19 of the 24 cities with highest unemployment, are Blue states.

Not 100% convinced that there is a true correlation here, since so many are in California.
But interesting.

Cities With the Highest and Lowest Unemployment - 24 7 Wall St.
And yet the Blue states still support the red welfare jesusland states!!

Red States Are Welfare Queens - Business Insider

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

It s Official White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp Moochers in the Country Americans Against the Tea Party
Now we know that the states with largest number of welfare recipients are in red states....but strangely, not sure how this works, the states who SPEND THE MOST on welfare...of the top 10, NINE are blue states.
California spends 15% of the entire countries total $ spent on welfare.

State Welfare Spending Rank for 2015 - Charts

This is fascinating. And is certainly confusing since the claim that red states have the most on welfare. Something is screwy here....hmmm.
10 out of 10 of the states with highest income tax rates are Blue.
10 out of 10 of the states with the worst overall tax climate (both individual and business) are Blue states.
Well...this is even more interesting..9 out of 10 of the cities with the highest cost of living are Democrat controlled...ANNND all nine are cities on the highest unemployment list.
Wow...sucks to be poor there! But maybe not - because they are all also on the highest welfare spending list
That doesn't tell the whole story. Minimum wage jobs with no benefits doesn't mean you are fully employed. Especially when you go the emergency room for health care and need food stamps to eat. Weird how Republicans latch on to one tiny part of the puzzle and refuse to look at the big picture. I guess a tiny part of the puzzle is all their tiny minds can handle at one time.
Check the control of the cities within those states base. It has to be drilled down to the local levels and their histories.
Now we know that the states with largest number of welfare recipients are in red states....but strangely, not sure how this works, the states who SPEND THE MOST on welfare...of the top 10, NINE are blue states.
California spends 15% of the entire countries total $ spent on welfare.

State Welfare Spending Rank for 2015 - Charts

This is fascinating. And is certainly confusing since the claim that red states have the most on welfare. Something is screwy here....hmmm.
Check the control of the cities within those states base. It has to be drilled down to the local levels and their histories.
Now we know that the states with largest number of welfare recipients are in red states....but strangely, not sure how this works, the states who SPEND THE MOST on welfare...of the top 10, NINE are blue states.
California spends 15% of the entire countries total $ spent on welfare.

State Welfare Spending Rank for 2015 - Charts

This is fascinating. And is certainly confusing since the claim that red states have the most on welfare. Something is screwy here....hmmm.

You may be right, but that would take a team of people
Now we know that the states with largest number of welfare recipients are in red states....but strangely, not sure how this works, the states who SPEND THE MOST on welfare...of the top 10, NINE are blue states.
California spends 15% of the entire countries total $ spent on welfare.

State Welfare Spending Rank for 2015 - Charts

This is fascinating. And is certainly confusing since the claim that red states have the most on welfare. Something is screwy here....hmmm.
OK, you made me do it. You made be actually go look at your data. And now you've convinced me you are a fool. No, I take that back. You are an ignorant fool.

The states that spend the most on welfare are spending state money. They understand you need to help people to become tax payers.

The states that actually get the most from the federal government are indeed, RED States. If states want to spend their own money on the people that live there, good for them. After all, it is their state. But if Republicans want to fuck over the people who live in their states and their constituents let them, then good for them. But not everyone is an idiot masochist.

If Republicans really want to show us how well they work then stop sucking at the teat of the federal government. Blue states are really tired of supporting your fat lazy asses.

2015 s States Most Least Dependent on the Federal Government WalletHub

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