Travon Martin Hagiography coming out today, how much will they get wrong or lie about?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I heard the trailer for the upcoming hagiography of thug in training Travon Martin...... they lied several times in the trailer, how much lying and misinformation will be in the actual movie?

A review of the first hour...

Paramount Owes America an Apology for Jay-Z's Trayvon Series

If multimedia impresario Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter had chosen to tell it, there was a story to be told here: a story about a boy bounced around among his biological parents and other relatives after his parents' divorce; a story of a boy whose descent into drugs, guns, fighting, and burglary accelerated after his father left his stepmother, Alicia, his "rock," when Trayvon was 15.

There was a story to be told of how Trayvon's school shielded him from the criminal justice system – much as the schools in neighboring Broward County shielded Parkland's Nikolas Cruz – even after Trayvon was apprehended at school with a weapon, a burglary tool, and stolen jewelry.

This cautionary tale of abandonment and betrayal was not the one Jay-Z chose to tell.

Instead, he submitted his audience to a TV hour of racially incendiary hokum shamelessly untethered from the inarguable facts of the case. The next five hours will not be any better.

The testimony of Trayvon's parents, Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton, dominated the opening hour. Their grief seemed real enough, but instead of accepting responsibility for their son's chaotic life, they projected their guilt onto the marginalized, dehumanized "other" of this story, George Zimmerman, the man who was forced to shoot Trayvon in February 2012 to save his own life.

Said Tracy on camera, "I know my son's voice. I know it was him." Sybrina said the same. For Tracy, the release of the 911 tape "was the game-changer," the one bit of evidence that made Zimmerman's arrest inevitable.

In the real world, the SPD did not try to bury the 911 tapes. Its officers played them for Tracy two days after the shooting. The Orlando Sentinel reported at the time, "It was Zimmerman [crying out], Serino said. He said he is certain of that because he played a recording of that voice for Trayvon's father, Tracy Martin, and the Miami man said the voice was not his son's." SPD investigator Chris Serino was not interviewed for the documentary.

Most conspicuously absent from the first hour was Jon Good, the closest of the eyewitnesses to the shooting. Good told the Sanford P.D. immediately after the shooting, "So I open my door. It was a black man with a black hoodie on top of the other, either a white guy or now I found out I think it was a Hispanic guy with a red sweatshirt on the ground yelling out help! And I tried to tell them, get out of here, you know, stop or whatever, and then one guy on top in the black hoodie was pretty much just throwing down blows on the guy kind of MMA [mixed martial arts]-style."

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I heard the trailer for the upcoming hagiography of thug in training Travon Martin...... they lied several times in the trailer, how much lying and misinformation will be in the actual movie?
However long the movie is, that much lying and twisting.
So, is Obama in there predicting when his 'sons' will commit their first hate crime by trying to beat a white guy to death by repeatedly slamming his head on a curb or a sidewalk? He said Saint Rayvon the violent thug and wannabee racist killer could have been one of his sons. And why don't we know where these sons of his are? Why are they being hidden? Are they illegitmate children born to some Muslim slave he knocked up or something?

Or maybe he was just referring to the fact his sons had already been there and done that?
How many times do they show the 5-year-old pic of Trayvon in the red t-shirt? Cute, ain’t he? Who knew he’d grow up to be just another violent doper street thug? After all, he came from such a fine family and all.

First there’s old wanderin’ eye dad. He divorced Trayvon’s mom when he spotted some other babe he liked better and married her. But don’t you know he spotted yet another babe he liked even more, so he took up living with her instead, not bothering with another pesky divorce this go-round though. And that was the loving couple Trayvon was spending time with since he’d been suspended from school just for having dope residue, stolen jewelry, burglary tools and whatnot in his backpack, which earned him the free time to come stay with dear old dad and his current squeeze in the condo complex where he eventually attacked the white Hispanic man and died as a result.

Sure hope they’re planning to move on to the Michael “Gentle Giant” Brown story next. I’m really getting into this criminals end up dead genre.
How many times do they show the 5-year-old pic of Trayvon in the red t-shirt? Cute, ain’t he? Who knew he’d grow up to be just another violent doper street thug? After all, he came from such a fine family and all.

First there’s old wanderin’ eye dad. He divorced Trayvon’s mom when he spotted some other babe he liked better and married her. But don’t you know he spotted yet another babe he liked even more, so he took up living with her instead, not bothering with another pesky divorce this go-round though. And that was the loving couple Trayvon was spending time with since he’d been suspended from school just for having dope residue, stolen jewelry, burglary tools and whatnot in his backpack, which earned him the free time to come stay with dear old dad and his current squeeze in the condo complex where he eventually attacked the white Hispanic man and died as a result.

Sure hope they’re planning to move on to the Michael “Gentle Giant” Brown story next. I’m really getting into this criminals end up dead genre.

I feel bad for Trayvon...... he should have had better parents..... it doesn't excuse his crime, but it does make his life a tragedy.
And what they don't want you to know......Zimmerman was an obama supporter....

There was no reference at all to Zimmerman's mentoring of two black teens, his work with the homeless, his open support for Barack Obama, or even his Hispanic roots. Zimmerman had been named after his uncle Jorge. Had he been named Jorge instead of George, the story would never have left Sanford. In a battleground state, in an election year, the media would have wanted no piece of a story in which a "Jorge" shot a "Trayvon."

Ironically, a judge dismissed Zimmerman's later defamation lawsuit against NBC, claiming he had made himself a public figure by "voluntarily injecting his views into the public controversy surrounding race relations and public safety in Sanford." He did this a year before the shooting. At the time, Zimmerman prodded the NAACP to launch a public protest over the failure of the Sanford Police Department to arrest the son of a white officer who had beaten a homeless black man. Zimmerman testified publicly. His efforts led to the firing of Sanford's police chief.

Unfortunately for Zimmerman, his work on behalf of the homeless man, Sherman Ware, was not "public" enough. The producers felt comfortable ignoring it altogether. They did, however, use the testimony of local attorney Natalie Jackson to imply that Zimmerman and the residents of his community were racist. If Jackson mentioned that she worked with Zimmerman on the Sherman Ware case, that bit did not make the final cut.
And what they don't want you to know......Zimmerman was an obama supporter....

There was no reference at all to Zimmerman's mentoring of two black teens, his work with the homeless, his open support for Barack Obama, or even his Hispanic roots. Zimmerman had been named after his uncle Jorge. Had he been named Jorge instead of George, the story would never have left Sanford. In a battleground state, in an election year, the media would have wanted no piece of a story in which a "Jorge" shot a "Trayvon."

Ironically, a judge dismissed Zimmerman's later defamation lawsuit against NBC, claiming he had made himself a public figure by "voluntarily injecting his views into the public controversy surrounding race relations and public safety in Sanford." He did this a year before the shooting. At the time, Zimmerman prodded the NAACP to launch a public protest over the failure of the Sanford Police Department to arrest the son of a white officer who had beaten a homeless black man. Zimmerman testified publicly. His efforts led to the firing of Sanford's police chief.

Unfortunately for Zimmerman, his work on behalf of the homeless man, Sherman Ware, was not "public" enough. The producers felt comfortable ignoring it altogether. They did, however, use the testimony of local attorney Natalie Jackson to imply that Zimmerman and the residents of his community were racist. If Jackson mentioned that she worked with Zimmerman on the Sherman Ware case, that bit did not make the final cut.

the left wing's media are almost 100% mindless stupid scum. They eat their own eventually, being nothing but cannibals.
How many times are these liberal SJW necrophiles going to dig up St. Skittles to venerate black criminal thugs? Ghouls, the lot of them.

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