1/3 of Europeans: Jews caused meltdown

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
The Anti-Defamation League said Tuesday that a survey it commissioned found nearly a third of Europeans polled blame Jews for the global economic meltdown and that a greater number think Jews have too much power in the business world.

The organization, which says its aim is "to stop the defamation of Jewish people and secure justice and fair treatment to all," says the seven-nation survey confirms that anti-Semitism remains strong.

The poll included interviews with 3,500 people - 500 each in Austria, Britain, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain.

It says that in Spain, 74 percent of those asked say they feel it is "probably true" that Jews hold too much sway over the global financial markets. That is the highest percentage in the survey.

Nearly two-thirds of Spanish respondents said Jews were more loyal to Israel than they were to their home countries.

"This poll confirms that anti-Semitism remains alive and well in the minds of many Europeans," said Abraham H. Foxman, the ADL's national director in America. "Clearly, age old anti-Semitic stereotypes die hard."

Foxman said the study's findings were "particularly worrisome" in light of the anger spawned by the global economic meltdown, and following a number of violent acts against Jews or Jewish property after Israel's military action in the Gaza Strip.

Around Europe, several attacks have been reported against Jews and synagogues in France, Sweden and Britain since the Israeli offensive began in late December. Some Gaza protests in Europe have included the use of Nazi imagery, including signs and slogans comparing Israeli soldiers to German troops, the Gaza Strip to the Auschwitz death camp and the Jewish Star of David to the Nazi swastika.

Britain consistently registered the lowest levels of anti-Jewish sentiment, and numbers there have fallen from a similar survey conducted in 2007. Austria also registered a slight drop in the level of anti-Semitism, while in other countries anti-Semitic sentiment either remained the same or deepened, the survey indicated.

The survey showed Polish responses registered a slight rise in all but one area. On the question whether it was "probably true" Jews have too much power in international financial markets, the level was unchanged from 2007.

In total, about 40 percent of those questioned said Jews have too much power in the business world, including more than half of Hungarian, Spanish and Polish respondents. And 44 percent said they believe it is "probably true" that Jews still talk too much about the Holocaust.

Thanks for reminding us Jews are hated for absolutely no reason.

This does not belong in the Economy forum has it is a poll about attitudes one of which is the global economy.
It's sad that many people are anti-semitic without knowing the facts.

thus the ignorance of the world,

Don't buy the snow job Sunni Man supports Arab terrorists and hates Jews.
I wish you would get this to your brain Sarge.

I do NOT support any terrorists nor approve of their tactics.

And I have ZERO against the Jewish people.

I am only opposed to the rouge state of Israel and the Zionist fascists who rule it.
thus the ignorance of the world,

Don't buy the snow job Sunni Man supports Arab terrorists and hates Jews.
I wish you would get this to your brain Sarge.

I do NOT support any terrorists nor approve of their tactics.

And I have ZERO against the Jewish people.

I am only opposed to the rouge state of Israel and the Zionist fascists who rule it.

So Hamas is or is not, a terrorist organization? Are they freedom fighters or mass murderers?
The Anti-Defamation League said Tuesday that a survey it commissioned found nearly a third of Europeans polled blame Jews for the global economic meltdown and that a greater number think Jews have too much power in the business world.
When economic times are good, do Jews get the credit?
Don't buy the snow job Sunni Man supports Arab terrorists and hates Jews.
I wish you would get this to your brain Sarge.

I do NOT support any terrorists nor approve of their tactics.

And I have ZERO against the Jewish people.

I am only opposed to the rouge state of Israel and the Zionist fascists who rule it.

So Hamas is or is not, a terrorist organization? Are they freedom fighters or mass murderers?
Hamas is No threat to the United States.

So they are of no concern to me.
Hamas no threat to the US? Oh my Gosh! Radical Islam is a threat to the whole non Radical Islamic World. Remember the main teaching of Radical Islam is that they have to kill all non Radical Islamics. That has to be done to usher in an era of total Radical Islamic world rule.

As they say, when the last Jew is left alive on the Earth, the trees will cry out and tell the Islamics trying to slay all of them, "Behind me hides a Jew. Come slit his throat and kill him to the glory of Allah!"

That is all you need to know about Radical Islam. Kill them before they kill you! They do intend to kill you.
Hamas no threat to the US? Oh my Gosh! Radical Islam is a threat to the whole non Radical Islamic World. Remember the main teaching of Radical Islam is that they have to kill all non Radical Islamics. That has to be done to usher in an era of total Radical Islamic world rule.

As they say, when the last Jew is left alive on the Earth, the trees will cry out and tell the Islamics trying to slay all of them, "Behind me hides a Jew. Come slit his throat and kill him to the glory of Allah!"

That is all you need to know about Radical Islam. Kill them before they kill you! They do intend to kill you.
First of all, Hamas is NO threat to America. They have a gripe against Israel.

Secondly, the verse you quote out of the Quran. Refers to a specific battle between a Jewish tribe and an Arab tribe over 1400 years ago. There is nothing in that verse that implies that Jews outside of that time and place in history are to be searched for and killed.
Islam is whacked.

However, things like Madoff being Jewish don't help perception of Jews.

Or things like this: When I was a little kid, I gathered a bunch of pecans. My intent was to sell them for a penny each. I went to a Jewish neighbor's house. I knocked on the door. He answered and asked what I wanted. I said I was selling pecans. He asked me how much they cost. I said a penny apiece. He gave me a penny and took my whole bag of pecans then shut the door. I was dumbfounded.

Yes, just one personal experience. But, oftentimes, a stereotype is not without any basis at all. Jews are stereotyped as generally being willing to screw other people financially. And I wouldn't be too quick to say that the stereotype is unjustified.
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I wish you would get this to your brain Sarge.

I do NOT support any terrorists nor approve of their tactics.

And I have ZERO against the Jewish people.

I am only opposed to the rouge state of Israel and the Zionist fascists who rule it.

So Hamas is or is not, a terrorist organization? Are they freedom fighters or mass murderers?
Hamas is No threat to the United States.

So they are of no concern to me.

You are a liar. As usual. You support them and have been very vocal about it in the past. Same with every Arab Terrorist group. It is simple Sunni, denounce them and prove me wrong.
So Hamas is or is not, a terrorist organization? Are they freedom fighters or mass murderers?
Hamas is No threat to the United States.

So they are of no concern to me.

You are a liar. As usual. You support them and have been very vocal about it in the past. Same with every Arab Terrorist group. It is simple Sunni, denounce them and prove me wrong.
One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.

Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and others were wanted as terrorists by the Crown and would have been hanged if caught.

Nelson Mandella was considered a dangerous terrorist by the S.African government. Now he is a world hero.

So how is mine or your declaration of any group as terrorist or non terrorist have any real validity?
Thanks Sarge and Echo,
If he supports Hamas , then in m eyes maybe he should
go over to the West Bank and help his fellows out
I'm sure we could get him a one way ticket
Thanks Sarge and Echo,
If he supports Hamas , then in m eyes maybe he should
go over to the West Bank and help his fellows out
I'm sure we could get him a one way ticket

Sunni man is just a troll trying to cause trouble. Don't let him bother you, just laugh at him like we all do!
Thanks Sarge and Echo,
If he supports Hamas , then in m eyes maybe he should
go over to the West Bank and help his fellows out
I'm sure we could get him a one way ticket
You guys are way out there.

All I have said before is that Israel is a rouge state and I hope someday the Palestanian people get their land back from the Zionist who stole it.

Personally, I only care about the security and safety of America.

What happens to Israel is of NO consern to me.
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