Triggered leftists ask Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders to remove the cross her kids chalked on the driveway @ the Arkansas Governor's Mansion

You have to know that there is something very, very, very fucked up when this is considered offensive…


…but faggots, trannies, pedophiles and related fucked-up sexual perverts flaunting their sick behavior in front of children is not.
It is offensive to God.
It is offensive to God.
Come on. There was one of those gay guys at the White House lawn shoving an upside down cross up his ass after he rued his body on it. Joe ever the good Catholic said ten our fathers and an act of contrition as he sniffed around the children.
This ly
Can we have just one day here without someone bringing their gay fantasies or whatever they are to the board? We don`t care about your Private Life or whatever his name is.
This lying scum never stops.
Come on Sue, are you telling me that if the Governor's children drew a Muslim symbol in the driveway at the statehouse right wingers wouldn't lose their minds.

I wouldn't. Why would I? It's her home and her children. If they are Muslim that's what I would expect them to do
Because you are wrong.

Ask Jeff Sessions.

The courts have determined that to allow one church to display symbols from one religion then they must allow the display of all.

That is separation of church and state.

Sanders' children were expressing their own personal faith in their own home. We can't stop children from doing that in school--do you realize that?
Hell that is all you do is whine and complain, you're right that is only when it comes to black folks.
Says the biggest whiner on the boards. Wow.

Blacks were enslaved for less than 80 years in the United States, yet they've whined about it for almost 160 years after they were given their freedom. You still whine about it daily, how long will that last? 200, 300 years? Pathetic.
Yeah and I pointed out if they had painted a star and crescent moon right wingers would be attacking as well.
Yes we are aware you simply deflected and jumped to the defense of your fellow dembots attacking these kids
Says the biggest whiner on the boards. Wow.

Blacks were enslaved for less than 80 years in the United States, yet they've whined about it for almost 160 years after they were given their freedom. You still whine about it daily, how long will that last? 200, 300 years? Pathetic.
Damn numbnuts, what is wrong with your math. The first slaves came here in 1655, slavery ended in 1867 in some places, add that up. If it was 80yrs, you're right what is that to whine about. I guess that is easy for a white man to say. They were given NOTHING.
Damn numbnuts, what is wrong with your math. The first slaves came here in 1655, slavery ended in 1867 in some places, add that up. If it was 80yrs, you're right what is that to whine about. I guess that is easy for a white man to say. They were given NOTHING.
I think they should have sent all the slaves back to Mexico.

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