Tom Brady's Popularity Is Due To White Supremacy Says College Professor

...I have to tell the truth, they’re are a lot of dumb athletes. ....

And even more dumbasses who are not athletes.

How does being an athlete make one smarter? ....

For one thing, it requires you to develop and maintain better time management skills. For another, there are usually strict academic requirements for maintaining athletic status.

It make u well rounded, yes. And physical activity is good for the brain. But to suggest athletes are smarter than academics is laughable.

I provided a link. Where is yours?

Yeah I can provide a link to show you how many great athletes I knew growing playing AAU basketball with that had to get tutors to be able cash in on their scholarships. Richards Greer and Jefferey Greer are just two that I grew up with

I didn't ask you for anecdotes (and only two at that). I asked you for proof to support your claim that athletes are stupid.

Dude have you listened to the opinions of sports athletes? You have to be in denial to think they’re intelligent people? What about all the school scandals. These student athletes are basically pros. They put sports in front of education. You need to have your eyes open to see that. Sorry I can’t link it for you.
...I have to tell the truth, they’re are a lot of dumb athletes. ....

And even more dumbasses who are not athletes.

How does being an athlete make one smarter? ....

For one thing, it requires you to develop and maintain better time management skills. For another, there are usually strict academic requirements for maintaining athletic status.

It make u well rounded, yes. And physical activity is good for the brain. But to suggest athletes are smarter than academics is laughable.

I provided a link. Where is yours?

Yeah I can provide a link to show you how many great athletes I knew growing playing AAU basketball with that had to get tutors to be able cash in on their scholarships. Richards Greer and Jefferey Greer are just two that I grew up with

I didn't ask you for anecdotes (and only two at that). I asked you for proof to support your claim that athletes are stupid.

Dude have you listened to the opinions of sports athletes? You have to be in denial to think they’re intelligent people? ...

I don't see a link or hear anything the least bit persuasive.
....They put sports in front of education. .....

It sounds very much like you have no first hand experience with student athletes. You realize that most student athletes are not big-time scholarship athletes at big-time football/basketball/hockey schools, right? You claimed to have been a "jock," but you seem to know next to nothing about the topic.
...I have to tell the truth, they’re are a lot of dumb athletes. ....

And even more dumbasses who are not athletes.

How does being an athlete make one smarter? ....

For one thing, it requires you to develop and maintain better time management skills. For another, there are usually strict academic requirements for maintaining athletic status.

It make u well rounded, yes. And physical activity is good for the brain. But to suggest athletes are smarter than academics is laughable.

I provided a link. Where is yours?

Yeah I can provide a link to show you how many great athletes I knew growing playing AAU basketball with that had to get tutors to be able cash in on their scholarships. Richards Greer and Jefferey Greer are just two that I grew up with

I didn't ask you for anecdotes (and only two at that). I asked you for proof to support your claim that athletes are stupid.

Dude have you listened to the opinions of sports athletes? You have to be in denial to think they’re intelligent people? ...

I don't see a link or hear anything the least bit persuasive.

Some of these athletes can barely speak. You want a link for that? You have to be extremely biased or very naive to think college professors are dumber than athletes.
It has nothing to do with his 6 Superbowl rings.
It has more to do with racist whites. appears that the left is rampant with bigots.
AOC is screaming racist on the House floor daily...attempting to have any rational opponent removed because of her own bigotry.
But where did she get this idea that all white members of the GOP are racist?
Well....she learned it in college:

A University of Rhode Island (URI) professor published a book chapter in September of 2019 focused entirely on New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and his supposed relationship to white supremacy.

URI English professor Kyle Kusz also dabbles in gender and race theory, as evidenced in a chapter, a full copy of which was obtained by Campus Reform, that the professor authored in a recently published book titled The Palgrave Handbook of Masculinity and Sport.

Titled “Making American White Men Great Again: Tom Brady, Donald Trump, and the Allure of White Male Omnipotence in Post-Obama America,” the chapter attempts to provide evidence to back up Kusz’s suggestion that, like President Donald Trump, New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady has gained popularity due to the “latest wave of white rage and white supremacy” that he says developed since the Obama presidency alongside a “disturbing racial reaction among white conservatives in response to the idea that a black man would be [president].”

The professor’s work analyzes Brady in two ways: his representation in the media and his “relationship with Trump,” seeking to determine what these factors can “tell us about the specific ways that white masculinity is being re-coded and re-centered in post-Obama American culture.”

Kusz zeroes in on “the complex racial, gender, and class meanings that have been articulated with Brady’s body and his performances of white masculinity in the context of a backlash against the Obama presidency” and of “Trumpism,” which he claims is also rooted in both race and gender.

Communists feel that the biggest threat that exists in America is the one target group they feel could defend this country in a war. White Males. They celebrate being black or brown, but being white is being born racist, according to them.
Now I ask is this any different than the way white supremacists think about brown people?
I say it is for one reason and one reason only.

He has a very hot wife.
....They put sports in front of education. .....

It sounds very much like you have no first hand experience with student athletes. You realize that most student athletes are not big-time scholarship athletes at big-time football/basketball/hockey schools, right? You claimed to have been a "jock," but you seem to know next to nothing about the topic.

I’ve known more student athletes than you have and most of them were morons. I tried out for the basketball team in my college and became friends with many of the players who made the team. I lived in a fraternity house with the football teams frat. They cared about 2 things: 1) sports 2) partying
It has nothing to do with his 6 Superbowl rings.
It has more to do with racist whites. appears that the left is rampant with bigots.
AOC is screaming racist on the House floor daily...attempting to have any rational opponent removed because of her own bigotry.
But where did she get this idea that all white members of the GOP are racist?
Well....she learned it in college:

A University of Rhode Island (URI) professor published a book chapter in September of 2019 focused entirely on New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and his supposed relationship to white supremacy.
URI English professor Kyle Kusz also dabbles in gender and race theory, as evidenced in a chapter, a full copy of which was obtained by Campus Reform, that the professor authored in a recently published book titled The Palgrave Handbook of Masculinity and Sport.
Titled “Making American White Men Great Again: Tom Brady, Donald Trump, and the Allure of White Male Omnipotence in Post-Obama America,” the chapter attempts to provide evidence to back up Kusz’s suggestion that, like President Donald Trump, New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady has gained popularity due to the “latest wave of white rage and white supremacy” that he says developed since the Obama presidency alongside a “disturbing racial reaction among white conservatives in response to the idea that a black man would be [president].”
The professor’s work analyzes Brady in two ways: his representation in the media and his “relationship with Trump,” seeking to determine what these factors can “tell us about the specific ways that white masculinity is being re-coded and re-centered in post-Obama American culture.”
Kusz zeroes in on “the complex racial, gender, and class meanings that have been articulated with Brady’s body and his performances of white masculinity in the context of a backlash against the Obama presidency” and of “Trumpism,” which he claims is also rooted in both race and gender.
Communists feel that the biggest threat that exists in America is the one target group they feel could defend this country in a war. White Males. They celebrate being black or brown, but being white is being born racist, according to them.
Now I ask is this any different than the way white supremacists think about brown people?
My gawd! I don’t need to read this crap! This professor has no business teaching kids.

People like Brady because of his greatness! 6 super bowl rings, 10 appearances and going to one at 43! He has some controversy, but never for criminal activity, drugs, beating women or being bad to fans. Not to mention his great story of going being drafted in the last round to the GOAT.

Why do people love MJ so much? He is black. Why do people live Mahomes so much? This garbage needs to go
...I have to tell the truth, they’re are a lot of dumb athletes. ....

And even more dumbasses who are not athletes.

How does being an athlete make one smarter? ....

For one thing, it requires you to develop and maintain better time management skills. For another, there are usually strict academic requirements for maintaining athletic status.

It make u well rounded, yes. And physical activity is good for the brain. But to suggest athletes are smarter than academics is laughable.

I provided a link. Where is yours?

Yeah I can provide a link to show you how many great athletes I knew growing playing AAU basketball with that had to get tutors to be able cash in on their scholarships. Richards Greer and Jefferey Greer are just two that I grew up with

I didn't ask you for anecdotes (and only two at that). I asked you for proof to support your claim that athletes are stupid.

Dude have you listened to the opinions of sports athletes? You have to be in denial to think they’re intelligent people? ...

I don't see a link or hear anything the least bit persuasive.

Some of these athletes can barely speak. ....

Prove it.

It sure as hell sounds like you were never a student athlete yourself.
....They put sports in front of education. .....

It sounds very much like you have no first hand experience with student athletes. You realize that most student athletes are not big-time scholarship athletes at big-time football/basketball/hockey schools, right? You claimed to have been a "jock," but you seem to know next to nothing about the topic.

I’ve known more student athletes than you have .....

I am quite certain you are wrong about that.
...I have to tell the truth, they’re are a lot of dumb athletes. ....

And even more dumbasses who are not athletes.

How does being an athlete make one smarter? ....

For one thing, it requires you to develop and maintain better time management skills. For another, there are usually strict academic requirements for maintaining athletic status.

It make u well rounded, yes. And physical activity is good for the brain. But to suggest athletes are smarter than academics is laughable.

I provided a link. Where is yours?

Yeah I can provide a link to show you how many great athletes I knew growing playing AAU basketball with that had to get tutors to be able cash in on their scholarships. Richards Greer and Jefferey Greer are just two that I grew up with

I didn't ask you for anecdotes (and only two at that). I asked you for proof to support your claim that athletes are stupid.

Dude have you listened to the opinions of sports athletes? You have to be in denial to think they’re intelligent people? ...

I don't see a link or hear anything the least bit persuasive.

Some of these athletes can barely speak. ....

Prove it.

It sure as hell sounds like you were never a student athlete yourself.

I wasn’t a student athlete, but I knew a lot of them. If you don’t want to believe me that’s fine. Truth be told when I went to Albany I rarely met any seriously students. It was the number one party school in the country. But the Athletes i new weren’t dedicated students. They were mostly morons, not only talking about lack of book smarts, but in terms of common sense.
...I have to tell the truth, they’re are a lot of dumb athletes. ....

And even more dumbasses who are not athletes.

How does being an athlete make one smarter? ....

For one thing, it requires you to develop and maintain better time management skills. For another, there are usually strict academic requirements for maintaining athletic status.

It make u well rounded, yes. And physical activity is good for the brain. But to suggest athletes are smarter than academics is laughable.

I provided a link. Where is yours?

Yeah I can provide a link to show you how many great athletes I knew growing playing AAU basketball with that had to get tutors to be able cash in on their scholarships. Richards Greer and Jefferey Greer are just two that I grew up with

I didn't ask you for anecdotes (and only two at that). I asked you for proof to support your claim that athletes are stupid.

Dude have you listened to the opinions of sports athletes? You have to be in denial to think they’re intelligent people? ...

I don't see a link or hear anything the least bit persuasive.

Some of these athletes can barely speak. ....

Prove it.

It sure as hell sounds like you were never a student athlete yourself.

I wasn’t a student athlete......

Ok thanks, you can go now...
... You have to be extremely biased or very naive to think college professors are dumber than athletes.

Now you're comparing athletes to college professors? When did that goalpost move?

Well the person you called dumb was a college professor, and said he was dumb because he didn’t play sports.

That is incorrect, and suggests you are lacking in reading comprehension skills yourself.

I said he was dumb because he said dumb things. I said he had likely never participated in sports at a high level because his comments suggested ignorance on the subject. He seems in this manner quite like you.
Hey, look -- it's that kid who used to sneak into the boys locker after school so he could sniff all the jock straps!

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