.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is the Executive Branch department responsible for handling the legal work of the federal government. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the DOJ is the largest legal organization in the United States, with more than 100,000 employees nationwide and a budget of approximately $30 billion.

Justice Department

The power of the Executive Branch is vested in the President of the United States, who also acts as head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.

The Executive Branch
Funny how he appointed Sessions.
The DOJ operated independently of the Pres.
Trump is ordering the DOJ to see if Obama ordered them to surveil and infiltrate his campaign.

I guess Obama can order the DOJ around, but Trump can't.
Indeed, the FBI does investigate international criminals, and part of Mueller's investigation is doing just that, indeedy.
Man oh man, President Trump is really, really, really worried about what they might have on him that is criminal....or in the very least, it surely appears that way!

What in the world is he and his minions so afraid of...for them to continually make up new conspiracies every other week, when the previous one falls flat on its face.

The guilty dog, barks the loudest is happening here....

I am surprised anyone, right or left, falls for this crap anymore?

It is so evident that the rat has been cornered and is doing all he can, to get out of the corner.... but what is it, that he's done, that he so desperately wants to hide from us, is the question of the hour?

Even if his son, or Kushner, or Flynn, or Manafort or Cohen etc etc etc have all done illegal things, if the President was not involved, he has nothing to worry about!

As said, all of this continual deflection of his, really makes him seem guilty!
The rat can only get out of the corner if Mueller is blocked.

Every false rumor started by the WH has failed.

You alt right are going to have to accept the fact: Mueller the Terrier has Trump the Rat and is shaking him viciously.
The rat can only get out of the corner if Mueller is blocked.

Every false rumor started by the WH has failed.

You alt right are going to have to accept the fact: Mueller the Terrier has Trump the Rat and is shaking him viciously.

I thought Starkey was against sedition?
Funny how he appointed Sessions.
The DOJ operated independently of the Pres.
Trump is ordering the DOJ to see if Obama ordered them to surveil and infiltrate his campaign.

I guess Obama can order the DOJ around, but Trump can't.

He demanded an investigation into those 3 million illegal voters he thought voted for hillary too. Since they found that Trump-0 was just imagining all that and disbanded, they might as well hold another goofy investigation into something that didn't happen.
Shitstain obama should be in prison for what he did. Then publicly hanged on the national mall with his husband right beside him.

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