Trump Announcement

"I could do a lot of good with my money, but I am going to attach strings to it instead. Fuck this whole goodness of my heart bullshit. I want something for my money."

Donald Trump: If the hungry black babies die, it's not my fault.
He already does a lot of good things with his money....In fact, I'd bet he's done more for charities than Boiking has ever made in his entire life.

BTW, nice tossing in of the race card at the end...Gives your faux outrage sooooo much more credibility. :thup:
So much of this President's life is a mystery. We've never known so little about an American President. I recommend everyone see '2016: Obama's America' and 'The Obama Deception.' They're two different types of movies examining Obama's murky history. One is Conspiracy Theory-driven and the other examines what we do know of Obama's disturbing past. I especially enjoyed '2016: Obama's America.' It was a very gripping and well done film. Check em both out.

We know so little about Obama's life, we know it's very disturbing. :eusa_hand:

i think this president has been put under the microscope more than any other.

it's funny... these are the same people who went into meltdown because it was pointed out to them that baby bush blew a million dollars worth of flight training b/c he couldn't pass the medical and ran off to work on his daddy's friend's political campaign.

the hypocrisy is hysterical.

Why not release the records.. NOTHING TO HIDE, right??? 5 million dollars .. poor people Jillian.. POOR PEOPLE.. Something we hear you leftists always CLAIM to care about and yet here you are .. YOU DON'T WANT TO FEED KIDS! You want to starve children!!!
Donald Trump announces he is taking hostages. What a great guy.


Feed my ego or the hungry babies die!


Hope you don't mind, but I'm sharing this:


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Trump offering $5MM as a reward for Obidoodle to finally come clean is now "taking hostages"?!?!?

Oy vey! :lmao:

Yes. It is.

"I could feed these babies over here. I have the money. But I won't until you feed my ego first."

Oh, puuuuuLEASE!

If he had said nothing at all today, you wouldn't be wringing you hands about the pooooor chiillllldrrreennnn today.

The hyperbole and hyperventilating is absolutely hysterical!

I'm not wringing my hands over the black babies. I'm not the one posting videos and pictures and links about them. Trump's piss drinkers on this board are doing that.

I don't wring my hands like his piss drinkers. I DO something. I actually started a charity and am on the board of another.

And I don't require other people to feed my ego before I help those in need. Only an egomaniacal fuckhead does something so cruel.

Trump's a hostage taker. Period.

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We know so little about Obama's life, we know it's very disturbing. :eusa_hand:

i think this president has been put under the microscope more than any other.

it's funny... these are the same people who went into meltdown because it was pointed out to them that baby bush blew a million dollars worth of flight training b/c he couldn't pass the medical and ran off to work on his daddy's friend's political campaign.

the hypocrisy is hysterical.


Actually, no. What she said is that you're a hypocrite.
Not sure this would ever expose anything. Doctoring College Records by the most powerful man on Earth, would not be difficult. So even if these records were released, i doubt they would reveal anything of substance. Think about the tools he has at his disposal. It's just like the 'Birth Certificate' thing.

Who really knows anything about this President? Even loyal Obamabots know very little. Two must-see films say the most on this...'2016: Obama's America' & 'The Obama Deception.' '2016: Obama's America' is especially brilliant. I urge everyone, even Obamabots, to check em out. And that's all i have to say on Trump's October Surprise. See ya. :)
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OMG, this has to be the funniest shit I've witnessed in a long time.. The Donald offers 5 MILLION DOLLARS to any Charity Obama chooses... and liberals are mad because:

REMEMBER?? Obama has nothing to hide?? Remember?? So liberals are mad that Obama has to release his OWN history .. HOW HORRIBLE! My God, the nerve.. 5millon dollars for student records, something we all have and don't hide..
Yes. It is.

"I could feed these babies over here. I have the money. But I won't until you feed my ego first."

Oh, puuuuuLEASE!

If he had said nothing at all today, you wouldn't be wringing you hands about the pooooor chiillllldrrreennnn today.

The hyperbole and hyperventilating is absolutely hysterical!

I'm not wringing my hands over the black babies. I'm not the one posting videos and pictures about them. Trump's piss drinkers are doing that.

I don't wring my hands like his piss drinkers. I DO something. I actually started a charity and am on the board of another.

And I don't require other people to feed my ego before I help those in need. Only an egomaniacal fuckhead does something so cruel.

Trump's a hostage taker. Period.

Look...Up in the sky..

It's a bird...

It's a plane...

NO, it's....

So much of this President's life is a mystery. We've never known so little about an American President. I recommend everyone see '2016: Obama's America' and 'The Obama Deception.' They're two different types of movies examining Obama's murky history. One is Conspiracy Theory-driven and the other examines what we do know of Obama's disturbing past. I especially enjoyed '2016: Obama's America.' It was a very gripping and well done film. Check em both out.

We know so little about Obama's life, we know it's very disturbing. :eusa_hand:

i think this president has been put under the microscope more than any other.

it's funny... these are the same people who went into meltdown because it was pointed out to them that baby bush blew a million dollars worth of flight training b/c he couldn't pass the medical and ran off to work on his daddy's friend's political campaign.

the hypocrisy is hysterical.

What has he got to hide?
We owe Trump some thanks. He has helped to expose what "charity" is really all about for some people. For some people, charity comes with strings and is not altruistic.

Now we find out who those people are.

We owe Trump some thanks. He has helped to expose what "charity" is really all about for some people. For some people, charity comes with strings and is not altruistic.

Now we find out who those people are.


Tissue? You refuse to accept that Trump can do what HE wants with HIS money WITHOUT your approval.
We owe Trump some thanks. He has helped to expose what "charity" is really all about for some people. For some people, charity comes with strings and is not altruistic.

Now we find out who those people are.


Tissue? You refuse to accept that Trump can do what HE wants with HIS money WITHOUT your approval.

Of course he can do what HE wants with HIS money.

Doesn't change the fact that he's stingy bastard pulling a cheap political stunt.

During the Tea Party protests over ObamaCare, the Democrats marched the very liberal black caucus through the protesters, hoping for the ‘proof’ of racism. When it didn’t happen, they simply made it up: claims of Representative Emmanuel Cleaver allegedly being spat upon, and Representative John Lewis called the n-word fifteen times, not only were never proven….

...but “Andrew Breitbart offered to make a $100,000 donation to the United Negro College Fund for any audio/video footage of the N-word being hurled at Congressman John Lewis or if Lewis could pass a lie-detector test.” Tea~Baggers Only Purpose…Racism. « The ObamaCrat.Com One would suppose that reporters have camera-phones……
Trump's ploy is nothing more than a variation on the Left's use of cancer lady's to get people to pass their socialist agenda.

Pass this bill (ObamaCare) or the cancer lady will die. Why do you hate cancer ladies?

It's called an appeal to emotion logical fallacy, kids.

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Trump offering $5MM as a reward for Obidoodle to finally come clean is now "taking hostages"?!?!?

Oy vey! :lmao:

Yes. It is.

"I could feed these babies over here. I have the money. But I won't until you feed my ego first."


There you have it folks...socialism. g5000 telling Trump how to spend HIS money!

You're such a hack; concluding one person telling Trump how to spend his money is Socialism says more about your level of education than all of you hackery - and there is much of it - and is proof your level of education is quite limited.
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We owe Trump some thanks. He has helped to expose what "charity" is really all about for some people. For some people, charity comes with strings and is not altruistic.

Now we find out who those people are.


What strings does Trump put on when he donates to these charities?

Donald Trump has supported the following charities:

Celebrity Fight Night Foundation
Children with AIDS
David Foster Foundation
Friends of Scotland
Jimmy Fund
Make A Child Smile Appeal
Make-A-Wish Foundation
Mississippi Animal Rescue League
Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center
Neurofibromatosis, Inc.

Operation Smile
Paralyzed Veterans of America
Pediatric Epilepsy Project
Raising Malawi
Reef Relief
Smile Train
St. Francis Food Pantries and Shelters
The Doe Fund
Wounded Warrior Project
Donald Trump's Charity Work, Events and Causes

Be specific.

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