Trump and the Forgotten American


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
In his 2016 victory speech, Donald Trump talked about “the forgotten men and women of our country,” declaring that they “will be forgotten no longer.” Today, after months of impeachment proceedings, accusations of wrongdoing, and a media that has reported overwhelmingly negative stories about him for three years, his polling numbers are at their highest ever.

Why? Because the president kept his promise to remember the forgotten, and he’s continued to push ahead with policies to help them and every American.

President Trump’s “forgotten men and women” are the farmer, the factory worker, and the middle-class men and women who have been ignored or even sneered at by Washington politicians. They are the people of “flyover country” and “Middle America.” They are the people CNN host Don Lemon and his guests recently made fun of when they called Trump supporters rubes and used mock Southern accents to paint them as uneducated, illiterate, and unable to find places like Ukraine on a map.

President Trump’s “forgotten” are the average, patriotic hard-working Americans who pay taxes for government programs many of them will never use. Many are religious. Some are gun-owners. A surprising number are Democrats, independents, or political agnostics.

Indeed, black Americans are part of the forgotten, too. For decades, politicians have repeatedly promised urban communities good jobs, good schools, and safe neighborhoods. Instead, they have delivered policies that more often increased crime, degraded educational standards, and made it harder to get work. As the daughter of a former welfare recipient who spent my early years growing up in government housing, I know this more than most.

Trump and the Forgotten American

BJ - We must be vigilant, but I see a landslide coming.
Polls really matters when they reinforce what you already believe....I guess...

To me, it doesn't....

Here is some polling that doesn't matter tho….unless of course, it reinforces what you want to believe....

Monday, February 10
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
General Election: Trump vs. Biden Quinnipiac Biden 50, Trump 43 Biden +7
General Election: Trump vs. Sanders Quinnipiac Sanders 51, Trump 43 Sanders +8
General Election: Trump vs. Warren Quinnipiac Warren 48, Trump 44 Warren +4
General Election: Trump vs. Bloomberg Quinnipiac Bloomberg 51, Trump 42 Bloomberg +9
General Election: Trump vs. Buttigieg Quinnipiac Buttigieg 47, Trump 43 Buttigieg +4
General Election: Trump vs. Klobuchar Quinnipiac Klobuchar 49, Trump 43 Klobuchar +6

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

And just for laughs, let's bring up polling from the last time a sitting president ran for re-election.....and we all know that it wasn't very close at all -- he won in a landslide....perhaps Trump can do the same
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Polls really matter when they reinforce what you already believe....

Here is some polling that doesn't matter tho….unless of course, it reinforces what you want to believe....

Monday, February 10
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
General Election: Trump vs. Biden Quinnipiac Biden 50, Trump 43 Biden +7
General Election: Trump vs. Sanders Quinnipiac Sanders 51, Trump 43 Sanders +8
General Election: Trump vs. Warren Quinnipiac Warren 48, Trump 44 Warren +4
General Election: Trump vs. Bloomberg Quinnipiac Bloomberg 51, Trump 42 Bloomberg +9
General Election: Trump vs. Buttigieg Quinnipiac Buttigieg 47, Trump 43 Buttigieg +4
General Election: Trump vs. Klobuchar Quinnipiac Klobuchar 49, Trump 43 Klobuchar +6

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls
**checks calendar**

Yup, it's only February 23....Polls are even more meaningless than usual.
In his 2016 victory speech, Donald Trump talked about “the forgotten men and women of our country,” declaring that they “will be forgotten no longer.” Today, after months of impeachment proceedings, accusations of wrongdoing, and a media that has reported overwhelmingly negative stories about him for three years, his polling numbers are at their highest ever.

Why? Because the president kept his promise to remember the forgotten, and he’s continued to push ahead with policies to help them and every American.

President Trump’s “forgotten men and women” are the farmer, the factory worker, and the middle-class men and women who have been ignored or even sneered at by Washington politicians. They are the people of “flyover country” and “Middle America.” They are the people CNN host Don Lemon and his guests recently made fun of when they called Trump supporters rubes and used mock Southern accents to paint them as uneducated, illiterate, and unable to find places like Ukraine on a map.

President Trump’s “forgotten” are the average, patriotic hard-working Americans who pay taxes for government programs many of them will never use. Many are religious. Some are gun-owners. A surprising number are Democrats, independents, or political agnostics.

Indeed, black Americans are part of the forgotten, too. For decades, politicians have repeatedly promised urban communities good jobs, good schools, and safe neighborhoods. Instead, they have delivered policies that more often increased crime, degraded educational standards, and made it harder to get work. As the daughter of a former welfare recipient who spent my early years growing up in government housing, I know this more than most.

Trump and the Forgotten American

BJ - We must be vigilant, but I see a landslide coming.
Shame on Don lemon for making fun of idiots. Actually I do that every day here but most of the posters here are to idiotic to recognize it. He cares about the gun nuts and the Ku Kluxxer wannabes and how much he could steal from his charity and the people who went to Trump U. Legalizing the extortion of foreign governments for personal favors was a hit with the Deplorables was it not? Trump and Putin love you traitors.
don lemon is a cock smoking lawn jockey. In what universe is THAT defective fuck superior to anyone else? None I assure you. Everytime it screams like a girl while it's getting jizzed in the face it probably goes through a period of self-loathing, suicidal depression. And rightfully so.
don lemon is a cock smoking lawn jockey. In what universe is THAT defective fuck superior to anyone else? None I assure you. Everytime it screams like a girl while it's getting jizzed in the face it probably goes through a period of self-loathing, suicidal depression. And rightfully so.
Gay fantasies again? Spare us.
Time to "bring the troops home" I guess- or maybe he just forgot.
Shame on Don lemon for making fun of idiots. Actually I do that every day here but most of the posters here are to idiotic to recognize it. He cares about the gun nuts and the Ku Kluxxer wannabes and how much he could steal from his charity and the people who went to Trump U. Legalizing the extortion of foreign governments for personal favors was a hit with the Deplorables was it not? Trump and Putin love you traitors.
Not funny like ha ha. But funny in it's use of discredited memes and leftist myths to cleanse your bowels of all the
shit you pile into your posts.
President Trump’s “forgotten men and women” are the farmer, the factory worker, and the middle-class men and women who have been ignored or even sneered at by Washington politicians. They are the people of “flyover country” and “Middle America.” They are the people CNN host Don Lemon and his guests recently made fun of when they called Trump supporters rubes and used mock Southern accents to paint them as uneducated, illiterate, and unable to find places like Ukraine on a map.

Beyond securing your vote, your identities, races, opinions and geographical location don't matter in the slightest to the people that want to lead you. Kicking and screaming to be recognized is a fool's errand. It makes you live up to the rube label you're so dead set on shedding. Urbanites and rural folks have been at each others throats forever. The class divide is in full swing in this country, and most of us are squarely on the losing end of it. You want a cookie just because you're complaining about it? Get over yourself and get in line.

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