Top Ten Countries With Best Public Health Care

Lol, cheering socialist medicine, where it takes months or years for a surgery.

Yea, and people die from death panels. :cuckoo:

I imagine they have figured out triage by now.

Just ask the residents of those 10 countries if they would trade their public healthcare for our private healthcare. What do you think would be the outcome?

I know two people in canada and one in sweden who would change their public hc to our private healthcare in a second.

Sure they would.
Lol, cheering socialist medicine, where it takes months or years for a surgery.

Yea, and people die from death panels. :cuckoo:

I imagine they have figured out triage by now.

Just ask the residents of those 10 countries if they would trade their public healthcare for our private healthcare. What do you think would be the outcome?
so do you think its easier doing health care with 4-5 million people basically all on the same page.....or 325 million people on a million different pages?....

That's part of the PROBLEM, a "million different pages" means "a million different insurance policies"
Why do Republicans like going without healthcare, or receiving ridiculous bills in the mail from their healthcare providers?

Let's take a look at the Top Ten.

The U.S.? #22.

1. Sweden
2. Germany
3. Denmark
4. Canada
5. Switzerland
6. Netherlands
7. Norway
8. United Kingdom
9. Finland
10. Japan


The survey is based on "perceptions of 78 countries on 76 different metrics." So it really isn't based on real anything, it is based on individuals perceptions.
Lol, cheering socialist medicine, where it takes months or years for a surgery.

Yea, and people die from death panels. :cuckoo:

I imagine they have figured out triage by now.

Just ask the residents of those 10 countries if they would trade their public healthcare for our private healthcare. What do you think would be the outcome?
so do you think its easier doing health care with 4-5 million people basically all on the same page.....or 325 million people on a million different pages?....

That's part of the PROBLEM, a "million different pages" means "a million different insurance policies"
you didnt answer my i will assume by your answer given.....its a lot harder.....
As long as you don't mind dying of a heart attack while waiting for a pacemaker.
As long as you don't mind giving up 1/2 of your income to pay for your and other's healthcare.
As long as you don't mind that there are only 3 doctors per 1,000 patients and 2 hospital beds.
I noticed that you did not bother to say where that is.
So you want to kill all the down syndrome babies like Denmark does to get our score higher?
I can't even figure out precisely what's wrong with people with "Down's syndrome" — sometimes there's a vaguely characteristic "look" of certain facial features — otherwise normal intelligence, boyfriends / girlfriends etc.

Overdiagnosed and burdened with a quack medical diagnosis.
Let's take a look at the Top Ten.

The U.S.? #22.

1. Sweden
2. Germany
3. Denmark
4. Canada
5. Switzerland
6. Netherlands
7. Norway
8. United Kingdom
9. Finland
10. Japan

Thanks for confirming for us the utter failure of Obamacare, taking us from the best care in the world now down to #22.
Yeah, nah...sorry.
These are the figures for 2000

Let's take a look at the Top Ten.

The U.S.? #22.

1. Sweden
2. Germany
3. Denmark
4. Canada
5. Switzerland
6. Netherlands
7. Norway
8. United Kingdom
9. Finland
10. Japan

Thanks for confirming for us the utter failure of Obamacare, taking us from the best care in the world now down to #22.
Yeah, nah...sorry.
These are the figures for 2000
View attachment 504541

Welp, we knew in 2009 what we were getting from Obamacare, the SHAFT. 40 million more people have health INSURANCE now, not worth a nickel, and everyone else's care has gone down by 50% or increased 3X in cost.
Why do Republicans like going without healthcare, or receiving ridiculous bills in the mail from their healthcare providers?

Let's take a look at the Top Ten.

The U.S.? #22.

1. Sweden
2. Germany
3. Denmark
4. Canada
5. Switzerland
6. Netherlands
7. Norway
8. United Kingdom
9. Finland
10. Japan


so when are you moving??
2023 or 2024.
Why do Republicans like going without healthcare, or receiving ridiculous bills in the mail from their healthcare providers?

Let's take a look at the Top Ten.

The U.S.? #22.

1. Sweden
2. Germany
3. Denmark
4. Canada
5. Switzerland
6. Netherlands
7. Norway
8. United Kingdom
9. Finland
10. Japan


The survey is based on "perceptions of 78 countries on 76 different metrics." So it really isn't based on real anything, it is based on individuals perceptions.

Yea, of course it is.
1. Sweden
2. Germany
3. Denmark
4. Canada
5. Switzerland
6. Netherlands
7. Norway
8. United Kingdom
9. Finland
10. Japan
Sweden's healthcare is awful to non-existent, notwithstanding the copycat "Swedish Hospital" in Seattle's CHAZ/CHOP zone. Germany and Denmark are ruthless abortion regimes, much like China in that respect. Canada is notorious for waitlisting surgeries, cancer treatments, and organ transplants for years on end while patients languish. Switzerland has nothing but private pay plastic surgery for ultra-wealthy banking clients and ill-fitting dentures for poor and middle class folks. Norway is a heavy circumcision district all the way from downtown Oslo to to the remotest mountaintops. U.K. has kids diagnosed with fictitious illnesses — eyes removed or otherwise mutilated for non-medical reasons. Finland's national healthcare system betrayed patient confidentiality by selling all its medical records wholesale to companies in control of Estonian street gangs. Japanese healthcare is notorious as a corporate insurance billing nightmare that leaves people bankrupt or in the lurch for unpaid medical bills.

Why do Republicans like going without healthcare, or receiving ridiculous bills in the mail from their healthcare providers?

Let's take a look at the Top Ten.

The U.S.? #22.

1. Sweden
2. Germany
3. Denmark
4. Canada
5. Switzerland
6. Netherlands
7. Norway
8. United Kingdom
9. Finland
10. Japan


The survey is based on "perceptions of 78 countries on 76 different metrics." So it really isn't based on real anything, it is based on individuals perceptions.

Yea, of course it is.
So it really means nothing, it is opinions from people in countries that probably only know their healthcare and have no clue on how it is in other countries.
Ok. What is the difference between a procedure delayed in a socialist system and a procedure denied because the person can’t afford it?
USA Today?

Guess where all the foreign dignitaries go when they need the best medical care.

Why do Republicans like going without healthcare, or receiving ridiculous bills in the mail from their healthcare providers?

Let's take a look at the Top Ten.

The U.S.? #22.

1. Sweden
2. Germany
3. Denmark
4. Canada
5. Switzerland
6. Netherlands
7. Norway
8. United Kingdom
9. Finland
10. Japan


Hope this makes it to the Honduran Herald and El Salvador Times.
So it really means nothing, it is opinions from people in countries that probably only know their healthcare and have no clue on how it is in other countries.
All men are created equal, that is, all humans are created with like functioning bodies. The same medical scams and healthcare fraud transcend international boundaries everywhere. The same incentives for doctors exist everywhere toward malpractice, mayhem, malicious disfigurement, carnage of human flesh, mass murder, population control, and mental health enforcement rather than healing.

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