Touchless fingerprinting good or bad?


Nov 20, 2011
Having no life I spend a lot of time looking at many things about technology on the internet. Yesterday I can across the new technology of touchless finger printing that is currently being used in Japan for vending machines transactions.
Do you think this would help our country with many areas such as identification, transaction security both at the point of sale and internet also the criminal system would benefit. Is there some reason you feel unsecure with your fingerprints being on file?
The application for voting online would be something worth exploring also. Please give feedback as it is welcomed. Thanks
My response will address your question and extend a bit further.

In spite of considerable opposition I strongly advocate the mandatory requirement for an addressable, biometric Citizen ID Card. Such an instrument would ensure that the bearer is in fact an American citizen but would include no personal information other than essential medical data, such as blood type, allergies, etc.

The card would contain a photograph, fingerprint, physical description and DNA coding. The information would be verifiable by swiping the card through portable readers which would be carried by ICE officials and readily available to employers who regularly hire documented guest workers.

The card would enable foolproof enforcement of immigration laws and would put an end to the prevailing fake ID problem which presently accomodates employers who willingly hire illegal aliens in place of American citizens.

Such a card would solve the problem of illegal immigration within six months. And there is no good reason why a legitimate citizen would not want to carry proof of that status.

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