Top 5 leftist braindead reaction to North Korean nuke situation


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Top 5 Leftist Braindead Reactions to North Korean Nuke Situation…

It’s like the 1980s all over again. Men are dressing like women, there’s an entertainer in the White House, and we’re on the brink of a nuclear standoff. Tensions with Koreans of the North and their tub-of-lard dictating leader are at an all time high. Unlike previous presidents, the Donald isn’t afraid to stand up to the fat man and his threats. Naturally, leftists are blowing a fuse over Trump’s handling of the situation, and going full-retard with their reactions.

The mentality level of these under developed morons ................. The public schools have created a generation of rejects that are beyond any mental help . Liberals you've done a great job destroying a generation that are now raising even lower IQ assholes.

The Obama administration was the worst in the history of the United States.

The administration stuck their hands where they didn't belong and disrupted the free market in the banking and healthcare systems.

The administration is also responsible for letting people think everything is normal, whether that's being gay, a woman in BUDS camp, being a transgender, and allowing the black to run wild so now they're out of control. I've never seen an administration that spoon fed minorities and women as much as the Obama Administration did. The country should be embarrassed that it even accepts people as a transgender, you're born as a male or a female, so act like it.

Now that Trump is in office, the damage has already been done from the previous administration... Everyone feels entitled to government benefits, feels like everything is racist against them, and like they need the same size trophy as the guy who actually finished in first place. Why would people want to see violence against North Korea? It's offensive to a vast majority of America because of the roots the previous administration set.

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