Trump and the wall.


Gold Member
Jan 8, 2010
According to Trump America needs a wall or steel bars of some kind to try and stop all the illegals,drugs and guns and exploitation of women for prostitution purposes that are being brought into America every year which is costing the American taxpayer's billions of their tax dollars. Five billion for the wall is peanuts compared to what it is costing American taxpayer's every year. The budget is well over hundreds of billions of dollars every year. What's five billion for a wall?

So, why do some people here think that a wall is not necessary? There must be a very good reason as to why Trump wants this wall. Does anybody here think that Trump just wants to build a wall for fun so artists can scribble all over them and then after it is built name it after him?

Maybe someone here can explain this one to me? Over to anyone.
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It has nothing to do with a wall. The Democrats favored a wall just a short time ago, under Obama.

It's a pissing contest brought on because the election of Donald Trump dashed for the time being all hope of their instituting the "fundamental change" they wish to foist upon America. They have as a party become the very definition of bizarre.

They think he'll break under their media pressure. I don't think so, myself.
You will note that not one of the USMB Liberals acknowledge or explain how Democrats unilaterally supported Donald Trump's view of border security and illegal aliens just a few years ago. And now every last one of them has completely reversed their stance. :auiqs.jpg:
It has nothing to do with a wall. The Democrats favored a wall just a short time ago, under Obama.

It's a pissing contest brought on because the election of Donald Trump dashed for the time being all hope of their instituting the "fundamental change" they wish to foist upon America. They have as a party become the very definition of bizarre.

They think he'll break under their media pressure. I don't think so, myself.

The democrats are the ones that appear to be holding up the wall from being built. They appear to like the way things are now. An open American border for all the world's destitute and criminals to just walk right on in. And Canada is no different. We may need to build a wall to stop all of the illegals that Trump wants to get rid of that are now coming into Canada illegally by the thousands every year from America. Many now just fly to America and head straight for the Canadian border. It has become a business now and our prime mistake of Canada and with the help of his globalist pro immigration buddy G. Soros they both are encouraging this illegal criminal immigration into Canada to go on. This guy and his old man sure have done a number on Canadians. Another four more years of this fool and idiot and we can all kiss Canada goodbye. Our common ancestry will be gone and maybe yours shortly there after. Hey, you never know. :icon_cry:

I hope that Trump does not give into those democrats. That would be a disaster for Trump for sure. Trump would never get elected in the next election. Just saying.
You will note that not one of the USMB Liberals acknowledge or explain how Democrats unilaterally supported Donald Trump's view of border security and illegal aliens just a few years ago. And now every last one of them has completely reversed their stance. :auiqs.jpg:

Were the democrats really serious then? I doubt that very much. Obama was in for eight years and no wall was ever built because it would appear as though they do not want a wall built to help keep out drugs and guns and forcing women into America to become hookers. Trump is the answer to all of Americas immigration problems and policies.
You will note that not one of the USMB Liberals acknowledge or explain how Democrats unilaterally supported Donald Trump's view of border security and illegal aliens just a few years ago. And now every last one of them has completely reversed their stance. :auiqs.jpg:

Were the democrats really serious then? I doubt that very much. Obama was in for eight years and no wall was ever built because it would appear as though they do not want a wall built to help keep out drugs and guns and forcing women into America to become hookers. Trump is the answer to all of Americas immigration problems and policies.

So all these drugs and hookers you type of, who are the customers?
Our wonderful Pres. Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and adored by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. .... :cool:
Our wonderful Pres. Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and adored by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. .... :cool:
We should honor him with a wall around him.
Fuck Don.

Fuck his wall.

No, it's called "build that wall". :5_1_12024:
Nah, we're down to a maybe on some slats and Mexico ain't paying fer shit.

Five billion for some steel slats should work just fine for now. A drop in the American budget. Trump can build more later or sooner. Mexico will pay for it because the illegal criminals that are trying to enter America illegally will be stuck in Mexico and the criminality will slow down the that is being brought into America thanks to the democrats which will be a good thing for Americans and will help save them billions in tax dollars every year unless you are one of those Americans who does not give a shit as to what is done with your tax dollars. Others do you know and are concerned about crime. Stop listening to The View and CNN. They are messing with your head. Try listening to FOX News for a change. :backpedal:.
Our wonderful Pres. Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and adored by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. .... :cool:
We should honor him with a wall around him.

Or build a wall around you instead. Chuckle-chuckle.
The border is a humanitarian crisis and security crisis because of people who are attempting to enter illegally. Take your eyes off the border and watch a crisis as we have not seen before. Build the wall to PREVENT a crisis. Fewer people are attempting because our eyes are on the border.
The Benjamin Franklin axiom that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is as true today as it was when Franklin made the quote. Although many use the quote when referring to health, Franklin actually was addressing fire safety. Apply to border safety. Fewer deaths for illegals in the desert also.
Our wonderful Pres. Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and adored by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. .... :cool:
He has no fear in acting as those before was afraid to act thus getting nothing done. Much like the middle east needed Saddam, a dictator, and we went and killed him and now the problem is ours and we are paying for it. Time to stop paying for the fear of our past leaders fear to lead.
It has nothing to do with a wall. The Democrats favored a wall just a short time ago, under Obama.

It's a pissing contest brought on because the election of Donald Trump dashed for the time being all hope of their instituting the "fundamental change" they wish to foist upon America. They have as a party become the very definition of bizarre.

They think he'll break under their media pressure. I don't think so, myself.
That's some funny shit right there kid. Democrats never supported a wall. What you are referring to is a bill for the construction of 700 miles of fence, which is a long way from 2000 miles of wall. There were also a bunch of immigration concessions from the republicans.

Your story is yet another conservitard false equivalency fable.
Fuck Don.

Fuck his wall.

No, it's called "build that wall". :5_1_12024:
Nah, we're down to a maybe on some slats and Mexico ain't paying fer shit.
If the wall is built Mexico will pay because Mexicans will no longer be coming here and dropping their anchors and sucking our social services and Mexico will have to pay for their services. Not the American taxpayers.
So, that's kinda like you paying my car insurance by not running me off the road and causing me to file claims that make my rates go up.
Fuck Don.

Fuck his wall.

No, it's called "build that wall". :5_1_12024:
Nah, we're down to a maybe on some slats and Mexico ain't paying fer shit.

Five billion for some steel slats should work just fine for now. A drop in the American budget. Trump can build more later or sooner. Mexico will pay for it because the illegal criminals that are trying to enter America illegally will be stuck in Mexico and the criminality will slow down the that is being brought into America thanks to the democrats which will be a good thing for Americans and will help save them billions in tax dollars every year unless you are one of those Americans who does not give a shit as to what is done with your tax dollars. Others do you know and are concerned about crime. Stop listening to The View and CNN. They are messing with your head. Try listening to FOX News for a change. :backpedal:.
Nope, pass. Corporate state television is poison.

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