Trump and Lincoln Comparisons


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2013
Have any of my fellow Trump friends in here ever sat down and realized similarities with Trump's initial victory with Abraham Lincoln's?

When Lincoln won his presidency, the Demoturd states attempted secession from the US. Started a civil war over his presidency. shit, even created one of the most brutal organizations outside Germany, the KKK.

Roll forward 2016, Trump wins the presidency and the Demoturds go out and riot in the street, attempt to over turn the vote, California declared the state wished to secede from the US (demoturd state). Now they state they will boycott the inauguration, and many other violent acts like stating he's a pawn of a foreign country's president. Desperation is desperation and the libturds stand I supposed in 1800 history today attempting repeat of their desperation.

In fact, several demoturds have been arrested for hate crimes against trump supporters. OMG!!!

I found it interesting.

So, my friends, if this presidency is following old Ab's, I see many great things ahead for the good old US.
So you're saying someone is going to shoot Trump?
didn't they just arrest a dude in Florida? friend of the clinton's saying he was?

I believe there are many John Wilkes Booth types waiting in the wings around here. I've seen threats on here hinting at some event to keep him from taking office.
Trumps even reaching out to the forgotten black communities and their leaders to help them out, has a 10 point plan out to review.

Donald Trump's 10 Point Plan for Black America - So Whaddya Think?

"Our government has totally failed our African American friends, our Hispanic friends and the people of our country. Period,” Trump said during a rally in Akron, Ohio. Last month, he rolled out a new deal for Black America.

If you haven’t seen it, here it is below. Let us know what you think about it."

BTW, this is what the demoturds are boycotting.

Why aren't the likes of CNN discussing this with these congressfolk?
Yup, black folks love Trump, and no more ghettos!!!
just more evidence the left wish to oppress the black people. Racist.

Explain why most black voters voted AGAINST Trump, what are you saying they can't make up their minds for themselves? Most black voters chose to vote against Trump. And Republican North Carolina enacted voter suppression making it harder for more to vote against Trump. Everyone is free to look both up. Trump won whites, he overwhelmingly lost minority votes.
Yup, black folks love Trump, and no more ghettos!!!

Sadly Trump supporters won't see the sarcasm and will ignore voter stats to see Trump lost among minority voters and was approved of by mostly white voters.
what color is Clarence Mason 'Weaver'? What about Jim Brown, Former Cleveland Running Back. You can't make this shit up. The blacks want to move forward and get out of the hold of the demoturds. You'll just be in the back seat watching history being made.
Yup, black folks love Trump, and no more ghettos!!!

Sadly Trump supporters won't see the sarcasm and will ignore voter stats to see Trump lost among minority voters and was approved of by mostly white voters.
what color is Clarence Mason 'Weaver'? What about Jim Brown, Former Cleveland Running Back. You can't make this shit up. The blacks want to move forward and get out of the hold of the demoturds. You'll just be in the back seat watching history being made.

Some black people went with Trump. Majority said no. Explain that one.
Yup, black folks love Trump, and no more ghettos!!!
just more evidence the left wish to oppress the black people. Racist.

Explain why most black voters voted AGAINST Trump, what are you saying they can't make up their minds for themselves? Most black voters chose to vote against Trump. And Republican North Carolina enacted voter suppression making it harder for more to vote against Trump. Everyone is free to look both up.
I ask myself that very question almost daily. Explain why do inner city blacks wish to remain inner city losers? I posted the 10 point plan to improve their lives. you agree with the points or are you one of those libturd racists who wish to keep the blacks right where they are?
Yup, black folks love Trump, and no more ghettos!!!

Sadly Trump supporters won't see the sarcasm and will ignore voter stats to see Trump lost among minority voters and was approved of by mostly white voters.
what color is Clarence Mason 'Weaver'? What about Jim Brown, Former Cleveland Running Back. You can't make this shit up. The blacks want to move forward and get out of the hold of the demoturds. You'll just be in the back seat watching history being made.

Ha ha ha, yeah, you should go have a conversation with Jim Brown, bwa ha ha ha .....
Yup, black folks love Trump, and no more ghettos!!!
just more evidence the left wish to oppress the black people. Racist.

Explain why most black voters voted AGAINST Trump, what are you saying they can't make up their minds for themselves? Most black voters chose to vote against Trump. And Republican North Carolina enacted voter suppression making it harder for more to vote against Trump. Everyone is free to look both up.
I ask myself that very question almost daily. Explain why do inner city blacks wish to remain inner city losers? I posted the 10 point plan to improve their lives. you agree with the points or are you one of those libturd racists who wish to keep the blacks right where they are?

So you're saying black people can't make up their own minds. I knew it would come down to that with you. Had you say/admit/show all that I needed to.
Have any of my fellow Trump friends in here ever sat down and realized similarities with Trump's initial victory with Abraham Lincoln's?

When Lincoln won his presidency, the Demoturd states attempted secession from the US. Started a civil war over his presidency. shit, even created one of the most brutal organizations outside Germany, the KKK.

Roll forward 2016, Trump wins the presidency and the Demoturds go out and riot in the street, attempt to over turn the vote, California declared the state wished to secede from the US (demoturd state). Now they state they will boycott the inauguration, and many other violent acts like stating he's a pawn of a foreign country's president. Desperation is desperation and the libturds stand I supposed in 1800 history today attempting repeat of their desperation.

In fact, several demoturds have been arrested for hate crimes against trump supporters. OMG!!!

I found it interesting.

So, my friends, if this presidency is following old Ab's, I see many great things ahead for the good old US.
There's a logical fallacy to your analogy, but I'll leave it to you to notice. LOL
Yup, black folks love Trump, and no more ghettos!!!
just more evidence the left wish to oppress the black people. Racist.

Explain why most black voters voted AGAINST Trump, what are you saying they can't make up their minds for themselves? Most black voters chose to vote against Trump. And Republican North Carolina enacted voter suppression making it harder for more to vote against Trump. Everyone is free to look both up.
I ask myself that very question almost daily. Explain why do inner city blacks wish to remain inner city losers? I posted the 10 point plan to improve their lives. you agree with the points or are you one of those libturd racists who wish to keep the blacks right where they are?

The question is, why aren't they flocking to your "plan"?

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