Top Ten differences between White Terrorists and Others


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Sometimes a few words can say a lot.

"1. White terrorists are called “gunmen.” What does that even mean? A person with a gun? Wouldn’t that be, like, everyone in the US? Other terrorists are called, like, “terrorists.”"

Two through nine here: Top Ten differences between White Terrorists and Others | Informed Comment

"10. There is nothing you can do about white terrorists. Gun control won’t stop them. No policy you could make, no government program, could possibly have an impact on them. But hundreds of billions of dollars must be spent on police and on the Department of Defense, and on TSA, which must virtually strip search 60 million people a year, to deal with other terrorists."

Terrorists are an organized group of people who attack innocent civilians, based on a religious and/or political ideology. If you can define a particular white shooter with that definition, then they are in fact terrorists. If it isn't organized and just a single crazy man, then you call them a "lone gunman".

By the way, the implication of this thread is that a "lone gunman" is somehow not as bad as "terrorist". That a false assumption. They are both equally bad, we just use different names for them so as to communicate better. If you lump in every killer with the word "terrorist", then the word becomes too generalized and we have to come up with a new word for terrorists.

Sometimes a few words can say a lot.

"1. White terrorists are called “gunmen.” What does that even mean? A person with a gun? Wouldn’t that be, like, everyone in the US? Other terrorists are called, like, “terrorists.”"

Two through nine here: Top Ten differences between White Terrorists and Others | Informed Comment

"10. There is nothing you can do about white terrorists. Gun control won’t stop them. No policy you could make, no government program, could possibly have an impact on them. But hundreds of billions of dollars must be spent on police and on the Department of Defense, and on TSA, which must virtually strip search 60 million people a year, to deal with other terrorists."


Huh? You mean muslim terrorists on domestic soil are described as "work place violence" while white terrorists are called "terrorists," but only if they attack a mosque. According to the Obama media, attacking a conservative organization that receives money from Chick Fil A because they support traditional marrage is not news worthy. However, they are the ones called "gunmen." Remember that the Fort Hood shooting was made possible via political correctness. And now you want your political correctness back?
It's certainly an Obama world!

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Sometimes a few words can say a lot.

"1. White terrorists are called “gunmen.” What does that even mean? A person with a gun? Wouldn’t that be, like, everyone in the US? Other terrorists are called, like, “terrorists.”"

Two through nine here: Top Ten differences between White Terrorists and Others | Informed Comment

"10. There is nothing you can do about white terrorists. Gun control won’t stop them. No policy you could make, no government program, could possibly have an impact on them. But hundreds of billions of dollars must be spent on police and on the Department of Defense, and on TSA, which must virtually strip search 60 million people a year, to deal with other terrorists."


  1. So are black terrorists, what's your point?
  2. Funny, I don't remember a global plot when Hasan shot a bunch of soldiers.
  3. Unless they are Muslims.
  4. Like the interview of the mother of the white terrorist in Aurora?
  5. No, they are extremists, even if they get money from the mainstream.
  6. Yeah, right.
  7. Not if they are Palestinians.
  8. Whites have better PR people.
  9. I think anyone that kills anyone for any reason other than revenge is insane, but I am pretty crazy myself.
  10. The TSA isn't going to stop anyone, it just keeps the idiots happy.
I notice, "White terrorists receive a disproportionate level of media coverage" didn't make the list.

I couldn't agree more - it is as if US media have simply decided they won't talk about anything to do with gun violence beyond news coverage.

Why isn't their more indepth reportage about extreme right wing movements, about Christian-inspired terror organisations and particularly about these nutcase survivalist militia?
I notice, "White terrorists receive a disproportionate level of media coverage" didn't make the list.

I couldn't agree more - it is as if US media have simply decided they won't talk about anything to do with gun violence beyond news coverage.

Why isn't their more indepth reportage about extreme right wing movements, about Christian-inspired terror organisations and particularly about these nutcase survivalist militia?

the media won't discuss the black on white crime rate at all, but there is coverage about right wing extremists.

Remember, you and Noomi live in foreign countries.
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Squeese -

I can understand the media wanting to read lightly on both black on white crime and white on black's a topic that is so provocative and difficult to cover objectiely and without seeming to demonise an entire ethnic group.

It should be discussed, definitely, but as a journalist I'd be concerned about how to cover not only the crime, but the paradigms within which crime occurs. In other words, why people commit crime, and what factors encourage crime.
Squeese -

I can understand the media wanting to read lightly on both black on white crime and white on black's a topic that is so provocative and difficult to cover objectiely and without seeming to demonise an entire ethnic group.

It should be discussed, definitely, but as a journalist I'd be concerned about how to cover not only the crime, but the paradigms within which crime occurs. In other words, why people commit crime, and what factors encourage crime.

everyone will blame black crime on poverty ( lame excuse) and an unfair justice system ( doesn't exist) .

BTW the OP was an opinion and not facts

Ps I blame crime on low or non-existent morals.
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10. There is nothing you can do about white terrorists. Gun control won’t stop them. No policy you could make, no government program, could possibly have an impact on them. But hundreds of billions of dollars must be spent on police and on the Department of Defense, and on TSA, which must virtually strip search 60 million people a year, to deal with other terrorists."


Strip search 60 million Americans out of fear..........

Watch it..! Grandma could be packing a utility knife. Close the Airport.......... Search everyone again.

Surrendering liberty is an important part of our SAFETY.

Then people wonder why so many Americans want smaller government.........
1. White terrorists are called “gunmen.” What does that even mean? A person with a gun? Wouldn’t that be, like, everyone in the US? Other terrorists are called, like, “terrorists.”

*The headlines I saw all said "white supremacist kills 6 in Wisconsin". What media are you reading? Meanwhile, they NEVER give the race of blacks, Arabs, etc.

2. White terrorists are “troubled loners.” Other terrorists are always suspected of being part of a global plot, even when they are obviously troubled loners.

*Yeah, because Tim McVeigh was part of a worldwide army, whereas Al Queda is just a group of loners. ?

3. Doing a study on the danger of white terrorists at the Department of Homeland Security will get you sidelined by angry white Congressmen. Doing studies on other kinds of terrorists is a guaranteed promotion.

*Uh, the DOJ has a whole section devoted to tracking Nazis. Did you know that, asshole? What other group gets that treatment?

4. The family of a white terrorist is interviewed, weeping as they wonder where he went wrong. The families of other terrorists are almost never interviewed.

*Because it would be so easy for the media to locate them. Duh.

5. White terrorists are part of a “fringe.” Other terrorists are apparently mainstream.

*Again, this is probably true. You could find no white Republicans to endorse Wade Michael Page. If you walked into any hookah shop in the middle east, you could find open supporters of Muslim terrorism.

6. White terrorists are random events, like tornadoes. Other terrorists are long-running conspiracies.

*Again, true.

7. White terrorists are never called “white.” But other terrorists are given ethnic affiliations.

*Really? I have never seen this. Only the opposite.

8. Nobody thinks white terrorists are typical of white people. But other terrorists are considered paragons of their societies.

1) true and 2) true.

9. White terrorists are alcoholics, addicts or mentally ill. Other terrorists are apparently clean-living and perfectly sane.

1) true and 2) mostly true. bin Laden loved porn, apparently. And the 9/11 guys drank.

10. There is nothing you can do about white terrorists. Gun control won’t stop them. No policy you could make, no government program, could possibly have an impact on them. But hundreds of billions of dollars must be spent on police and on the Department of Defense, and on TSA, which must virtually strip search 60 million people a year, to deal with other terrorists.

What policy do you suggest? Banning guns? Banning whites? Oh, that's probably what you want.
10. There is nothing you can do about white terrorists. Gun control won’t stop them. No policy you could make, no government program, could possibly have an impact on them. But hundreds of billions of dollars must be spent on police and on the Department of Defense, and on TSA, which must virtually strip search 60 million people a year, to deal with other terrorists."


Strip search 60 million Americans out of fear..........

Watch it..! Grandma could be packing a utility knife. Close the Airport.......... Search everyone again.

Surrendering liberty is an important part of our SAFETY.

Then people wonder why so many Americans want smaller government.........[/QUOTE]

In her mind, the number one threat to national security is white terrorists.
Squeese -

I can understand the media wanting to read lightly on both black on white crime and white on black's a topic that is so provocative and difficult to cover objectiely and without seeming to demonise an entire ethnic group.

It should be discussed, definitely, but as a journalist I'd be concerned about how to cover not only the crime, but the paradigms within which crime occurs. In other words, why people commit crime, and what factors encourage crime.

But in some cases objectivity becomes political correctness idiocy with the media. Here's a perfect example that happened here in Grand Rapids, MI. Two young black women knocked an elderly white woman to the ground while snatching her purse in a busy parking lot. The woman eventually died a few days later as a result of a head injury from the fall.

Cops were looking for the two women who sped away in a white car. In the Grand Rapids Press article about it the police urged readers to call an 800# if they had any info that might help lead to their arrests. Good move, huh? Well except that the Press only wrote in their story that the cops were looking for two women in a white car in spite of the fact the cops knew from numerous witness accounts they were black women and so advised the Press reporter.

Imagine the wasted time of operators fielding calls about a white car with two white women in it or two Asians or Hispanics or various combinations of those and others?
The Press naturally took a beating in their Letters to the Editor section for a few days. Then finally the head guy wrote a piece addressing the issue in which he said they left out that the two women were black because they didn't see how including it would serve to advance the story!

Duh, advance like in maybe help capture the two scumbags who caused a woman's death?
Sometimes a few words can say a lot.

"1. White terrorists are called “gunmen.” What does that even mean? A person with a gun? Wouldn’t that be, like, everyone in the US? Other terrorists are called, like, “terrorists.”"

Two through nine here: Top Ten differences between White Terrorists and Others | Informed Comment

"10. There is nothing you can do about white terrorists. Gun control won’t stop them. No policy you could make, no government program, could possibly have an impact on them. But hundreds of billions of dollars must be spent on police and on the Department of Defense, and on TSA, which must virtually strip search 60 million people a year, to deal with other terrorists."


OOOOHHHH! I almost forgot. What don't any media outlets call these people black?

Here they are described as "Young People." [ame=]Video "flash mob" robbery | youths, teens looting Washington, D.C. local 7- Eleven store - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Silver Spring 7-Eleven Mass Theft - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Surveillance video shows suspects in Nordstrom Black flash mob theft - YouTube[/ame]

Has anyone seen and white flash mob robberies? No? Just dancing in the streets flash mobs you say? Oh I know, black people get a pass on crime. Should have never brought it up. To point out that 100% of flash mobs are almost entirely comprised of black people would be stereotyping large mobs of black people outside local stores. We wouldn't want to give them a bad name. Most of these robberies will go unreported on CNN, CBS, MSNBC, NBC, among other notably liberal outlets.

Remember when the Show Cops got caught desperatly serching for film of white people commiting crimes to even out the footage and not make it seem as though black intercity people commit the most crimes in cities?

Oh, and here is the new KKK But they not only get a pass in the media but the Justice Department as well.
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Sometimes a few words can say a lot.

"1. White terrorists are called “gunmen.” What does that even mean? A person with a gun? Wouldn’t that be, like, everyone in the US? Other terrorists are called, like, “terrorists.”"

Two through nine here: Top Ten differences between White Terrorists and Others | Informed Comment

"10. There is nothing you can do about white terrorists. Gun control won’t stop them. No policy you could make, no government program, could possibly have an impact on them. But hundreds of billions of dollars must be spent on police and on the Department of Defense, and on TSA, which must virtually strip search 60 million people a year, to deal with other terrorists."


Yup... Sounds racist to me.

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