Toronto: 8 teenaged girls beat man to death


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Eight teenage girls, ages 13 to 16, will spend Christmas behind bars after being accused of brutally killing a homeless man for his alcohol.

The girls have been charged with second-degree murder on Tuesday for allegedly stabbing a 59-year-old man, who was locally known as Kenney.

None of their identities have been released due to the Youth Criminal Justice Act. And the same group of girls were involved in another altercation earlier in the night and had a lot of weapons on them, according to police.

Three of the girls are 13, three others are 14, and two are 16, according to the Toronto Police, and they met on social media. Three of them have had prior contact with authorities and they are all believed to be from various parts of the city.

Authorities are not classifying the group as a gang, at the moment, but said they did engage in 'swarming,' where a large group of people attack one target.

They were taken into custody on Sunday and are not due back in court until December 29.

Why do people behave like animals?
Is it parental neglect?
Does Progressive culture produce these kinds of soulless violent people?
Eight teenage girls, ages 13 to 16, will spend Christmas behind bars after being accused of brutally killing a homeless man for his alcohol.

The girls have been charged with second-degree murder on Tuesday for allegedly stabbing a 59-year-old man, who was locally known as Kenney.

None of their identities have been released due to the Youth Criminal Justice Act. And the same group of girls were involved in another altercation earlier in the night and had a lot of weapons on them, according to police.

Three of the girls are 13, three others are 14, and two are 16, according to the Toronto Police, and they met on social media. Three of them have had prior contact with authorities and they are all believed to be from various parts of the city.

Authorities are not classifying the group as a gang, at the moment, but said they did engage in 'swarming,' where a large group of people attack one target.

They were taken into custody on Sunday and are not due back in court until December 29.

Why do people behave like animals?
Is it parental neglect?
Does Progressive culture produce these kinds of soulless violent people?
Why do people behave like animals?

Where to begin?

With secularism at an all time high and children allowed to be referred to "furries" in school, they have learned to think and act like animals.

After all, secular humanists view humans as mere glorified animals, and not much, if at all, different from the animal kingdom.

In fact, if you ask Left loons like PETA, animals hold a higher value than evil human beings.

So now that secular humanists view humanity like glorified animals, they can treat them as such.

What do we do with animals again?

Oh, that's right, use them as beasts of burden, (slave labor), lock them in zoos for entertainment, or just round them up and kill them to eat or depopulate them.

A great metaphor for "progressive culture": A person makes a mess, then walks away because they have better things to do than to clean it up.

Progressives are 'big picture' people that don't understand that such pictures of made up of many small but important details. They are generally much too 'grand' to trouble themselves with such.
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A great metaphor for "progressive culture": A person makes a mess, then walks away because they have better things to do than to clean it up.

Progressives are 'big picture' people that don't understand that such pictures of made up of many small but important details. They are generally much too 'grand' to trouble themselves with such.
Putin done it

Besides, Orange man bad.

That is the extent of Left wing thought as to what is wrong with the world, that, and the Left does not control enough to end all evil in the world.
A horrible story, women can be just as evil as men, especially in Canada.

I've been swarmed a couple of times, been jumped and robbed more times. This is Toronto, the police love it, when they aren't encouraging it. At $150k a year plus gold pension and benefits while being a grade 12 grad, why wouldn't they?

I always fought back during these incidents because it's my nature. I still have a small slice on my lip from one guy who stabbed down on me with a small knife during such occassions. I'm lucky I didn't lose my eye that night.

Imagine my shock however, when I found out how many covert Toronto Police were encouraging such activities in my neighbourhood, they were the trouble makers, the spark. It was great for their budgets and their ability t raise money to fight "gang activity". Riiiight.

First time the world is hearing this, the police even had one of their own jump on a police car and conveniently get caught on video from above long before phone cameras as he was surrounded by police. Was great for local news "look at these animals! I'm scared Martha, the police need more money!

..Oh, if only people knew what I know...

Maybe Canadians should push for more self defense options rather than the ability to run and hope the superman cop drinking his coffee comes to the rescue.

You know why it is the POLICE in Canada who are against self defense for citizens? Not only does it allow them to be the alpha male in charge of your life as they are armed, but, they wouldn't want some of their overzealous undercovers meeting such a weapon when they try and stir up trouble...
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Eight teenage girls, ages 13 to 16, will spend Christmas behind bars after being accused of brutally killing a homeless man for his alcohol.

The girls have been charged with second-degree murder on Tuesday for allegedly stabbing a 59-year-old man, who was locally known as Kenney.

None of their identities have been released due to the Youth Criminal Justice Act. And the same group of girls were involved in another altercation earlier in the night and had a lot of weapons on them, according to police.

Three of the girls are 13, three others are 14, and two are 16, according to the Toronto Police, and they met on social media. Three of them have had prior contact with authorities and they are all believed to be from various parts of the city.

Authorities are not classifying the group as a gang, at the moment, but said they did engage in 'swarming,' where a large group of people attack one target.

They were taken into custody on Sunday and are not due back in court until December 29.

Why do people behave like animals?
Is it parental neglect?
Does Progressive culture produce these kinds of soulless violent people?
Dude, stabbing is NOT beating. Stabbing is murder.
Why do people behave like animals?

Because they are animals.

Unlike the four-legged ones, human beings have learned to walk on two legs.

But they are still animals -- such as those "children" that are acting so badly at Disneyland and its branches that Disney officials have begged them to stop!

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