Toyota Cleared Of Computer Glich


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 15, 2009
Conservative part of the Northwest
Wow! Who didn't see this coming? This happened right around the time of the "CASH FOR CLUNKERS" debacle. Any connection?

The Department of Transportation has exonerated Toyota, verifying that "unintended acceleration" claims against certain Toyota models, particularly the Toyota Prius hybrid, were not a problem of faults with the vehicle electronic grid. Nevertheless, new government regulations are on the way.

DOT Secretary Roy LaHood today said that only two problems had been identified, "so-called sticky pedals"--accelerator pedals that would stay depressed even when the driver's foot was removed from the pedal--and floor mats that would entrap gas pedals and not let them return to the full up position.

The findings were the result of an eight month investigation that included NASA scientists. "We enlisted the best and brightest engineers to study Toyota's electronics systems, and the verdict is in. There is no electronic-based cause for unintended high-speed acceleration in Toyotas," said LaHood at a press conference today.

Continue reading on Toyota cleared of unintended acceleration' charges, NHTSA wants new regs anyway - National auto review | Toyota cleared of unintended acceleration' charges, NHTSA wants new regs anyway - National auto review |
I just love how they want new regs anyway. Typical government respons to a non-problem. Good for Toyota though.
I wouldn't say they were cleared...the claim is it just wasn't an electrical glitch.

You wouldn't say they were cleared? So, when the government says that it was driver error, that is actually code for it was Toyota's fault.

I wouldn't say they were cleared...the claim is it just wasn't an electrical glitch.

You wouldn't say they were cleared? So, when the government says that it was driver error, that is actually code for it was Toyota's fault.

From the article:

DOT Secretary Roy LaHood today said that only two problems had been identified, "so-called sticky pedals"--accelerator pedals that would stay depressed even when the driver's foot was removed from the pedal--and floor mats that would entrap gas pedals and not let them return to the full up position.
You guys know what to do if yer' car ever accelerates like that right?

Simply shut of the ignition. Turn the ignition off like you do when you park yer' car but don't take the keys out as most car steering wheels will lock when you do that.

Shut the engine off but leave the keys on the "accessory" detent. You know, like when you sit in the car with the engine off and just listen to the radio? You will lose power steering but you will at least be able to slow down and pull over. Practice it one time on a deserted road or parking lot (at slow speeds :lol:).

Don't be the idiot who calls 911 when your car goes out of control! Just shut off the ignition and pull over!

When I was in H.S. my best bud Kenny had a "Baja Bug" whose throttle cable would sometimes go "over center" and fail to return to idle. One time we turned a corner and as he accelerated the engine revved as high as it could go. Ken yelled "Shit!" and immediately shut of the ignition. We pulled over and fixed the throttle cable. A little scary but funny at the same time. No big deal.
I wouldn't say they were cleared...the claim is it just wasn't an electrical glitch.

You wouldn't say they were cleared? So, when the government says that it was driver error, that is actually code for it was Toyota's fault.


From the article:

DOT Secretary Roy LaHood today said that only two problems had been identified, "so-called sticky pedals"--accelerator pedals that would stay depressed even when the driver's foot was removed from the pedal--and floor mats that would entrap gas pedals and not let them return to the full up position.

Isn't it wonderful how you look at one, obviously biased source, and conclude just what they want you to conclude?

I, on the other hand, go to people who know about cars and see what they say.

In collaborating with the National Academy of Sciences, NHTSA revealed that it has only been able to confirm one case of legitimate sudden acceleration in those 75 fatal accidents. That accident was the catalyst that sparked the entire scandal, an off-duty California Highway Patrol officer who crashed on the freeway near San Diego, California, on August 28, 2009 killing all the occupants of the vehicle.

Report: NHTSA Finds Driver Error in Toyota Sudden Acceleration Cases, Not Defect - WOT

Look at that, one single confirmed case of uninteded acceleration out of 3000+ reports, and that was because womeone put the wrong floor mat in the car.

Every vehicle I have ever driven had brakes that would stop the car even if I had the accelerator all the way to the floor. The only this does not work is if you get a simultaneous failure of the brake system and the accelerator. This is all but impossible unless, like the one case they confirmed, put something in the car that prevents both pedals from working properly.

If any of those drivers had had enough brains to actually step on the gas those cars would have stopped.

None of them did.

According to the Journal’s sources, the analysis of “dozens” of data recorders, also known as “black boxes,” has revealed that at the times of the crashes, the throttles were wide open and the brakes were not being depressed. Such evidence suggests that the drivers were mistakenly standing on the gas pedal when they thought they were standing on the brakes.

Spin that however you want, the fault clearly is not Toyota's. The real problem here is that Toyota, after watching what happened to Audi a few years ago when the same thing happened to them, is unwilling to say that the people driving their cars are idiots.
Um...I was commenting on the article posted. And your article quotes "sources" yet the report hasn't been released and won't be for several months.

Um...I was commenting on the article posted. And your article quotes "sources" yet the report hasn't been released and won't be for several months.


If you step on the brakes the car will stop.

End of conversation.

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