Trump Approval Polls Wont Matter If Howard Schultz Enters The Race.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Dem's can party all they want while many of these "Fake Polls" keep Trump around 45%. But we all know that once Schultz enters the race, we can say goodbye to how any of the Dem's will poll. Trump wont have any problem taking about 42/43% of the votes come 2020. So that leaves about 58/60% for the Democrats/Liberals to split up.
Am I right?
if i could predict now,,,,i give Trump 45% Schultz 33% The liar 28%
The Dem's can party all they want while many of these "Fake Polls" keep Trump around 45%. But we all know that once Schultz enters the race, we can say goodbye to how any of the Dem's will poll. Trump wont have any problem taking about 42/43% of the votes come 2020. So that leaves about 58/60% for the Democrats/Liberals to split up.
Am I right?
The rate they're going the demodummies won't even get that much and Trump will enjoy a landslide. The Dems will lose the house while the republicans may even pick up super majorites in both houses. They are in deep denial but the Democratic party is in deep deep dodo and refuse to do anything to save themselves. They just keep doubling down on stupid. The only thing I can figure is that they are betting on a sympathy vote. That just ain't gonna happen but they are desperate and becoming more so daily as Trump keeps kicking their asses. They just won't come to reality and realize that they will have to WORK themselves out of the hole they're in and quit digging it deeper.
At the end of the day....doesn't matter too much who gets elected.
The real loser will always be the American People.....regardless.
There are two classes now....those who have and those who won't.

The "haves" are in firm control.

I'm just wondering how many more generations of Americans it will take until that is realized by most......ever?
The Dem's can party all they want while many of these "Fake Polls" keep Trump around 45%. But we all know that once Schultz enters the race, we can say goodbye to how any of the Dem's will poll. Trump wont have any problem taking about 42/43% of the votes come 2020. So that leaves about 58/60% for the Democrats/Liberals to split up.
Am I right?
The rate they're going the demodummies won't even get that much and Trump will enjoy a landslide. The Dems will lose the house while the republicans may even pick up super majorites in both houses. They are in deep denial but the Democratic party is in deep deep dodo and refuse to do anything to save themselves. They just keep doubling down on stupid. The only thing I can figure is that they are betting on a sympathy vote. That just ain't gonna happen but they are desperate and becoming more so daily as Trump keeps kicking their asses. They just won't come to reality and realize that they will have to WORK themselves out of the hole they're in and quit digging it deeper.
and then we have another four years of "The Russians"
The Dem's can party all they want while many of these "Fake Polls" keep Trump around 45%. But we all know that once Schultz enters the race, we can say goodbye to how any of the Dem's will poll. Trump wont have any problem taking about 42/43% of the votes come 2020. So that leaves about 58/60% for the Democrats/Liberals to split up.
Am I right?
All options are on the table with left wing media propaganda
I expect Democrats to support Weld to do the opposite.
i cant wait for the week we get the first polls with Schultz added in. then lets see how the libs respond,,,,i still think Maxine will call for the impeachment of Howard Schultz

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