Top 10 Racist Limbaugh Quotes

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Top 10 Rush Limbaugh Racist Quotes | NewsOne

This was right on point:

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I think it's funny that Jesse Jackson once admitted to being "relieved" when he looked over his shoulder at night and saw a white man instead of a black man.
I think it's funny that Jesse Jackson once admitted to being "relieved" when he looked over his shoulder at night and saw a white man instead of a black man.

that cracks me up too.. where is old Jesse?? laying low since he wanted to rip off a pair of somebody importants ball hey???

Who cares if he is a racist?

Don't Americans have the freedom to dislike or like anyone they choose for whatever reason they choose?

Fact is you're just as much a racist as Rush is.

If people have the right to say racist things why are you criticizing the Bass for allegedy being racist? Are you saying that only wite men have the right to say and be what they want to be?

I believe that Rush Limbaugh likes nothing better than jerking the chain of liberals, you know, the folks who rut for insults the way pigs rut for truffles.

But as far as I know, no one ever voted for Rush Limbaugh. On the other hand, I'm guessing that you voted for Al Gore, you know, the liberal who said that Republicans have Down's Syndrome and are mentally retarded on October 28th, 1994: "The extra chromosome right wing." Do you want to apologize for that?

I believe that Rush Limbaugh likes nothing better than jerking the chain of liberals, you know, the folks who rut for insults the way pigs rut for truffles.

But as far as I know, no one ever voted for Rush Limbaugh. On the other hand, I'm guessing that you voted for Al Gore, you know, the liberal who said that Republicans have Down's Syndrome and are mentally retarded on October 28th, 1994: "The extra chromosome right wing." Do you want to apologize for that?

Mr Bass has no respect for people on the far left and far right and despises the whole liberal vs conservative flap because people on both sides exploit the weak, poor, uneducated and oppressed as a means to enrich and empower themselves.

I believe that Rush Limbaugh likes nothing better than jerking the chain of liberals, you know, the folks who rut for insults the way pigs rut for truffles.

But as far as I know, no one ever voted for Rush Limbaugh. On the other hand, I'm guessing that you voted for Al Gore, you know, the liberal who said that Republicans have Down's Syndrome and are mentally retarded on October 28th, 1994: "The extra chromosome right wing." Do you want to apologize for that?

Mr Bass has no respect for people on the far left and far right and despises the whole liberal vs conservative flap because people on both sides exploit the weak, poor, uneducated and oppressed as a means to enrich and empower themselves.

So, does that mean you voted for a candidate for whom "Mr Bass has no respect"?

Who cares if he is a racist?

Don't Americans have the freedom to dislike or like anyone they choose for whatever reason they choose?

Fact is you're just as much a racist as Rush is.

If people have the right to say racist things why are you criticizing the Bass for allegedy being racist? Are you saying that only wite men have the right to say and be what they want to be?

I'm not criticizing you for being the racist that you are, I'm calling you out on the fact that you don't have the courage to admit it.

BTW the bass needs to grow the fuck up and stop talking about yourself in the third person. What are you stupid or something? Seriously it does make you look reallly stupid when you constantly do that.
Rush Limbaugh said:
2. You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed.

There must be some sort of context for this- nobody would just flat out say that.

... Right?
Now Limbaugh compares Obama to Hitler, more scare tactics used by a bonafide idiot to inspire fear in and rile up masses of white people, classic race baiting at its sickest.
Rush Limbaugh said:
2. You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed.

There must be some sort of context for this- nobody would just flat out say that.

... Right?
too bad they didnt have any sources to back this up
that doesnt sound like something Rush would say
but if someone can provide a link with proof he actually said it, then i might be inclined to believe it is authentic

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