Tragic Consequences of the Vax in Hungary, Part One

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

The following video is the first installment of a series of excerpts from a longer Hungarian video about the tragic consequences of the “vaccination” against the Wuhan Coronavirus, featuring interviews with people who lost loved ones after the jab.

Our Hungarian correspondent László, who translated the clips for subtitles, provides this general introduction to the series:

Family members of people who died ‘with the jab’ tell their stories publicly, to the chairman of the Mi Hazánk party. The official title of the video is “Mysterious deaths after vaccination”. If you click into the video at some places, you will see the atmosphere: these people are mourning. They come forward with their faces and names, and they often show the medical reports to the camera. The video concludes with the moral that ‘something strange is going on’ with the virus and with the jabs.

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Transcript snip

02:37 I owe you one more personal confession:02:40 If I were not personally involved in this story, then this video might not have been made.02:47 My mother, who got her Pfizer vaccine some weeks ago,02:53 she technically died and had to be resuscitated in a swimming pool in Szeged.02:57 My mother has swum every day since childhood; she used to be a competitive swimmer, too.03:05 After getting the vaccine she went to swim; and swam her usual distance.03:08 And then she collapsed right there in the swimming pool.03:11 Her heart stopped and she had to be resuscitated,03:14 even though she had no health problems before at all.03:18 She had no diabetes, no high blood pressure and she had no problems03:21 with her heart — not even since then, thank God.03:24 But my mother only survived because there happened to be a woman in the pool near her,03:30 who has worked in healthcare for decades and knew how to resuscitate.

The full original video is here.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

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Hold on.....

Here comes the.....wait for it...........
What are we waiting for? the leftards to start in on gates of Vienna and proclaim the vaccines are super great and it's all our fault for the variants...or me posting a meme
I did the Moderna, and the 2nd one was the worst illness of my life.
Started about 11 hours later, with sudden cold extremities and convulsive shivering so bad I could not walk.
Then throwing up every 4 hours, fever, etc. all night long.
For 3 weeks, headaches, weakness, mental fog, etc.
There are still areas of the bottom of my feet that are slightly numb.

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