Trump at 51% Approval ..

More blind partisanship?

One could easily have read a Hope & Change vs. this {yet again} MAGA thread 10 years ago

the polls were the same


I don't like when a honey potion is poured into my ear, aka 'polititalk'. Trump, for all his foibles, speaks from the heart; and as rough around the edges it might come across, I know I'm getting as close to the 'straight skinny' as I'm ever going to get from a politician!

Americans were starved for him. We had been debased to politicians giving set speeches while the media intently waited for a “gaffe”. Shallow platitudes were seen as safe from shallow liberals and so that’s what we got.
Like the First Lady’s pith hat. The press is still the shallow firing up the shallow. They never learn. Now we just laugh at their faux outrage.
Trump was and is refreshing.

a man that shuns the 10 commandments is quite refreshing ?

pretty low bar you have ...
Trump as POTUS isn't the paragon of virtue that I look up to and try to embody in my life; I have a Deity for that. He has a specific skill set with an ideological message that best serves my vision for America at this particular juncture in time. He is absolutely the right man, with the right vision @ the right time~!
Fuk Trump


Eh, why be committed to 6+ years of disappointment when you could be riding the Trump train and having some fun win win winning?

I dont like habitual liars an refuse to support one. Anyone that does is no better, if not a bigger piece of shit.

morals matter to me.

It's obvious with the way you use the f word on a public forum.

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