Transpacific Partnership Lurches Closer to Fast Track?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Obama and his $oul-mate$ among the GOP appear poised to inflict NAFTA on steroids on the US economy:
"WASHINGTON — Key congressional leaders agreed on Thursday on legislation to give President Obama special authority to finish negotiating one of the world’s largest trade accords, opening a rare battle that aligns the president with Republicans against a broad coalition of Democrats.

"In what is sure to be one of the toughest fights of Mr. Obama’s last 19 months in office, the 'fast track' bill allowing the White House to pursue its planned Pacific trade deal also heralds a divisive fight within the Democratic Party, one that could spill into the 2016 presidential campaign..."

"The deal was struck by Senators Orrin G. Hatch of Utah, the Finance Committee chairman; Ron Wyden of Oregon, the committee’s ranking Democrat; and Representative Paul D. Ryan, Republican of Wisconsin and chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.

"It would give Congress the power to vote on the more encompassing 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership once it is completed, but would deny lawmakers the chance to amend what would be the largest trade deal since the North American Free Trade Agreement of 1994, which President Bill Clinton pushed through Congress despite opposition from labor and other Democratic constituencies."

Ralph Nader's recent book Unstoppable: mentions the TPP as one possible example of a shared agenda that the left and right could unite on.

Will Liberals and Conservatives Unite to Defeat Fast Track and the TPP -Truthdig
"Although it is called a 'free trade' agreement, the TPP is not mainly about trade. Of TPP's 29 draft chapters, only five deal with traditional trade issues.

"One chapter would provide incentives to offshore jobs to low-wage countries

"Many would impose limits on government policies that we rely on in our daily lives for safe food, a clean environment, and more.

" Our domestic federal, state and local policies would be required to comply with TPP rules."
Trans-Pacific Partnership
If you liked NAFTA, you'll LOVE TPP!
"One chapter would provide incentives to offshore jobs to low-wage countries.
dear low wages are an incentive to lower prices and thus make Americans richer. Do you want a law that they must relocate to the highest wage countries??
So why are more Americans on Assistance than ever before?

Stupid people think that sending jobs overseas makes Americans richer. It hasn't. It doesn't. It won't.

It only makes Corporations who OWN the US Government richer.
If you liked NAFTA, you'll LOVE TPP!
"One chapter would provide incentives to offshore jobs to low-wage countries.
dear low wages are an incentive to lower prices and thus make Americans richer. Do you want a law that they must relocate to the highest wage countries??
So why are more Americans on Assistance than ever before?

Stupid people think that sending jobs overseas makes Americans richer. It hasn't. It doesn't. It won't.

It only makes Corporations who OWN the US Government richer.

too stupid!!! free trade between NY and CA does not mean New Yorkers are unemployed. Do you understand?
dear low wages are an incentive to lower prices and thus make Americans richer
Just like NAFTA?
More than 57,000 US manufacturing facilities and nearly 5 million US manufacturing jobs were eliminated by that corporate enrichment scam. Maybe the Useful Corporate Tool can explain the incentive for jobless US workers to purchase low price imports, more debt, perhaps?
TPP and Jobs
by that corporate enrichment scam.

too stupid you've been told 200 times it cant enrich corporations since competition can move too thus wages go down and so must prices leaving profit the same.

Simple, but as a liberal you lack the IQ to understand but persist anyway like a Nazi who has no concern for the truth just his Nazi ego.
dear low wages are an incentive to lower prices and thus make Americans richer
Just like NAFTA?
More than 57,000 US manufacturing facilities and nearly 5 million US manufacturing jobs were eliminated by that corporate enrichment scam. Maybe the Useful Corporate Tool can explain the incentive for jobless US workers to purchase low price imports, more debt, perhaps?
TPP and Jobs

how many firms left from NY to CA??? they have doubled their population and took 20 millin jobs from the other states!! See why we say pure ignorance?
too stupid you've been told 200 times it cant enrich corporations since competition can move too thus wages go down and so must prices leaving profit the same.

Simple, but as a liberal you lack the IQ to understand but persist anyway like a Nazi who has no concern for the truth just his Nazi ego.
how many firms left from NY to CA??? they have doubled their population and took 20 millin jobs from the other states!! See why we say pure ignorance?
How did all that affect the NY-CA trade deficit?

obviously many states are running trade deficits with other states so those states should seek protection just like they want protection from China .

Do you understand??
TPP: An attack on the US Constitution.
"And the thing about that, one of the things about this that makes it so dangerous is that not only do you have to harmonize your laws, but then going forward if a city passes a law, or state or federal passes a law in the public interest to protect their people or the planet or their resources, and it undermines the profits of a corporation, they can sue the government for their expected profits.

"The profits they expected to make. And that means that they go not to a regular court.

"They go to a trade tribunal.

"And the judges on this trade tribunal are three judges who are corporate lawyers, on leave from their corporate job, being lawyers, making decisions, and going back to their corporate job.

"So it's a rigged trade tribunal, and our courts or Vietnam's courts or Peru's courts, any country's courts, cannot review that decision. The U.S. Supreme Court cannot overturn a decision of the trade tribunal. It becomes the more powerful decision."
Obama to Get Fast Track for Trade Pacts
TPP: An attack on the US Constitution.
"And the thing about that, one of the things about this that makes it so dangerous is that not only do you have to harmonize your laws, but then going forward if a city passes a law, or state or federal passes a law in the public interest to protect their people or the planet or their resources, and it undermines the profits of a corporation, they can sue the government for their expected profits.

"The profits they expected to make. And that means that they go not to a regular court.

"They go to a trade tribunal.

"And the judges on this trade tribunal are three judges who are corporate lawyers, on leave from their corporate job, being lawyers, making decisions, and going back to their corporate job.

"So it's a rigged trade tribunal, and our courts or Vietnam's courts or Peru's courts, any country's courts, cannot review that decision. The U.S. Supreme Court cannot overturn a decision of the trade tribunal. It becomes the more powerful decision."
Obama to Get Fast Track for Trade Pacts

without free trade we'd have to make everything ourselves. Can you imagine that?
without free trade we'd have to make everything ourselves. Can you imagine that?
"A false dilemma, or false dichotomy, is a logical fallacy which involves presenting two opposing views, options or outcomes in such a way that they seem to be the only possibilities: that is, if one is true, the other must be false, or, more typically, if you do not accept one then the other must be accepted. The reality in most cases is that there are many in-between or other alternative options, not just two mutually exclusive ones."
False dilemma - RationalWiki
Reality is your friend.
Stop running.
without free trade we'd have to make everything ourselves. Can you imagine that?
"A false dilemma, or false dichotomy, is a logical fallacy which involves presenting two opposing views, options or outcomes in such a way that they seem to be the only possibilities: that is, if one is true, the other must be false, or, more typically, if you do not accept one then the other must be accepted. The reality in most cases is that there are many in-between or other alternative options, not just two mutually exclusive ones."
False dilemma - RationalWiki
Reality is your friend.
Stop running.

without free trade we'd have to make everything ourselves. Can you imagine that?
"The real battle for fast track is expected in the House of Representatives.

"The White House needs a simple majority, or 217 votes currently, to win approval in the lower chamber. Republicans control the House with 244 votes, but could struggle to come up with more than more 200 votes for the bill because of the distrust many party members feel for Obama.

"Only 35 of the 244 Republicans now in the House were members of Congress in 2002, when TPA was last approved, and seven of them voted to deny giving George W. Bush the authority.

"More than a dozen Republicans wrote a letter to Obama in 2013, saying they planned to oppose TPA because it undermines Congress’ constitutional authority over trade.

"One Republican who might vote for the fast-track bill is Rep. Tim Huelskamp, a Kansas Republican with tea party affiliations.

Read more: Trade rumble Democrats stuck between Elizabeth Warren Barack Obama - Adam Behsudi and Doug Palmer - POLITICO
"The real battle for fast track is expected in the House of Representatives.

"The White House needs a simple majority, or 217 votes currently, to win approval in the lower chamber. Republicans control the House with 244 votes, but could struggle to come up with more than more 200 votes for the bill because of the distrust many party members feel for Obama.

"Only 35 of the 244 Republicans now in the House were members of Congress in 2002, when TPA was last approved, and seven of them voted to deny giving George W. Bush the authority.

"More than a dozen Republicans wrote a letter to Obama in 2013, saying they planned to oppose TPA because it undermines Congress’ constitutional authority over trade.

"One Republican who might vote for the fast-track bill is Rep. Tim Huelskamp, a Kansas Republican with tea party affiliations.

Read more: Trade rumble Democrats stuck between Elizabeth Warren Barack Obama - Adam Behsudi and Doug Palmer - POLITICO
without free trade we'd have to make everything ourselves. Can you imagine that?

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