Trump a DNC plant?

Is Donald Trump a DNC plant?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No!

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Maybe....

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • No, but is hurting the GOP.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • He and Hillary are coodinating.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, he really is that stupid!

    Votes: 6 54.5%

  • Total voters
He could be. He's certainly knocked the teaper darlings out of the process. He could be part of a GOP plan to get Bush the nomination. :dunno:

He isn't helping Bush right now. But it is hard to believe he doesn't have some hidden agenda.
I think he's very much helping Bush. In a general election atmosphere he WOULD be hurting him. But what he's done is completely wipeed out the rest of Bush's competition. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina; those are all non-factors now because Trump has way more money and star power than them and is even more extreme on the issues than they are which is what the teapers want.

So then you've got the people who had no chance in the first place like Huckabee, Santorum, Rick Perry, Jindal, Lindsey Graham, Pataki, and Kasich. All non-factors.

That leaves Rubio and Christie as Bush's only real competition. But Bush has way more money and support than either, and the right hates Christie anyways because he helped his people recover from hurricane Sandy.

So IMO Bush, Trump, and Rubio are the only real contenders, and Rubio is fading fast.

Trump would get absolutely trounced in a general election against Hillary.
Donald Trump is a Donald Trump plant. He is deliberately acting as stupid as he can so that when Donald Trump 2.0 appears, he will be a genie by comparison.

The upgrade to Donald Trump 2.0 will happen in about 20 years or so....
Fair question, although I think he's more likely the worst possible combination of ego and money.

I mentioned this in another thread - it's possible he could be helpful to the GOP simply by making many of their candidates appear more decent by denouncing him. Nikki Haley did a great job of humanizing the GOP this morning on Meet the Press, there's just not enough doing that right now.

Fair question, although I think he's more likely the worst possible combination of ego and money.

I mentioned this in another thread - it's possible he could be helpful to the GOP simply by making many of their candidates appear more decent by denouncing him. Nikki Haley did a great job of humanizing the GOP this morning on Meet the Press, there's just not enough doing that right now.

I think it's backfiring. He's casting many candidates into irrelevance. He's much shinier and more extreme than the likes of Cruz, Carson, Walker, Fiorina, etc. And he's swiped all of their supporters. It's just him and Bush right now.
Fair question, although I think he's more likely the worst possible combination of ego and money.

I mentioned this in another thread - it's possible he could be helpful to the GOP simply by making many of their candidates appear more decent by denouncing him. Nikki Haley did a great job of humanizing the GOP this morning on Meet the Press, there's just not enough doing that right now.

I think it's backfiring. He's casting many candidates into irrelevance. He's much shinier and more extreme than the likes of Cruz, Carson, Walker, Fiorina, etc. And he's swiped all of their supporters. It's just him and Bush right now.

I think Walker will begin moving ahead after he annouces. He will initially surge, but when folks start looking behind the numbers, he will begin to fail. He has created a budget nightmare in Wisconsin.

The nomination is Bush's to lose....IMO
Fair question, although I think he's more likely the worst possible combination of ego and money.

I mentioned this in another thread - it's possible he could be helpful to the GOP simply by making many of their candidates appear more decent by denouncing him. Nikki Haley did a great job of humanizing the GOP this morning on Meet the Press, there's just not enough doing that right now.
That's only true if one buys in to the Republicans are evil assertion put forward by leftists. Republicans tend to say why a Democrat is wrong, Democrats tend to say Republicans are evil because they don't accept the big government/spending mantra.
Bush has the money and the name. He will have to really mess up to lose the nomination.

Jeb Bush has huge negatives with GOP Primary voters as does Hillary with Dim voters.

The difference? The GOP has viable alternatives, the Dims do not.

Dims desperately want Bush as the nominee, because he is a tired, old, establishment candidate like Hillary and they think Hillary can beat him. Per media reports, the candidate the Hildabeast most fears is Rubio, who is everything Hillary is not. He is young, charismatic, and does not have baggage.

I find it amusing that the only GOP candidate Dims talk about getting the nomination is Bush. We all understand that is your wish....(and trust do GOP primary voters). That is why it will not happen.
I voted for Drumpf being "that stupid" but he's really not.

He is a 1%-er hiding his agenda behind the ignorant, fact-free racism the rabid right wants. They're so busy lapping up his lies about Mexico/Mexicans, they're forgetting that he hasn't really said anything of substance and that's exactly what he intended.

So far, there are no Repub candidates who can win the WH or are qualified for the office but RWs aren't concerned with that. They are so filled with hate for the black man who saved them and their country, they'll vote for anything with the letter R behind their name.
I voted for Drumpf being "that stupid" but he's really not.

He is a 1%-er hiding his agenda behind the ignorant, fact-free racism the rabid right wants. They're so busy lapping up his lies about Mexico/Mexicans, they're forgetting that he hasn't really said anything of substance and that's exactly what he intended.

So far, there are no Repub candidates who can win the WH or are qualified for the office but RWs aren't concerned with that. They are so filled with hate for the black man who saved them and their country, they'll vote for anything with the letter R behind their name.

Rubio can win. Walker can win. Ben Carson can win. So can others. Nobody likes the Hildabeast and only idiots are buying the divisive racist hatred the is the Dim calling card.

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