Trickle Up Defies Gravity



    Votes: 11 50.0%

    Votes: 11 50.0%

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Take our dependence on foreign oil? What Obama policy caused that to take place? His unwavering support of fracking? His handling of drilling permits after the Gulf spill? Go ahead and prove that Barry deserved the credit that he laughingly TRIED to claim!

Here.....I'll save you the trouble of calling it "fakenews"

America's biggest oil boom came under Obama - CNN Money

I know Barry tried to take credit for the oil boom...and I know news outlets like CNN let him get away with that outrageous claim but that boom took place DESPITE Barack Obama...not BECAUSE of him!
"Mr. Hoover was an engineer. He knew that water trickled down. Put it uphill and let it go and it will reach the driest little spot. But he didn't know that money trickled up. Give it to the people at the bottom and the people at the top will have it before night anyhow. But it will at least have passed through the poor fellow’s hands."

---Will Rogers
Even if we want to argue that the average family only gets $50/y due to the Fed tax cut, lets break that down into something reasonable and logical for a family to buy. Kraft Mac-n-cheese and Ball Park hot dogs - iconic American food, cheap, easy, and tasty.

Now we presume that the grocery stores have optimal hot dogs and mac-n-cheese on hand, but when there's a run on folks buying more than usual, they order more than usual.

Kraft and Ball-Park we presume makes an optimal amount of this stuff to send to the stores, but when the stores are ordering more than usual, they have to make more than usual.

The pig and dairy farmers we presume produce an optimal amount of raw material to send to Kraft and Ball-Park, but when they're ordering more than usual, the pig and dairy farmers have to up their production as well.

New jobs shoveling shit and feeding livestock are created - and new families have a few more bucks to spend on Kraft Mac-n-cheese with Ball-Park hot dogs. Or whatever else these folks decide to buy, from food to cars to cell phones, computers, or even spending in the services to eat out or whatever. More coffee from Star Bucks, more hamburgers from McDonalds and again demand at the bottom of the chain goes up.

That's just one side of the economy, the supply demand side in simplistic form, driven by small tax cuts for the poor. If we look at the middle class, these folks are already eating decent so instead they maybe eat out an extra time a week, or maybe they go on vacation and pay for an Alaska tour or go to Disney Land/World, maybe they go to the movies, maybe they buy new linens, maybe they buy a new car and sell their old one to some poorer folks who then can get a better job further from home.

Then there's the rich folks ya'll like to lie about and diss all the time. We have many choices on how to spend our tax cuts, we can invest in businesses, we can invest it in the market, we can spend it. It's actually unlikely that we'll throw it in the bank/not spend it honestly. I mean I'm sure there is some rich prepper type out there who is worried about some shit so they sit on it, but by and large we rich folks don't /have/ to save money like the rest of you, we've already got our retirements planned and paid for, we've already got a healthy "emergency" fund set aside, we've already got our financial profile cooking, so instead we spend it... fast and loose. Like literally half my 2 car garage is filled with crap to go to Salvation Army right now, not broken or cheap shit either, just stuff I don't want anymore - an entire kitchen worth of dishes, tableware, and cookware simply because I changed my kitchen from blue to green, then after a few months I decided I wanted more contrast with my green counter tops so now I've gone to red. Us rich folks do this stupid crap all the time. Its like I have a full set of Americraft (really nice stainless oil filled cookware that's like $200-$500 a pot/pan) and yet in the past two years I've bought five different boxes pot/pan sets, only to give four of them away. (I'm using Rachael Ray's now; really like em.) The funny part is that even though I've replaced all this crap in the past year or two; I've got... at least 2000 items ear marked for further research and/or purchase on Amazon. I'm legit in a tizzy atm because I cannot find a ceramic coated half sheet. No one has made them yet, so I'm talking to CasaWare asking them to custom make me a half sheet and 2/3 sheet to match my other CasaWare baking pans. The dumb part? I know that CasaWare scratches so easy it's not even funny, I destroyed three pans just making thanksgiving dinner this year, but the colors are perfect (red and cream) and they work so great that I don't even care that I have to replace them every month, it doesn't matter to me because I can afford to "waste" $20-30 a pop for a baking pan. And that's just my kitchen... I also changed out the whole kit-n-kabootle in my bathrooms (shower doors, shower curtains, rugs, towels, towel bars, even the poofs - wanted a new color in every bathroom; new toilets too this time around, the guest toilet was fucking almond, gross... they're all white now. I also repainted the entire house - new colors, which meant new furniture, new carpet, new wood flooring, new rugs, new curtains, new light switches and outlet covers, new light fixtures, new keypad door locks (went from brass to stainless.) On and on, this is what we wealthy folks do, and when we do this silly crap there are more people getting jobs or maybe just getting a "bigger" pay check - interior designers, painters, carpet manufacturers and installers, seamstresses (to adjust my shower curtains from 85" long to 83" long,) Vivint installers, GCI cable installers, etc. etc. And those folks then have more to spend too, maybe those companies hire new employees, maybe they open up a showroom, maybe another location, or maybe they just eat out two more times a month and ramp up restaurants (Speaking of, mmmm they opened up a Panda Express out here last week - pepper chicken is my new favoritest food in the world heh) Or maybe they lower their prices and more people can afford that stuff...
God, another liberal who thinks they understand why jobs are created! For about the hundredth time..."demand" does not create jobs! The anticipation of profit is what induces investment of capital in new businesses or the expansion of existing ones! You can have tons of demand...but if the product or service you're thinking of creating doesn't generate a substantial enough profit to justify risking capital...THEN IT ISN'T GOING TO BE RISKED!!!

Fuck, another Trump zealot that has no clue how a business operators. Let me help you out here, moron.

FedEx is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profit, they will only do so when demand for their service dictates them doing so.

GM is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profits, they will do so when demand for their product dictates them doing so.

Now go home and wait for the next GOP talking points email and come back and try again.

So you think that GM is going to hire when they're NOT making profits? That they'll hire thousands more to build a car or truck that they're not making money on? You don't have the faintest idea how businesses operate!

Another lying partisan hack. Is this all you Trump zealots have left is to lie about people? What the fuck is wrong with you?
How about we not worry who has what and just let everyone keep more of their own money?
That is the stupedist comment I've read yet. Every economic decision affects who has what. I prefer we not give my money to plutocrats so they can take tax write-offs for private jets.

Now, how about you and your fellow dupes not turn us into a third world country?

And if we let everyone keep more of their own money what consequences will that have?
Consequences are higher deficits and larger debt. Tax cuts need to be balanced with spending cuts which means layoffs, loss of government contracts, reduced funding for military and or schools. Etc. There is plenty of fat to cut in government spending but also a lot of potential for harm. We have to be thoughtful and careful how we proceed and unfortunately right now the conversations and policy making are more partisan and dishonest than smart and thoughtful.

Until we realize government spending is not sacrosanct and can be reduced we will always have debt.

So I will take every opportunity to keep more of my own money and applaud anyone who does the same. We can starve the beast into submission over time.
God, another liberal who thinks they understand why jobs are created! For about the hundredth time..."demand" does not create jobs! The anticipation of profit is what induces investment of capital in new businesses or the expansion of existing ones! You can have tons of demand...but if the product or service you're thinking of creating doesn't generate a substantial enough profit to justify risking capital...THEN IT ISN'T GOING TO BE RISKED!!!

Fuck, another Trump zealot that has no clue how a business operators. Let me help you out here, moron.

FedEx is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profit, they will only do so when demand for their service dictates them doing so.

GM is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profits, they will do so when demand for their product dictates them doing so.

Now go home and wait for the next GOP talking points email and come back and try again.

So you think that GM is going to hire when they're NOT making profits? That they'll hire thousands more to build a car or truck that they're not making money on? You don't have the faintest idea how businesses operate!

Another lying partisan hack. Is this all you Trump zealots have left is to lie about people? What the fuck is wrong with you?

No what the fuck is wrong with you does not GM come out with new car models and market them to the public?

Income distribution

{1} 1,365,856 earn more than $388,000 a year

{2} 68,292,856 earn less than $70,000 a year

If the IRS gave tax bracket {1} a $1,000 tax break they in turn could add $13,665,856,000 to the economy but the rich will not add it to the economy, they will put it in the bank to do nothing

If the IRS gave tax bracket {2} a $1,000 tax break they in turn could add $68,292,856,000 to the economy because they will spend it, buying new things from houses to shoes to a new car which adds to the economy making more shoes, the car to a new house.

Now ask yourself; which is best for our economy

( ) Trickle down

( ) Trickle up

How many people will be buying products made in the US?
What nat you trying to go for RDerps trophy as USMB liar of the year in 2017?

Let's look at a few of your lies .. Assad used chemical weapons Again that's why trumped bombed him retard ..Tarp, bush Jr.vBailing out Detroit , bush Jr started it.
Unemployment was at 8% in 2013 and Obama made over 80% bush Jr tax cuts perment..Wall Street, quantitive easing ...Janet Yellen.

Those GED classes are NOT working well for you, Bear....Demand a refund a-la Trump U. lawsuits.
I know Barry tried to take credit for the oil boom...and I know news outlets like CNN let him get away with that outrageous claim but that boom took place DESPITE Barack Obama...not BECAUSE of him!

Do you mean as the explosive BOOM like the BP Horizon oil spill?......LOL
Here is how many jobs
That is not what I said your lying fuck.

That's exactly what you said.

Business hire more people when they have the demand to do so, not because they have extra money, how stupid are you?

Do you think Microsoft is going to hire more people just because even if they do not have anything for them to do?

They will hire more people when they have an increase in demand, not because they have more money.

Amazing how stupid being a partisan makes people.

Well, the businesses will have more demand as well, because the employees will have more money, as will investors. Maybe you should build a business and figure it out? You are clueless and spewing complete bullshit as of now. I have a degree in economics, you have a degree in crafting bullshit, so that is, gender studies?

you have a degree in lying about what people said, and you do it very well.

Only you are making up lies and bullshit.

So, they are just going to give more people jobs even though they do not need them?

the "they" is the companies, not the people. Fuck, I guess you were not lying, you are just stupid. My bad

When you are spewing such large amounts of stupid shit, I just assume the worst. It's what the meaning always seems to be.

But okay, so you want more people to have jobs and for America to be great. In this case, you will love the tax cuts.
tax cuts don't create demand; people spending money do. Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
God, another liberal who thinks they understand why jobs are created! For about the hundredth time..."demand" does not create jobs! The anticipation of profit is what induces investment of capital in new businesses or the expansion of existing ones! You can have tons of demand...but if the product or service you're thinking of creating doesn't generate a substantial enough profit to justify risking capital...THEN IT ISN'T GOING TO BE RISKED!!!

Fuck, another Trump zealot that has no clue how a business operators. Let me help you out here, moron.

FedEx is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profit, they will only do so when demand for their service dictates them doing so.

GM is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profits, they will do so when demand for their product dictates them doing so.

Now go home and wait for the next GOP talking points email and come back and try again.

So you think that GM is going to hire when they're NOT making profits? That they'll hire thousands more to build a car or truck that they're not making money on? You don't have the faintest idea how businesses operate!

Another lying partisan hack. Is this all you Trump zealots have left is to lie about people? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Did you want to tell me WHAT it is you think is a "lie" in my statement...or does calling it a lie suffice for you? You've come on the board and posted things claiming to be in the know about business and economics. I've pointed out that it's more anticipation of profit that makes businesses expand and hire...not just demand because if they're not making more money by getting bigger...they're not going to invest capital in getting bigger!
Your response to my point was angry bluster. So who's the partisan hack?
How about we not worry who has what and just let everyone keep more of their own money?
That is the stupedist comment I've read yet. Every economic decision affects who has what. I prefer we not give my money to plutocrats so they can take tax write-offs for private jets.

Now, how about you and your fellow dupes not turn us into a third world country?

And if we let everyone keep more of their own money what consequences will that have?
Consequences are higher deficits and larger debt. Tax cuts need to be balanced with spending cuts which means layoffs, loss of government contracts, reduced funding for military and or schools. Etc. There is plenty of fat to cut in government spending but also a lot of potential for harm. We have to be thoughtful and careful how we proceed and unfortunately right now the conversations and policy making are more partisan and dishonest than smart and thoughtful.

Until we realize government spending is not sacrosanct and can be reduced we will always have debt.

So I will take every opportunity to keep more of my own money and applaud anyone who does the same. We can starve the beast into submission over time.
by adding to the debt?
God, another liberal who thinks they understand why jobs are created! For about the hundredth time..."demand" does not create jobs! The anticipation of profit is what induces investment of capital in new businesses or the expansion of existing ones! You can have tons of demand...but if the product or service you're thinking of creating doesn't generate a substantial enough profit to justify risking capital...THEN IT ISN'T GOING TO BE RISKED!!!

Fuck, another Trump zealot that has no clue how a business operators. Let me help you out here, moron.

FedEx is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profit, they will only do so when demand for their service dictates them doing so.

GM is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profits, they will do so when demand for their product dictates them doing so.

Now go home and wait for the next GOP talking points email and come back and try again.

So you think that GM is going to hire when they're NOT making profits? That they'll hire thousands more to build a car or truck that they're not making money on? You don't have the faintest idea how businesses operate!

Another lying partisan hack. Is this all you Trump zealots have left is to lie about people? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Did you want to tell me WHAT it is you think is a "lie" in my statement...or does calling it a lie suffice for you? You've come on the board and posted things claiming to be in the know about business and economics. I've pointed out that it's more anticipation of profit that makes businesses expand and hire...not just demand because if they're not making more money by getting bigger...they're not going to invest capital in getting bigger!
Your response to my point was angry bluster. So who's the partisan hack?
can you anticipate more profit without more demand?
Here is how many jobs
That's exactly what you said.

Well, the businesses will have more demand as well, because the employees will have more money, as will investors. Maybe you should build a business and figure it out? You are clueless and spewing complete bullshit as of now. I have a degree in economics, you have a degree in crafting bullshit, so that is, gender studies?

you have a degree in lying about what people said, and you do it very well.

Only you are making up lies and bullshit.

So, they are just going to give more people jobs even though they do not need them?

the "they" is the companies, not the people. Fuck, I guess you were not lying, you are just stupid. My bad

When you are spewing such large amounts of stupid shit, I just assume the worst. It's what the meaning always seems to be.

But okay, so you want more people to have jobs and for America to be great. In this case, you will love the tax cuts.
tax cuts don't create demand; people spending money do. Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
A $15 an hour minimum wage will cause wages overall to rise...which will cause the price of goods and services to rise as well. So tell me how getting a "raise" and then having the cost of everything you need to buy go up does anything at all for the average person's life?

The only group that "wins" by raising minimum wage is government because they get to take more of your money! Duh?
God, another liberal who thinks they understand why jobs are created! For about the hundredth time..."demand" does not create jobs! The anticipation of profit is what induces investment of capital in new businesses or the expansion of existing ones! You can have tons of demand...but if the product or service you're thinking of creating doesn't generate a substantial enough profit to justify risking capital...THEN IT ISN'T GOING TO BE RISKED!!!

Fuck, another Trump zealot that has no clue how a business operators. Let me help you out here, moron.

FedEx is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profit, they will only do so when demand for their service dictates them doing so.

GM is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profits, they will do so when demand for their product dictates them doing so.

Now go home and wait for the next GOP talking points email and come back and try again.

So you think that GM is going to hire when they're NOT making profits? That they'll hire thousands more to build a car or truck that they're not making money on? You don't have the faintest idea how businesses operate!

Another lying partisan hack. Is this all you Trump zealots have left is to lie about people? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Did you want to tell me WHAT it is you think is a "lie" in my statement...or does calling it a lie suffice for you? You've come on the board and posted things claiming to be in the know about business and economics. I've pointed out that it's more anticipation of profit that makes businesses expand and hire...not just demand because if they're not making more money by getting bigger...they're not going to invest capital in getting bigger!
Your response to my point was angry bluster. So who's the partisan hack?
can you anticipate more profit without more demand?

You can if you find a way to cut costs...or if the amount of tax you pay on your product or service is lowered!
Demand is simply another thing to plug into the equation when you're trying to figure out whether or not to expand or start a business. It's not the be all and end all.

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