Tramp has surrounded himself with alt right people

You are an ignorant blow-hard.

Simple test to see who is right, and Right.

Watch, and fail again:

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right, can you, you dunce.
And right away she gets defensive and goes drama queen.

Harry Dresden, they don't see it, so in that way, they're being honest. Just like a wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus might be serious about radical Islam, convinced he has a vice-like grip on "The Truth", these people can only see their little piece of the puzzle.

It's fascinating to observe, but it's killing us.

I've used the English language in the appropriate manner, and you, being the fool that you are, can do no better than lie and shout 'is not, isssssss nooootttttttt!!!!"
Sounds good.

Watch, and fail again:

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right, can you, you dunce.
Perhaps you could calm down for a moment.

I can't speak for Harry, but this is about behaviors, not issues.

While there are certainly many people like you on both ends of the spectrum -- absolutely committed to their tribe, unwilling to see anything other than their required dogma, absolutely and completely uninterested in even truly understanding other points of view -- the much bigger problem is in your behaviors.

You're one of the best examples on this board. Your constant personal insults, a transparent and clumsy attempt to dehumanize those who dare to disagree with you, signal to all concerned that you're only able to see your little part of reality. Your propensity for unilaterally defining any issue and then expecting others to conform to your definition is another. Your comically one-sided diatribes, ignoring and/or distorting all contrary facts and information, is another.

There are people to the Right of center in this country who are still able to communicate like decent adults, still able to drop their egos to collaborate with others, still able to have an adult conversation, still able to exercise a sincere curiosity so that they might better understand and appreciate the opinions of others.

You're not one of them. Your obedient and dogmatic adhesion to right wing issues is only half of it; your behaviors are the other half.

That sure is a lot of verbiage in an attempt to hide the fact that I have forced you to admit that there is no Far Right.

Let's smash this custard pie in your ugly kisser again:

Watch, and fail again:

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right, can you, you dunce.
Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."


We are up against a Democratic Party that eschews the Anglo-American tradition of liberty forged in opposition to the Continental European tradition of collectivism, that is to say, the moon-barking madness of Rousseauean-Marxist Utopianism, which, in the West, is rooted in the Platonic political theory of The Republic, that oh-so brave new world of ''enlightened'' bureaucracy, in truth, that authoritarian theocracy sans any gods but the self-anointed of the temporal realm.

I'd like to add to that:

They aren't winning because their ideas are better.

They're winning because they control the means of dissemination of information: the media and the schools.

  1. The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.
  2. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51
And right away she gets defensive and goes drama queen.

Harry Dresden, they don't see it, so in that way, they're being honest. Just like a wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus might be serious about radical Islam, convinced he has a vice-like grip on "The Truth", these people can only see their little piece of the puzzle.

It's fascinating to observe, but it's killing us.

I've used the English language in the appropriate manner, and you, being the fool that you are, can do no better than lie and shout 'is not, isssssss nooootttttttt!!!!"
Sounds good.

Watch, and fail again:

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right, can you, you dunce.
Perhaps you could calm down for a moment.

I can't speak for Harry, but this is about behaviors, not issues.

While there are certainly many people like you on both ends of the spectrum -- absolutely committed to their tribe, unwilling to see anything other than their required dogma, absolutely and completely uninterested in even truly understanding other points of view -- the much bigger problem is in your behaviors.

You're one of the best examples on this board. Your constant personal insults, a transparent and clumsy attempt to dehumanize those who dare to disagree with you, signal to all concerned that you're only able to see your little part of reality. Your propensity for unilaterally defining any issue and then expecting others to conform to your definition is another. Your comically one-sided diatribes, ignoring and/or distorting all contrary facts and information, is another.

There are people to the Right of center in this country who are still able to communicate like decent adults, still able to drop their egos to collaborate with others, still able to have an adult conversation, still able to exercise a sincere curiosity so that they might better understand and appreciate the opinions of others.

You're not one of them. Your obedient and dogmatic adhesion to right wing issues is only half of it; your behaviors are the other half.

That sure is a lot of verbiage in an attempt to hide the fact that I have forced you to admit that there is no Far Right.

Let's smash this custard pie in your ugly kisser again:

Watch, and fail again:

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right, can you, you dunce.
Whatever you'd like. Since you control the definitions in your little world, I'm sure you're right.
I've used the English language in the appropriate manner, and you, being the fool that you are, can do no better than lie and shout 'is not, isssssss nooootttttttt!!!!"
Sounds good.

Watch, and fail again:

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right, can you, you dunce.
Perhaps you could calm down for a moment.

I can't speak for Harry, but this is about behaviors, not issues.

While there are certainly many people like you on both ends of the spectrum -- absolutely committed to their tribe, unwilling to see anything other than their required dogma, absolutely and completely uninterested in even truly understanding other points of view -- the much bigger problem is in your behaviors.

You're one of the best examples on this board. Your constant personal insults, a transparent and clumsy attempt to dehumanize those who dare to disagree with you, signal to all concerned that you're only able to see your little part of reality. Your propensity for unilaterally defining any issue and then expecting others to conform to your definition is another. Your comically one-sided diatribes, ignoring and/or distorting all contrary facts and information, is another.

There are people to the Right of center in this country who are still able to communicate like decent adults, still able to drop their egos to collaborate with others, still able to have an adult conversation, still able to exercise a sincere curiosity so that they might better understand and appreciate the opinions of others.

You're not one of them. Your obedient and dogmatic adhesion to right wing issues is only half of it; your behaviors are the other half.

That sure is a lot of verbiage in an attempt to hide the fact that I have forced you to admit that there is no Far Right.

Let's smash this custard pie in your ugly kisser again:

Watch, and fail again:

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right, can you, you dunce.
Whatever you'd like. Since you control the definitions in your little world, I'm sure you're right.

Why are you back?

To lie????

I provided the accurate definition, explaining the meaning of the modifier "Far."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right, can you, you dunce.

There is no 'Far Right,' only a Far Left.
Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."


We are up against a Democratic Party that eschews the Anglo-American tradition of liberty forged in opposition to the Continental European tradition of collectivism, that is to say, the moon-barking madness of Rousseauean-Marxist Utopianism, which, in the West, is rooted in the Platonic political theory of The Republic, that oh-so brave new world of ''enlightened'' bureaucracy, in truth, that authoritarian theocracy sans any gods but the self-anointed of the temporal realm.

I'd like to add to that:

They aren't winning because their ideas are better.

They're winning because they control the means of dissemination of information: the media and the schools.

  1. The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.
  2. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51

Of course, this long march of oppression began in earnest with the likes of that godless statist John Dewey, but then the Warren Court, never one to miss an opportunity to engage in a little social engineering and ever-ready to grab more power for the federal government, happily accommodated godless plaintiffs by ignoring historical practice and the original intent of the First Amendment. This was accomplished by tossing out the First Amendment's Free Exercise Clause and superimposing a twisted version of an old idea onto the Establishment Clause.

The Jeffersonian doctrine known as the Wall of Separation between Church and State, we were told, does not pertain so much to the protection of the Church against the impositions of the State, as much as it pertains to the protection of the State against being exposed to the religious notions of the Church. That the Court's version of the doctrine is not that of either the Jeffersonian or constitutional expression was irrelevant to the Court.

Apparently, the First Amendment's new meaning imbued federal judges with the omniscience to discern for the rest us the difference between those ideas that were religious and those ideas that are not. In other words, judges would direct the schools' curriculum, not the people. By this, however, the Court did not mean to suggest that it was legal for public school teachers to invade American homes and scream obscenities at children, not yet; they would just whisper them into children's ears in the public schools.

Hence, the Warren Court resolved the problem of a changing culture relative to education by further exacerbating it. After correctly observing that it was unconstitutional for state schools to impose the teachings of Judeo-Christianity on other-religious and non-religious persons, the Court decided to settle the matter by imposing a similar violation on all of us. Instead of simply recognizing that the people who pay the education system's bills should be free to educate their children as they see fit, at home or in a school of their choice, the Court opted to ignore original intent altogether, especially as it pertained to parental consent and authority.

Instead of allowing that a culturally diverse and changing society would require a new means of allocating funds for education in order to satisfy the requirements of the First Amendment for all, the Court elected to enshrine a one-size-fits-all scheme. Instead of requiring the nation's schools to honor the constitutional rights of all their students or close their doors, the Court chose to expel the "Miscreant," known as "God" to many, who had instigated all the hullabaloo in the first place. Hence, it would not be the state schools that would have to change their ways or go, it would be the people, millions of Americans, who would have to compromise their most cherished convictions under the new hegemony or take their convictions and get out.

The Court effectively and quite consciously established secular humanism as the official religion of the state and established the public education system as the state's Church.

This all comes down to is the unfettered competition of ideas. Leftists could never compete in a free, constitutional-honoring education system. They cheat, they steal, they destroy everything they touch.
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Wow. All that drama over just being quoted.

You said what you said. "I thought she was an ape". I merely quoted you.

You're not a victim for being quoted, sorry. You Trumpsters sure do whine a lot.

Man up a little. Stand behind your words.

I am just tired of alerts popping into my box about conversations I have no interest in.

There is nothing racist about what I said either.

I didn't create the planet of the apes character, and if I had been the father of Jarrett she wouldn't have grown up to be a bed wetting leftist traitor like you.

She also wouldn't be hideous looking either.


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A bigoted leftist piece of shit said:
something asinine.
Why are you back?

To lie????

I provided the accurate definition, explaining the meaning of the modifier "Far."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right, can you, you dunce.

There is no 'Far Right,' only a Far Left.

Mac's TDS is funny to watch, for someone who made such an effort to be perceived as a more "moderate" person he really went off the rails when his sociopath hag lost what was supposed to be an easy election to a clown.

I can remember when the little piece of shit actually sounded moderate, lecturing moonbats about how the pushing of sexual deviants would cause harm to the DNC, but now he's just another hardcore bed wetter calling everyone to the right of Joe Biden a racist or extremist and inciting more racial division because the moonbats are desperate to keep black people on the voting plantation.

Seems to me a lot of blacks are becoming aware of the fact they've been used by the DNC. They might not be embracing the RNC, but they sure do seem to like Trump more than anything the DNC is offering them right now.

Following the constitution is NOT "extreme" as you point out. It might be to someone like Mac who's political philosophy sort of reminds me of a socialist party from 1930's europe that focused a lot of attention on racial division, scapegoated "the rich" for all the country's problems and had like minded people committing violent attacks on people who rejected socialism.

Their name slips my mind though...

far right and far left both exist PC.....

Of course there is no Far Right, Harry.....

Watch me have you prove it:
There is no position of the Right that varies from the American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

If you cannot come up with any radical positions of the right, that are not in accord with American traditions, values, and history, then we've proven you a total imbecile.

I can name lots ofexamples of positions that identify a Far can't name even one that is "Far Right."
a person who backs the republicans no matter what,and whose attitude is..... if you dont like what i like then fuck you..... is far right.....

That's a nonsense definition.

You're claiming some obnoxious person is a political party or policy setter.

There are no positions of the right that are any different from that of the Founders....hence, no Far Right.

You've fallen for propaganda, the claim uses to hide that there is a fifth column here, the Far Left.
some obnoxious person?....i am talking about a whole bunch of obnoxious people.......whose to say you havent fallen for the propaganda by the right that there is no far right?....remember PC i cant stand both parties,you only dislike who eats up the propaganda?....

Harry, you don't understand the concept.

I don't care who you like or don't like, the concept is public policy.

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right.
FAR means you are at the end of your political spectrum....if you are a die hard fucking righty and only care about what you and the other die hards care about and if you have the gall and audacity to disagree with me fuck you and the horse you rode into town on...thats a far righty.....
A bigoted leftist piece of shit said:
something asinine.
Why are you back?

To lie????

I provided the accurate definition, explaining the meaning of the modifier "Far."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right, can you, you dunce.

There is no 'Far Right,' only a Far Left.

Mac's TDS is funny to watch, for someone who made such an effort to be perceived as a more "moderate" person he really went off the rails when his sociopath hag lost what was supposed to be an easy election to a clown.

I can remember when the little piece of shit actually sounded moderate, lecturing moonbats about how the pushing of sexual deviants would cause harm to the DNC, but now he's just another hardcore bed wetter calling everyone to the right of Joe Biden a racist or extremist and inciting more racial division because the moonbats are desperate to keep black people on the voting plantation.

Seems to me a lot of blacks are becoming aware of the fact they've been used by the DNC. They might not be embracing the RNC, but they sure do seem to like Trump more than anything the DNC is offering them right now.

Following the constitution is NOT "extreme" as you point out. It might be to someone like Mac who's political philosophy sort of reminds me of a socialist party from 1930's europe that focused a lot of attention on racial division, scapegoated "the rich" for all the country's problems and had like minded people committing violent attacks on people who rejected socialism.

Their name slips my mind though...


"...made such an effort to be perceived as a more "moderate"..."


That one phrase totally nailed that 'fence-sitter.'
Of course there is no Far Right, Harry.....

Watch me have you prove it:
There is no position of the Right that varies from the American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

If you cannot come up with any radical positions of the right, that are not in accord with American traditions, values, and history, then we've proven you a total imbecile.

I can name lots ofexamples of positions that identify a Far can't name even one that is "Far Right."
a person who backs the republicans no matter what,and whose attitude is..... if you dont like what i like then fuck you..... is far right.....

That's a nonsense definition.

You're claiming some obnoxious person is a political party or policy setter.

There are no positions of the right that are any different from that of the Founders....hence, no Far Right.

You've fallen for propaganda, the claim uses to hide that there is a fifth column here, the Far Left.
some obnoxious person?....i am talking about a whole bunch of obnoxious people.......whose to say you havent fallen for the propaganda by the right that there is no far right?....remember PC i cant stand both parties,you only dislike who eats up the propaganda?....

Harry, you don't understand the concept.

I don't care who you like or don't like, the concept is public policy.

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right.
FAR means you are at the end of your political spectrum....if you are a die hard fucking righty and only care about what you and the other die hards care about and if you have the gall and audacity to disagree with me fuck you and the horse you rode into town on...thats a far righty.....

I never use vulgarity, Harry, I only post facts.

And the fact is, while I can give examples of 'far' doctrines by the Left, you cannot find any on the Right.

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right.

Either words have meaning, and everyone uses that meaning or they have any meaning you assign to them or no meaning at all. I’m gonna go with the former, with specific meanings.

I’ve offered you several opportunities to show that you use the accepted meaning, and you chose not to.
a person who backs the republicans no matter what,and whose attitude is..... if you dont like what i like then fuck you..... is far right.....

That's a nonsense definition.

You're claiming some obnoxious person is a political party or policy setter.

There are no positions of the right that are any different from that of the Founders....hence, no Far Right.

You've fallen for propaganda, the claim uses to hide that there is a fifth column here, the Far Left.
some obnoxious person?....i am talking about a whole bunch of obnoxious people.......whose to say you havent fallen for the propaganda by the right that there is no far right?....remember PC i cant stand both parties,you only dislike who eats up the propaganda?....

Harry, you don't understand the concept.

I don't care who you like or don't like, the concept is public policy.

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right.
FAR means you are at the end of your political spectrum....if you are a die hard fucking righty and only care about what you and the other die hards care about and if you have the gall and audacity to disagree with me fuck you and the horse you rode into town on...thats a far righty.....

I never use vulgarity, Harry, I only post facts.

And the fact is, while I can give examples of 'far' doctrines by the Left, you cannot find any on the Right.

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right.

Either words have meaning, and everyone uses that meaning or they have any meaning you assign to them or no meaning at all. I’m gonna go with the former, with specific meanings.

I’ve offered you several opportunities to show that you use the accepted meaning, and you chose not to.
no its you believing that there are no people like the ones i described in this country.....and we both know there are millions...
That's a nonsense definition.

You're claiming some obnoxious person is a political party or policy setter.

There are no positions of the right that are any different from that of the Founders....hence, no Far Right.

You've fallen for propaganda, the claim uses to hide that there is a fifth column here, the Far Left.
some obnoxious person?....i am talking about a whole bunch of obnoxious people.......whose to say you havent fallen for the propaganda by the right that there is no far right?....remember PC i cant stand both parties,you only dislike who eats up the propaganda?....

Harry, you don't understand the concept.

I don't care who you like or don't like, the concept is public policy.

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right.
FAR means you are at the end of your political spectrum....if you are a die hard fucking righty and only care about what you and the other die hards care about and if you have the gall and audacity to disagree with me fuck you and the horse you rode into town on...thats a far righty.....

I never use vulgarity, Harry, I only post facts.

And the fact is, while I can give examples of 'far' doctrines by the Left, you cannot find any on the Right.

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right.

Either words have meaning, and everyone uses that meaning or they have any meaning you assign to them or no meaning at all. I’m gonna go with the former, with specific meanings.

I’ve offered you several opportunities to show that you use the accepted meaning, and you chose not to.
no its you believing that there are no people like the ones i described in this country.....and we both know there are millions...

I said nothing about people.....the term refers to policies.

Third chance: name any right wing policies that are not consistent with American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

If you can't....and you can't....then there is no 'Far Right.'
some obnoxious person?....i am talking about a whole bunch of obnoxious people.......whose to say you havent fallen for the propaganda by the right that there is no far right?....remember PC i cant stand both parties,you only dislike who eats up the propaganda?....

Harry, you don't understand the concept.

I don't care who you like or don't like, the concept is public policy.

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right.
FAR means you are at the end of your political spectrum....if you are a die hard fucking righty and only care about what you and the other die hards care about and if you have the gall and audacity to disagree with me fuck you and the horse you rode into town on...thats a far righty.....

I never use vulgarity, Harry, I only post facts.

And the fact is, while I can give examples of 'far' doctrines by the Left, you cannot find any on the Right.

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right.

Either words have meaning, and everyone uses that meaning or they have any meaning you assign to them or no meaning at all. I’m gonna go with the former, with specific meanings.

I’ve offered you several opportunities to show that you use the accepted meaning, and you chose not to.
no its you believing that there are no people like the ones i described in this country.....and we both know there are millions...

I said nothing about people.....the term refers to policies.

Third chance: name any right wing policies that are not consistent with American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

If you can't....and you can't....then there is no 'Far Right.'
the term refers to people also.....and there are many who are just like the description i gave....
Stephen Miller- who pretty much runs the show and the presidency.

Kenneth Thomas Cuccinelli II (I can't find anything about when his family come to the US)

John Bolton- a war hawk.
Next they will decide any disable child, whoever becomes disabled in their life, or senior living on SS with Medicare will be a drain on society, and they will not receive any benefits, they will live in the streets and fend for themselves.

Disabled vets will become will become a drain on society.

Its only the beginning.
Yeah.....I was looking for a list of people that are former Trump associates that ended up dead but I couldn't find any.
View attachment 274311

pesky facts that if you cross the clintons you wind up being arkansawed are nothing she has an interest in hearing since it exposes the clintons to how evil they are.:abgg2q.jpg:
Tramp has surrounded himself with alt right people

Alt-Right is a made up fantasy term. It does not even exist.
Mods need to move this to another section. The OP does not know the difference between fact and fiction. THERE IS NO LINK TO ANY SOURCE. THE OP IS PURE FICTION.

I only deal in fact.

comedy gold from you as always. that is a proven lie as you have proved too many times to remember how you run off with your tail between your legs everytimg the evil corruption of the clintons are exposed.:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::lmao:
Stephen Miller- who pretty much runs the show and the presidency.

Kenneth Thomas Cuccinelli II (I can't find anything about when his family come to the US)

John Bolton- a war hawk.
Next they will decide any disable child, whoever becomes disabled in their life, or senior living on SS with Medicare will be a drain on society, and they will not receive any benefits, they will live in the streets and fend for themselves.

Disabled vets will become will become a drain on society.

Its only the beginning.

another day another TDS induced rant,,,

take your meds you fucked in the head moron,,,

shes really going to have nightmare after hearing the trump fired warhawk Bolton.:haha:
Harry, you don't understand the concept.

I don't care who you like or don't like, the concept is public policy.

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right.
FAR means you are at the end of your political spectrum....if you are a die hard fucking righty and only care about what you and the other die hards care about and if you have the gall and audacity to disagree with me fuck you and the horse you rode into town on...thats a far righty.....

I never use vulgarity, Harry, I only post facts.

And the fact is, while I can give examples of 'far' doctrines by the Left, you cannot find any on the Right.

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

You cannot name any 'FAR' from the center positions on the Right.

Either words have meaning, and everyone uses that meaning or they have any meaning you assign to them or no meaning at all. I’m gonna go with the former, with specific meanings.

I’ve offered you several opportunities to show that you use the accepted meaning, and you chose not to.
no its you believing that there are no people like the ones i described in this country.....and we both know there are millions...

I said nothing about people.....the term refers to policies.

Third chance: name any right wing policies that are not consistent with American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR."

If you can't....and you can't....then there is no 'Far Right.'
the term refers to people also.....and there are many who are just like the description i gave....

"the term refers to people also"

No it doesn't.

far right
  1. the extreme right wing of a political party or group.
    "while the far right may gain some seats, it is far from gaining power" Google

You've been tricked into accepting the twisted language of the Left.
There is no Far Right, only a Far Left.

As I said earlier, the term is used to disguise the fact that there is a malevolent party, the Democrat Party, that is far from American values, traditions and history. The use of the term is to pretend the two sides are equally evil.
They aren't.

I believe this has gone as far as it can...
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From Richard Spencer's own National Policy Institute site:

Richard Spencer is the President of The National Policy Institute, the Editor of and Washington Summit Publishers. He is known for coining the term “Alt Right.”

Yeah, I know, fake news 'n stuff.

Good gawd, you people. Incredible. Dishonest. Obtuse. Shameless. Clueless.

Brilliant and insightful are the accurate terms, not the slander you are infamous for.

There is no such thing as 'alt right' is made up, just as Far Right is.

Neither is equally true of your cerebral capacity.

There is no position of the Right that varies from the American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

We believe in traditional marriage, two sexes, free speech, prayer in schools, and the God-given unalienable rights listed in the Declaration of Independence.

QED....there is only the 'Right.'

You are simply one of the followers, fools who buy whatever the Left sells.

Watch me ram your post back down your throat:
There is no position of the Right that varies from the American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

If you cannot come up with any radical positions of the right, that are not in accord with American traditions, values, and history, then we've proven you a total imbecile.

far right and far left both exist PC.....

Of course there is no Far Right, Harry.....

Watch me have you prove it:
There is no position of the Right that varies from the American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

If you cannot come up with any radical positions of the right, that are not in accord with American traditions, values, and history, then we've proven you a total imbecile.

I can name lots ofexamples of positions that identify a Far can't name even one that is "Far Right."
a person who backs the republicans no matter what,and whose attitude is..... if you dont like what i like then fuck you..... is far right.....

That's a nonsense definition.

You're claiming some obnoxious person is a political party or policy setter.

There are no positions of the right that are any different from that of the Founders....hence, no Far Right.

You've fallen for propaganda, the claim uses to hide that there is a fifth column here, the Far Left.

fallen for propaganda? Oh my the Irony,YOU are the expert on that the propaganda you have fallen from our corrupt school system and corporate media that warmonger traiter reagan was the best president in the 19th century. comedy gold.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:

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