Tribalism: The Democrat Triumph


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
…and its destruction of America.

1.While nominally faithful to the meaning of e pluribus unum, ‘out of many, one,’ the ascendancy of the Democrat Party, the Left, is due to the very opposite: divide and conquer. The fact is, fighting against both ends of this phrase ‘one nation, under God,’ has proven eminently successful for the Left.

2. Give credit where it is due, the Democrats recognized an immutable human characteristic.
“Humans, like other primates, are tribal animals. We need to belong to groups, which is why we love clubs and teams. Once people connect with a group, their identities can become powerfully bound to it. They will seek to benefit members of their group even when they gain nothing personally. They will penalize outsiders, seemingly gratuitously. They will sacrifice, and even kill and die, for their group.” Tribal World

Turns out that this desire trumps…no pun intended….the conservative American value, individualism. Someone should have told Ayn Rand.

3. “[Amy] Chua said that America’s founding—premised more on a shared set of ideals, and less on a shared ethnic or cultural identity—makes the country’s challenge particularly glaring and unique.

“Patriotism is not just about singing the anthem very loudly,” she said. “If you want a really unified country and to give meaning to this idea of a strong America, it has to be a country where the constitutional rights feel real and legitimate to all groups.”
Can America Survive Tribalism?

4. The word ‘feel’ is key. In reality, America today is the least racist nation around, but the Democrats/Liberals/Left, the owners of most of the venues of dissemination of information, have maintained a false narrative of the very opposite. Hopefully, most voters will see this in the conclusions of the Mueller Report, proving that the media has lied to them for two solid years.

5. Still, ripping the scab off old wounds, pretending that America today is the America of a century or two ago, works. “You’ve been oppressed, held back, can do no wrong, deserve, deserve, deserve…..” are successful political memes.

Why, at a time when racism is arguably at its lowest ebb, has black resentment’, a major factor in elections [Biden: “They want to put y’all back in chains!”] actually grown?

“Politics today, however, is defined less by economic or ideological concerns than by questions of identity…. the left focuses less on creating broad economic equality and more on promoting the interests of a wide variety of marginalized groups, such as ethnic minorities, immigrants and refugees, women, and LGBT people. The right, meanwhile, has redefined its core mission as the patriotic protection of traditional national identity,…” Francis Fukuyama - Against Identity Politics | The Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy

And, they get away with it with lies, which their constituents need not believe….but simply pretend to believe [Trump is a Russian spy!!!]

Americans don't have to vote long as 'tribes' do.
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…and its destruction of America.

1.While nominally faithful to the meaning of e pluribus unum, ‘out of many, one,’ the ascendancy of the Democrat Party, the Left, is due to the very opposite: divide and conquer. The fact is, fighting against both ends of this phrase ‘one nation, under God,’ has proven eminently successful for the Left.

2. Give credit where it is due, the Democrats recognized an immutable human characteristic.
“Humans, like other primates, are tribal animals. We need to belong to groups, which is why we love clubs and teams. Once people connect with a group, their identities can become powerfully bound to it. They will seek to benefit members of their group even when they gain nothing personally. They will penalize outsiders, seemingly gratuitously. They will sacrifice, and even kill and die, for their group.” Tribal World

Turns out that this desire trumps…no pun intended….the conservative American value, individualism. Someone should have told Ayn Rand.

3. “[Amy] Chua said that America’s founding—premised more on a shared set of ideals, and less on a shared ethnic or cultural identity—makes the country’s challenge particularly glaring and unique.

“Patriotism is not just about singing the anthem very loudly,” she said. “If you want a really unified country and to give meaning to this idea of a strong America, it has to be a country where the constitutional rights feel real and legitimate to all groups.”
Can America Survive Tribalism?

4. The word ‘feel’ is key. In reality, America today is the least racist nation around, but the Democrats/Liberals/Left, the owners of most of the venues of dissemination of information, have maintained a false narrative of the very opposite. Hopefully, most voters will see this in the conclusions of the Mueller Report, proving that the media has lied to them for two solid years.

5. Still, ripping the scab off old wounds, pretending that America today is the America of a century or two ago, works. “You’ve been oppressed, held back, can do no wrong, deserve, deserve, deserve…..” are successful political memes.

Why, at a time when racism is arguably at its lowest ebb, has black resentment’, a major factor in elections [Biden: “They want to put y’all back in chains!”] actually grown?

“Politics today, however, is defined less by economic or ideological concerns than by questions of identity…. the left focuses less on creating broad economic equality and more on promoting the interests of a wide variety of marginalized groups, such as ethnic minorities, immigrants and refugees, women, and LGBT people. The right, meanwhile, has redefined its core mission as the patriotic protection of traditional national identity,…” Francis Fukuyama - Against Identity Politics | The Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy

And, they get away with it with lies, which their constituents need not believe….but simply pretend to believe [Trump is a Russian spy!!!]

Americans don't have to vote long as 'tribes' do.
The tactic of the left has been to create an alternate Trump.
One that their base could hate.
If Trump was a Democrat they would love everything about him.
Trump makes Obama look like an angry, stuck-up, asshole yet they love Obama.
Obama hates people, plain and simple.
He was an only child who always got his way.
If he wasn't the best in everything he did, he found a way to cheat to appear to be a winner.
He also had a habit of never taking the blame for anything while taking credit for other people's accomplishments.
Trump is a Liberal who loves his country.
Obama is a Communist who hates everything America stands for.
This is why he never should have been president.
Trump is the only person to run for president in 30 years that could be trusted not to sell us out to our enemies.
People with their eyes open can see this.
This is why the media has gone off the rails.
Anyone else would have been gone......but not Donald Trump.
He's too stubborn and too headstrong to bend to their constant attacks.
He thinks he's right and getting him to change is next to impossible.
…and its destruction of America.

1.While nominally faithful to the meaning of e pluribus unum, ‘out of many, one,’ the ascendancy of the Democrat Party, the Left, is due to the very opposite: divide and conquer. The fact is, fighting against both ends of this phrase ‘one nation, under God,’ has proven eminently successful for the Left.

2. Give credit where it is due, the Democrats recognized an immutable human characteristic.
“Humans, like other primates, are tribal animals. We need to belong to groups, which is why we love clubs and teams. Once people connect with a group, their identities can become powerfully bound to it. They will seek to benefit members of their group even when they gain nothing personally. They will penalize outsiders, seemingly gratuitously. They will sacrifice, and even kill and die, for their group.” Tribal World

Turns out that this desire trumps…no pun intended….the conservative American value, individualism. Someone should have told Ayn Rand.

3. “[Amy] Chua said that America’s founding—premised more on a shared set of ideals, and less on a shared ethnic or cultural identity—makes the country’s challenge particularly glaring and unique.

“Patriotism is not just about singing the anthem very loudly,” she said. “If you want a really unified country and to give meaning to this idea of a strong America, it has to be a country where the constitutional rights feel real and legitimate to all groups.”
Can America Survive Tribalism?

4. The word ‘feel’ is key. In reality, America today is the least racist nation around, but the Democrats/Liberals/Left, the owners of most of the venues of dissemination of information, have maintained a false narrative of the very opposite. Hopefully, most voters will see this in the conclusions of the Mueller Report, proving that the media has lied to them for two solid years.

5. Still, ripping the scab off old wounds, pretending that America today is the America of a century or two ago, works. “You’ve been oppressed, held back, can do no wrong, deserve, deserve, deserve…..” are successful political memes.

Why, at a time when racism is arguably at its lowest ebb, has black resentment’, a major factor in elections [Biden: “They want to put y’all back in chains!”] actually grown?

“Politics today, however, is defined less by economic or ideological concerns than by questions of identity…. the left focuses less on creating broad economic equality and more on promoting the interests of a wide variety of marginalized groups, such as ethnic minorities, immigrants and refugees, women, and LGBT people. The right, meanwhile, has redefined its core mission as the patriotic protection of traditional national identity,…” Francis Fukuyama - Against Identity Politics | The Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy

And, they get away with it with lies, which their constituents need not believe….but simply pretend to believe [Trump is a Russian spy!!!]

Americans don't have to vote long as 'tribes' do.
The tactic of the left has been to create an alternate Trump.
One that their base could hate.
If Trump was a Democrat they would love everything about him.
Trump makes Obama look like an angry, stuck-up, asshole yet they love Obama.
Obama hates people, plain and simple.
He was an only child who always got his way.
If he wasn't the best in everything he did, he found a way to cheat to appear to be a winner.
He also had a habit of never taking the blame for anything while taking credit for other people's accomplishments.
Trump is a Liberal who loves his country.
Obama is a Communist who hates everything America stands for.
This is why he never should have been president.
Trump is the only person to run for president in 30 years that could be trusted not to sell us out to our enemies.
People with their eyes open can see this.
This is why the media has gone off the rails.
Anyone else would have been gone......but not Donald Trump.
He's too stubborn and too headstrong to bend to their constant attacks.
He thinks he's right and getting him to change is next to impossible.

Very interesting and thoughtful post, muddy

I appreciate that.
6. The success of the Left is largely due to the fact that the Left has no problem with lying to the groups they wish to separate and ingratiate.

Lies are their way of life.....sometimes they're exposed [the Mueller Fiasco].

It is essential to recognize that the word has 'lie' has two different meaning to the Left and to the Right.
When applied to the Right, it is taken as an insult, to be responded to, to be proven incorrect.
To the Left it is to be shrugged at, an acceptable mode of debate.
They don't care if they are known to be liars. You'll see that time and again in their posts.

This sort of thing:

“The disproportionate incidence of AIDS and drug use among blacks prompts prominent figures to endorse a conspiracy theory that the U.S. government is behind these epidemics.
The comedian Bill Cosby asserts that AIDS was "started by human beings to get after certain people they don't like."
The movie director Spike Lee announced (in an advertisement for the Benetton clothing shops, of all places) that "AIDS is a government-engineered disease."
On late-night television, rap singer Kool Moe Dee portrayed AIDS as a genocidal plot against blacks, with no dissent from host Arsenio Hall. A mass-circulation magazine for blacks ran as its cover story, "AIDS: Is It Genocide?"
Steven Cokely, a well-known former Chicago municipal official, gave the plot an antisemitic twist, telling of Jewish doctors who injected black babies with AIDS as part of a plot to take over the world. "
Conspiracy Theories Everywhere - Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where It Comes From - by Daniel Pipes

The Democrats use this abominable technique against political of death and slavery on the other side.
Of course, the very opposite is true.
Far from bringing Americans together, the Democrats have found success in singling out each ‘tribe.’

7. “Again and again, groups have come to believe that their identities—whether national, religious, ethnic, sexual, gender, or otherwise—are not receiving adequate recognition. Identity politics is no longer a minor phenomenon, playing out only in the rarified confines of university campuses or providing a backdrop to low-stakes skirmishes in “culture wars” promoted by the mass media. Instead, identity politics has become a master concept that explains much of what is going on in global affairs.

Democratic societies are fracturing into segments based on ever-narrower identities, threatening the possibility of deliberation and collective action by society as a whole. This is a road that leads only to state breakdown and, ultimately, failure…. they will doom themselves—and the world—to continuing conflict.”

8. The truth of Fukuyama’s words can be seen in the current Democrat dogma, pro-tribes, and anti-lots of American values.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…



Anti-life of the unborn

Anti-freedom of speech

Anti-American sovereignty


E pluribus unum???? Hardly.
Identity politics is Marxism 101.

With it, there will always be a new enemy to be found.

For example, black Democrats probably thought they were “safe” from the Social Justice Terrorists (the moral police for Dems). But then they are thrown into the social gulag for other transgressions such as homophobic comments made ten years prior.
9. American tradition has always moved toward one basic rule: equality before the law. Major upheavals have resulted when this does not prove to be the reality.
Democrats/Liberals/Leftists imagine special categories of law for different 'tribes.'
Different laws are designed so each tribe ends up with the same worth.

Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world. Dennis Prager

Equality under the law does not result in economic or social equality. The premise of radical egalitarianism presumes that without discrimination, there would be equality of results in every area of endeavor, since cultural relativism insists that no culture is superior to any other: for decades liberals have assured blacks that their problems were caused entirely by racism.

10. The German sociologist, Karl Mannheim, suggested that the elites of each era are selected based on these principles: blood, property, and achievement.

a. Aristocratic societies chose elites based on blood.

b. Bourgeois societies chose elites based on property

c. Modern democracies chose elites based on achievement.

“The real threat of contemporary mass society [is]…that it has recently shown a tendency to renounce the principle of achievement as a factor in the struggle of certain groups for power, and has suddenly established blood and other criteria as the major factors to the far-reaching exclusion of the achievement principle.” Karl Mannheim, “Man and Society,” p. 91

If we recognize race, ethnicity and sex,…the tribe…. as the basis for reward, it becomes clear that the achievement principle has been discarded in America today.
Can one’s ‘tribe’ be a realistic substitute for achievement and accomplishment?

11. Preferential admission policies of universities do an extreme disservice to minorities. Blacks and Hispanics do not currently perform as well on standardized tests as do whites and Asians, and therefore the desire to ‘equalize’ the groups, results in minority students with lower SAT and high school grades than would be required of whites and Asians. One can only imagine the effects on these overmatched minority students.

Thomas Sowell point out that, worse than having to compete with better prepared other student, they may choose to reject standards for achievement, standards which contribute to their character development. Either he can admit that he is not qualified to compete at this level, or, in an effort to maintain self-respect, he can attack as illegitimate and/or racist, the standards themselves. Further, blacks will be angered because they will know that others know, or at least suspect, that they have succeeded only because of the color of their skin.

Asians need SAT scores 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and an incredible 450 points higher than blacks (out of 1,600 points) to get into these schools. An Asian applicant with an SAT score of 1,500, that is, has the same chance of being accepted as a white student with a 1,360, a Latino with a 1,230, or an African-American with a 1,050. Among candidates in the highest (1,400–1,600) SAT range, 77 percent of blacks, 48 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of whites, and only 30 percent of Asians are admitted.

Fewer Asians Need Apply

It is a mistake to treat blacks and Hispanics by different standards from the rest of society. Christopher Lasch makes that point in denouncing the idea that “respect for cultural diversity forbids us to impose the standards of privileged groups on the victims of oppression….[this is] clearly a recipe for universal incompetence…” Christopher Lasch, “The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy,” p. 84-85

Obviously, he is saying that if standards are lowered for minorities, they will eventually be lowered for everyone.

Where does that leave society?

Where does it leave the nation?
The Democrat Party once demanded all citizens be treated equally. That view has long since passed. Now, patronizing each of their constituent tribes is the coin of the realm.

Equality is outmoded, except for programmed outcomes.

12. “…each marginalized group with a choice: it could demand that society treat its members the same way it treated the members of dominant groups, or it could assert a separate identity for its members and demand respect for them as different from the mainstream society.

Over time, the latter strategy tended to win out: the early civil rights movement of Martin Luther King, Jr., demanded that American society treat black people the way it treated white people. By the end of the 1960s, however, groups such as the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam emerged and argued that black people had their own traditions and consciousness; in their view, black people needed to take pride in themselves for who they were and not heed what the broader society wanted them to be. The authentic inner selves of black Americans were not the same as those of white people, they argued; they were shaped by the unique experience of growing up black in a hostile society dominated by whites. That experience was defined by violence, racism, and denigration and could not be appreciated by people who grew up in different circumstances.”

13. Democrats leaped to fulfill this demand, in return for the votes that keep them in office [without the black vote, Democrats would never win a national election]. Consider this surrender in light of the meaning of ‘equality.’

In an bizarre homage to blacks, the treatment of criminality was re-defined. The basic idea that liberal judges and politicians were pushing was that society should be nice to criminals, so they would re-pay us with law-abiding behavior. Ramsey Clark: “" The theory of rehabilitation is based on the belief that healthy, rational people will not injure others, that they will understand that the individual and his society are best served by conduct that does not inflict injury, that a just society has the ability to provide health and purpose and opportunity for all its citizens. Rehabilitated, an individual will not have the capacity - cannot bring himself - to injure another or take or destroy property. "

  1. Of course, if that were true, he wouldn’t have committed crimes in the first place.
  2. Despite being insane, the reformers won out. The test of public policy vs. human nature began!
  3. Need empirical evidence? Crime rates skyrocketed. By 1974, the murder rate was over twice that of 1961. Between 1960 and 1976, a citizen’s chances of becoming a victim of a major violent crime tripled. Thomas Sowell, “The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy,”, p.27.

Proving the damage that tribalism does to America, guess which group was most injured by this new concept of treating different groups differently before the law?
That's Americans.
14. At the same time that these specific groups are elevated, ‘whiteness’ becomes a pejorative, as is individualism and logic itself.

  1. Seattle Public Schools website: “Cultural Racism:
    Those aspects of society that overtly and covertly attribute value and normality to white people and Whiteness, and devalue, stereotype, and label people of color as “other”, different, less than, or render them invisible. Examples of these norms include defining white skin tones as nude or flesh colored, having a future time orientation, emphasizing individualism as opposed to a more collective ideology, defining one form of English as standard, and identifying only Whites as great writers or composers” . Seattle Public Schools | Definitions of Race
  2. From the same source: “According to the district's official Web site, "having a future time orientation" (academese for having long-term goals) is among the "aspects of society that overtly and covertly attribute value and normality to white people and Whiteness, and devalue, stereotype and label people of color."
  3. Dinesh D'Souza's The End of Racism:
    The famed liberal social scientist Andrew Hacker argues that blacks fail academically because "historically white" colleges "are white… in logic and learning, in their conceptions of scholarly knowledge and demeanor."
  4. Afrocentricity is a term coined by Temple University professor Molefi Asante. Asante believes the educational system in the U.S. promotes white supremacy because it focuses primarily on the achievement of white men in American history and examines and reveres only the contributions of white Europeans over the centuries. Molefi Asante On Afrocentricity | Democracy Now!

15. And....this:

"The Future of the Obama Coalition
By THOMAS B. EDSALL NOVEMBER 27, 2011 11:34 PM November 27, 2011 11:34 pm
For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

“All pretense of trying to win a majority of the white working class has been effectively jettisoned in favor of cementing a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

So, they’ve moved on to actually attacking white folks:

Hillary Clinton Had No Concession Speech, Blames Loss On ‘White People’ [VIDEO] Hillary Clinton Had No Concession Speech, Blames Loss On ‘White People’ [VIDEO]

Why is anti-white racism any more acceptable than anti-black racism?
Why, Democrats?????
Aside from the anthropological B.S. the only way the democrat party survives is through the support of the mainstream media tribes.
…and its destruction of America.

1.While nominally faithful to the meaning of e pluribus unum, ‘out of many, one,’ the ascendancy of the Democrat Party, the Left, is due to the very opposite: divide and conquer. The fact is, fighting against both ends of this phrase ‘one nation, under God,’ has proven eminently successful for the Left.

2. Give credit where it is due, the Democrats recognized an immutable human characteristic.
“Humans, like other primates, are tribal animals. We need to belong to groups, which is why we love clubs and teams. Once people connect with a group, their identities can become powerfully bound to it. They will seek to benefit members of their group even when they gain nothing personally. They will penalize outsiders, seemingly gratuitously. They will sacrifice, and even kill and die, for their group.” Tribal World

Turns out that this desire trumps…no pun intended….the conservative American value, individualism. Someone should have told Ayn Rand.

3. “[Amy] Chua said that America’s founding—premised more on a shared set of ideals, and less on a shared ethnic or cultural identity—makes the country’s challenge particularly glaring and unique.

“Patriotism is not just about singing the anthem very loudly,” she said. “If you want a really unified country and to give meaning to this idea of a strong America, it has to be a country where the constitutional rights feel real and legitimate to all groups.”
Can America Survive Tribalism?

4. The word ‘feel’ is key. In reality, America today is the least racist nation around, but the Democrats/Liberals/Left, the owners of most of the venues of dissemination of information, have maintained a false narrative of the very opposite. Hopefully, most voters will see this in the conclusions of the Mueller Report, proving that the media has lied to them for two solid years.

5. Still, ripping the scab off old wounds, pretending that America today is the America of a century or two ago, works. “You’ve been oppressed, held back, can do no wrong, deserve, deserve, deserve…..” are successful political memes.

Why, at a time when racism is arguably at its lowest ebb, has black resentment’, a major factor in elections [Biden: “They want to put y’all back in chains!”] actually grown?

“Politics today, however, is defined less by economic or ideological concerns than by questions of identity…. the left focuses less on creating broad economic equality and more on promoting the interests of a wide variety of marginalized groups, such as ethnic minorities, immigrants and refugees, women, and LGBT people. The right, meanwhile, has redefined its core mission as the patriotic protection of traditional national identity,…” Francis Fukuyama - Against Identity Politics | The Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy

And, they get away with it with lies, which their constituents need not believe….but simply pretend to believe [Trump is a Russian spy!!!]

Americans don't have to vote long as 'tribes' do.
“Patriotism is not just about singing the anthem very loudly,” she said. “If you want a really unified country and to give meaning to this idea of a strong America, it has to be a country where the constitutional rights feel real and legitimate to all groups.”
Can America Survive Tribalism?
Your link:

"Since President Trump’s election, the term 'tribalism' has become ubiquitous.

"Media outlets, including this one, used the word to explainthe president’s victory.

"And reporters weren’t alone in their hypothesis that tribalism, and the mindset it implies, might help explain a swelling sentiment that contributed to his win.

"According to a forthcoming memoir by former Barack Obama aide Ben Rhodes, shortly after the election, Obama asked a group: 'What if we were wrong? Maybe we pushed too far. Maybe people just want to fall back into their tribe.'"

What tribe does Trump belong to?

The Richest One Percent of America Gets Half the Trump Tax Cuts
16. “The Democratic Party, in particular, has a major choice to make.

It can continue to try to win elections by doubling down on the mobilization of the identity groups that today supply its most fervent activists: African Americans, Hispanics, professional women, the LGBT community, and so on.

Or the party could try to win back some of the white working-class voters who constituted a critical part of Democratic coalitions from the New Deal through the Great Society but who have defected to the Republican Party in recent elections. The former strategy might allow it to win elections, but it is a poor formula for governing the country.

The Republican Party is becoming the party of white people, and the Democratic Party is becoming the party of minorities. Should that process continue much further, identity will have fully displaced economic ideology as the central cleavage of U.S. politics, which would be an unhealthy outcome for American democracy.”
Against Identity Politics

Sadly, winning elections is more important to the Democrat Party, than protecting America.
…and its destruction of America.

1.While nominally faithful to the meaning of e pluribus unum, ‘out of many, one,’ the ascendancy of the Democrat Party, the Left, is due to the very opposite: divide and conquer. The fact is, fighting against both ends of this phrase ‘one nation, under God,’ has proven eminently successful for the Left.

2. Give credit where it is due, the Democrats recognized an immutable human characteristic.
“Humans, like other primates, are tribal animals. We need to belong to groups, which is why we love clubs and teams. Once people connect with a group, their identities can become powerfully bound to it. They will seek to benefit members of their group even when they gain nothing personally. They will penalize outsiders, seemingly gratuitously. They will sacrifice, and even kill and die, for their group.” Tribal World

Turns out that this desire trumps…no pun intended….the conservative American value, individualism. Someone should have told Ayn Rand.

3. “[Amy] Chua said that America’s founding—premised more on a shared set of ideals, and less on a shared ethnic or cultural identity—makes the country’s challenge particularly glaring and unique.

“Patriotism is not just about singing the anthem very loudly,” she said. “If you want a really unified country and to give meaning to this idea of a strong America, it has to be a country where the constitutional rights feel real and legitimate to all groups.”
Can America Survive Tribalism?

4. The word ‘feel’ is key. In reality, America today is the least racist nation around, but the Democrats/Liberals/Left, the owners of most of the venues of dissemination of information, have maintained a false narrative of the very opposite. Hopefully, most voters will see this in the conclusions of the Mueller Report, proving that the media has lied to them for two solid years.

5. Still, ripping the scab off old wounds, pretending that America today is the America of a century or two ago, works. “You’ve been oppressed, held back, can do no wrong, deserve, deserve, deserve…..” are successful political memes.

Why, at a time when racism is arguably at its lowest ebb, has black resentment’, a major factor in elections [Biden: “They want to put y’all back in chains!”] actually grown?

“Politics today, however, is defined less by economic or ideological concerns than by questions of identity…. the left focuses less on creating broad economic equality and more on promoting the interests of a wide variety of marginalized groups, such as ethnic minorities, immigrants and refugees, women, and LGBT people. The right, meanwhile, has redefined its core mission as the patriotic protection of traditional national identity,…” Francis Fukuyama - Against Identity Politics | The Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy

And, they get away with it with lies, which their constituents need not believe….but simply pretend to believe [Trump is a Russian spy!!!]

Americans don't have to vote long as 'tribes' do.
“Patriotism is not just about singing the anthem very loudly,” she said. “If you want a really unified country and to give meaning to this idea of a strong America, it has to be a country where the constitutional rights feel real and legitimate to all groups.”
Can America Survive Tribalism?
Your link:

"Since President Trump’s election, the term 'tribalism' has become ubiquitous.

"Media outlets, including this one, used the word to explainthe president’s victory.

"And reporters weren’t alone in their hypothesis that tribalism, and the mindset it implies, might help explain a swelling sentiment that contributed to his win.

"According to a forthcoming memoir by former Barack Obama aide Ben Rhodes, shortly after the election, Obama asked a group: 'What if we were wrong? Maybe we pushed too far. Maybe people just want to fall back into their tribe.'"

What tribe does Trump belong to?

The Richest One Percent of America Gets Half the Trump Tax Cuts

I believe you've posted in the wrong venue.....nominally, this space is reserved for intelligent discourse, did you slither past security????

Evidently your limitations prevented you from comprehending the thread, and I have no intention of reviewing.....dumbing it down.... for one of your caliber.

Drop back when you successfully complete high school.
…and its destruction of America.

1.While nominally faithful to the meaning of e pluribus unum, ‘out of many, one,’ the ascendancy of the Democrat Party, the Left, is due to the very opposite: divide and conquer. The fact is, fighting against both ends of this phrase ‘one nation, under God,’ has proven eminently successful for the Left.

2. Give credit where it is due, the Democrats recognized an immutable human characteristic.
“Humans, like other primates, are tribal animals. We need to belong to groups, which is why we love clubs and teams. Once people connect with a group, their identities can become powerfully bound to it. They will seek to benefit members of their group even when they gain nothing personally. They will penalize outsiders, seemingly gratuitously. They will sacrifice, and even kill and die, for their group.” Tribal World

Turns out that this desire trumps…no pun intended….the conservative American value, individualism. Someone should have told Ayn Rand.

3. “[Amy] Chua said that America’s founding—premised more on a shared set of ideals, and less on a shared ethnic or cultural identity—makes the country’s challenge particularly glaring and unique.

“Patriotism is not just about singing the anthem very loudly,” she said. “If you want a really unified country and to give meaning to this idea of a strong America, it has to be a country where the constitutional rights feel real and legitimate to all groups.”
Can America Survive Tribalism?

4. The word ‘feel’ is key. In reality, America today is the least racist nation around, but the Democrats/Liberals/Left, the owners of most of the venues of dissemination of information, have maintained a false narrative of the very opposite. Hopefully, most voters will see this in the conclusions of the Mueller Report, proving that the media has lied to them for two solid years.

5. Still, ripping the scab off old wounds, pretending that America today is the America of a century or two ago, works. “You’ve been oppressed, held back, can do no wrong, deserve, deserve, deserve…..” are successful political memes.

Why, at a time when racism is arguably at its lowest ebb, has black resentment’, a major factor in elections [Biden: “They want to put y’all back in chains!”] actually grown?

“Politics today, however, is defined less by economic or ideological concerns than by questions of identity…. the left focuses less on creating broad economic equality and more on promoting the interests of a wide variety of marginalized groups, such as ethnic minorities, immigrants and refugees, women, and LGBT people. The right, meanwhile, has redefined its core mission as the patriotic protection of traditional national identity,…” Francis Fukuyama - Against Identity Politics | The Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy

And, they get away with it with lies, which their constituents need not believe….but simply pretend to believe [Trump is a Russian spy!!!]

Americans don't have to vote long as 'tribes' do.
“Patriotism is not just about singing the anthem very loudly,” she said. “If you want a really unified country and to give meaning to this idea of a strong America, it has to be a country where the constitutional rights feel real and legitimate to all groups.”
Can America Survive Tribalism?
Your link:

"Since President Trump’s election, the term 'tribalism' has become ubiquitous.

"Media outlets, including this one, used the word to explainthe president’s victory.

"And reporters weren’t alone in their hypothesis that tribalism, and the mindset it implies, might help explain a swelling sentiment that contributed to his win.

"According to a forthcoming memoir by former Barack Obama aide Ben Rhodes, shortly after the election, Obama asked a group: 'What if we were wrong? Maybe we pushed too far. Maybe people just want to fall back into their tribe.'"

What tribe does Trump belong to?

The Richest One Percent of America Gets Half the Trump Tax Cuts

I believe you've posted in the wrong venue.....nominally, this space is reserved for intelligent discourse, did you slither past security????

Evidently your limitations prevented you from comprehending the thread, and I have no intention of reviewing.....dumbing it down.... for one of your caliber.

Drop back when you successfully complete high school.
I believe you've posted in the wrong venue.....nominally, this space is reserved for intelligent discourse, did you slither past security????
Forgot the question?
Here it is again:
What tribe does Trump belong to?

It's a big, rich tribe and you're not in it.

The Richest One Percent of America Gets Half the Trump Tax Cuts

"Republicans think it’s both more fair and more efficient to change the tax code so rich people pay less.

"But there isn’t a legitimate factual debate about whether this is a first-order effect of their plan.

"It simply is.

"Update: The Tax Policy Center has completed its analysis, and reaches the same conclusion.

"It’s worth noting that TPC also finds that, while the highest-earning 1% of taxpayers get half the Trump tax cuts by 2027, the highest-earning 0.1% get a quarter of the Trump tax cuts.

"That is to say, the pattern of radical inequality recurs among even the very rich.

"The richest one-tenth of the richest one percent would benefit as much as the entire rest of the richest one percent.

"This is a plan geared around the richest of the rich."

Kindly explain why the richest Americans need more money?
…and its destruction of America.

1.While nominally faithful to the meaning of e pluribus unum, ‘out of many, one,’ the ascendancy of the Democrat Party, the Left, is due to the very opposite: divide and conquer. The fact is, fighting against both ends of this phrase ‘one nation, under God,’ has proven eminently successful for the Left.

2. Give credit where it is due, the Democrats recognized an immutable human characteristic.
“Humans, like other primates, are tribal animals. We need to belong to groups, which is why we love clubs and teams. Once people connect with a group, their identities can become powerfully bound to it. They will seek to benefit members of their group even when they gain nothing personally. They will penalize outsiders, seemingly gratuitously. They will sacrifice, and even kill and die, for their group.” Tribal World

Turns out that this desire trumps…no pun intended….the conservative American value, individualism. Someone should have told Ayn Rand.

3. “[Amy] Chua said that America’s founding—premised more on a shared set of ideals, and less on a shared ethnic or cultural identity—makes the country’s challenge particularly glaring and unique.

“Patriotism is not just about singing the anthem very loudly,” she said. “If you want a really unified country and to give meaning to this idea of a strong America, it has to be a country where the constitutional rights feel real and legitimate to all groups.”
Can America Survive Tribalism?

4. The word ‘feel’ is key. In reality, America today is the least racist nation around, but the Democrats/Liberals/Left, the owners of most of the venues of dissemination of information, have maintained a false narrative of the very opposite. Hopefully, most voters will see this in the conclusions of the Mueller Report, proving that the media has lied to them for two solid years.

5. Still, ripping the scab off old wounds, pretending that America today is the America of a century or two ago, works. “You’ve been oppressed, held back, can do no wrong, deserve, deserve, deserve…..” are successful political memes.

Why, at a time when racism is arguably at its lowest ebb, has black resentment’, a major factor in elections [Biden: “They want to put y’all back in chains!”] actually grown?

“Politics today, however, is defined less by economic or ideological concerns than by questions of identity…. the left focuses less on creating broad economic equality and more on promoting the interests of a wide variety of marginalized groups, such as ethnic minorities, immigrants and refugees, women, and LGBT people. The right, meanwhile, has redefined its core mission as the patriotic protection of traditional national identity,…” Francis Fukuyama - Against Identity Politics | The Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy

And, they get away with it with lies, which their constituents need not believe….but simply pretend to believe [Trump is a Russian spy!!!]

Americans don't have to vote long as 'tribes' do.
“Patriotism is not just about singing the anthem very loudly,” she said. “If you want a really unified country and to give meaning to this idea of a strong America, it has to be a country where the constitutional rights feel real and legitimate to all groups.”
Can America Survive Tribalism?
Your link:

"Since President Trump’s election, the term 'tribalism' has become ubiquitous.

"Media outlets, including this one, used the word to explainthe president’s victory.

"And reporters weren’t alone in their hypothesis that tribalism, and the mindset it implies, might help explain a swelling sentiment that contributed to his win.

"According to a forthcoming memoir by former Barack Obama aide Ben Rhodes, shortly after the election, Obama asked a group: 'What if we were wrong? Maybe we pushed too far. Maybe people just want to fall back into their tribe.'"

What tribe does Trump belong to?

The Richest One Percent of America Gets Half the Trump Tax Cuts

I believe you've posted in the wrong venue.....nominally, this space is reserved for intelligent discourse, did you slither past security????

Evidently your limitations prevented you from comprehending the thread, and I have no intention of reviewing.....dumbing it down.... for one of your caliber.

Drop back when you successfully complete high school.
I believe you've posted in the wrong venue.....nominally, this space is reserved for intelligent discourse, did you slither past security????
Forgot the question?
Here it is again:
What tribe does Trump belong to?

It's a big, rich tribe and you're not in it.

The Richest One Percent of America Gets Half the Trump Tax Cuts

"Republicans think it’s both more fair and more efficient to change the tax code so rich people pay less.

"But there isn’t a legitimate factual debate about whether this is a first-order effect of their plan.

"It simply is.

"Update: The Tax Policy Center has completed its analysis, and reaches the same conclusion.

"It’s worth noting that TPC also finds that, while the highest-earning 1% of taxpayers get half the Trump tax cuts by 2027, the highest-earning 0.1% get a quarter of the Trump tax cuts.

"That is to say, the pattern of radical inequality recurs among even the very rich.

"The richest one-tenth of the richest one percent would benefit as much as the entire rest of the richest one percent.

"This is a plan geared around the richest of the rich."

Kindly explain why the richest Americans need more money?

I believe you've posted in the wrong venue.....nominally, this space is reserved for intelligent discourse, did you slither past security????

Evidently your limitations prevented you from comprehending the thread, and I have no intention of reviewing.....dumbing it down.... for one of your caliber.

Drop back when you successfully complete high school.
The new BS GOP is now totally the party of garbage propaganda and racism and bigotry and regression... You brainwashed functional morons don't know the GOP is the party of give away to the greedy idiot rich and screwing the rest of us,but you know every detail of hundreds of imaginary scandals against Democrats that have no basis in fact, just propaganda repeated endlessly.... Law enforcement and journalism around the world says you are an idiot.
…and its destruction of America.

1.While nominally faithful to the meaning of e pluribus unum, ‘out of many, one,’ the ascendancy of the Democrat Party, the Left, is due to the very opposite: divide and conquer. The fact is, fighting against both ends of this phrase ‘one nation, under God,’ has proven eminently successful for the Left.

2. Give credit where it is due, the Democrats recognized an immutable human characteristic.
“Humans, like other primates, are tribal animals. We need to belong to groups, which is why we love clubs and teams. Once people connect with a group, their identities can become powerfully bound to it. They will seek to benefit members of their group even when they gain nothing personally. They will penalize outsiders, seemingly gratuitously. They will sacrifice, and even kill and die, for their group.” Tribal World

Turns out that this desire trumps…no pun intended….the conservative American value, individualism. Someone should have told Ayn Rand.

3. “[Amy] Chua said that America’s founding—premised more on a shared set of ideals, and less on a shared ethnic or cultural identity—makes the country’s challenge particularly glaring and unique.

“Patriotism is not just about singing the anthem very loudly,” she said. “If you want a really unified country and to give meaning to this idea of a strong America, it has to be a country where the constitutional rights feel real and legitimate to all groups.”
Can America Survive Tribalism?

4. The word ‘feel’ is key. In reality, America today is the least racist nation around, but the Democrats/Liberals/Left, the owners of most of the venues of dissemination of information, have maintained a false narrative of the very opposite. Hopefully, most voters will see this in the conclusions of the Mueller Report, proving that the media has lied to them for two solid years.

5. Still, ripping the scab off old wounds, pretending that America today is the America of a century or two ago, works. “You’ve been oppressed, held back, can do no wrong, deserve, deserve, deserve…..” are successful political memes.

Why, at a time when racism is arguably at its lowest ebb, has black resentment’, a major factor in elections [Biden: “They want to put y’all back in chains!”] actually grown?

“Politics today, however, is defined less by economic or ideological concerns than by questions of identity…. the left focuses less on creating broad economic equality and more on promoting the interests of a wide variety of marginalized groups, such as ethnic minorities, immigrants and refugees, women, and LGBT people. The right, meanwhile, has redefined its core mission as the patriotic protection of traditional national identity,…” Francis Fukuyama - Against Identity Politics | The Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy

And, they get away with it with lies, which their constituents need not believe….but simply pretend to believe [Trump is a Russian spy!!!]

Americans don't have to vote long as 'tribes' do.
“Patriotism is not just about singing the anthem very loudly,” she said. “If you want a really unified country and to give meaning to this idea of a strong America, it has to be a country where the constitutional rights feel real and legitimate to all groups.”
Can America Survive Tribalism?
Your link:

"Since President Trump’s election, the term 'tribalism' has become ubiquitous.

"Media outlets, including this one, used the word to explainthe president’s victory.

"And reporters weren’t alone in their hypothesis that tribalism, and the mindset it implies, might help explain a swelling sentiment that contributed to his win.

"According to a forthcoming memoir by former Barack Obama aide Ben Rhodes, shortly after the election, Obama asked a group: 'What if we were wrong? Maybe we pushed too far. Maybe people just want to fall back into their tribe.'"

What tribe does Trump belong to?

The Richest One Percent of America Gets Half the Trump Tax Cuts

I believe you've posted in the wrong venue.....nominally, this space is reserved for intelligent discourse, did you slither past security????

Evidently your limitations prevented you from comprehending the thread, and I have no intention of reviewing.....dumbing it down.... for one of your caliber.

Drop back when you successfully complete high school.
I believe you've posted in the wrong venue.....nominally, this space is reserved for intelligent discourse, did you slither past security????
Forgot the question?
Here it is again:
What tribe does Trump belong to?

It's a big, rich tribe and you're not in it.

The Richest One Percent of America Gets Half the Trump Tax Cuts

"Republicans think it’s both more fair and more efficient to change the tax code so rich people pay less.

"But there isn’t a legitimate factual debate about whether this is a first-order effect of their plan.

"It simply is.

"Update: The Tax Policy Center has completed its analysis, and reaches the same conclusion.

"It’s worth noting that TPC also finds that, while the highest-earning 1% of taxpayers get half the Trump tax cuts by 2027, the highest-earning 0.1% get a quarter of the Trump tax cuts.

"That is to say, the pattern of radical inequality recurs among even the very rich.

"The richest one-tenth of the richest one percent would benefit as much as the entire rest of the richest one percent.

"This is a plan geared around the richest of the rich."

Kindly explain why the richest Americans need more money?

I believe you've posted in the wrong venue.....nominally, this space is reserved for intelligent discourse, did you slither past security????

Evidently your limitations prevented you from comprehending the thread, and I have no intention of reviewing.....dumbing it down.... for one of your caliber.

Drop back when you successfully complete high school.
Evidently your limitations prevented you from comprehending the thread, and I have no intention of reviewing.....dumbing it down.... for one of your caliber
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?
The new BS GOP is now totally the party of garbage propaganda and racism and bigotry and regression... You brainwashed functional morons don't know the GOP is the party of give away to the greedy idiot rich and screwing the rest of us,but you know every detail of hundreds of imaginary scandals against Democrats that have no basis in fact, just propaganda repeated endlessly.... Law enforcement and journalism around the world says you are an idiot.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…
The new BS GOP is now totally the party of garbage propaganda and racism and bigotry and regression... You brainwashed functional morons don't know the GOP is the party of give away to the greedy idiot rich and screwing the rest of us,but you know every detail of hundreds of imaginary scandals against Democrats that have no basis in fact, just propaganda repeated endlessly.... Law enforcement and journalism around the world says you are an idiot.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…
As we can see, the GOP is now running on full-blown garbage propaganda.

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