Trump averaging about one tweet every ten minutes this morning


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
I fear that The Angry Orange is about to boil over. Hopefully once he wipes the Egg McMuffin off his chin and keypad, his day will be full of meetings. Maybe we could bring back Hope Hicks - The Trump Whisperer. He's been off the rails on a crazy train ever since she left!

  1. Verified account 16 minutes ago
    Lou Dobbs: “This cannot go forward...this Special Counsel with all of his conflicts, with his 17 Angry Democrats, without any evidence of collusion by the Trump Campaign and Russia. The Dems are the ones who should be investigated.” Thank you Lou, so true!

    2,672 replies2,341 retweets8,221 likes

  2. Verified account 21 minutes ago
    Strzok started the illegal Rigged Witch Hunt - why isn’t this so-called “probe” ended immediately? Why aren’t these angry and conflicted Democrats instead looking at Crooked Hillary?

    4,019 replies 3,247 retweets11,335 likes

  3. Verified account 30 minutes ago
    Fired FBI Agent Peter Strzok is a fraud, as is the rigged investigation he started. There was no Collusion or Obstruction with Russia, and everybody, including the Democrats, know it. The only Collusion and Obstruction was by Crooked Hillary, the Democrats and the DNC!

    4,705 replie4,579 retweets15,805 likes

  4. Verified account 1 hour ago
    “They were all in on it, clear Hillary Clinton and FRAME Donald Trump for things he didn’t do.” Gregg Jarrett on @foxandfriends If we had a real Attorney General, this Witch Hunt would never have been started! Looking at the wrong people.

    8,852 replies 6,581 retweets 22,556 likes

  5. Verified account 2 hours ago
    Bruce Ohr of the “Justice” Department (can you believe he is still there) is accused of helping disgraced Christopher Steele “find dirt on Trump.” Ohr’s wife, Nelly, was in on the act big time - worked for Fusion GPS on Fake Dossier. @foxandfriends

    4,221 replies 6,371 retweets 22,841 likes

  6. Verified account 2 hours ago
    Another terrorist attack in London...These animals are crazy and must be dealt with through toughness and strength!

    6,084 replies10,069 retweets 37,393 likes

  7. Verified account 2 hours ago
    When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn’t work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!

    22,681 replies 8,033 retweets 33,005 likes

  8. Verified account 2 hours ago
    ....should be shut down. The Strzok firing shows that the fundamental underpinnings of the investigation were corrupt. It should be shut down by the courts or by honest prosecutors.” Thank you Judicial Watch, I couldn’t have said it better myself!

    4,178 replies 7,127 retweets 28,410 likes

  9. Verified account 2 hours ago
    ....guy was corrupt and had anti-Trump animus. Strzok and others at the FBI should be criminally investigated for the way the conducted this investigation. Instead, Mueller is pretending nothing went wrong. He used Strzok, he used the Clinton DNC Dossier...the whole thing....

    3,573 replies 6,462 retweets 24,785 likes

  10. Verified account 3 hours ago
    Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch: “The Strzok firing is as much about the Mueller operation as anything else. There would be no Mueller Special Councel to investigate so called collusion but for the machinations of Strzok & his colleagues at the top levels of the FBI. We know this...

    4,519 replies 7,965 retweets 29,641 likes
I like that Trump admitted he hired a "lowlife freak crazy person to a job in the White House where they sat in on all kinds of meetings, etc.

And then fires them & is surprised they talk about it.

More proof what an ass Trump is.
Trump just can't help sounding like a cornered criminal. You know what they say, if it quacks, walks and swims like a duck it must be a duck.
I like that Trump admitted he hired a "lowlife freak crazy person to a job in the White House where they sat in on all kinds of meetings, etc.

And then fires them & is surprised they talk about it.

More proof what an ass Trump is.

I like that our government is run like a reality teevee show in which cabinet and staffers are "cast" and chosen for loyalty, instead of for qualifications and experience.
Also fun that he referred to another black person as lacking in intelligence. That wasn't at all predictable. :rolleyes-41:

Last edited:
I fear that The Angry Orange is about to boil over. Hopefully once he wipes the Egg McMuffin off his chin and keypad, his day will be full of meetings. Maybe we could bring back Hope Hicks - The Trump Whisperer. He's been off the rails on a crazy train ever since she left!

  1. Verified account 16 minutes ago
    Lou Dobbs: “This cannot go forward...this Special Counsel with all of his conflicts, with his 17 Angry Democrats, without any evidence of collusion by the Trump Campaign and Russia. The Dems are the ones who should be investigated.” Thank you Lou, so true!

    2,672 replies2,341 retweets8,221 likes

  2. Verified account 21 minutes ago
    Strzok started the illegal Rigged Witch Hunt - why isn’t this so-called “probe” ended immediately? Why aren’t these angry and conflicted Democrats instead looking at Crooked Hillary?

    4,019 replies 3,247 retweets11,335 likes

  3. Verified account 30 minutes ago
    Fired FBI Agent Peter Strzok is a fraud, as is the rigged investigation he started. There was no Collusion or Obstruction with Russia, and everybody, including the Democrats, know it. The only Collusion and Obstruction was by Crooked Hillary, the Democrats and the DNC!

    4,705 replie4,579 retweets15,805 likes

  4. Verified account 1 hour ago
    “They were all in on it, clear Hillary Clinton and FRAME Donald Trump for things he didn’t do.” Gregg Jarrett on @foxandfriends If we had a real Attorney General, this Witch Hunt would never have been started! Looking at the wrong people.

    8,852 replies 6,581 retweets 22,556 likes

  5. Verified account 2 hours ago
    Bruce Ohr of the “Justice” Department (can you believe he is still there) is accused of helping disgraced Christopher Steele “find dirt on Trump.” Ohr’s wife, Nelly, was in on the act big time - worked for Fusion GPS on Fake Dossier. @foxandfriends

    4,221 replies 6,371 retweets 22,841 likes

  6. Verified account 2 hours ago
    Another terrorist attack in London...These animals are crazy and must be dealt with through toughness and strength!

    6,084 replies10,069 retweets 37,393 likes

  7. Verified account 2 hours ago
    When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn’t work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!

    22,681 replies 8,033 retweets 33,005 likes

  8. Verified account 2 hours ago
    ....should be shut down. The Strzok firing shows that the fundamental underpinnings of the investigation were corrupt. It should be shut down by the courts or by honest prosecutors.” Thank you Judicial Watch, I couldn’t have said it better myself!

    4,178 replies 7,127 retweets 28,410 likes

  9. Verified account 2 hours ago
    ....guy was corrupt and had anti-Trump animus. Strzok and others at the FBI should be criminally investigated for the way the conducted this investigation. Instead, Mueller is pretending nothing went wrong. He used Strzok, he used the Clinton DNC Dossier...the whole thing....

    3,573 replies 6,462 retweets 24,785 likes

  10. Verified account 3 hours ago
    Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch: “The Strzok firing is as much about the Mueller operation as anything else. There would be no Mueller Special Councel to investigate so called collusion but for the machinations of Strzok & his colleagues at the top levels of the FBI. We know this...

    4,519 replies 7,965 retweets 29,641 likes
Ah the sweet smell of Trump’s desperation.
I fear that The Angry Orange is about to boil over. Hopefully once he wipes the Egg McMuffin off his chin and keypad, his day will be full of meetings. Maybe we could bring back Hope Hicks - The Trump Whisperer. He's been off the rails on a crazy train ever since she left!

  1. Verified account 16 minutes ago
    Lou Dobbs: “This cannot go forward...this Special Counsel with all of his conflicts, with his 17 Angry Democrats, without any evidence of collusion by the Trump Campaign and Russia. The Dems are the ones who should be investigated.” Thank you Lou, so true!

    2,672 replies2,341 retweets8,221 likes

  2. Verified account 21 minutes ago
    Strzok started the illegal Rigged Witch Hunt - why isn’t this so-called “probe” ended immediately? Why aren’t these angry and conflicted Democrats instead looking at Crooked Hillary?

    4,019 replies 3,247 retweets11,335 likes

  3. Verified account 30 minutes ago
    Fired FBI Agent Peter Strzok is a fraud, as is the rigged investigation he started. There was no Collusion or Obstruction with Russia, and everybody, including the Democrats, know it. The only Collusion and Obstruction was by Crooked Hillary, the Democrats and the DNC!

    4,705 replie4,579 retweets15,805 likes

  4. Verified account 1 hour ago
    “They were all in on it, clear Hillary Clinton and FRAME Donald Trump for things he didn’t do.” Gregg Jarrett on @foxandfriends If we had a real Attorney General, this Witch Hunt would never have been started! Looking at the wrong people.

    8,852 replies 6,581 retweets 22,556 likes

  5. Verified account 2 hours ago
    Bruce Ohr of the “Justice” Department (can you believe he is still there) is accused of helping disgraced Christopher Steele “find dirt on Trump.” Ohr’s wife, Nelly, was in on the act big time - worked for Fusion GPS on Fake Dossier. @foxandfriends

    4,221 replies 6,371 retweets 22,841 likes

  6. Verified account 2 hours ago
    Another terrorist attack in London...These animals are crazy and must be dealt with through toughness and strength!

    6,084 replies10,069 retweets 37,393 likes

  7. Verified account 2 hours ago
    When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn’t work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!

    22,681 replies 8,033 retweets 33,005 likes

  8. Verified account 2 hours ago
    ....should be shut down. The Strzok firing shows that the fundamental underpinnings of the investigation were corrupt. It should be shut down by the courts or by honest prosecutors.” Thank you Judicial Watch, I couldn’t have said it better myself!

    4,178 replies 7,127 retweets 28,410 likes

  9. Verified account 2 hours ago
    ....guy was corrupt and had anti-Trump animus. Strzok and others at the FBI should be criminally investigated for the way the conducted this investigation. Instead, Mueller is pretending nothing went wrong. He used Strzok, he used the Clinton DNC Dossier...the whole thing....

    3,573 replies 6,462 retweets 24,785 likes

  10. Verified account 3 hours ago
    Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch: “The Strzok firing is as much about the Mueller operation as anything else. There would be no Mueller Special Councel to investigate so called collusion but for the machinations of Strzok & his colleagues at the top levels of the FBI. We know this...

    4,519 replies 7,965 retweets 29,641 likes

Trying to broadcast Trump's message to a broader audience?
Well, in Trump's defense he may have had a bad case of constipation this morning.

Rumor has it that John Kelly shouted, "Someone give that guy a enema!"
Last edited:
I am so sick of this Reality TV host..... he has ruined this once great Nation and turned us in to a joke.... :(
I fear that The Angry Orange is about to boil over. Hopefully once he wipes the Egg McMuffin off his chin and keypad, his day will be full of meetings. Maybe we could bring back Hope Hicks - The Trump Whisperer. He's been off the rails on a crazy train ever since she left!

  1. Verified account 16 minutes ago
    Lou Dobbs: “This cannot go forward...this Special Counsel with all of his conflicts, with his 17 Angry Democrats, without any evidence of collusion by the Trump Campaign and Russia. The Dems are the ones who should be investigated.” Thank you Lou, so true!

    2,672 replies2,341 retweets8,221 likes

  2. Verified account 21 minutes ago
    Strzok started the illegal Rigged Witch Hunt - why isn’t this so-called “probe” ended immediately? Why aren’t these angry and conflicted Democrats instead looking at Crooked Hillary?

    4,019 replies 3,247 retweets11,335 likes

  3. Verified account 30 minutes ago
    Fired FBI Agent Peter Strzok is a fraud, as is the rigged investigation he started. There was no Collusion or Obstruction with Russia, and everybody, including the Democrats, know it. The only Collusion and Obstruction was by Crooked Hillary, the Democrats and the DNC!

    4,705 replie4,579 retweets15,805 likes

  4. Verified account 1 hour ago
    “They were all in on it, clear Hillary Clinton and FRAME Donald Trump for things he didn’t do.” Gregg Jarrett on @foxandfriends If we had a real Attorney General, this Witch Hunt would never have been started! Looking at the wrong people.

    8,852 replies 6,581 retweets 22,556 likes

  5. Verified account 2 hours ago
    Bruce Ohr of the “Justice” Department (can you believe he is still there) is accused of helping disgraced Christopher Steele “find dirt on Trump.” Ohr’s wife, Nelly, was in on the act big time - worked for Fusion GPS on Fake Dossier. @foxandfriends

    4,221 replies 6,371 retweets 22,841 likes

  6. Verified account 2 hours ago
    Another terrorist attack in London...These animals are crazy and must be dealt with through toughness and strength!

    6,084 replies10,069 retweets 37,393 likes

  7. Verified account 2 hours ago
    When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn’t work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!

    22,681 replies 8,033 retweets 33,005 likes

  8. Verified account 2 hours ago
    ....should be shut down. The Strzok firing shows that the fundamental underpinnings of the investigation were corrupt. It should be shut down by the courts or by honest prosecutors.” Thank you Judicial Watch, I couldn’t have said it better myself!

    4,178 replies 7,127 retweets 28,410 likes

  9. Verified account 2 hours ago
    ....guy was corrupt and had anti-Trump animus. Strzok and others at the FBI should be criminally investigated for the way the conducted this investigation. Instead, Mueller is pretending nothing went wrong. He used Strzok, he used the Clinton DNC Dossier...the whole thing....

    3,573 replies 6,462 retweets 24,785 likes

  10. Verified account 3 hours ago
    Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch: “The Strzok firing is as much about the Mueller operation as anything else. There would be no Mueller Special Councel to investigate so called collusion but for the machinations of Strzok & his colleagues at the top levels of the FBI. We know this...

    4,519 replies 7,965 retweets 29,641 likes
I honestly have only read about his tweets since being elected POTUS. I just now actually read all of these tweets in the OP and this shit is delirious, disturbing and damn near maniacal. Going on two years in office and he still is squawking madly about HRC.
Wow, someone must have a lot of time on their hands if they have the ability to watch our leader in such a way.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. Then again, him being watched in such a way may be just the thing that he is wanting in the first place. :) :) :)
If read a book about a situation like we are now in would know it was fiction, yet it is really happening. wow.

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