Traditionalist on Campus


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The secular philosophy is geared toward the removal of the restrictions of religion and morality, to explain the human condition as essentially the same as any other animal species...just more physically 'evolved.'

Sans the restrictions of space, I would tie same to the assault on religion beginning with the French Revolution, and the Enlightenment...but for a specific focus, consider the 'shock troops' boot camps of secularism, the college campuses.

In many ways the colleges encourage the breakdown of traditional norms through unisex dorms, rooms, bathrooms, courses, and 'celebrations' of the hook-up lifestyle....
...the pretense is that the impetus is "Sexual Health on College Campuses" (Sexual Health on College Campuses)

...there has emerged, a bit of push-back:

1."Sex Week on the Yale campus returns and will have competition this year

2. Sex Week has returned to the Yale campus.
The week is billed as a way to promote sexual health though a series of events and workshops.

3. There will also be sessions about pornography.

4. This year, Sex Week has competition.

5. Students with Undergraduates for a Better Yale College have started True Love Week, where they will host educational seminars.

6. They say it will focus less on casual sex and more on relationships.

"We came up with the idea this summer when we realized the sheer silence there was on campus from the general hook-up culture," Eduardo Andino said.

7. True Love Week kicks off on Sunday."
Sex Week Sparks Debate | NBC Connecticut

Happy Valentines Day to all.
How does sex week go against religion? Are they saying the only way to have safe sex is to burn a cross beforehand?

I would think you would be promoting this if they're actually promoting relationships rather than casual sex.

It's a student initiated program, just like there's religious programs initiated by students at Yale. No one has to participate, totally voluntary.

Nothing to see here, unless you want to see faux outrage.
Yale Christian Fellowship

Another voluntary group, the Yale Christian Fellowship.

If i were big on faux outrage, I could do exactly what the OP is doing and pretend this is an example of the college campuses forcing christianity on everyone.

But I'm not, and that'd be stupid.
How does sex week go against religion? Are they saying the only way to have safe sex is to burn a cross beforehand?

I would think you would be promoting this if they're actually promoting relationships rather than casual sex.

It's a student initiated program, just like there's religious programs initiated by students at Yale. No one has to participate, totally voluntary.

Nothing to see here, unless you want to see faux outrage.

1. Every social practice is the expression of fundamental assumptions about what it means to be human. When a society accepts, endorses, and approves any practice, it implicitly commits itself to the accompanying worldview- even more so if the practice is enshrined in law, which tells us what society considers morally acceptable. One should be very careful of acceptance of worldviews that endorse a low view of human life. The secular view that separates humanity into segments, rather than integrates, does that.

2. Contemporary views of sexuality enforce the secular division of body and mind. The latest idea is that gender is a social construct, one that is some sort of fiction, or fabrication, and is totally mutable. Judith Butler, “Gender Trouble,” p. 136
The damage wrought by the feminism movement, the attempts to see no difference in moving from one bed, one partner to another, and the encouragement of same through 'sex week' programs, lowers an individuals' view of themselves.
Are you subscribing to same for your children?
You don't have to answer was merely rhetorical.

a. “At Sarah Lawrence, … designate certain bathrooms as ''all gender.''…Brown and Sarah Lawrence, in Yonkers, will offer housing for the first time this fall to accommodate transgender students. Wesleyan has assigned a hallway for students who choose to live without designating their gender…The Wesleyan campus health services clinic no longer requires students to check off ''M'' or ''F'' On Campus, Rethinking Biology 101 -

3. We no longer think of virtue as the classical virtues of wisdom, justice, temperance, and courage, or the Christian ones of faith, hope and charity, or even the Victorian ones of work, thrift, cleanliness, responsibility, self-discipline, perseverance, honesty and self-reliance. Generally, what comes to mind is the sexual connotations of chastity and marital fidelity. When these are destroyed, or even weakened, not only are the others mentioned above damaged, but the vitality of the society is as well.
I was in Athens Ga. last weekend visiting my daughter who is a freshman. You will not find a more liberal university anywhere with all of their diversity this and that, gay and lesbian clubs, feminist clubs, etc. We stayed at The Indigo Hotel right off campus and they made me park my 12 mpg guzzler in the back as I do not drive a Prius or Hybrid. The entire campus is liberal green. My sons all graduated from The University of Georgia also and I have been around Athens most of my 57 years. Another long story.
Everywhere you go on campus in Athens there are numerous churches, church organizations, prayer groups, religous support services and community help organizations. And they are all appreciated and attended. Most have an open door policy as to who they accept.
Sure, there is partying, football traditions, students have sex and all forms of rowdy behavior.
But it is actually a lot better than when I went. Back then the sex was unreal in the early 70s, the dope was all over in the dorms and the groupie line of southern girls behind the practice field fence was 1/4 mile long. No way you would see that now.
There is NO war on religion at the University of Georgia and most all other universities in America.
How does sex week go against religion? Are they saying the only way to have safe sex is to burn a cross beforehand?

I would think you would be promoting this if they're actually promoting relationships rather than casual sex.

It's a student initiated program, just like there's religious programs initiated by students at Yale. No one has to participate, totally voluntary.

Nothing to see here, unless you want to see faux outrage.

1. Every social practice is the expression of fundamental assumptions about what it means to be human. When a society accepts, endorses, and approves any practice, it implicitly commits itself to the accompanying worldview- even more so if the practice is enshrined in law, which tells us what society considers morally acceptable. One should be very careful of acceptance of worldviews that endorse a low view of human life. The secular view that separates humanity into segments, rather than integrates, does that.

2. Contemporary views of sexuality enforce the secular division of body and mind. The latest idea is that gender is a social construct, one that is some sort of fiction, or fabrication, and is totally mutable. Judith Butler, “Gender Trouble,” p. 136
The damage wrought by the feminism movement, the attempts to see no difference in moving from one bed, one partner to another, and the encouragement of same through 'sex week' programs, lowers an individuals' view of themselves.
Are you subscribing to same for your children?
You don't have to answer was merely rhetorical.

a. “At Sarah Lawrence, … designate certain bathrooms as ''all gender.''…Brown and Sarah Lawrence, in Yonkers, will offer housing for the first time this fall to accommodate transgender students. Wesleyan has assigned a hallway for students who choose to live without designating their gender…The Wesleyan campus health services clinic no longer requires students to check off ''M'' or ''F'' On Campus, Rethinking Biology 101 -

3. We no longer think of virtue as the classical virtues of wisdom, justice, temperance, and courage, or the Christian ones of faith, hope and charity, or even the Victorian ones of work, thrift, cleanliness, responsibility, self-discipline, perseverance, honesty and self-reliance. Generally, what comes to mind is the sexual connotations of chastity and marital fidelity. When these are destroyed, or even weakened, not only are the others mentioned above damaged, but the vitality of the society is as well.

1.) it's a voluntary student initiated group at a school students go to voluntarily. The group is supposedly promoting relationships over casual sex so unless you're on here saying casual sex is better, I'd like to know what your religion is :lol:.

2.) No they aren't doing that. This group has nothing do with feminism as far as I can tell.

3.) Again, a voluntary group that's promoting relationships. Sexually educating people gives them wisdom, has nothing to with justice, promoting relationships advocates temperance, has nothing to do with courage, has nothing to do with faith, has nothing to do with hope or charity, has nothing to do with work, has nothing to do with thrift, sex ed helps with cleanliness, promoting relationships and safe sex promotes responsibility as well as self-discipline, choosing relationships over casual sex is perseverance, has nothing to do with honesty or self-reliance, promoting relationships in way shows connotations of marital infidelity.

I feel like some people just wake up in the morning looking for something to complain about.

And of course, she ignored my post that pointed out her hypocrisy when i talked about the voluntary christian group at Yale. No surprise there.
I was in Athens Ga. last weekend visiting my daughter who is a freshman. You will not find a more liberal university anywhere with all of their diversity this and that, gay and lesbian clubs, feminist clubs, etc. We stayed at The Indigo Hotel right off campus and they made me park my 12 mpg guzzler in the back as I do not drive a Prius or Hybrid. The entire campus is liberal green. My sons all graduated from The University of Georgia also and I have been around Athens most of my 57 years. Another long story.
Everywhere you go on campus in Athens there are numerous churches, church organizations, prayer groups, religous support services and community help organizations. And they are all appreciated and attended. Most have an open door policy as to who they accept.
Sure, there is partying, football traditions, students have sex and all forms of rowdy behavior.
But it is actually a lot better than when I went. Back then the sex was unreal in the early 70s, the dope was all over in the dorms and the groupie line of southern girls behind the practice field fence was 1/4 mile long. No way you would see that now.
There is NO war on religion at the University of Georgia and most all other universities in America.

I'm 26, and went to Ohio State University. Lane avenue is essentially "Main Street" for the school with the football stadium and the basketball stadium right on the street. There's at minimum 3 large churches right by both of those venues and they're all allowed to park on the street and the doors are open. In every game I go to there's large christian groups telling us we're going to hell if we don't take their pamphlets essentially.

Religious views aren't even tempered to the slightest degree at this, one of the largest public universities in the United States.
How does sex week go against religion? Are they saying the only way to have safe sex is to burn a cross beforehand?

I would think you would be promoting this if they're actually promoting relationships rather than casual sex.

It's a student initiated program, just like there's religious programs initiated by students at Yale. No one has to participate, totally voluntary.

Nothing to see here, unless you want to see faux outrage.

1. Every social practice is the expression of fundamental assumptions about what it means to be human. When a society accepts, endorses, and approves any practice, it implicitly commits itself to the accompanying worldview- even more so if the practice is enshrined in law, which tells us what society considers morally acceptable. One should be very careful of acceptance of worldviews that endorse a low view of human life. The secular view that separates humanity into segments, rather than integrates, does that.

2. Contemporary views of sexuality enforce the secular division of body and mind. The latest idea is that gender is a social construct, one that is some sort of fiction, or fabrication, and is totally mutable. Judith Butler, “Gender Trouble,” p. 136
The damage wrought by the feminism movement, the attempts to see no difference in moving from one bed, one partner to another, and the encouragement of same through 'sex week' programs, lowers an individuals' view of themselves.
Are you subscribing to same for your children?
You don't have to answer was merely rhetorical.

a. “At Sarah Lawrence, … designate certain bathrooms as ''all gender.''…Brown and Sarah Lawrence, in Yonkers, will offer housing for the first time this fall to accommodate transgender students. Wesleyan has assigned a hallway for students who choose to live without designating their gender…The Wesleyan campus health services clinic no longer requires students to check off ''M'' or ''F'' On Campus, Rethinking Biology 101 -

3. We no longer think of virtue as the classical virtues of wisdom, justice, temperance, and courage, or the Christian ones of faith, hope and charity, or even the Victorian ones of work, thrift, cleanliness, responsibility, self-discipline, perseverance, honesty and self-reliance. Generally, what comes to mind is the sexual connotations of chastity and marital fidelity. When these are destroyed, or even weakened, not only are the others mentioned above damaged, but the vitality of the society is as well.

1.) it's a voluntary student initiated group at a school students go to voluntarily. The group is supposedly promoting relationships over casual sex so unless you're on here saying casual sex is better, I'd like to know what your religion is :lol:.

2.) No they aren't doing that. This group has nothing do with feminism as far as I can tell.

3.) Again, a voluntary group that's promoting relationships. Sexually educating people gives them wisdom, has nothing to with justice, promoting relationships advocates temperance, has nothing to do with courage, has nothing to do with faith, has nothing to do with hope or charity, has nothing to do with work, has nothing to do with thrift, sex ed helps with cleanliness, promoting relationships and safe sex promotes responsibility as well as self-discipline, choosing relationships over casual sex is perseverance, has nothing to do with honesty or self-reliance, promoting relationships in way shows connotations of marital infidelity.

I feel like some people just wake up in the morning looking for something to complain about.

And of course, she ignored my post that pointed out her hypocrisy when i talked about the voluntary christian group at Yale. No surprise there.

1."And of course, she ignored my post that pointed out her hypocrisy when i talked about the voluntary christian group at Yale. No surprise there."
You're not seriously suggesting that the milieu on college campuses represents a 'christian' viewpoint, are you?
I didn't think so.

2. I don't believe that I use the term 'hypocrisy' for opponents...I leave that to those with losing arguments.

Merely because students aren't dragged to these 'sex weeks' in chains, doesn't obviate the clear instigation toward a hook-up atmosphere.
The existence of the 'seminars' as well as the passing out of birth control in the medical facilities is a wink-and-a-nod toward certain behaviors...the secular rather than the traditional.

3. If that is your view of what is good for the individual and for society...I challenge you to state so clearly. it? may have to use the 'h' word for yourself....
1. Every social practice is the expression of fundamental assumptions about what it means to be human. When a society accepts, endorses, and approves any practice, it implicitly commits itself to the accompanying worldview- even more so if the practice is enshrined in law, which tells us what society considers morally acceptable. One should be very careful of acceptance of worldviews that endorse a low view of human life. The secular view that separates humanity into segments, rather than integrates, does that.

2. Contemporary views of sexuality enforce the secular division of body and mind. The latest idea is that gender is a social construct, one that is some sort of fiction, or fabrication, and is totally mutable. Judith Butler, “Gender Trouble,” p. 136
The damage wrought by the feminism movement, the attempts to see no difference in moving from one bed, one partner to another, and the encouragement of same through 'sex week' programs, lowers an individuals' view of themselves.
Are you subscribing to same for your children?
You don't have to answer was merely rhetorical.

a. “At Sarah Lawrence, … designate certain bathrooms as ''all gender.''…Brown and Sarah Lawrence, in Yonkers, will offer housing for the first time this fall to accommodate transgender students. Wesleyan has assigned a hallway for students who choose to live without designating their gender…The Wesleyan campus health services clinic no longer requires students to check off ''M'' or ''F'' On Campus, Rethinking Biology 101 -

3. We no longer think of virtue as the classical virtues of wisdom, justice, temperance, and courage, or the Christian ones of faith, hope and charity, or even the Victorian ones of work, thrift, cleanliness, responsibility, self-discipline, perseverance, honesty and self-reliance. Generally, what comes to mind is the sexual connotations of chastity and marital fidelity. When these are destroyed, or even weakened, not only are the others mentioned above damaged, but the vitality of the society is as well.

1.) it's a voluntary student initiated group at a school students go to voluntarily. The group is supposedly promoting relationships over casual sex so unless you're on here saying casual sex is better, I'd like to know what your religion is :lol:.

2.) No they aren't doing that. This group has nothing do with feminism as far as I can tell.

3.) Again, a voluntary group that's promoting relationships. Sexually educating people gives them wisdom, has nothing to with justice, promoting relationships advocates temperance, has nothing to do with courage, has nothing to do with faith, has nothing to do with hope or charity, has nothing to do with work, has nothing to do with thrift, sex ed helps with cleanliness, promoting relationships and safe sex promotes responsibility as well as self-discipline, choosing relationships over casual sex is perseverance, has nothing to do with honesty or self-reliance, promoting relationships in way shows connotations of marital infidelity.

I feel like some people just wake up in the morning looking for something to complain about.

And of course, she ignored my post that pointed out her hypocrisy when i talked about the voluntary christian group at Yale. No surprise there.

1."And of course, she ignored my post that pointed out her hypocrisy when i talked about the voluntary christian group at Yale. No surprise there."
You're not seriously suggesting that the milieu on college campuses represents a 'christian' viewpoint, are you?
I didn't think so.

2. I don't believe that I use the term 'hypocrisy' for opponents...I leave that to those with losing arguments.

Merely because students aren't dragged to these 'sex weeks' in chains, doesn't obviate the clear instigation toward a hook-up atmosphere.
The existence of the 'seminars' as well as the passing out of birth control in the medical facilities is a wink-and-a-nod toward certain behaviors...the secular rather than the traditional.

3. If that is your view of what is good for the individual and for society...I challenge you to state so clearly. it? may have to use the 'h' word for yourself....

You referenced this voluntary group at this school as an example of 'shock troops' boot camps of secularism and colleges encourage the breakdown of traditional norms.

So according to your logic why can't i say the voluntary christian group isn't colleges shoving christianity down everyone's throats? Remember not my logic, yours.

Out of all religious viewpoints, there's no doubt christianity is most represented on every public campus I've been on. It's not even close. I'm just stating this fact, I have no problem with it.

A voluntary group that encourages relationships over casual sex is encouraging a hook up atmosphere? That's cute.

No they hand this stuff out because, and I know you can't believe this in your fantasy world, but kids are going to have sex anyways. I remember all the kids of the fundie parents in high school were out getting laid all the time, out getting in trouble all the time, all because these fundies lived in the same fantasy land of telling your kid to ignore their animal instincts works perfectly.

Try your hand at another version of faux outrage, this one is just boring.
1.) it's a voluntary student initiated group at a school students go to voluntarily. The group is supposedly promoting relationships over casual sex so unless you're on here saying casual sex is better, I'd like to know what your religion is :lol:.

2.) No they aren't doing that. This group has nothing do with feminism as far as I can tell.

3.) Again, a voluntary group that's promoting relationships. Sexually educating people gives them wisdom, has nothing to with justice, promoting relationships advocates temperance, has nothing to do with courage, has nothing to do with faith, has nothing to do with hope or charity, has nothing to do with work, has nothing to do with thrift, sex ed helps with cleanliness, promoting relationships and safe sex promotes responsibility as well as self-discipline, choosing relationships over casual sex is perseverance, has nothing to do with honesty or self-reliance, promoting relationships in way shows connotations of marital infidelity.

I feel like some people just wake up in the morning looking for something to complain about.

And of course, she ignored my post that pointed out her hypocrisy when i talked about the voluntary christian group at Yale. No surprise there.

1."And of course, she ignored my post that pointed out her hypocrisy when i talked about the voluntary christian group at Yale. No surprise there."
You're not seriously suggesting that the milieu on college campuses represents a 'christian' viewpoint, are you?
I didn't think so.

2. I don't believe that I use the term 'hypocrisy' for opponents...I leave that to those with losing arguments.

Merely because students aren't dragged to these 'sex weeks' in chains, doesn't obviate the clear instigation toward a hook-up atmosphere.
The existence of the 'seminars' as well as the passing out of birth control in the medical facilities is a wink-and-a-nod toward certain behaviors...the secular rather than the traditional.

3. If that is your view of what is good for the individual and for society...I challenge you to state so clearly. it? may have to use the 'h' word for yourself....

You referenced this voluntary group at this school as an example of 'shock troops' boot camps of secularism and colleges encourage the breakdown of traditional norms.

So according to your logic why can't i say the voluntary christian group isn't colleges shoving christianity down everyone's throats? Remember not my logic, yours.

Out of all religious viewpoints, there's no doubt christianity is most represented on every public campus I've been on. It's not even close. I'm just stating this fact, I have no problem with it.

A voluntary group that encourages relationships over casual sex is encouraging a hook up atmosphere? That's cute.

No they hand this stuff out because, and I know you can't believe this in your fantasy world, but kids are going to have sex anyways. I remember all the kids of the fundie parents in high school were out getting laid all the time, out getting in trouble all the time, all because these fundies lived in the same fantasy land of telling your kid to ignore their animal instincts works perfectly.

Try your hand at another version of faux outrage, this one is just boring.

Remember this?
"3. If that is your view of what is good for the individual and for society...I challenge you to state so clearly. it?"

Now, why such strenuous avoidance?

The reason is that to champion a casual sex attitude, a hook-up atmosphere, is absurd once you begin to think of it in terms of you and yours...

Your non-answer makes my point quite eloquently.

How very predictable that you ignored the question....
....notice how I avoid the "h" word.

BTW, you've used the " faux outrage" cliché twice....yet I haven't evinced any variety of rage...only disappointment.
1."And of course, she ignored my post that pointed out her hypocrisy when i talked about the voluntary christian group at Yale. No surprise there."
You're not seriously suggesting that the milieu on college campuses represents a 'christian' viewpoint, are you?
I didn't think so.

2. I don't believe that I use the term 'hypocrisy' for opponents...I leave that to those with losing arguments.

Merely because students aren't dragged to these 'sex weeks' in chains, doesn't obviate the clear instigation toward a hook-up atmosphere.
The existence of the 'seminars' as well as the passing out of birth control in the medical facilities is a wink-and-a-nod toward certain behaviors...the secular rather than the traditional.

3. If that is your view of what is good for the individual and for society...I challenge you to state so clearly. it? may have to use the 'h' word for yourself....

You referenced this voluntary group at this school as an example of 'shock troops' boot camps of secularism and colleges encourage the breakdown of traditional norms.

So according to your logic why can't i say the voluntary christian group isn't colleges shoving christianity down everyone's throats? Remember not my logic, yours.

Out of all religious viewpoints, there's no doubt christianity is most represented on every public campus I've been on. It's not even close. I'm just stating this fact, I have no problem with it.

A voluntary group that encourages relationships over casual sex is encouraging a hook up atmosphere? That's cute.

No they hand this stuff out because, and I know you can't believe this in your fantasy world, but kids are going to have sex anyways. I remember all the kids of the fundie parents in high school were out getting laid all the time, out getting in trouble all the time, all because these fundies lived in the same fantasy land of telling your kid to ignore their animal instincts works perfectly.

Try your hand at another version of faux outrage, this one is just boring.

Remember this?
"3. If that is your view of what is good for the individual and for society...I challenge you to state so clearly. it?"

Now, why such strenuous avoidance?

The reason is that to champion a casual sex attitude, a hook-up atmosphere, is absurd once you begin to think of it in terms of you and yours...

Your non-answer makes my point quite eloquently.

How very predictable that you ignored the question....
....notice how I avoid the "h" word.

BTW, you've used the " faux outrage" cliché twice....yet I haven't evinced any variety of rage...only disappointment.

The article states the exact opposite of what you're claiming, that's why i didn't respond.

The article states the group is promoting relationships over casual sex, and you're on here pretending it's stating the exact opposite.

And I repeat, it's 100% voluntary. So if ppl don't want to hear what they have to say, they don't have to.
I was in Athens Ga. last weekend visiting my daughter who is a freshman. You will not find a more liberal university anywhere with all of their diversity this and that, gay and lesbian clubs, feminist clubs, etc. We stayed at The Indigo Hotel right off campus and they made me park my 12 mpg guzzler in the back as I do not drive a Prius or Hybrid. The entire campus is liberal green. My sons all graduated from The University of Georgia also and I have been around Athens most of my 57 years. Another long story.
Everywhere you go on campus in Athens there are numerous churches, church organizations, prayer groups, religous support services and community help organizations. And they are all appreciated and attended. Most have an open door policy as to who they accept.
Sure, there is partying, football traditions, students have sex and all forms of rowdy behavior.
But it is actually a lot better than when I went. Back then the sex was unreal in the early 70s, the dope was all over in the dorms and the groupie line of southern girls behind the practice field fence was 1/4 mile long. No way you would see that now.
There is NO war on religion at the University of Georgia and most all other universities in America.

I'm 26, and went to Ohio State University. Lane avenue is essentially "Main Street" for the school with the football stadium and the basketball stadium right on the street. There's at minimum 3 large churches right by both of those venues and they're all allowed to park on the street and the doors are open. In every game I go to there's large christian groups telling us we're going to hell if we don't take their pamphlets essentially.

Religious views aren't even tempered to the slightest degree at this, one of the largest public universities in the United States.

My wife is from Ohio and has 4 brothers, buckeyes to the core.
We played you guys in '93 at The Citrus Bowl and won 21-14. We had Eric Zeir at QB and I was impressed with Robert Smith for you guys.
But of course too much of the old DAWG running game did you guys in with Hearst, Davis with Mack Strong leading the way at FB.
I was in Athens Ga. last weekend visiting my daughter who is a freshman. You will not find a more liberal university anywhere with all of their diversity this and that, gay and lesbian clubs, feminist clubs, etc. We stayed at The Indigo Hotel right off campus and they made me park my 12 mpg guzzler in the back as I do not drive a Prius or Hybrid. The entire campus is liberal green. My sons all graduated from The University of Georgia also and I have been around Athens most of my 57 years. Another long story.
Everywhere you go on campus in Athens there are numerous churches, church organizations, prayer groups, religous support services and community help organizations. And they are all appreciated and attended. Most have an open door policy as to who they accept.
Sure, there is partying, football traditions, students have sex and all forms of rowdy behavior.
But it is actually a lot better than when I went. Back then the sex was unreal in the early 70s, the dope was all over in the dorms and the groupie line of southern girls behind the practice field fence was 1/4 mile long. No way you would see that now.
There is NO war on religion at the University of Georgia and most all other universities in America.

I'm 26, and went to Ohio State University. Lane avenue is essentially "Main Street" for the school with the football stadium and the basketball stadium right on the street. There's at minimum 3 large churches right by both of those venues and they're all allowed to park on the street and the doors are open. In every game I go to there's large christian groups telling us we're going to hell if we don't take their pamphlets essentially.

Religious views aren't even tempered to the slightest degree at this, one of the largest public universities in the United States.

My wife is from Ohio and has 4 brothers, buckeyes to the core.
We played you guys in '93 at The Citrus Bowl and won 21-14. We had Eric Zeir at QB and I was impressed with Robert Smith for you guys.
But of course too much of the old DAWG running game did you guys in with Hearst, Davis with Mack Strong leading the way at FB.

I was down in the dumps this year, but the Tressel saga couldn't have happened at a better time with Urban Meyer being a free agent :).
You referenced this voluntary group at this school as an example of 'shock troops' boot camps of secularism and colleges encourage the breakdown of traditional norms.

So according to your logic why can't i say the voluntary christian group isn't colleges shoving christianity down everyone's throats? Remember not my logic, yours.

Out of all religious viewpoints, there's no doubt christianity is most represented on every public campus I've been on. It's not even close. I'm just stating this fact, I have no problem with it.

A voluntary group that encourages relationships over casual sex is encouraging a hook up atmosphere? That's cute.

No they hand this stuff out because, and I know you can't believe this in your fantasy world, but kids are going to have sex anyways. I remember all the kids of the fundie parents in high school were out getting laid all the time, out getting in trouble all the time, all because these fundies lived in the same fantasy land of telling your kid to ignore their animal instincts works perfectly.

Try your hand at another version of faux outrage, this one is just boring.

Remember this?
"3. If that is your view of what is good for the individual and for society...I challenge you to state so clearly. it?"

Now, why such strenuous avoidance?

The reason is that to champion a casual sex attitude, a hook-up atmosphere, is absurd once you begin to think of it in terms of you and yours...

Your non-answer makes my point quite eloquently.

How very predictable that you ignored the question....
....notice how I avoid the "h" word.

BTW, you've used the " faux outrage" cliché twice....yet I haven't evinced any variety of rage...only disappointment.

The article states the exact opposite of what you're claiming, that's why i didn't respond.

The article states the group is promoting relationships over casual sex, and you're on here pretending it's stating the exact opposite.

And I repeat, it's 100% voluntary. So if ppl don't want to hear what they have to say, they don't have to.

"There will also be sessions about pornography.

4. This year, Sex Week has competition.

5. Students with Undergraduates for a Better Yale College have started True Love Week, where they will host educational seminars."

The above from the OP.
They are responding what is the usual on campus.

But stop squirming....'re not required to answer.

I'm satisfied that you understand the point, and are not willing to champion the sybaritic tone.
Remember this?
"3. If that is your view of what is good for the individual and for society...I challenge you to state so clearly. it?"

Now, why such strenuous avoidance?

The reason is that to champion a casual sex attitude, a hook-up atmosphere, is absurd once you begin to think of it in terms of you and yours...

Your non-answer makes my point quite eloquently.

How very predictable that you ignored the question....
....notice how I avoid the "h" word.

BTW, you've used the " faux outrage" cliché twice....yet I haven't evinced any variety of rage...only disappointment.

The article states the exact opposite of what you're claiming, that's why i didn't respond.

The article states the group is promoting relationships over casual sex, and you're on here pretending it's stating the exact opposite.

And I repeat, it's 100% voluntary. So if ppl don't want to hear what they have to say, they don't have to.

"There will also be sessions about pornography.

4. This year, Sex Week has competition.

5. Students with Undergraduates for a Better Yale College have started True Love Week, where they will host educational seminars."

The above from the OP.
They are responding what is the usual on campus.

But stop squirming....'re not required to answer.

I'm satisfied that you understand the point, and are not willing to champion the sybaritic tone.

Sessions for 19-22 year olds about pornography, that's really what you're worried about? Any kid who can get on the internet can look at pornography, i can assure you the people who voluntarily choose to go to this aren't going to be seeing pornography for the first time.

Nor would that be the case for most any 7th grader who may have snuck into the seminar.

You're speaking out against people voluntarily looking at porn, and blaming the university for something any person with access to the interent can do.

The article states the exact opposite of what you're claiming, that's why i didn't respond.

The article states the group is promoting relationships over casual sex, and you're on here pretending it's stating the exact opposite.

And I repeat, it's 100% voluntary. So if ppl don't want to hear what they have to say, they don't have to.

"There will also be sessions about pornography.

4. This year, Sex Week has competition.

5. Students with Undergraduates for a Better Yale College have started True Love Week, where they will host educational seminars."

The above from the OP.
They are responding what is the usual on campus.

But stop squirming....'re not required to answer.

I'm satisfied that you understand the point, and are not willing to champion the sybaritic tone.

Sessions for 19-22 year olds about pornography, that's really what you're worried about? Any kid who can get on the internet can look at pornography, i can assure you the people who voluntarily choose to go to this aren't going to be seeing pornography for the first time.

Nor would that be the case for most any 7th grader who may have snuck into the seminar.

You're speaking out against people voluntarily looking at porn, and blaming the university for something any person with access to the interent can do.


Why would you try to pretend that the one sample seminar is the entire pun intended?

I think you realize the bigger question...this attempt to retrieve some standing, without actually admitting that traditional standards are better for society, is transparent.

It's proven by your lack of interest in answer the question I asked earlier.

While not totally germane to this discussion, it is interesting that standards of scholarship on campus have fallen in tandem with the drop in personal standards.
That makes this an even more important discussion.

Or...are you going to argue that scholarship on campus is also 'voluntary'?
"There will also be sessions about pornography.

4. This year, Sex Week has competition.

5. Students with Undergraduates for a Better Yale College have started True Love Week, where they will host educational seminars."

The above from the OP.
They are responding what is the usual on campus.

But stop squirming....'re not required to answer.

I'm satisfied that you understand the point, and are not willing to champion the sybaritic tone.

Sessions for 19-22 year olds about pornography, that's really what you're worried about? Any kid who can get on the internet can look at pornography, i can assure you the people who voluntarily choose to go to this aren't going to be seeing pornography for the first time.

Nor would that be the case for most any 7th grader who may have snuck into the seminar.

You're speaking out against people voluntarily looking at porn, and blaming the university for something any person with access to the interent can do.


Why would you try to pretend that the one sample seminar is the entire pun intended?

I think you realize the bigger question...this attempt to retrieve some standing, without actually admitting that traditional standards are better for society, is transparent.

It's proven by your lack of interest in answer the question I asked earlier.

While not totally germane to this discussion, it is interesting that standards of scholarship on campus have fallen in tandem with the drop in personal standards.
That makes this an even more important discussion.

Or...are you going to argue that scholarship on campus is also 'voluntary'?

Yes i see the bigger question, why do you have a problem with people voluntarily looking at porn? Would you rather we have a gov't regulated internet similar to Iran or China?

If attending the college weren't voluntarily, and then joining the individual group started by student voluntary, I'd see your point. But since none of this is being forced, and college age adults who don't want to look at porn don't have to, you have no point.

You just don't like that not everyone shares your sense of morality. This thread for example, a small group at Yale has you "disappointed" with society's morals.

All this over a little porno on campus, that any college kid could look at 24/7 if this group never existed anyways. Sheesh.
Sessions for 19-22 year olds about pornography, that's really what you're worried about? Any kid who can get on the internet can look at pornography, i can assure you the people who voluntarily choose to go to this aren't going to be seeing pornography for the first time.

Nor would that be the case for most any 7th grader who may have snuck into the seminar.

You're speaking out against people voluntarily looking at porn, and blaming the university for something any person with access to the interent can do.


Why would you try to pretend that the one sample seminar is the entire pun intended?

I think you realize the bigger question...this attempt to retrieve some standing, without actually admitting that traditional standards are better for society, is transparent.

It's proven by your lack of interest in answer the question I asked earlier.

While not totally germane to this discussion, it is interesting that standards of scholarship on campus have fallen in tandem with the drop in personal standards.
That makes this an even more important discussion.

Or...are you going to argue that scholarship on campus is also 'voluntary'?

Yes i see the bigger question, why do you have a problem with people voluntarily looking at porn? Would you rather we have a gov't regulated internet similar to Iran or China?

If attending the college weren't voluntarily, and then joining the individual group started by student voluntary, I'd see your point. But since none of this is being forced, and college age adults who don't want to look at porn don't have to, you have no point.

You just don't like that not everyone shares your sense of morality. This thread for example, a small group at Yale has you "disappointed" with society's morals.

All this over a little porno on campus, that any college kid could look at 24/7 if this group never existed anyways. Sheesh.

In the words of the famed Brown Bomber..."you can run, but you can't hide."

You know that this is hardly about "voluntarily looking at porn."

It is about the tacit approval of the secularists who run the colleges and universities, the liberals, who would like nothing better than to undermine the standards of Western Civilization.

Now, c'mon...get off your knees, and stand up for the Left!
As a product of such an education, you haven't learned about the French Revolution, the Frankfurt School, or the uprisings of the 60's...
That's why your views are limited, and one-dimensional.

"Perhaps the best snap-shot of pop culture is to be found in the following bit about the music industry, has “somehow reduced humanity’s greatest achievement- a near universal language of pure transcendence - into a knuckle-dragging sub-pidgin of grunts and snarls, capable of fully expressing only the more pointless forms of violence and the more brutal forms of sex.”
Michael Bywater, “Never mind the width, feel the lack of quality,” The Spectator, May 13, 1995, p. 44.

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