Trump administration reforming climate change terminology at USDA with new vocabulary


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Trump Administration Reforming ‘Climate Change’ Terminology at USDA With New Vocabulary
Staff at the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) have been told to avoid using the term climate change in their work, with the officials instructed to reference “weather extremes” instead.

The dunce won't have any idea why he has to do this because everything you lay in front of them they can only react as Obama and Clinton taught them " say it's fake" , deny it, or it's a conspiracy" ... that is their intelligence level.

They won't even comprehend why Obama changed the radiation safety levels and when he did these dumbasses actually believe that made them safer raising those numbers omg the irony.
So the Lefties had no problem with the EPA acting as propagandists for their point of view, but they are shocked - SHOCKED - that the Trump administration wants to reverse course.

"Climate Change" has become a code-expression for a point of view. At least they are not hawking "global warming" anymore, since it has been pretty much discredited.
Megyn Kelly: European leaders were quick to react, accusing President Trump of shirking America’s role as a global leader. President Putin, how do you see it?

Vladimir Putin: Actually, we should be grateful to President Trump. I heard it was actually snowing in Moscow today, while here it is raining and quite chilly. Now we can blame everything on him and US imperialism, and say it is all their fault. But we will not.
St Petersburg International Economic Forum plenary meeting

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