Trey Gowdy: My 7 Years In Congress Were A ‘Total Waste’ - negligible.

He wants to return to the job he really loves, R-Derp...working as a prosecutor. He's been mentioned as the perfect choice to investigate Hillary Clinton's paying millions for phony dossier to smear Trump with and the Obama Justice Department using that dossier as the basis for a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.

Something tells me that Gowdy would find getting to the bottom of THAT sordid abuse of power something well worth doing!
Are you talking about the Dossier started by Republicans?

That's exactly the dossier I'm talking about. Yes, it was started by some of Trump's opponents running against him but it was the Clinton campaign that that paid for it to be finished and then gave it to Russian operatives to release before the election to smear Trump. It's the dossier that the Obama Administration used as part of the "evidence" against Carter Page to get wiretaps from a FISA judge even though they KNEW that it was paid for by Clinton and the DNC! THAT dossier!
Gowdy did his best to play the partisan game. He's clearly fed up with it. As well he or any person of good character should be.

While I don't concur with some of Gowdy's stances and I wouldn't have said or done some of the things he did, I can to some extent respect the man. I'd respect him more had he refrained from partisanship, but at least he's now stopped doing so. That's a step the right direction and I applaud his taking it.

Gradually, more and more Republicans are coming to realize that the approaches the GOP has used to politic, along with the bastardized incarnation of of it that is the Trumpism, is churlishly reprobate and reprehensible. Good on them for doing so. One must wonder why it's taken as long as it has.​
Trump is the logical outcome of GOP politics.

Trump is the logical outcome when a liberal mainstream media tries to get a person nominated to run against Hillary Clinton that they think Clinton CAN'T lose to but totally misjudges how bad of a candidate Clinton WAS and how bad of a campaign she ran! All the whining by CNN and MSNBC about Trump? They need only look in the mirror if they want to see who put Trump in the White House!
Trey Gowdy: My 7 Years In Congress Were A ‘Total Waste’

Congressman Trey Gowdy on leaving DC: 'I don't have a lot to show for the last seven years.'

Gowdy has been known for his eviscerating tactics as a legislator and debater on certain issues. As the chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Gowdy became famous for using his experience as a prosecutor to hammer former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on her role in the deaths of three Americans at the U.S. Consulate in Libya.

Gowdy was questioned if his tactics as a conservative firebrand were effective.

"I think it's effective at raising issues, but I don't think it's effective at resolving them," Gowdy said.


Wasting 7 million on just Benghazi alone.

And now he feels he's a failure? We coulda told him that.

But why wait until he's leaving congress?

Check out what he said:
"I can tell you right now I have 19 more drives to the airport before this session is over," Gowdy said. "Nineteen more weeks for the rest of the year that I'm going to be gone three or four days away from home and then after that I'll be in South Carolina."

He considers his accomplishments (what accomplishments) negligible. I think he over rates himself.
Hes right. He let Hillary and Obana get away at Benghazi
What about those guys Trump set up and sent out to die in Northern Africa?
You mean because of that video??
How was Gowdy supposed to investigate Hillary when Obama owned the DOJ and the FBI among others? Hell, we still can't investigate anyone with a D after their name and we control both Houses and have a republican president. Before you guys get to it, PROOF, Lynch and Holder and all the rest are completely innocent, PROOF. Whatever.
Gowdy did his best to play the partisan game. He's clearly fed up with it. As well he or any person of good character should be.

While I don't concur with some of Gowdy's stances and I wouldn't have said or done some of the things he did, I can to some extent respect the man. I'd respect him more had he refrained from partisanship, but at least he's now stopped doing so. That's a step the right direction and I applaud his taking it.

Gradually, more and more Republicans are coming to realize that the approaches the GOP has used to politic, along with the bastardized incarnation of of it that is the Trumpism, is churlishly reprobate and reprehensible. Good on them for doing so. One must wonder why it's taken as long as it has.​
Trump is the logical outcome of GOP politics.

Trump is the logical outcome when a liberal mainstream media tries to get a person nominated to run against Hillary Clinton that they think Clinton CAN'T lose to but totally misjudges how bad of a candidate Clinton WAS and how bad of a campaign she ran! All the whining by CNN and MSNBC about Trump? They need only look in the mirror if they want to see who put Trump in the White House!
The entire leadership of the DNC is even more tone deaf than the RNC, and that is hard to do. They had so little faith in Clinton, they felt the need to rig their primaries. After that, they believed rigging the national election would be easy. They purchased a dossier based on intelligence from a Russian Intelligence Officer that works in the Kremlin, and used that information, not only to swing a national election, but to spy on the opposition party during the election season. The FBI texts said Obama was fully briefed on all aspects of the spying.
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Gowdy did his best to play the partisan game. He's clearly fed up with it. As well he or any person of good character should be.

While I don't concur with some of Gowdy's stances and I wouldn't have said or done some of the things he did, I can to some extent respect the man. I'd respect him more had he refrained from partisanship, but at least he's now stopped doing so. That's a step the right direction and I applaud his taking it.

Gradually, more and more Republicans are coming to realize that the approaches the GOP has used to politic, along with the bastardized incarnation of of it that is the Trumpism, is churlishly reprobate and reprehensible. Good on them for doing so. One must wonder why it's taken as long as it has.​
Trump is the logical outcome of GOP politics.

Trump is the logical outcome when a liberal mainstream media tries to get a person nominated to run against Hillary Clinton that they think Clinton CAN'T lose to but totally misjudges how bad of a candidate Clinton WAS and how bad of a campaign she ran! All the whining by CNN and MSNBC about Trump? They need only look in the mirror if they want to see who put Trump in the White House!
The entire leadership of the DNC is even more tone deaf than the RNC, and that is hard to do. They had so little faith in Clinton, they felt the need to rig their primaries. After that, they believed rigging the national election would be easy. They purchased a dossier based on intelligence from a Russian Intelligence Officer that works in the Kremlin and used that information, not only to swing a national election, but to spy on the opposition party during the election season. The FBI texts said Obama was fully briefed on all aspects of the spying.

Which makes Obama far worse than Richard Nixon EVER was! Nixon used "burglars" to spy on the Democrats. Obama misled a FISA court to do the same thing. Nixon attempted to use the IRS against his political enemies but the attempt was rebuffed. Obama used the IRS to target conservative groups. I'm sorry, Progressives...but Barry's a bigger "crook" than Tricky Dick was!
The entire leadership of the DNC is even more tone deaf than the RNC, and that is hard to do. They had so little faith in Clinton, they felt the need to rig their primaries. After that, they believed rigging the national election would be easy. They purchased a dossier based on intelligence from a Russian Intelligence Officer that works in the Kremlin, and used that information, not only to swing a national election, but to spy on the opposition party during the election season. The FBI texts said Obama was fully briefed on all aspects of the spying.
They had so little faith in Clinton, they felt the need to rig their primaries.
That doesn't even make sense, except, of course, to conspiracy theorists. No matter who wins the Democratic primaries, the person will be a Democrat.
He wants to return to the job he really loves, R-Derp...working as a prosecutor. He's been mentioned as the perfect choice to investigate Hillary Clinton's paying millions for phony dossier to smear Trump with and the Obama Justice Department using that dossier as the basis for a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.

Something tells me that Gowdy would find getting to the bottom of THAT sordid abuse of power something well worth doing!

you know the dossier has been mostly confirmed, right?

you all should stop lying about that.
Omg you are one dumb bitch
Lets see....Trey has been investigating Hillary for years now and she still walks free...the DOJ and the FBI run rings around his as far as I'm concerned he is nothing but a shill for the swamp....
Geared to protect the left and the right but to sound like he is a real fighter for the people but he is a phony...he sucks as a truth finder.....
Sorry but all you know about Hillary's crimes and Evil is pure GOP bologna.
Trey Gowdy: My 7 Years In Congress Were A ‘Total Waste’

Congressman Trey Gowdy on leaving DC: 'I don't have a lot to show for the last seven years.'

Gowdy has been known for his eviscerating tactics as a legislator and debater on certain issues. As the chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Gowdy became famous for using his experience as a prosecutor to hammer former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on her role in the deaths of three Americans at the U.S. Consulate in Libya.

Gowdy was questioned if his tactics as a conservative firebrand were effective.

"I think it's effective at raising issues, but I don't think it's effective at resolving them," Gowdy said.


Wasting 7 million on just Benghazi alone.

And now he feels he's a failure? We coulda told him that.

But why wait until he's leaving congress?

Check out what he said:
"I can tell you right now I have 19 more drives to the airport before this session is over," Gowdy said. "Nineteen more weeks for the rest of the year that I'm going to be gone three or four days away from home and then after that I'll be in South Carolina."

He considers his accomplishments (what accomplishments) negligible. I think he over rates himself.

Now, Now Trey Gowdy did do the last (8th Benghazi investigation)---:auiqs.jpg:

With the Republicans’ Benghazi Committee uncovering no meaningful new information, and with the panel’s investigation effectively exonerating Hillary Clinton, right-wing conspiracy theorists this week had no choice but to give up and find a new hobby. They’re actually redirecting their ire towards Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.).

Just yesterday, I predicted that some conservatives would turn on Gowdy, in whom they’d invested so much hope. The far-right South Carolinian was supposed to bury, not exonerate, Hillary Clinton, I wrote, and his inability to deliver a useful campaign weapon will likely be seen as both a failure and a betrayal.
A few hours later, far-right radio personality Michael Savage told his audience, “Trey Gowdy should be impeached for wasting my time! He promised us a lot! Remember?” (Members of Congress can be expelled, but not impeached, under the U.S. Constitution.)Of course, Savage isn’t alone. The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank explained today that “conspiracy-minded” conservatives are blaming Gowdy “for failing to deliver the goods.” There was a meeting yesterday of the “Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi,” where members agreed the far-right South Carolinian let them down by failing to confirm their beliefs.

Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand. They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom. Likewise, then-House Speaker John Boehner named the Benghazi committee because activists were dissatisfied that seven previous congressional investigations had failed to uncover major scandal material. Now an eighth has produced more of the same – and the agitators are as agitated as ever.

There’s a certain twisted logic to this. The unhinged right starts with the ideologically satisfying answer – President Obama and Hillary Clinton are guilty of horrible Benghazi-related wrongdoing – and then works backwards, looking for “proof” that matches the conclusion. When their ostensible allies fail to tell these activists what they want to hear, they could reevaluate their bogus assumptions, but it’s vastly easier to believe Republicans have let them down."
With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy

He wants to return to the job he really loves, R-Derp...working as a prosecutor. He's been mentioned as the perfect choice to investigate Hillary Clinton's paying millions for phony dossier to smear Trump with and the Obama Justice Department using that dossier as the basis for a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.

Something tells me that Gowdy would find getting to the bottom of THAT sordid abuse of power something well worth doing!
Pay to play. The Clinton's made hundreds of millions. Heck, Bill sold off our rare earth metals to the Chinese and Hillary took in millions from players in the Russian Uranium deal. Let's look at all of it.
Why lie? We know the truth. Even Fox News reported the truth.
When Fox finally gives in and tells the truth, it's impossible to keep the lie going. Better luck next time.

Lets see....Trey has been investigating Hillary for years now and she still walks free...the DOJ and the FBI run rings around his as far as I'm concerned he is nothing but a shill for the swamp....
Geared to protect the left and the right but to sound like he is a real fighter for the people but he is a phony...he sucks as a truth finder.....
Sorry but all you know about Hillary's crimes and Evil is pure GOP bologna.
Conspiracies against Hillary.
As of now, 29 Republicans are retiring from the house. Are they all failures?
He wants to return to the job he really loves, R-Derp...working as a prosecutor. He's been mentioned as the perfect choice to investigate Hillary Clinton's paying millions for phony dossier to smear Trump with and the Obama Justice Department using that dossier as the basis for a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.

Something tells me that Gowdy would find getting to the bottom of THAT sordid abuse of power something well worth doing!
Yes...he did so well on the Benghazi investigation, didn't he?
Trey Gowdy: My 7 Years In Congress Were A ‘Total Waste’

Congressman Trey Gowdy on leaving DC: 'I don't have a lot to show for the last seven years.'

Gowdy has been known for his eviscerating tactics as a legislator and debater on certain issues. As the chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Gowdy became famous for using his experience as a prosecutor to hammer former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on her role in the deaths of three Americans at the U.S. Consulate in Libya.

Gowdy was questioned if his tactics as a conservative firebrand were effective.

"I think it's effective at raising issues, but I don't think it's effective at resolving them," Gowdy said.


Wasting 7 million on just Benghazi alone.

And now he feels he's a failure? We coulda told him that.

But why wait until he's leaving congress?

Check out what he said:
"I can tell you right now I have 19 more drives to the airport before this session is over," Gowdy said. "Nineteen more weeks for the rest of the year that I'm going to be gone three or four days away from home and then after that I'll be in South Carolina."

He considers his accomplishments (what accomplishments) negligible. I think he over rates himself.
He did get humiliated by Hillary
Trey Gowdy: My 7 Years In Congress Were A ‘Total Waste’

Congressman Trey Gowdy on leaving DC: 'I don't have a lot to show for the last seven years.'

Gowdy has been known for his eviscerating tactics as a legislator and debater on certain issues. As the chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Gowdy became famous for using his experience as a prosecutor to hammer former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on her role in the deaths of three Americans at the U.S. Consulate in Libya.

Gowdy was questioned if his tactics as a conservative firebrand were effective.

"I think it's effective at raising issues, but I don't think it's effective at resolving them," Gowdy said.


Wasting 7 million on just Benghazi alone.

And now he feels he's a failure? We coulda told him that.

But why wait until he's leaving congress?

Check out what he said:
"I can tell you right now I have 19 more drives to the airport before this session is over," Gowdy said. "Nineteen more weeks for the rest of the year that I'm going to be gone three or four days away from home and then after that I'll be in South Carolina."

He considers his accomplishments (what accomplishments) negligible. I think he over rates himself.
He did get humiliated by Hillary

The only person Hillary ever humiliated, was HIllary

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