Trump Blames Haley for January 6th

Why does he repeat her name 3 times? Does he think it is like Beetlejuice and she will appear if he says her name 3 times?
"marsha, marsha, marsha" bradey

he does a lot of the repetition, cadence, gestures more suitable for dealing 3 card monte than for communicating political policy.

maybe he studied film of the great demogogues and evangelists? whatever he is doing appears to be effective.

but yea, it "triggers" me. to caveat emtor. we are observing a salesman at work.
"marsha, marsha, marsha" bradey

he does a lot of the repetition, cadence, gestures more suitable for dealing 3 card monte than for communicating political policy.

maybe he studied film of the great demogogues and evangelists? whatever he is doing appears to be effective.

but yea, it "triggers" me. to caveat emtor. we are observing a salesman at work.
we dont need another salesman,already enough of those in DC......we need a leader....and there aint one on the horizon....
Obviously, he was referring to Pelosi and mixed the names up. Nonetheless, Biden flubs stuff like this all the time and gets immediately piled on for it by Trump's own supporters. The fact of the matter is BOTH of these men are too old to be running for president.


Slimy leftist America's new favorite pastime -- hearing something President Trump says and lying it into bullshit like this.


should we compare the number of times Trump makes a gaff, to the number of times the pants shitter does it?

President Trump talks for two hours and occasionally makes a gaffe.

Tater talks for twenty seconds and can't find its way off the stage.

It's fun to watch leftist vermin squeal like the small animals they tortured when they were kids, isn't it?


President Trump talks for two hours and occasionally makes a gaffe.

Tater talks for twenty seconds and can't find its way off the stage.

It's fun to watch leftist vermin squeal like the small animals they tortured when they were kids, isn't it?

can you IMAGINE the shit show it would be if Tater actually addressed the public as often as he should??? Even with them HIDING HIS PATHETIC ASS the way they do we still have an unending stream of gaffs, trips, fuck ups and laughable moments.
can you IMAGINE the shit show it would be if Tater actually addressed the public as often as he should??? Even with them HIDING HIS PATHETIC ASS the way they do we still have an unending stream of gaffs, trips, fuck ups and laughable moments.

Wouldn't it be fun?


Wouldn't it be fun?

it would.

but unfortunately, the closer we get to election time, the more they will hide him. at least until the moment he drops out and someone else takes over!!

im convinced that 9 out of 10 dipshits on this forum who claim to support him are actually paid trolls or bots. You have the occasional true idiot like white6, but most are fake or just bored in moms basement.
it would.

but unfortunately, the closer we get to election time, the more they will hide him. at least until the moment he drops out and someone else takes over!!

im convinced that 9 out of 10 dipshits on this forum who claim to support him are actually paid trolls or bots. You have the occasional true idiot like white6, but most are fake or just bored in moms basement.

Of course they are.

This is what happened when a country raised three generations of perpetual infants who will not grow up and handle actually having real jobs.

Mercy, are we ever going to nail them.

Obviously, he was referring to Pelosi and mixed the names up. Nonetheless, Biden flubs stuff like this all the time and gets immediately piled on for it by Trump's own supporters. The fact of the matter is BOTH of these men are too old to be running for president.

I don't think it was a "flub," he said her name four times. Once, maybe twice is a "flub," four times is more like an attempt to subliminally link Haley to the machinations working to punish P01135809 for his alleged crimes.

His comments at the same appearance about corn being "liquid gold" and "debanking" and the ramblings surrounding both were much more Biden-like. Unfortunately I was unable to fine examples that wouldn't be attacked due to the source that posted them on YouTube, ie MSNBC, TYT, CNN etc.

And yes, neither man should be running and their age is almost the least of the reasons...
So Trump thinks he’s running against Obama(he has made THAT “mistake” many times)

Nikki Haley is Pelosi (because they’re both women he hates)

And the Jan 6 crowd was the Inauguration crowd (yeah there certainly was an overlap but…)

Clearly this guy has lost it
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Obviously, he was referring to Pelosi and mixed the names up. Nonetheless, Biden flubs stuff like this all the time and gets immediately piled on for it by Trump's own supporters. The fact of the matter is BOTH of these men are too old to be running for president.

I took a look at the op and generally agree. Then I took a look at the thread that followed it and the vacuous bullshit level is rarely exceeded at USMB.
He made a mistake. Unlike the turnip who needs to be drugged up, and can even then only perform for an hour or so, Trump has been going nonstop.

So, your guy is a near vegetable and his handlers don't let him talk to anyone, and Trump is out there every day, all day, talking to whoever.

Seems like you are being dishonest in your assessments.
And so begin the excuses….it’s “different” when it is Old Man Trump (known for his deranged and often rambling rants).

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