Trump calls for "retribution" (violence?) against SNL for making fun of him

Trump, who has in the past successfully incited his followers (MAGA bomber) to plan violent attacks against the media, raised eyebrows with his tweet today:

"Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
/——/ Trump plays you libtards like a cheap fiddle. TFF

President Snowflake whining like a little girl is playing us?
The show is not a comedy program anymore. It is a political propaganda agenda part of the globalist doctrine. Unlike Obama who had the backing of the swamp, Trump does not.

The show is funny as hell. It's been completely rejuvenated by the Trump Presidency, because you have a President who is a complete and total ass. Their casting is spot on, and the writing inspired.

Trump has always been a buffoon. New Yorkers have been publically laughing at him for decades. Especially his desperation to been seen as a big time real estate mogul, and a celebrity. Comedians have been making fun of him for decades because he's always been RIDICULOUS. Trump truly believed that once he was President, that all of that would stop, and people who have found him to be RIDICULOUS for decades, would suddenly fall at his feet in their obsequeiousness and portray him in glowing terms.

The entire GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS laughed in Trump's face when he claimed he was the greatest President in history. The leaders of the NATO ALLIANCE laughed in his face when he said that NATO owes the American taxpayers billions, because it simply wasn't true and saying it made Trump look ill-informed, stupid, and to lazy to have bothered to read the Treaty or the Amending Agreements ancilliary thereto. In other words RIDICULOUS.

Never in the history of the world, has there been such a RIDICULOUS buffoon of a world leader. Trump is the white equivalent of Idi Amin, who proclaimed himself the "King of Scotland", or Khadafi. Both men seemed straight out of Central Casting, in terms of being laughable, but neither were very funny at all for their countrymen.

The unfunny part of the Trump Presidency, is the total incompetence, and criminal corruption he brings with his stupidty, arrogance, narciscism, selfishness, greed, and inhumanity. While Trump gets into pissing contests with Nancy Peloi over a useless border wall, 6,000 Americans are dying every month because of opioid overdoses, which Trump lies to the public about and blames on lax border security, when in fact, Big Pharma in the USA is making billions addicting the American public to opiods. Not surprisingly, they are now recommending a life-saving prescription for an overdose anti-dote |(at $4,000 per pop), be added to each new presription for opioids. That "Epi-pen" for overdoses costs $40 to produce.

Trump may not be butchering his people like Idi Amin or Khadafi, but if he is doing nothing about real people dying from lack of access to health care, or from the real causes of opiod abuse, while having both the means and the resources to do something about both of these issues, is he really that much different?

35,000 people have died, just from opioid abuse alone while Trump tweets about how mean SNL is to him, and fights imaginary boogey men on the southern border, and calls the Russia Investigation a "witch hunt".
Trump, who has in the past successfully incited his followers (MAGA bomber) to plan violent attacks against the media, raised eyebrows with his tweet today:

"Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
They say a sense of humor requires intelligence. No surprise here.
Trump, who has in the past successfully incited his followers (MAGA bomber) to plan violent attacks against the media, raised eyebrows with his tweet today:

"Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
More lies from the deranged lunatic. Asking how is the same as calling for it to this liar.
Trump, who has in the past successfully incited his followers (MAGA bomber) to plan violent attacks against the media, raised eyebrows with his tweet today:

"Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
/——/ Trump plays you libtards like a cheap fiddle. TFF

President Snowflake whining like a little girl is playing us?
The show is not a comedy program anymore. It is a political propaganda agenda part of the globalist doctrine. Unlike Obama who had the backing of the swamp, Trump does not.

The show is funny as hell. It's been completely rejuvenated by the Trump Presidency, because you have a President who is a complete and total ass. Their casting is spot on, and the writing inspired.

Trump has always been a buffoon. New Yorkers have been publically laughing at him for decades. Especially his desperation to been seen as a big time real estate mogul, and a celebrity. Comedians have been making fun of him for decades because he's always been RIDICULOUS. Trump truly believed that once he was President, that all of that would stop, and people who have found him to be RIDICULOUS for decades, would suddenly fall at his feet in their obsequeiousness and portray him in glowing terms.

The entire GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS laughed in Trump's face when he claimed he was the greatest President in history. The leaders of the NATO ALLIANCE laughed in his face when he said that NATO owes the American taxpayers billions, because it simply wasn't true and saying it made Trump look ill-informed, stupid, and to lazy to have bothered to read the Treaty or the Amending Agreements ancilliary thereto. In other words RIDICULOUS.

Never in the history of the world, has there been such a RIDICULOUS buffoon of a world leader. Trump is the white equivalent of Idi Amin, who proclaimed himself the "King of Scotland", or Khadafi. Both men seemed straight out of Central Casting, in terms of being laughable, but neither were very funny at all for their countrymen.

The unfunny part of the Trump Presidency, is the total incompetence, and criminal corruption he brings with his stupidty, arrogance, narciscism, selfishness, greed, and inhumanity. While Trump gets into pissing contests with Nancy Peloi over a useless border wall, 6,000 Americans are dying every month because of opioid overdoses, which Trump lies to the public about and blames on lax border security, when in fact, Big Pharma in the USA is making billions addicting the American public to opiods. Not surprisingly, they are now recommending a life-saving prescription for an overdose anti-dote |(at $4,000 per pop), be added to each new presription for opioids. That "Epi-pen" for overdoses costs $40 to produce.

Trump may not be butchering his people like Idi Amin or Khadafi, but if he is doing nothing about real people dying from lack of access to health care, or from the real causes of opiod abuse, while having both the means and the resources to do something about both of these issues, is he really that much different?

35,000 people have died, just from opioid abuse alone while Trump tweets about how mean SNL is to him, and fights imaginary boogey men on the southern border, and calls the Russia Investigation a "witch hunt".
Listen up....Trump ran on Borders......Language.....and....Culture! That is our history. And it changes with immigrants entering. You live off of globalism. With no borders, many cultures, languages and a tower of Babel way. All of the SNL and the rest are sell outs to the new world order. You live in an amazing way where we up until recent decades could speak one language crossing three thousand miles in multiple states. That is slowly changing. About drug deaths. You lie! decades of lying from these scum suckers doing nothing.
SNL is unwatchable nowadays.
It was funny years ago, but now it's just pathetic left wing hate.
Was it watchable when Trump hosted the show?
Trump was on SNL once?
I didn't know that.
I stopped watching it when Bush was president.
BTW Alec Baldwin is creepy, not funny.

George H.W. Bush was also on SNL, as was Bill Clinton. Bush appeared on camera in a split screen while Dana Carvey impersonated him and said "I really don't do that thing with my hands, do I", while doing that thing with his hands. Carvey never ever let up on him, and he even made the President laugh. They became good friends in real life.

I don't see that happening with this President and any of the comedians mocking him. He hates Baldwin because Alec Baldwin has nailed his impersonation, and is probably the BEST Presidential impersonation on SNL ever. Trump hates it because he knows he's a stupid criminal who's in way over his head, and he now wishes he had never run for President. We can see it in his face, and his whole defeated demeanor when he declared a national emergency.

Trump's raging against SNL is just the flailings of a loser trying to keep his face off the canvas.
SNL is unwatchable nowadays.
It was funny years ago, but now it's just pathetic left wing hate.
Was it watchable when Trump hosted the show?
Trump was on SNL once?
I didn't know that.
I stopped watching it when Bush was president.
BTW Alec Baldwin is creepy, not funny.

George H.W. Bush was also on SNL, as was Bill Clinton. Bush appeared on camera in a split screen while Dana Carvey impersonated him and said "I really don't do that thing with my hands, do I", while doing that thing with his hands. Carvey never ever let up on him, and he even made the President laugh. They became good friends in real life.

I don't see that happening with this President and any of the comedians mocking him. He hates Baldwin because Alec Baldwin has nailed his impersonation, and is probably the BEST Presidential impersonation on SNL ever. Trump hates it because he knows he's a stupid criminal who's in way over his head, and he now wishes he had never run for President. We can see it in his face, and his whole defeated demeanor when he declared a national emergency.

Trump's raging against SNL is just the flailings of a loser trying to keep his face off the canvas.
No, Baldwin is just another dumb liberal bigot.
He's not funny because hate is not funny.
Trump, who has in the past successfully incited his followers (MAGA bomber) to plan violent attacks against the media, raised eyebrows with his tweet today:

"Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
/——/ Trump plays you libtards like a cheap fiddle. TFF

President Snowflake whining like a little girl is playing us?
The show is not a comedy program anymore. It is a political propaganda agenda part of the globalist doctrine. Unlike Obama who had the backing of the swamp, Trump does not.

The show is funny as hell. It's been completely rejuvenated by the Trump Presidency, because you have a President who is a complete and total ass. Their casting is spot on, and the writing inspired.

Trump has always been a buffoon. New Yorkers have been publically laughing at him for decades. Especially his desperation to been seen as a big time real estate mogul, and a celebrity. Comedians have been making fun of him for decades because he's always been RIDICULOUS. Trump truly believed that once he was President, that all of that would stop, and people who have found him to be RIDICULOUS for decades, would suddenly fall at his feet in their obsequeiousness and portray him in glowing terms.

The entire GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS laughed in Trump's face when he claimed he was the greatest President in history. The leaders of the NATO ALLIANCE laughed in his face when he said that NATO owes the American taxpayers billions, because it simply wasn't true and saying it made Trump look ill-informed, stupid, and to lazy to have bothered to read the Treaty or the Amending Agreements ancilliary thereto. In other words RIDICULOUS.

Never in the history of the world, has there been such a RIDICULOUS buffoon of a world leader. Trump is the white equivalent of Idi Amin, who proclaimed himself the "King of Scotland", or Khadafi. Both men seemed straight out of Central Casting, in terms of being laughable, but neither were very funny at all for their countrymen.

The unfunny part of the Trump Presidency, is the total incompetence, and criminal corruption he brings with his stupidty, arrogance, narciscism, selfishness, greed, and inhumanity. While Trump gets into pissing contests with Nancy Peloi over a useless border wall, 6,000 Americans are dying every month because of opioid overdoses, which Trump lies to the public about and blames on lax border security, when in fact, Big Pharma in the USA is making billions addicting the American public to opiods. Not surprisingly, they are now recommending a life-saving prescription for an overdose anti-dote |(at $4,000 per pop), be added to each new presription for opioids. That "Epi-pen" for overdoses costs $40 to produce.

Trump may not be butchering his people like Idi Amin or Khadafi, but if he is doing nothing about real people dying from lack of access to health care, or from the real causes of opiod abuse, while having both the means and the resources to do something about both of these issues, is he really that much different?

35,000 people have died, just from opioid abuse alone while Trump tweets about how mean SNL is to him, and fights imaginary boogey men on the southern border, and calls the Russia Investigation a "witch hunt".
Listen up....Trump ran on Borders......Language.....and....Culture! That is our history. And it changes with immigrants entering. You live off of globalism. With no borders, many cultures, languages and a tower of Babel way. All of the SNL and the rest are sell outs to the new world order. You live in an amazing way where we up until recent decades could speak one language crossing three thousand miles in multiple states. That is slowly changing. About drug deaths. You lie! decades of lying from these scum suckers doing nothing.
/----/ Get used to it...
Trump, who has in the past successfully incited his followers (MAGA bomber) to plan violent attacks against the media, raised eyebrows with his tweet today:

"Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
/——/ Trump plays you libtards like a cheap fiddle. TFF

President Snowflake whining like a little girl is playing us?
The show is not a comedy program anymore. It is a political propaganda agenda part of the globalist doctrine. Unlike Obama who had the backing of the swamp, Trump does not.

The show is funny as hell. It's been completely rejuvenated by the Trump Presidency, because you have a President who is a complete and total ass. Their casting is spot on, and the writing inspired.

Trump has always been a buffoon. New Yorkers have been publically laughing at him for decades. Especially his desperation to been seen as a big time real estate mogul, and a celebrity. Comedians have been making fun of him for decades because he's always been RIDICULOUS. Trump truly believed that once he was President, that all of that would stop, and people who have found him to be RIDICULOUS for decades, would suddenly fall at his feet in their obsequeiousness and portray him in glowing terms.

The entire GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS laughed in Trump's face when he claimed he was the greatest President in history. The leaders of the NATO ALLIANCE laughed in his face when he said that NATO owes the American taxpayers billions, because it simply wasn't true and saying it made Trump look ill-informed, stupid, and to lazy to have bothered to read the Treaty or the Amending Agreements ancilliary thereto. In other words RIDICULOUS.

Never in the history of the world, has there been such a RIDICULOUS buffoon of a world leader. Trump is the white equivalent of Idi Amin, who proclaimed himself the "King of Scotland", or Khadafi. Both men seemed straight out of Central Casting, in terms of being laughable, but neither were very funny at all for their countrymen.

The unfunny part of the Trump Presidency, is the total incompetence, and criminal corruption he brings with his stupidty, arrogance, narciscism, selfishness, greed, and inhumanity. While Trump gets into pissing contests with Nancy Peloi over a useless border wall, 6,000 Americans are dying every month because of opioid overdoses, which Trump lies to the public about and blames on lax border security, when in fact, Big Pharma in the USA is making billions addicting the American public to opiods. Not surprisingly, they are now recommending a life-saving prescription for an overdose anti-dote |(at $4,000 per pop), be added to each new presription for opioids. That "Epi-pen" for overdoses costs $40 to produce.

Trump may not be butchering his people like Idi Amin or Khadafi, but if he is doing nothing about real people dying from lack of access to health care, or from the real causes of opiod abuse, while having both the means and the resources to do something about both of these issues, is he really that much different?

35,000 people have died, just from opioid abuse alone while Trump tweets about how mean SNL is to him, and fights imaginary boogey men on the southern border, and calls the Russia Investigation a "witch hunt".
Listen up....Trump ran on Borders......Language.....and....Culture! That is our history. And it changes with immigrants entering. You live off of globalism. With no borders, many cultures, languages and a tower of Babel way. All of the SNL and the rest are sell outs to the new world order. You live in an amazing way where we up until recent decades could speak one language crossing three thousand miles in multiple states. That is slowly changing. About drug deaths. You lie! decades of lying from these scum suckers doing nothing.

No he didn't. He ran on jobs and the economy. He promised "jobs on steriods", and growth "like you wouldn't believe". He sold himself as a great deal maker who would bring back the manufacturing jobs from Asia, end trade deficits, cut taxes for the middle classs, and get the corruption out of Washington. His racism and xenophobia were but a plank in his platform, like moving the Embassy to Jerusalem, and ending illegal immigration was a popular theme.

Trump rallies are big on people mindlessly chanting bumper sticker slogans: "Lock her up!!", "Build that wall", "Drain the Swamp". But Trump has massively failed on all of his big promises of jobs, raises in pay, tax cuts for the middle class, and his administration has seen more officials accused of graft, corruption, and abuses of both the public purse, and the public trust, than I have ever seen in any administration in my lifetime. This is the swampiest administration in at least the last 100 years, if not ever, and we're only two years in.

The ONLY promise Trump had even a glimmer of hope of delivering on was the Wall, and now that's gone. The spending bill bans its construction, and fails to fund it. The Congressional Resolution will be passed in a veto proof vote, and Trump will be forced to end it. If he does take it to the SC, the Court will end it. His own speech in the Rose Garden confirmed that there is no national emergency, and that he was only doing this for political reasons, and because Congress can't stop him. It can, it did. He's done. And the cherry on top of the Rose Garden sundae, is that Trump declared a national emergency in the Rose Garden, and then hopped on a helicopter, to go golfing for the weekend.

By voting with Pelosi and the Democrats to pass the spending bill with a veto-proof vote, more than 35 Republican Senators voted against the President and his agenda, for the very first time. Throughout the 3 week negotiating period, Senators spoke to the President and told him to stop playing political games, and get to work on governing the country. If Trump is to survive impeachment, he needs those Senators' loyalty.

The Senate vote on the Spending Bill was 35 Republican Senators growing a spine and saying "No more of this nonsense". Smarten up. We're not covering up for you any more.
/——/ Trump plays you libtards like a cheap fiddle. TFF

President Snowflake whining like a little girl is playing us?
The show is not a comedy program anymore. It is a political propaganda agenda part of the globalist doctrine. Unlike Obama who had the backing of the swamp, Trump does not.

The show is funny as hell. It's been completely rejuvenated by the Trump Presidency, because you have a President who is a complete and total ass. Their casting is spot on, and the writing inspired.

Trump has always been a buffoon. New Yorkers have been publically laughing at him for decades. Especially his desperation to been seen as a big time real estate mogul, and a celebrity. Comedians have been making fun of him for decades because he's always been RIDICULOUS. Trump truly believed that once he was President, that all of that would stop, and people who have found him to be RIDICULOUS for decades, would suddenly fall at his feet in their obsequeiousness and portray him in glowing terms.

The entire GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS laughed in Trump's face when he claimed he was the greatest President in history. The leaders of the NATO ALLIANCE laughed in his face when he said that NATO owes the American taxpayers billions, because it simply wasn't true and saying it made Trump look ill-informed, stupid, and to lazy to have bothered to read the Treaty or the Amending Agreements ancilliary thereto. In other words RIDICULOUS.

Never in the history of the world, has there been such a RIDICULOUS buffoon of a world leader. Trump is the white equivalent of Idi Amin, who proclaimed himself the "King of Scotland", or Khadafi. Both men seemed straight out of Central Casting, in terms of being laughable, but neither were very funny at all for their countrymen.

The unfunny part of the Trump Presidency, is the total incompetence, and criminal corruption he brings with his stupidty, arrogance, narciscism, selfishness, greed, and inhumanity. While Trump gets into pissing contests with Nancy Peloi over a useless border wall, 6,000 Americans are dying every month because of opioid overdoses, which Trump lies to the public about and blames on lax border security, when in fact, Big Pharma in the USA is making billions addicting the American public to opiods. Not surprisingly, they are now recommending a life-saving prescription for an overdose anti-dote |(at $4,000 per pop), be added to each new presription for opioids. That "Epi-pen" for overdoses costs $40 to produce.

Trump may not be butchering his people like Idi Amin or Khadafi, but if he is doing nothing about real people dying from lack of access to health care, or from the real causes of opiod abuse, while having both the means and the resources to do something about both of these issues, is he really that much different?

35,000 people have died, just from opioid abuse alone while Trump tweets about how mean SNL is to him, and fights imaginary boogey men on the southern border, and calls the Russia Investigation a "witch hunt".
Listen up....Trump ran on Borders......Language.....and....Culture! That is our history. And it changes with immigrants entering. You live off of globalism. With no borders, many cultures, languages and a tower of Babel way. All of the SNL and the rest are sell outs to the new world order. You live in an amazing way where we up until recent decades could speak one language crossing three thousand miles in multiple states. That is slowly changing. About drug deaths. You lie! decades of lying from these scum suckers doing nothing.

No he didn't. He ran on jobs and the economy. He promised "jobs on steriods", and growth "like you wouldn't believe". He sold himself as a great deal maker who would bring back the manufacturing jobs from Asia, end trade deficits, cut taxes for the middle classs, and get the corruption out of Washington. His racism and xenophobia were but a plank in his platform, like moving the Embassy to Jerusalem, and ending illegal immigration was a popular theme.

Trump rallies are big on people mindlessly chanting bumper sticker slogans: "Lock her up!!", "Build that wall", "Drain the Swamp". But Trump has massively failed on all of his big promises of jobs, raises in pay, tax cuts for the middle class, and his administration has seen more officials accused of graft, corruption, and abuses of both the public purse, and the public trust, than I have ever seen in any administration in my lifetime. This is the swampiest administration in at least the last 100 years, if not ever, and we're only two years in.

The ONLY promise Trump had even a glimmer of hope of delivering on was the Wall, and now that's gone. The spending bill bans its construction, and fails to fund it. The Congressional Resolution will be passed in a veto proof vote, and Trump will be forced to end it. If he does take it to the SC, the Court will end it. His own speech in the Rose Garden confirmed that there is no national emergency, and that he was only doing this for political reasons, and because Congress can't stop him. It can, it did. He's done. And the cherry on top of the Rose Garden sundae, is that Trump declared a national emergency in the Rose Garden, and then hopped on a helicopter, to go golfing for the weekend.

By voting with Pelosi and the Democrats to pass the spending bill with a veto-proof vote, more than 35 Republican Senators voted against the President and his agenda, for the very first time. Throughout the 3 week negotiating period, Senators spoke to the President and told him to stop playing political games, and get to work on governing the country. If Trump is to survive impeachment, he needs those Senators' loyalty.

The Senate vote on the Spending Bill was 35 Republican Senators growing a spine and saying "No more of this nonsense". Smarten up. We're not covering up for you any more.
/—-/ The list of Trump promises kept have been posted many times. You choose to ignore them and continue with your propaganda. Here is the link again so you and your ilk can ignore it or mark Funny. Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
Trump, who has in the past successfully incited his followers (MAGA bomber) to plan violent attacks against the media, raised eyebrows with his tweet today:

"Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
More lies from the deranged lunatic. Asking how is the same as calling for it to this liar.

That’s EXACTLY what is is. Calling for “retribution” is a dog whistle. It’s a word Trump has never used in any of his tweets.
President Snowflake whining like a little girl is playing us?
The show is not a comedy program anymore. It is a political propaganda agenda part of the globalist doctrine. Unlike Obama who had the backing of the swamp, Trump does not.

The show is funny as hell. It's been completely rejuvenated by the Trump Presidency, because you have a President who is a complete and total ass. Their casting is spot on, and the writing inspired.

Trump has always been a buffoon. New Yorkers have been publically laughing at him for decades. Especially his desperation to been seen as a big time real estate mogul, and a celebrity. Comedians have been making fun of him for decades because he's always been RIDICULOUS. Trump truly believed that once he was President, that all of that would stop, and people who have found him to be RIDICULOUS for decades, would suddenly fall at his feet in their obsequeiousness and portray him in glowing terms.

The entire GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS laughed in Trump's face when he claimed he was the greatest President in history. The leaders of the NATO ALLIANCE laughed in his face when he said that NATO owes the American taxpayers billions, because it simply wasn't true and saying it made Trump look ill-informed, stupid, and to lazy to have bothered to read the Treaty or the Amending Agreements ancilliary thereto. In other words RIDICULOUS.

Never in the history of the world, has there been such a RIDICULOUS buffoon of a world leader. Trump is the white equivalent of Idi Amin, who proclaimed himself the "King of Scotland", or Khadafi. Both men seemed straight out of Central Casting, in terms of being laughable, but neither were very funny at all for their countrymen.

The unfunny part of the Trump Presidency, is the total incompetence, and criminal corruption he brings with his stupidty, arrogance, narciscism, selfishness, greed, and inhumanity. While Trump gets into pissing contests with Nancy Peloi over a useless border wall, 6,000 Americans are dying every month because of opioid overdoses, which Trump lies to the public about and blames on lax border security, when in fact, Big Pharma in the USA is making billions addicting the American public to opiods. Not surprisingly, they are now recommending a life-saving prescription for an overdose anti-dote |(at $4,000 per pop), be added to each new presription for opioids. That "Epi-pen" for overdoses costs $40 to produce.

Trump may not be butchering his people like Idi Amin or Khadafi, but if he is doing nothing about real people dying from lack of access to health care, or from the real causes of opiod abuse, while having both the means and the resources to do something about both of these issues, is he really that much different?

35,000 people have died, just from opioid abuse alone while Trump tweets about how mean SNL is to him, and fights imaginary boogey men on the southern border, and calls the Russia Investigation a "witch hunt".
Listen up....Trump ran on Borders......Language.....and....Culture! That is our history. And it changes with immigrants entering. You live off of globalism. With no borders, many cultures, languages and a tower of Babel way. All of the SNL and the rest are sell outs to the new world order. You live in an amazing way where we up until recent decades could speak one language crossing three thousand miles in multiple states. That is slowly changing. About drug deaths. You lie! decades of lying from these scum suckers doing nothing.

No he didn't. He ran on jobs and the economy. He promised "jobs on steriods", and growth "like you wouldn't believe". He sold himself as a great deal maker who would bring back the manufacturing jobs from Asia, end trade deficits, cut taxes for the middle classs, and get the corruption out of Washington. His racism and xenophobia were but a plank in his platform, like moving the Embassy to Jerusalem, and ending illegal immigration was a popular theme.

Trump rallies are big on people mindlessly chanting bumper sticker slogans: "Lock her up!!", "Build that wall", "Drain the Swamp". But Trump has massively failed on all of his big promises of jobs, raises in pay, tax cuts for the middle class, and his administration has seen more officials accused of graft, corruption, and abuses of both the public purse, and the public trust, than I have ever seen in any administration in my lifetime. This is the swampiest administration in at least the last 100 years, if not ever, and we're only two years in.

The ONLY promise Trump had even a glimmer of hope of delivering on was the Wall, and now that's gone. The spending bill bans its construction, and fails to fund it. The Congressional Resolution will be passed in a veto proof vote, and Trump will be forced to end it. If he does take it to the SC, the Court will end it. His own speech in the Rose Garden confirmed that there is no national emergency, and that he was only doing this for political reasons, and because Congress can't stop him. It can, it did. He's done. And the cherry on top of the Rose Garden sundae, is that Trump declared a national emergency in the Rose Garden, and then hopped on a helicopter, to go golfing for the weekend.

By voting with Pelosi and the Democrats to pass the spending bill with a veto-proof vote, more than 35 Republican Senators voted against the President and his agenda, for the very first time. Throughout the 3 week negotiating period, Senators spoke to the President and told him to stop playing political games, and get to work on governing the country. If Trump is to survive impeachment, he needs those Senators' loyalty.

The Senate vote on the Spending Bill was 35 Republican Senators growing a spine and saying "No more of this nonsense". Smarten up. We're not covering up for you any more.
/—-/ The list of Trump promises kept have been posted many times. You choose to ignore them and continue with your propaganda. Here is the link again so you and your ilk can ignore it or mark Funny. Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments

Pulling out of the treaties, alliances,trade deals and world bodies which have produced the greatest concentration of wealth, power and prosperity in world history, and making the world a more dangerous and unsafe place to live in general, and destabilizing the government of the USA, while an accomplishment in Russia, are hardly things to be cheered anywhere else in the world. The notable exceptions are NK and China, who are allying with Russia to destabilze the west.
Trump, who has in the past successfully incited his followers (MAGA bomber) to plan violent attacks against the media, raised eyebrows with his tweet today:

"Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
/——/ Trump plays you libtards like a cheap fiddle. TFF

President Snowflake whining like a little girl is playing us?
The show is not a comedy program anymore. It is a political propaganda agenda part of the globalist doctrine. Unlike Obama who had the backing of the swamp, Trump does not.
Right wing authoritarians have always struggled with comedy.
View attachment 246488
When is the last time you watched?
/——/ Trump plays you libtards like a cheap fiddle. TFF

President Snowflake whining like a little girl is playing us?
The show is not a comedy program anymore. It is a political propaganda agenda part of the globalist doctrine. Unlike Obama who had the backing of the swamp, Trump does not.
Right wing authoritarians have always struggled with comedy.
View attachment 246488
When is the last time you watched?
/—-/ I stopped in the mid 1980s. Not worth staying up. When I finally bought a VHS and taped it, it wasn’t funny anymore, even TV critics said it sucked.
Trump, who has in the past successfully incited his followers (MAGA bomber) to plan violent attacks against the media, raised eyebrows with his tweet today:

"Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
More lies from the deranged lunatic. Asking how is the same as calling for it to this liar.

That’s EXACTLY what is is. Calling for “retribution” is a dog whistle. It’s a word Trump has never used in any of his tweets.
I read the tweet and nowhere does he call for anything, liar. You need mental help.
President Snowflake whining like a little girl is playing us?
The show is not a comedy program anymore. It is a political propaganda agenda part of the globalist doctrine. Unlike Obama who had the backing of the swamp, Trump does not.
Right wing authoritarians have always struggled with comedy.
View attachment 246488
When is the last time you watched?
/—-/ I stopped in the mid 1980s. Not worth staying up. When I finally bought a VHS and taped it, it wasn’t funny anymore, even TV critics said it sucked.

It did for a long time. For a while it was such a bunch of sophmoric sex skits. Not funny. Good political humour requires smart writing, and deft impersonations. Finding that the little physical gestures, the language and attitude that can be distilled into an instantly recognizable impersonation takes a great deal of talent.

SNL has taken a lot of heat since Trump became President, for it's casting of name actors to play staffers and others. The criticism has been that using name actors hasn't allowed this iteration of the cast to shine. All of the previous Presidential impersonators have come out of the ranks of the SNL cast members. Baldwin was hired to play Trump. Ben Still is doing Michael Cohen, Robert DiNiro is doing Robert Mueller, and the cast is relegated to background roles, like playing Washington Post reporters, but the revolving door of White House staff makes it hard for the cast to keep up. The Mooch had come and gone before the cast had time to come up with a decent impression. Similarly Sean Spicer. Lesley Jones did Omarosa, but again she had a minor job in the White House and wasn't there long.

Baldwin has responded to the President's tweet by asking if Trump was threatening him and the cast? It's a reasonable response.
SNL is unwatchable nowadays.
It was funny years ago, but now it's just pathetic left wing hate.
Was it watchable when Trump hosted the show?
Trump was on SNL once?
I didn't know that.
I stopped watching it when Bush was president.
BTW Alec Baldwin is creepy, not funny.

Trump loved SNL when he appeared on it

Baldwin nails Trump ...that is why SNL is so popular
SNL is popular because that is where progressives gets their news.
The show is not a comedy program anymore. It is a political propaganda agenda part of the globalist doctrine. Unlike Obama who had the backing of the swamp, Trump does not.
Right wing authoritarians have always struggled with comedy.
View attachment 246488
When is the last time you watched?
/—-/ I stopped in the mid 1980s. Not worth staying up. When I finally bought a VHS and taped it, it wasn’t funny anymore, even TV critics said it sucked.

It did for a long time. For a while it was such a bunch of sophmoric sex skits. Not funny. Good political humour requires smart writing, and deft impersonations. Finding that the little physical gestures, the language and attitude that can be distilled into an instantly recognizable impersonation takes a great deal of talent.

SNL has taken a lot of heat since Trump became President, for it's casting of name actors to play staffers and others. The criticism has been that using name actors hasn't allowed this iteration of the cast to shine. All of the previous Presidential impersonators have come out of the ranks of the SNL cast members. Baldwin was hired to play Trump. Ben Still is doing Michael Cohen, Robert DiNiro is doing Robert Mueller, and the cast is relegated to background roles, like playing Washington Post reporters, but the revolving door of White House staff makes it hard for the cast to keep up. The Mooch had come and gone before the cast had time to come up with a decent impression. Similarly Sean Spicer. Lesley Jones did Omarosa, but again she had a minor job in the White House and wasn't there long.

Baldwin has responded to the President's tweet by asking if Trump was threatening him and the cast? It's a reasonable response.

Scarlette Johansson plays Ivanka. Jimmy Fallon plays Jared Kushner

SNL cast members play the Trump boys, Cessily Strong plays Melania.

It's an SNL cast member who plays Jeff Session and Mike Pence.


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