Trump: And I will not let him turn the USA into a crime filled, disease ridden dumping ground

Riots raged across the country because libs were busy burning down cities for BLM. These rabid libs raged, murdered, raped, pillaged, burned cities, while a disease was infecting millions. Pathetic, despicable behavior.
On balance I think The Donald has more in common with John the Baptist than his nerdy cousin Jesus .
A top of the tree High Priest Essene zealot , not some Green moron in an EV .

I know Johnny lost his head but the slutty whore pestering Donny is hardly in the same class as Salome .
Anyhow , if Donny is beheaded he will make an excellent martyr .
On balance I think The Donald has more in common with John the Baptist than his nerdy cousin Jesus .
A top of the tree High Priest Essene zealot , not some Green moron in an EV .

I know Johnny lost his head but the slutty whore pestering Donny is hardly in the same class as Salome .
Anyhow , if Donny is beheaded he will make an excellent martyr .

Wut? LoL
We believe in the Constitution; your guy wants to get rid of it.

We believe in the rule of law; your guy thinks he's above the law.

We want a President; you fuckers want a monarchy.

We believe everyone is created equal; you believe in white supremacy.

So it looks to me like you're the anti-American o

We believe in the Constitution; your guy wants to get rid of it.

We believe in the rule of law; your guy thinks he's above the law.

We want a President; you fuckers want a monarchy.

We believe everyone is created equal; you believe in white supremacy.

So it looks to me like you're the anti-American ones.
No. You don't you fuckers want a permanent far Left politbureau with a chairman, just like in Chinkland. And you don't want everyone equal, you want to force sexual perversion
We believe in the Constitution; your guy wants to get rid of it.

We believe in the rule of law; your guy thinks he's above the law.

We want a President; you fuckers want a monarchy.

We believe everyone is created equal; you believe in white supremacy.

So it looks to me like you're the anti-American ones.
What the hell do you listen to? Motivational Propaganda! I want a free and sovereign nation. We lost some unalienable rights already. Progressives and some Republicans are part of the Globalist Agenda. So, there it is. America first. We are more and more living off the Federal Reserve Fiat Currency. A foreign privately owned national bank. As more debt accrues, the more control they have. Yellen already was saying they may deny loans to certain people in fossil fuels as an example. Who are they? They are the ones who hollow out nations like the aliens in Independence Day or the other movie...They Live. And it is the politicians who end up doing it as they start promising the goodies to citizens. And it keeps them in power. The system is struggling now.
But enough about Mar-A-Lago....

In Trump's last year in office the entire country shut down for a virus, crime skyrocketed, and riots raged across the country for months while he hid in the White House and tweeted. The irony here is thick.

Wow the smell of TDS desperation.....
What the hell do you listen to? Motivational Propaganda! I want a free and sovereign nation. We lost some unalienable rights already. Progressives and some Republicans are part of the Globalist Agenda. So, there it is. America first. We are more and more living off the Federal Reserve Fiat Currency. A foreign privately owned national bank. As more debt accrues, the more control they have. Yellen already was saying they may deny loans to certain people in fossil fuels as an example. Who are they? They are the ones who hollow out nations like the aliens in Independence Day or the other movie...They Live. And it is the politicians who end up doing it as they start promising the goodies to citizens. And it keeps them in power. The system is struggling now.
I'm drunk now! I can't read that much in this condition.
I dont know if any dems co-sponsored
I believe none did since they weren't consulted. In other words it is the GOP saying my way or the highway to appease their base and not really a piece of serious legislation. Meanwhile the adults in the Senate had both GOP and Dems write a bill that gave each side some of what they wanted.

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