Top Fake News Media Busted Reporting The Most of The 51 Biggest Fake News Russian Collusion Stories That Were Debunked


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Out of the Top 51 Biggest Fake News 'Russian Collusion' Stories That Were Completely Debunked, Here Is A list Of The Biggest Proven Fake News Agencies That Reported The Lies:
* The Numbers of Fake News Agencies Added Up To More Than 50 Because More Than 1 Fake News Agency Ran The Same Story At Times

CNN: Ran 16 of the Top 50 'Russian Collusion' Debunked Fake News Stories

NY Times: 9

NBC: 7

Washington Post: 7


ABC: 4



So How Fake Is Fake News? Media Published 500,000-Plus Stories About Russia Collusion​

Mueller's work is done, Trump's been vindicated — yet some outlets still want readers to take them seriously?​

Since May 2017, exactly 533,074 web articles have been published about Russia and Trump-Mueller
- Resulted in 245 million interactions — including likes, comments and shares — on Twitter and Facebook

The major media gave 2,284 minutes of coverage to the Russia probe.

From January 20, 2017 (Inauguration Day) through March 21, 2019 (the last night before special counsel Robert Mueller sent his report to the attorney general), the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts produced a combined 2,284 minutes of ‘collusion’ coverage

-- "That’s an average of roughly three minutes a night, every night, for an astonishing 791 days — a level of coverage normally associated only with a major war or a presidential election,”

NY Times Admits: "We Built Our Newsroom’ Around Russia Collusion Hoax"

CNN will never admit it, but their 'in the toilet' ratings after Trump left office proves they built their Newsroom on Trump Hate & Fake News Reporting

None Of These 'Media' Have Been Held Accountable For Intentionally Misleading the American People By Pushing propaganda....'No Harm No Foul', fight snowflakes?

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