Trump accomplished nothing in his first 100 days, but Democrats have been kicking ass


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

This has to be one of the most ignorant, inane, and ludicrous headline I’ve ever read. Even for a leftist rag like The Daily Kos! Photo after photo of selective shots that try to show massive protests that have changed politics.

A few hundred show up and the media does its best to make it seem like there are tens of thousands there.

The ridiculous photo spread is @ Trump accomplished nothing in his first 100 days, but Democrats have been kicking ass

This has to be one of the most ignorant, inane, and ludicrous headline I’ve ever read. Even for a leftist rag like The Daily Kos! Photo after photo of selective shots that try to show massive protests that have changed politics.

A few hundred show up and the media does its best to make it seem like there are tens of thousands there.

The ridiculous photo spread is @ Trump accomplished nothing in his first 100 days, but Democrats have been kicking ass
he has had a remarkable ineffective start. For someone who boasts of having the best first 100 days in history, he has accomplished virtually nothing. I wonder if he was referring to his first 100 days of golfing? Surely must have been more successful on the golf course than trying to create legislation that is at least passable.
Followed by this:

Here's What Trump Said He'd Get Done In His First 100 Days. Here's What He's Actually Done.

What he promised:


Back in March, The Daily Wire wrote a list of 15 things that Trump has done so far:

1. An executive order pausing refugees and immigration from six Islamic countries. Among the first of Trump's actions was this executive order; it originally applied to seven countries, but was struck down by the activist Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals following a bumpy rollout. The revised executive order no longer applies to Iraq, but still applies to Somalia, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Syria, and Sudan, and doesn't prioritize Christians who face persecution in these countries.

2. An executive order cracking down on sanctuary cities.
The order strips funding from sanctuary cities and invokes "public shaming" against these cities by compiling "a comprehensive list of criminal actions committed by aliens" that take place in sanctuary cities.

3. The aforementioned executive order also stated the wall will start being built. Granted, the process has been slow and there have been issues regarding how to pay for it, but at least Trump is making a serious attempt at securing the border.

4. Nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
The nomination was lauded by conservatives, who almost uniformly consider Gorsuch a solid replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia. Gorsuch's confirmation hearings are scheduled to start on March 20.

5. Reinstated the "Mexico City Policy" banning federal funding for international abortions.
The policy was reversed by Barack Obama, but Trump put it back into effect when he took office. The Daily Wire's Frank Camp has more details on it here.

6. Repealed an unconstitutional Obama regulation on guns. The regulation basically prevented seniors who had trouble maintaining finances from obtaining firearms without due process. That didn't stop the media from mischaracterizing it as the Republicans allowing crazy old people to purchase guns.

7. The Obama regulation raising automobile emissions standards has also been repealed.

8. Approved the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines.
This was an important move to help create jobs and increase the supply of oil.

9. Froze the Obama administration's last-minute $220 million funding to the Palestinian Authority (PA). The Obama administration bypassed the objections of congressional Republicans in its waning hours to provide the aid to the PA. The Trump administration put the funding on hold until further review.

10. Exited from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro wrote: "He’s killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership without a suitable plan for replacement, opening the door wide to Chinese influence in the Pacific and pleasing the very labor unions that have helped make American business less competitive."

11. Slapped Iran with new sanctions.
The sanctions were aimed at punishing Iran for sponsoring terrorism and conducting a ballistic missile test, as the Daily Wire explained here.

12. Repealed the Obama regulation banning lead bullets for hunting and fishing tackle.
13. Beefed up immigration enforcement. According to Shapiro, Trump's executive actions on immigration included: 1. Broaden Enforcement Priorities. According to Section 5(c), the Secretary of Homeland Security has now been granted the power to prioritize for removal those who “have committed acts that constitute a chargeable criminal offense.” This means anyone who has crossed the border illegally. Whereas under President Obama, other crimes were prioritized, now illegal presence in the country has become a priority for law enforcement. The executive action also extends prioritization to false use of a Social Security number, for example (Section 5(d)), or taking public benefits illegally (Section 5(e)). 2. Add Agents. The order grants the Secretary the ability to hire 10,000 additional law enforcement officers with money to be found under current allocations. 3. Allow States To Help Police Immigration. Whereas the Obama administration sued the Arizona state government for aiding in enforcement of federal immigration law, Section 8(b) of the order allows States and local law enforcement officials to “perform the functions of immigration officers in relation to investigation, apprehension, or detention of alients in the United States.”

14. Trumpcare. Trump rolled out his replacement for Obamacare, and it's a disaster.

15. Released a budget.
The budget makes cuts to various departments and agencies, but increases spending for defense and other agencies, while cutting taxes, as Shapiro explains here. Since then, Gorsuch has been confirmed. Trump has also put the wheels in motion to rescind a number of Barack Obama's disastrous regulations on coal, allow states to cut funding from Planned Parenthood and has become very active in foreign policy with his air strikes against Syrian butcher Bashar al-Assad and rising tensions with North Korea.

Additionally, Trump has implemented a lobbying ban, rolled out a new rule requiring that every new regulation result in two being repealed, signed an executive order to renegotiate NAFTA and put forth a hiring freeze that was recently lifted.

With all that in mind, the first page of what Trump pledged to get done in his first 100 days has mostly been accomplished, but that's because his first round of promises involved actions he could take through the executive branch. Where his promises fall short is what had to get done through the legislative branch: tax reform, repealing and replacing Obamacare, school choice and infrastructure, among others, all have either been stalled in Congress or have yet to move forward.

So, what do you think? A whole lot of anti-Trump bias floating around?
Followed by this:

Here's What Trump Said He'd Get Done In His First 100 Days. Here's What He's Actually Done.

What he promised:

Back in March, The Daily Wire wrote a list of 15 things that Trump has done so far:

1. An executive order pausing refugees and immigration from six Islamic countries. Among the first of Trump's actions was this executive order; it originally applied to seven countries, but was struck down by the activist Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals following a bumpy rollout. The revised executive order no longer applies to Iraq, but still applies to Somalia, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Syria, and Sudan, and doesn't prioritize Christians who face persecution in these countries.

2. An executive order cracking down on sanctuary cities.
The order strips funding from sanctuary cities and invokes "public shaming" against these cities by compiling "a comprehensive list of criminal actions committed by aliens" that take place in sanctuary cities.

3. The aforementioned executive order also stated the wall will start being built.
Granted, the process has been slow and there have been issues regarding how to pay for it, but at least Trump is making a serious attempt at securing the border.

4. Nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
The nomination was lauded by conservatives, who almost uniformly consider Gorsuch a solid replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia. Gorsuch's confirmation hearings are scheduled to start on March 20.

5. Reinstated the "Mexico City Policy" banning federal funding for international abortions.
The policy was reversed by Barack Obama, but Trump put it back into effect when he took office. The Daily Wire's Frank Camp has more details on it here.

6. Repealed an unconstitutional Obama regulation on guns.
The regulation basically prevented seniors who had trouble maintaining finances from obtaining firearms without due process. That didn't stop the media from mischaracterizing it as the Republicans allowing crazy old people to purchase guns.

7. The Obama regulation raising automobile emissions standards has also been repealed.

8. Approved the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines.
This was an important move to help create jobs and increase the supply of oil.

9. Froze the Obama administration's last-minute $220 million funding to the Palestinian Authority (PA).
The Obama administration bypassed the objections of congressional Republicans in its waning hours to provide the aid to the PA. The Trump administration put the funding on hold until further review.

10. Exited from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro wrote: "He’s killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership without a suitable plan for replacement, opening the door wide to Chinese influence in the Pacific and pleasing the very labor unions that have helped make American business less competitive."

11. Slapped Iran with new sanctions.
The sanctions were aimed at punishing Iran for sponsoring terrorism and conducting a ballistic missile test, as the Daily Wire explained here.

12. Repealed the Obama regulation banning lead bullets for hunting and fishing tackle.

13. Beefed up immigration enforcement. According to Shapiro, Trump's executive actions on immigration included: 1. Broaden Enforcement Priorities. According to Section 5(c), the Secretary of Homeland Security has now been granted the power to prioritize for removal those who “have committed acts that constitute a chargeable criminal offense.” This means anyone who has crossed the border illegally. Whereas under President Obama, other crimes were prioritized, now illegal presence in the country has become a priority for law enforcement. The executive action also extends prioritization to false use of a Social Security number, for example (Section 5(d)), or taking public benefits illegally (Section 5(e)). 2. Add Agents. The order grants the Secretary the ability to hire 10,000 additional law enforcement officers with money to be found under current allocations. 3. Allow States To Help Police Immigration. Whereas the Obama administration sued the Arizona state government for aiding in enforcement of federal immigration law, Section 8(b) of the order allows States and local law enforcement officials to “perform the functions of immigration officers in relation to investigation, apprehension, or detention of alients in the United States.”

14. Trumpcare.
Trump rolled out his replacement for Obamacare, and it's a disaster.

15. Released a budget. The budget makes cuts to various departments and agencies, but increases spending for defense and other agencies, while cutting taxes, as Shapiro explains here. Since then, Gorsuch has been confirmed. Trump has also put the wheels in motion to rescind a number of Barack Obama's disastrous regulations on coal, allow states to cut funding from Planned Parenthood and has become very active in foreign policy with his air strikes against Syrian butcher Bashar al-Assad and rising tensions with North Korea.

Additionally, Trump has implemented a lobbying ban, rolled out a new rule requiring that every new regulation result in two being repealed, signed an executive order to renegotiate NAFTA and put forth a hiring freeze that was recently lifted.

With all that in mind, the first page of what Trump pledged to get done in his first 100 days has mostly been accomplished, but that's because his first round of promises involved actions he could take through the executive branch. Where his promises fall short is what had to get done through the legislative branch: tax reform, repealing and replacing Obamacare, school choice and infrastructure, among others, all have either been stalled in Congress or have yet to move forward.

So, what do you think? A whole lot of anti-Trump bias floating around?
Trump keeps his promises, and liberals have to lie about him. They can't fathom an elected leader keeping their promise.
The media inflates, deflates, completely ignores or completely fabricates for the end goal of taking down Trump. Period. That is why all of his tremendous accomplishments thus far are being poo-pooed by all including the turncoat Chris Wallace.
Donald Trump was elected to keep HRC from nominating ANYONE to the United States Supreme Court, and to have installed a suitable replacement for Nino Scalia.


Everything else he accomplishes in the next four years is gravy.

And the fact is, the Leftists who are publishing the tripe above know that's what election was really about, and they know that my first sentence is true.

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.
He would have done better if he had just executed all the regressive obstructionists in his way.
Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it? Nope
Repeal and replace Obamacare? nope
Tax Reform? nope
Muslim ban? nope
Replace NAFTA? Nope
Balanced budget? nope

Executive orders are just for show
No meaningful legislation
Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it? Nope
Repeal and replace Obamacare? nope
Tax Reform? nope
Muslim ban? nope
Replace NAFTA? Nope
Balanced budget? nope

Executive orders are just for show
No meaningful legislation

Does the word CONGRESS mean anything to you?

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