Today’s “Law & Order” Republican Party

I wasn't asking about Kennedy's ideas. I was asking about what you thought of his immoral behavior after you attacked Trump for his immoral behavior. You do know he probably had Marylin Monroe killed and also had many prostitute parties at the White House when his wife was home
I’ve said before… there are no moral politicians and probably never have been. Moral people wouldn’t get involved in politics.
Ah...a Fascist. Authoritarians on the right are known as fascists like Hitler was
Until he decided to take over the world and commit genocide he had some good ideas and made major improvements to Germany. He was a lunatic but many of his ideas had merit.
Yes, a non-vote makes it easier for the other side to win.
Provide me with a candidate worth voting for and I’ll support him. As I said before, Ramses y has some interest for me. Trump does not.
If there was no election fraud by the Democrats then how else would Joe have gotten 81 million votes
There has never been a truly fair election in American history… probably not in world history. Neither side is blameless in that regard.
I’ve said before… there are no moral politicians and probably never have been. Moral people wouldn’t get involved in politics.

Until he decided to take over the world and commit genocide he had some good ideas and made major improvements to Germany. He was a lunatic but many of his ideas had merit.

Provide me with a candidate worth voting for and I’ll support him. As I said before, Ramses y has some interest for me. Trump does not.

There has never been a truly fair election in American history… probably not in world history. Neither side is blameless in that regard.
Your brand of political ideology has no place in this world. You will not find perfect human beings. Yet, you think Hitler had good ideas but you cannot see the pages and pages of ideas that Trump accomplished that benefitted America and the world. Interesting that you would reject Hitler since he is what you want, an authoritarian conservative. National Socialism is conservative authoritarian. That's what the Nazi party was.
I disagree that there are no moral people in politics. There are. Many have gotten out because people like you keep letting more and more immoral authoritarian tyrants into our political offices by not voting for those who would stop them.
I like this. You should too:
Your brand of political ideology has no place in this world. You will not find perfect human beings
There are no perfect people but we must strive to be perfect or we become what we now are… worthless wastes of flesh and oxygen
Yet, you think Hitler had good ideas but you cannot see the pages and pages of ideas that Trump accomplished that benefitted America and the world
I’m a man of Law, Right vs Wrong. Until the US Constitution is either nullified or amended almost everything ALL Federal Politicians propose or pass is unconstitutional, whether its outcome is positive or not. I also don’t give a fuck about any country other than this one. Isolationism and Nationalism are two of my greatest wishes for this country.
Interesting that you would reject Hitler since he is what you want, an authoritarian conservative. National Socialism is conservative authoritarian. That's what the Nazi party was.
I reject Hitler’s Imperialism and his Genocide; his insanity.
I disagree that there are no moral people in politics. There are. Many have gotten out because people like you keep letting more and more immoral authoritarian tyrants into our political offices by not voting for those who would stop them.
They’re ALL immoral. It’s simply a matter of degrees and specifics. None of them are worth anything.
I like this. You should too:
There are a number of those items I would like to see in a limited version, but I’m against most of it.
There are no perfect people but we must strive to be perfect or we become what we now are… worthless wastes of flesh and oxygen

I’m a man of Law, Right vs Wrong. Until the US Constitution is either nullified or amended almost everything ALL Federal Politicians propose or pass is unconstitutional, whether its outcome is positive or not. I also don’t give a fuck about any country other than this one. Isolationism and Nationalism are two of my greatest wishes for this country.

I reject Hitler’s Imperialism and his Genocide; his insanity.

They’re ALL immoral. It’s simply a matter of degrees and specifics. None of them are worth anything.

There are a number of those items I would like to see in a limited version, but I’m against most of it.
You have to take care of yourself. But, you have to come to grips with what the country really needs today. We don't need another day with Democrat politicians who want to transform our children into different genders, keep inflation high and going higher again, high interest rates, big governments both federal and states, printing money for unnecessary wars and to fund politicians wealth and a lot more. Yet, you are willing to let Biden or some other Democrat to waltz in to the Presidency next November because you believe you have the right to judge their moral character when you know Biden is worse than Trump in so many ways.
You have to take care of yourself
That is my first and most important duty. Anything beyond that is 100% optional.
But, you have to come to grips with what the country really needs today.
What the country needs is to be burned to the ground, with the hope that maybe something proper can be rebuilt in its place.
Yet, you are willing to let Biden or some other Democrat to waltz in to the Presidency next November because you believe you have the right to judge their moral character when you know Biden is worse than Trump in so many ways.
I see no difference between Democrat and Republican, Trump or Biden. There are no levels of morality. It’s 100% or 0%.

If anything I’d probably vote for the more extremely immoral candidate, in hopes of tormenting the violent revolt that would be necessary to fix this country.
That is my first and most important duty. Anything beyond that is 100% optional.

What the country needs is to be burned to the ground, with the hope that maybe something proper can be rebuilt in its place.

I see no difference between Democrat and Republican, Trump or Biden. There are no levels of morality. It’s 100% or 0%.

If anything I’d probably vote for the more extremely immoral candidate, in hopes of tormenting the violent revolt that would be necessary to fix this country.
Yep, that's what both the far right and far left, communists and fascists want too. Burn the country to the ground and start over. Sad to see how far down some of your fascists have gone. There is still a big difference between Parties.
Yep, that's what both the far right and far left, communists and fascists want too. Burn the country to the ground and start over. Sad to see how far down some of your fascists have gone. There is still a big difference between Parties
That’s the only way things are going to get fixed at this point. After 158 years, the issues that were never actually remedied with the surrender of the Confederate armies in 1865 are closer than ever to reigniting into full-scale battle across the country. Until one side wins and the ideologies of the other side are permanently eradicated, this will only get worse.
That’s the only way things are going to get fixed at this point. After 158 years, the issues that were never actually remedied with the surrender of the Confederate armies in 1865 are closer than ever to reigniting into full-scale battle across the country. Until one side wins and the ideologies of the other side are permanently eradicated, this will only get worse.
Which side has the most ammo? Republicans
Ah yes, today’s “law and order” Republican Party supporting this man.

  • 91 criminal charges
  • 26 sexual assault allegations
  • 6 bankruptcies
  • 5 draft deferments
  • 4 indictments
  • 2 impeachments
  • 1 convicted company
  • 1 fake university shut down
  • 1 fake charity shut down
  • $25 million fraud settlement
  • $5 million sexual abuse verdict
  • $2 million charity abuse judgment

But everyone is out to get him!

All fake.^^^^
True. The real question is… Which side is most willing to shed the blood of the average citizen to further their cause?

Not sure I can answer that question with any great certainty.
Which side is fighting right now for liberty, freedom and our constitutional republic? That would be hands down the Republicans and Conservatives. Maybe libertarians as well. Sometimes tough to tell what they believe.
Neither party as a whole, nor any of those who hold high office in this nation currently or in at least the past 160 years can claim any amount of moral high ground. It’s unlikely that anyone elected in 2024 or 26 or 28 will either.

Yes they can, but you're too ill-informed, and filled with hatred to either see it or recognize it if you do see it.

You can't see the good in the world, when your heart is soured by hatred and bitterness.
Which side is fighting right now for liberty, freedom and our constitutional republic? That would be hands down the Republicans and Conservatives. Maybe libertarians as well. Sometimes tough to tell what they believe.

Republicans aren't fighting for the Constitution or the Republic. Donald Trump wants to "ignore the Constitution" and destroy the Republic. He tells you that every time he talks about stealing the election.
Yes they can, but you're too ill-informed, and filled with hatred to either see it or recognize it if you do see it.
Simply being involved in the sleaze and skullduggery that are the backbone of our current political system makes one unworthy of any moral consideration, nevermind their biography before their political life.
You can't see the good in the world, when your heart is soured by hatred and bitterness
I see pinpricks of goodness and decency in the dark background of the world from time to time. Few, rare and far between, but they do exist. I do not suspect I’ll ever see them grow beyond individual points of light.
Yes they can, but you're too ill-informed, and filled with hatred to either see it or recognize it if you do see it.

You can't see the good in the world, when your heart is soured by hatred and bitterness.
Ironic, from a Trump hater.
Republicans aren't fighting for the Constitution or the Republic. Donald Trump wants to "ignore the Constitution" and destroy the Republic. He tells you that every time he talks about stealing the election.
Have you heard Trump say he wants to steal the election? See, what he has wanted to do is to show that the Democrats stole the election. Along with Pence and his Bush deep staters.
Which party is for free speech and freedom of religion? Which party is trying to silence republicans and take away the rights of religions to teach as they choose? Which party is trying to take away our rights to bear arms? I could go on and on but I will pray for you.

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