Trump and his taxes


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I'm no Trump fan but all Trump had to do when confronted with his tax situation was to look into the camera during the debate and say that everyone takes as many deductions as they legally can, everyone, including the millionaire Hillary Clinton. Then he should have said that he would take many of those loop holes that crooked Hillary takes, like the millions of dollars she deducts by giving to her own charity.

But no, Trump would rather talk about Rosie O'Donnell. Thanks for that Donald.

Exactly how much did the Clintons offer Donald to throw the election?
“That being said, Mr. Trump has paid hundreds of millions of dollars in property taxes, sales and excise taxes, real estate taxes, city taxes, state taxes, employee taxes and federal taxes, along with very substantial charitable contributions,”
Trump could have also gone after all the pricks in DC who cheat on their taxes, like the head of the IRS Obama appointed.

But no, we would rather hear about how Rosie is a pig, something we all knew already.
I'm no Trump fan but all Trump had to do when confronted with his tax situation was to look into the camera during the debate and say that everyone takes as many deductions as they legally can, everyone, including the millionaire Hillary Clinton. Then he should have said that he would take many of those loop holes that crooked Hillary takes, like the millions of dollars she deducts by giving to her own charity.

But no, Trump would rather talk about Rosie O'Donnell. Thanks for that Donald.

Exactly how much did the Clintons offer Donald to throw the election?

I have been asking this question when he jumped into the race!

Until it is reported that Donald John Trump has broken tax laws that will give him Prison time, well he is like every other American and pays as little as he can while using the system to keep his wealth!
I'm no Trump fan but all Trump had to do when confronted with his tax situation was to look into the camera during the debate and say that everyone takes as many deductions as they legally can, everyone, including the millionaire Hillary Clinton. Then he should have said that he would take many of those loop holes that crooked Hillary takes, like the millions of dollars she deducts by giving to her own charity.

But no, Trump would rather talk about Rosie O'Donnell. Thanks for that Donald.

Exactly how much did the Clintons offer Donald to throw the election?
but Trump can't say that...because he does not donate to his own charity, other people's money goes to his charity, not his own money since 2008.

the clintons have averaged paying around 28% in Federal income taxes every year....

they are not nearly as rich as Donald.....why should those who earn much less, pay more in taxes? Do you believe the tax code is written fairly if the wealthiest with tax code put in there for them alone, can take these code write offs, to pay nothing?

I'm not saying it is Trump's fault for using every loophole he had, but it is the fault of Congress all of those years writing new tax code to eliminate taxes on the wealthiest....without ever having to face the public outrage....

They always bring tax marginal rates up....and get us all fighting over marginal tax rates, while behind the curtain the tax rates mean nothing and it is the tax code that allows billionairs to pay some of the lowest rates out there or not at all....

We've been had.....
I'm no Trump fan but all Trump had to do when confronted with his tax situation was to look into the camera during the debate and say that everyone takes as many deductions as they legally can, everyone, including the millionaire Hillary Clinton. Then he should have said that he would take many of those loop holes that crooked Hillary takes, like the millions of dollars she deducts by giving to her own charity.

But no, Trump would rather talk about Rosie O'Donnell. Thanks for that Donald.

Exactly how much did the Clintons offer Donald to throw the election?

I have been asking this question when he jumped into the race!

Until it is reported that Donald John Trump has broken tax laws that will give him Prison time, well he is like every other American and pays as little as he can while using the system to keep his wealth!

Trump has the chance of winding up in prison as much as Andy Geithner, head of the IRS, for failing to pay his taxes correctly.

As was once said, paying taxes is for the little people.
I'm no Trump fan but all Trump had to do when confronted with his tax situation was to look into the camera during the debate and say that everyone takes as many deductions as they legally can, everyone, including the millionaire Hillary Clinton. Then he should have said that he would take many of those loop holes that crooked Hillary takes, like the millions of dollars she deducts by giving to her own charity.

But no, Trump would rather talk about Rosie O'Donnell. Thanks for that Donald.

Exactly how much did the Clintons offer Donald to throw the election?
but Trump can't say that...because he does not donate to his own charity, other people's money goes to his charity, not his own money since 2008.

the clintons have averaged paying around 28% in Federal income taxes every year....

they are not nearly as rich as Donald.....why should those who earn much less, pay more in taxes? Do you believe the tax code is written fairly if the wealthiest with tax code put in there for them alone, can take these code write offs, to pay nothing?

I'm not saying it is Trump's fault for using every loophole he had, but it is the fault of Congress all of those years writing new tax code to eliminate taxes on the wealthiest....without ever having to face the public outrage....

They always bring tax marginal rates up....and get us all fighting over marginal tax rates, while behind the curtain the tax rates mean nothing and it is the tax code that allows billionairs to pay some of the lowest rates out there or not at all....

We've been had.....

No, I'm sure the Clintons used all the deductions they could find so as not to pay anymore than they had to in taxes. In fact, why did they deduct the money they paid to their own money laundering charity?

The amount of money someone makes is beside the point. Everyone uses as many deductions as legally possible, and it is politicians like Hillary that have created this terrible scheme, but it is they who are always looked up to in order to solving it.


What the hell has Hillary done in 30 years in politics?

Donald Trump is Hitler, because he is minimizing his taxes, just like everybody else alive on this planet. Just remember that...

Of course, not all people can effectively minimize their taxes, because of the monolithic tax code Clinton's have helped to create. That maze is full of favors for her special banking interest, that much is clear.
I'm no Trump fan but all Trump had to do when confronted with his tax situation was to look into the camera during the debate and say that everyone takes as many deductions as they legally can, everyone, including the millionaire Hillary Clinton. Then he should have said that he would take many of those loop holes that crooked Hillary takes, like the millions of dollars she deducts by giving to her own charity.

But no, Trump would rather talk about Rosie O'Donnell. Thanks for that Donald.

Exactly how much did the Clintons offer Donald to throw the election?

Clinton's taxes tax rate last year was 34.2% That is higher than I would expect. I doubt Trump every paid anything close to that.

Trump has been a hypocrite about taxes, here's what the fat bloated crayola reject tweeted about taxes:

@BarackObama who wants to raise all our taxes, only pays 20.5% on $790k salary. Do as I say not as I do.

HALF of Americans don't pay income tax despite crippling govt debt...

Facebook billionaire gives up his U.S. citizenship in order to save taxes. I guess 3.8 billion isn't enough for (cont)

"@conservativeJT: @bluejoni @realDonaldTrump Trump is an American that will pay more taxes in one year than you pay in your entire life.

"@DenZen: Successful people work their asses off to make it, only to be punished by heavy taxes which are then squandered recklessly."

If @amazon ever had to pay fair taxes, its stock would crash and it would crumble like a paper bag. The @washingtonpost scam is saving it!

You know what is the worst part of @BarackObama's Tuesday speech playing class warfare--we paid for it with our tax dollars.
Donald Trump is Hitler, because he is minimizing his taxes, just like everybody else alive on this planet. Just remember that...

Of course, not all people can effectively minimize their taxes, because of the monolithic tax code Clinton's have helped to create. That maze is full of favors for her special banking interest, that much is clear.

So Donald Trump is Hitler because he minimizes his taxes?

What does that even mean?
I'm no Trump fan but all Trump had to do when confronted with his tax situation was to look into the camera during the debate and say that everyone takes as many deductions as they legally can, everyone, including the millionaire Hillary Clinton. Then he should have said that he would take many of those loop holes that crooked Hillary takes, like the millions of dollars she deducts by giving to her own charity.

But no, Trump would rather talk about Rosie O'Donnell. Thanks for that Donald.

Exactly how much did the Clintons offer Donald to throw the election?
but Trump can't say that...because he does not donate to his own charity, other people's money goes to his charity, not his own money since 2008.

the clintons have averaged paying around 28% in Federal income taxes every year....

they are not nearly as rich as Donald.....why should those who earn much less, pay more in taxes? Do you believe the tax code is written fairly if the wealthiest with tax code put in there for them alone, can take these code write offs, to pay nothing?

I'm not saying it is Trump's fault for using every loophole he had, but it is the fault of Congress all of those years writing new tax code to eliminate taxes on the wealthiest....without ever having to face the public outrage....

They always bring tax marginal rates up....and get us all fighting over marginal tax rates, while behind the curtain the tax rates mean nothing and it is the tax code that allows billionairs to pay some of the lowest rates out there or not at all....

We've been had.....

No, I'm sure the Clintons used all the deductions they could find so as not to pay anymore than they had to in taxes. In fact, why did they deduct the money they paid to their own money laundering charity?

The amount of money someone makes is beside the point. Everyone uses as many deductions as legally possible, and it is politicians like Hillary that have created this terrible scheme, but it is they who are always looked up to in order to solving it.

ya know Votto, when you become a tool and a liar, you lose yourself.

the Clinton's have taken NO MONEY FROM THEIR CHARITY.


they have not and have never, used the Clinton foundation charity Donations for their own personal use....they don't get paid, they don't siphon any money from it...


Passing around lies, is simply lying and all liars get thrown in to the lake of fire in the end....even if you are not a believer in you really want to be a liar? Is this who you really are...?

I never thought so, but looks like I may have been wrong.
I'm no Trump fan but all Trump had to do when confronted with his tax situation was to look into the camera during the debate and say that everyone takes as many deductions as they legally can, everyone, including the millionaire Hillary Clinton. Then he should have said that he would take many of those loop holes that crooked Hillary takes, like the millions of dollars she deducts by giving to her own charity.

But no, Trump would rather talk about Rosie O'Donnell. Thanks for that Donald.

Exactly how much did the Clintons offer Donald to throw the election?

Clinton's taxes tax rate last year was 34.2% That is higher than I would expect. I doubt Trump every paid anything close to that.

Trump has been a hypocrite about taxes, here's what the fat bloated crayola reject tweeted about taxes:

@BarackObama who wants to raise all our taxes, only pays 20.5% on $790k salary. Do as I say not as I do.

HALF of Americans don't pay income tax despite crippling govt debt...

Facebook billionaire gives up his U.S. citizenship in order to save taxes. I guess 3.8 billion isn't enough for (cont)

"@conservativeJT: @bluejoni @realDonaldTrump Trump is an American that will pay more taxes in one year than you pay in your entire life.

"@DenZen: Successful people work their asses off to make it, only to be punished by heavy taxes which are then squandered recklessly."

If @amazon ever had to pay fair taxes, its stock would crash and it would crumble like a paper bag. The @washingtonpost scam is saving it!

You know what is the worst part of @BarackObama's Tuesday speech playing class warfare--we paid for it with our tax dollars.

The rich will NEVER pay taxes. Do you know why? It's because politicians depend on the money of the rich.

Politicians don't make anything or produce anything. All they do is sit around trying to raise money for themselves.

Are people really this stupid?
I'd be surprised if Trump actually cheated on his taxes. The IRS pretty much has guys like him under a permanent microscope.

Did he and his CPAs take advantage of tax law to minimize his exposure? No doubt. Does he know that releasing that information would create a nice new target for those who are always screaming about "the rich"? Of course.
I'm no Trump fan but all Trump had to do when confronted with his tax situation was to look into the camera during the debate and say that everyone takes as many deductions as they legally can, everyone, including the millionaire Hillary Clinton. Then he should have said that he would take many of those loop holes that crooked Hillary takes, like the millions of dollars she deducts by giving to her own charity.

But no, Trump would rather talk about Rosie O'Donnell. Thanks for that Donald.

Exactly how much did the Clintons offer Donald to throw the election?
but Trump can't say that...because he does not donate to his own charity, other people's money goes to his charity, not his own money since 2008.

the clintons have averaged paying around 28% in Federal income taxes every year....

they are not nearly as rich as Donald.....why should those who earn much less, pay more in taxes? Do you believe the tax code is written fairly if the wealthiest with tax code put in there for them alone, can take these code write offs, to pay nothing?

I'm not saying it is Trump's fault for using every loophole he had, but it is the fault of Congress all of those years writing new tax code to eliminate taxes on the wealthiest....without ever having to face the public outrage....

They always bring tax marginal rates up....and get us all fighting over marginal tax rates, while behind the curtain the tax rates mean nothing and it is the tax code that allows billionairs to pay some of the lowest rates out there or not at all....

We've been had.....

No, I'm sure the Clintons used all the deductions they could find so as not to pay anymore than they had to in taxes. In fact, why did they deduct the money they paid to their own money laundering charity?

The amount of money someone makes is beside the point. Everyone uses as many deductions as legally possible, and it is politicians like Hillary that have created this terrible scheme, but it is they who are always looked up to in order to solving it.

ya know Votto, when you become a tool and a liar, you lose yourself.

the Clinton's have taken NO MONEY FROM THEIR CHARITY.


they have not and have never, used the Clinton foundation charity Donations for their own personal use....they don't get paid, they don't siphon any money from it...


Passing around lies, is simply lying and all liars get thrown in to the lake of fire in the end....even if you are not a believer in you really want to be a liar? Is this who you really are...?

I never thought so, but looks like I may have been wrong.

You are incredibly naive.
Donald Trump is Hitler, because he is minimizing his taxes, just like everybody else alive on this planet. Just remember that...

Of course, not all people can effectively minimize their taxes, because of the monolithic tax code Clinton's have helped to create. That maze is full of favors for her special banking interest, that much is clear.

So Donald Trump is Hitler because he minimizes his taxes?

What does that even mean?

Good question, it's the regressive logic. He's Hitler, because he has nothing to do with him.... not even the mustache.

Not overtly logical indeed.
What the hell has Hillary done in 30 years in politics?


Google is your friend.

FOX News?

Not so much.

I'm no Trump fan but all Trump had to do when confronted with his tax situation was to look into the camera during the debate and say that everyone takes as many deductions as they legally can, everyone, including the millionaire Hillary Clinton. Then he should have said that he would take many of those loop holes that crooked Hillary takes, like the millions of dollars she deducts by giving to her own charity.

But no, Trump would rather talk about Rosie O'Donnell. Thanks for that Donald.

Exactly how much did the Clintons offer Donald to throw the election?
but Trump can't say that...because he does not donate to his own charity, other people's money goes to his charity, not his own money since 2008.

the clintons have averaged paying around 28% in Federal income taxes every year....

they are not nearly as rich as Donald.....why should those who earn much less, pay more in taxes? Do you believe the tax code is written fairly if the wealthiest with tax code put in there for them alone, can take these code write offs, to pay nothing?

I'm not saying it is Trump's fault for using every loophole he had, but it is the fault of Congress all of those years writing new tax code to eliminate taxes on the wealthiest....without ever having to face the public outrage....

They always bring tax marginal rates up....and get us all fighting over marginal tax rates, while behind the curtain the tax rates mean nothing and it is the tax code that allows billionairs to pay some of the lowest rates out there or not at all....

We've been had.....

No, I'm sure the Clintons used all the deductions they could find so as not to pay anymore than they had to in taxes. In fact, why did they deduct the money they paid to their own money laundering charity?

The amount of money someone makes is beside the point. Everyone uses as many deductions as legally possible, and it is politicians like Hillary that have created this terrible scheme, but it is they who are always looked up to in order to solving it.

ya know Votto, when you become a tool and a liar, you lose yourself.

the Clinton's have taken NO MONEY FROM THEIR CHARITY.


they have not and have never, used the Clinton foundation charity Donations for their own personal use....they don't get paid, they don't siphon any money from it...


Passing around lies, is simply lying and all liars get thrown in to the lake of fire in the end....even if you are not a believer in you really want to be a liar? Is this who you really are...?

I never thought so, but looks like I may have been wrong.

Do you have any concept what money laundering is?

Here is a taste of how it works.

An African dictator gives money to the Clinton Foundation. Check

The Clinton Foundation gives millions of aid to that country that the dictator resides through the Clinton Foundation. Check.

The said dictator misappropriates those funds to personally benefit themselves while the Clintons sing the praises of the dictator who abuses his own people. Check

Bill then travels to the said country to give a speech for $7 million. Check.
“That being said, Mr. Trump has paid hundreds of millions of dollars in property taxes, sales and excise taxes, real estate taxes, city taxes, state taxes, employee taxes and federal taxes, along with very substantial charitable contributions,”
you don't KNOW that at all!!!!

There are tax loophole for most of all those taxes as well, that Donald utilized...
I'm no Trump fan but all Trump had to do when confronted with his tax situation was to look into the camera during the debate and say that everyone takes as many deductions as they legally can, everyone, including the millionaire Hillary Clinton. Then he should have said that he would take many of those loop holes that crooked Hillary takes, like the millions of dollars she deducts by giving to her own charity.

But no, Trump would rather talk about Rosie O'Donnell. Thanks for that Donald.

Exactly how much did the Clintons offer Donald to throw the election?

Clinton's taxes tax rate last year was 34.2% That is higher than I would expect. I doubt Trump every paid anything close to that.

Trump has been a hypocrite about taxes, here's what the fat bloated crayola reject tweeted about taxes:

@BarackObama who wants to raise all our taxes, only pays 20.5% on $790k salary. Do as I say not as I do.

HALF of Americans don't pay income tax despite crippling govt debt...

Facebook billionaire gives up his U.S. citizenship in order to save taxes. I guess 3.8 billion isn't enough for (cont)

"@conservativeJT: @bluejoni @realDonaldTrump Trump is an American that will pay more taxes in one year than you pay in your entire life.

"@DenZen: Successful people work their asses off to make it, only to be punished by heavy taxes which are then squandered recklessly."

If @amazon ever had to pay fair taxes, its stock would crash and it would crumble like a paper bag. The @washingtonpost scam is saving it!

You know what is the worst part of @BarackObama's Tuesday speech playing class warfare--we paid for it with our tax dollars.

The rich will NEVER pay taxes. Do you know why? It's because politicians depend on the money of the rich.

Politicians don't make anything or produce anything. All they do is sit around trying to raise money for themselves.

Are people really this stupid?

What are you talking about? First off, of course many (certainly not all) want to give tax breaks to the rich, the Republican party is founded on this. Trump's tax plan is more tax cuts for the top, Clinton's is not. The Democratic party is usually criticized by the far right for taxing the rich. Ever heard of not having your cake and eating it too?

"The rich will never pay taxes". That is factually untrue, Jesus you sound like you're from Occupy Wallstreet. The Clintons, yes the Clintons prove you wrong. They have paid over a third of their income to taxes while Trump slobbered and whined on twitter about freeloaders, looks like he's the biggest one of all (figuratively and literally).

What needs to happen is federal elections need to be publicly funded, get rid of super pacs and dark money. The Democrats are closer to this than Republicans. Trump used to brag about not taking money and it was a core issue to his campaign and like everything else about Trump he just changed his mind on it and decided he's a politician after all.

Are people really this stupid? You prove they are.

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