Trump and Scaramucci -Be careful who you alienate!


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
"The Donald" Has been pretty hard on his Attorney General of late, he's also been pretty nasty to members of his own party who don't march in lockstep with his views, and newly hired communications director Anthony Scaranucci has threatened to "fire everybody" until the leaks are stopped. Well folks...before you go too far down this path, you might want to ask yourself: How many of these alienated lawmakers and fired staff members will be paying a visit on Robert Mueller, helping him fill in the missing pieces to this large mosaic that makes up the Trump / Russia investigation?? Robert Mueller is not the least bit frightened by "The Donald" and it's become crystal clear that Russia's interference in the 2016 election is in no way "fake news" "The Donald" is in enough legal trouble for firing Jim Comey, but if his own staff and the GOP turns nose on him "The Donald" will be in multiple worlds of hurt. Threatening people, and firing them might give the Trumpster emotional gratification, but there is a big downside to it. This ain't reality TV Donald. Be careful who you alienate!
Firing someone doesn't make you guilty of a crime you never committed.

Next moronic leftist fantasy....
Firing someone doesn't make you guilty of a crime you never committed.

Next moronic leftist fantasy....

Your oversimplification of this issue is silly. A President firing an sitting FBI director who is investigating him for possible collusion with Russia in our election has legal consequences. You might want to read the statues before dismissing everything as a Liberal lie.
Firing someone doesn't make you guilty of a crime you never committed.

Next moronic leftist fantasy....

Your oversimplification of this issue is silly. A President firing an sitting FBI director who is investigating him for possible collusion with Russia in our election has legal consequences. You might want to read the statues before dismissing everything as a Liberal lie.

Trump isn't under investigation. No crimes were committed by Trump or his staff. The only crimes discovered in the witch hunt were done by Obama administration officials, who illegally spied on them and outed Flynn. Firing a director does not end any investigation anyway, it's not like a director conducts investigations himself. They let corrupt Obama and Hillary officials off the hook, they are worthless and corrupt themselves.
Firing someone doesn't make you guilty of a crime you never committed.

Next moronic leftist fantasy....

Your oversimplification of this issue is silly. A President firing an sitting FBI director who is investigating him for possible collusion with Russia in our election has legal consequences. You might want to read the statues before dismissing everything as a Liberal lie.
Didn't Comey say under oath that he wasn't investigating Trump?

Comey told Trump 3 times that he wasn't under investigation, but his refusal to publicly say so infuriated Trump

Yes, yes, he did.
Funny how the OP says that fired staff members could help Mueller "fill in the missing pieces" of the collusion fantasy. Even he knows Mueller has got nothing.
Meuller will go after some small fish who will be nailed for "lying to investigators" or some bullshit like that, another Scooter Libby.
"The Donald" Has been pretty hard on his Attorney General of late, he's also been pretty nasty to members of his own party who don't march in lockstep with his views, and newly hired communications director Anthony Scaranucci has threatened to "fire everybody" until the leaks are stopped. Well folks...before you go too far down this path, you might want to ask yourself: How many of these alienated lawmakers and fired staff members will be paying a visit on Robert Mueller, helping him fill in the missing pieces to this large mosaic that makes up the Trump / Russia investigation?? Robert Mueller is not the least bit frightened by "The Donald" and it's become crystal clear that Russia's interference in the 2016 election is in no way "fake news" "The Donald" is in enough legal trouble for firing Jim Comey, but if his own staff and the GOP turns nose on him "The Donald" will be in multiple worlds of hurt. Threatening people, and firing them might give the Trumpster emotional gratification, but there is a big downside to it. This ain't reality TV Donald. Be careful who you alienate!
Yup....if you're the boss and your employees are lazy and not doing their jobs.....make sure you don't piss them off by telling them they're lazy and not doing their jobs.
And if your employees are leaking national secrets to our corrupt media.....make sure you're nice to these lousy fucks.....or they might get mad and leak even more shit like that worthless prick Comey did.
Trump thinks he is king , not prez . A prez doesn't control everything . You have to massage senators to get what you want .

The Don is burning bridges left n right (so to speak) wh some powerful and experienced people .
We haven't had a strong president actually working for Americans in many years. It's why some people are unsure about him.
Trump thinks he is king , not prez . A prez doesn't control everything . You have to massage senators to get what you want .

The Don is burning bridges left n right (so to speak) wh some powerful and experienced people .
He's draining the swamp and all the swamp critters are getting upset about it.

The American people, on the other hand, love Trump, has proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.
"The Donald" Has been pretty hard on his Attorney General of late, he's also been pretty nasty to members of his own party who don't march in lockstep with his views, and newly hired communications director Anthony Scaranucci has threatened to "fire everybody" until the leaks are stopped. Well folks...before you go too far down this path, you might want to ask yourself: How many of these alienated lawmakers and fired staff members will be paying a visit on Robert Mueller, helping him fill in the missing pieces to this large mosaic that makes up the Trump / Russia investigation?? Robert Mueller is not the least bit frightened by "The Donald" and it's become crystal clear that Russia's interference in the 2016 election is in no way "fake news" "The Donald" is in enough legal trouble for firing Jim Comey, but if his own staff and the GOP turns nose on him "The Donald" will be in multiple worlds of hurt. Threatening people, and firing them might give the Trumpster emotional gratification, but there is a big downside to it. This ain't reality TV Donald. Be careful who you alienate!

So just let people leak?

Trump thinks he is king , not prez . A prez doesn't control everything . You have to massage senators to get what you want .

The Don is burning bridges left n right (so to speak) wh some powerful and experienced people .
The president doesn't have to suck their dicks, if that's what you mean.

If they expect him to fundraise for them they'd better get on board or they can go fuck themselves.
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"The Donald" Has been pretty hard on his Attorney General of late, he's also been pretty nasty to members of his own party who don't march in lockstep with his views, and newly hired communications director Anthony Scaranucci has threatened to "fire everybody" until the leaks are stopped. Well folks...before you go too far down this path, you might want to ask yourself: How many of these alienated lawmakers and fired staff members will be paying a visit on Robert Mueller, helping him fill in the missing pieces to this large mosaic that makes up the Trump / Russia investigation?? Robert Mueller is not the least bit frightened by "The Donald" and it's become crystal clear that Russia's interference in the 2016 election is in no way "fake news" "The Donald" is in enough legal trouble for firing Jim Comey, but if his own staff and the GOP turns nose on him "The Donald" will be in multiple worlds of hurt. Threatening people, and firing them might give the Trumpster emotional gratification, but there is a big downside to it. This ain't reality TV Donald. Be careful who you alienate!
"The Donald" Has been pretty hard on his Attorney General of late, he's also been pretty nasty to members of his own party who don't march in lockstep with his views

Well, in fairness, he's a that way toward literally everyone and anyone who doesn't concur with or kowtow to him.

newly hired communications director Anthony Scaranucci has threatened to "fire everybody" until the leaks are stopped.

Just who the heck is "everybody?" Scaramucci hasn't the authority to fire people having jobs outside his communications ambit. (Did he today get promoted to WH Chief of Staff? I haven't been watching the news today.)

"The Donald" is in enough legal trouble for firing Jim Comey

Is he in any legal trouble for having done that? I'm not aware that he is.

This ain't reality TV Donald.

This^! I seriously doubt Trump realizes he is not running a TV show or a real estate and hospitality business. Even if he does realize he's not, he certainly doesn't realize how government and private enterprise, especially closely held ones like his, differ and how and why one must manage manage operations and activities differently from how one would do in the private sector.
Trump thinks he is king , not prez . A prez doesn't control everything . You have to massage senators to get what you want .

The Don is burning bridges left n right (so to speak) wh some powerful and experienced people .
The president doesn't have to suck their dicks, if that's what you mean.

If they expect him to fundraise for them they'd better get on board or they can go fuck themselves.

That's where you are wrong . You have to play nice or you get nowhere .

They've fundraisers wh out trump all this time . They don't need him. He's a drain in most places .
Trump thinks he is king , not prez . A prez doesn't control everything . You have to massage senators to get what you want .

The Don is burning bridges left n right (so to speak) wh some powerful and experienced people .
The president doesn't have to suck their dicks, if that's what you mean.

If they expect him to fundraise for them they'd better get on board or they can go fuck themselves.

That's where you are wrong . You have to play nice or you get nowhere .

They've fundraisers wh out trump all this time . They don't need him. He's a drain in most places .
Without Trump the Republicans have Dick.
Their poll numbers are in the single digits.
Nobody's gonna give them shit if they don't work with him.
Firing someone doesn't make you guilty of a crime you never committed.

Next moronic leftist fantasy....

Your oversimplification of this issue is silly. A President firing an sitting FBI director who is investigating him for possible collusion with Russia in our election has legal consequences. You might want to read the statues before dismissing everything as a Liberal lie.
So you think Mewler would abuse his authority and charge members of the Trump administration with bogus charges just because he's pissed off?
"The Donald" Has been pretty hard on his Attorney General of late, he's also been pretty nasty to members of his own party who don't march in lockstep with his views, and newly hired communications director Anthony Scaranucci has threatened to "fire everybody" until the leaks are stopped. Well folks...before you go too far down this path, you might want to ask yourself: How many of these alienated lawmakers and fired staff members will be paying a visit on Robert Mueller, helping him fill in the missing pieces to this large mosaic that makes up the Trump / Russia investigation?? Robert Mueller is not the least bit frightened by "The Donald" and it's become crystal clear that Russia's interference in the 2016 election is in no way "fake news" "The Donald" is in enough legal trouble for firing Jim Comey, but if his own staff and the GOP turns nose on him "The Donald" will be in multiple worlds of hurt. Threatening people, and firing them might give the Trumpster emotional gratification, but there is a big downside to it. This ain't reality TV Donald. Be careful who you alienate!
There is no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. The Trump, Jr. meeting was a nothingburger, and the dossier was proven false. You have NO EVIDENCE. Him being hard on his Atty. Gen. and people in his admin is just him trying to keep everything in order so that there's no more illegal leaks.

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