Today’s “Law & Order” Republican Party


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Ah yes, today’s “law and order” Republican Party supporting this man.

  • 91 criminal charges
  • 26 sexual assault allegations
  • 6 bankruptcies
  • 5 draft deferments
  • 4 indictments
  • 2 impeachments
  • 1 convicted company
  • 1 fake university shut down
  • 1 fake charity shut down
  • $25 million fraud settlement
  • $5 million sexual abuse verdict
  • $2 million charity abuse judgment

But everyone is out to get him!

Ah yes, today’s “law and order” Republican Party supporting this man.

  • 91 criminal charges
  • 26 sexual assault allegations
  • 6 bankruptcies
  • 5 draft deferments
  • 4 indictments
  • 2 impeachments
  • 1 convicted company
  • 1 fake university shut down
  • 1 fake charity shut down
  • $25 million fraud settlement
  • $5 million sexual abuse verdict
  • $2 million charity abuse judgment

But everyone is out to get him!

I would say that the leftwing totalitarian wing of the Democrat Party has united in banana republic third world communism tactics to destroy democracy in the U.S. and around the world. They are attempting to cut off the head of the Republican Party, Donald Trump. The Democrats involved all over the country are in no way deranged or mentally unstable. They are simply cruel, hateful, totalitarian, anti-democracy, socialist-communist using fascist tactics. They have captured most of the media to join with them to tear down democracy while claiming to support democracy.

There is one thing for sure. Democrats stick together as one in purpose no matter the consequences of destroying our Constitutional Republic and democratic mode of electing our President and all elected officials. Republicans are less unified in purpose and still try to speak out against things they don't agree on and even vote likewise. Instead of uniting around Trump like Democrat are uniting around Biden's corruption and acts of treason compromising national security while extorting and bribing other country's leaders while gaining massive amounts of money for the Biden Cartel Family, Republicans are bickering amongst themselves while the country morally and ethically burns to the ground.

Yes, some of us Republicans believe that what is happening to Trump has nothing to do with law and order. What is happening is Democrats are going after political opponents in a matter that "Hamilton" said would destroy our Constitutional Republic and democracy as well. I would not expect you or any other Democrat or Deep State Republican to know this History of the Founding Fathers. But, I follow an old saying, "What goes around comes around." You think that you are saving democracy and the country with freedoms that will protect you. But, that is not the case. The same people destroying democracy and our Constitutional Republic will eventually turn on you and those who think the Democrat Party is the answer to freedom. No, it's the answer and solution to bring on tyranny totalitarian communism through fascist techniques.
Ah yes, today’s “law and order” Republican Party supporting this man.

  • 91 criminal charges
  • 26 sexual assault allegations
  • 6 bankruptcies
  • 5 draft deferments
  • 4 indictments
  • 2 impeachments
  • 1 convicted company
  • 1 fake university shut down
  • 1 fake charity shut down
  • $25 million fraud settlement
  • $5 million sexual abuse verdict
  • $2 million charity abuse judgment

But everyone is out to get him!

While I agree with your premise, half the shit you listed isnt even illegal. Dumbass
Ah yes, today’s “law and order” Republican Party supporting this man.

  • 91 criminal charges
  • 26 sexual assault allegations
  • 6 bankruptcies
  • 5 draft deferments
  • 4 indictments
  • 2 impeachments
  • 1 convicted company
  • 1 fake university shut down
  • 1 fake charity shut down
  • $25 million fraud settlement
  • $5 million sexual abuse verdict
  • $2 million charity abuse judgment

But everyone is out to get him!

On another note, the list is full of things that have nothing to do with being illegal. Allegations are not crimes. I can say that you are a sexual predator as an allegation but it's not true, right! Saying such things could be considered slander, but not illegal. Understand? Then, the bankruptcy statement is also not illegal if legally done. So far, all attempts to prove illegalities of the bankruptcies have proven to be false. Indictments aren't proof of illegal behavior. A company can't be convicted. The university existed so it's not fake. I could go on and on about your stupid communist nonsense that says a person is guilty before proven guilty.
Fox is at DEFCON 1. The last half hour indicates it's all Hillary's fault. People in low lying areas should employ caution because MAGA TEARS could cause localized flooding.
Neither party as a whole, nor any of those who hold high office in this nation currently or in at least the past 160 years can claim any amount of moral high ground. It’s unlikely that anyone elected in 2024 or 26 or 28 will either.
Neither party as a whole, nor any of those who hold high office in this nation currently or in at least the past 160 years can claim any amount of moral high ground. It’s unlikely that anyone elected in 2024 or 26 or 28 will either.
It’s really like picking the lesser of two evils. However, the 4 years we had with Trump were very good years with the economy and no wars started by Putin. Also, I have a 26 page long list of the things Trump promised to do and did. He may have personal issues but he kept his word in most of what he promised. We had peace in the world except for those communist Democrats and Rhino Republicans who set the cities on fire.
It’s really like picking the lesser of two evils. However, the 4 years we had with Trump were very good years with the economy and no wars started by Putin
I don’t do “Lesser of Two Eviils”. I won’t vote for Evil at all. That’s why I end up not voting quite often.
Also, I have a 26 page long list of the things Trump promised to do and did
How much of it would hold up to actual Constitutional scrutiny?
He may have personal issues but he kept his word in most of what he promised. We had peace in the world except for those communist Democrats and Rhino Republicans who set the cities on fire
His personal issues are a major problem for me. He can’t build a super-majority coalition in the legislature. He’d be lucky to build a majority coalition. He was barely able to do it in his first term. He will hold the Republican Party back from moving forward, as they need to, before they become statistically irrelevant.
Ah yes, today’s “law and order” Republican Party supporting this man.

  • 91 criminal charges
  • 26 sexual assault allegations
  • 6 bankruptcies
  • 5 draft deferments
  • 4 indictments
  • 2 impeachments
  • 1 convicted company
  • 1 fake university shut down
  • 1 fake charity shut down
  • $25 million fraud settlement
  • $5 million sexual abuse verdict
  • $2 million charity abuse judgment

But everyone is out to get him!

I don’t do “Lesser of Two Eviils”. I won’t vote for Evil at all. That’s why I end up not voting quite often.

How much of it would hold up to actual Constitutional scrutiny?

His personal issues are a major problem for me. He can’t build a super-majority coalition in the legislature. He’d be lucky to build a majority coalition. He was barely able to do it in his first term. He will hold the Republican Party back from moving forward, as they need to, before they become statistically irrelevant.
So, are you a Republican? If you are, then you are part of the problem. You, and those self-righteous like you, are the reason for the Ukraine war, high inflation and interest rates, high gas prices, nutty climate change legislations, crazy trans issues, drug and child trafficking from the Biden boarder program and all other things wrong today. You let the left into the White House and keep the Senate. Your holier than thou attitudes have caused the Democrat Leftist to win all elections from this point on unless you idiots wake up!
So tell me, what do you think about JFK as a person? Was he moral the way you want? LBJ?
So, are you a Republican?
Nope. I’m not a Democrat either. I’m a Conservative Authoritarian.
You let the left into the White House and keep the Senate. Your holier than thou attitudes have caused the Democrat Leftist to win all elections from this point on
I haven’t let anyone do anything. I didn’t vote for anyone in 2020 and it’s looking like that may be my choice again in 2024. I do like this Vivek Ramaswany guy, but his chances seem very slim.
So tell me, what do you think about JFK as a person? Was he moral the way you want? LBJ?
Kennedy had some good ideas but was totally naive about what he would have to fight against. Similar to Trump in that regard. I have no use for LBJ and his undeclared war.
Nope. I’m not a Democrat either. I’m a Conservative Authoritarian.

I haven’t let anyone do anything. I didn’t vote for anyone in 2020 and it’s looking like that may be my choice again in 2024. I do like this Vivek Ramaswany guy, but his chances seem very slim.

Kennedy had some good ideas but was totally naive about what he would have to fight against. Similar to Trump in that regard. I have no use for LBJ and his undeclared war.
I wasn't asking about Kennedy's ideas. I was asking about what you thought of his immoral behavior after you attacked Trump for his immoral behavior. You do know he probably had Marylin Monroe killed and also had many prostitute parties at the White House when his wife was home.
Ah...a Fascist. Authoritarians on the right are known as fascists like Hitler was.
Yes, a non-vote makes it easier for the other side to win. So, it's at the very least, a half vote against Trump. But, I think most of the Rhino Republicans actually voted for Biden. If there was no election fraud by the Democrats then how else would Joe have gotten 81 million votes, way more than Obama did? You are capable of logically reasoning these issues out, aren't you?

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