Today, Mitt Romney Lost the Election

Romney is more correct than Obama was on his "God and religion" comment.

Uh, wrong. Obama was talking about people who are in a difficult position. Even right wingers here on the USMB have said how much they relied on God when they are going through difficult times.

Today, Mitt Romney Lost the Election

You can mark my prediction now: A secret recording from a closed-door Mitt Romney fundraiser, released today by David Corn at Mother Jones, has killed Mitt Romney's campaign for president.

On the tape, Romney explains that his electoral strategy involves writing off nearly half the country as unmoveable Obama voters. As Romney explains, 47 percent of Americans "believe that they are victims." He laments: "I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

So what's the upshot? "My job is not to worry about those people," he says. He also notes, describing President Obama's base, "These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax."

This is an utter disaster for Romney.

Romney already has trouble relating to the public and convincing people he cares about them. Now, he's been caught on video saying that nearly half the country consists of hopeless losers.

Romney has been vigorously denying President Obama's claims that his tax plan would raise taxes on the middle class. Now, he's been caught on video suggesting that low- and middle-income Americans are undertaxed.

(That one is especially problematic given the speculation about what's on Mitt's unreleased pre-2010 tax returns.)

You're so stupid, you don't even realize this just WON Romney the election. 47% of America does believe they are "victims". And come election day, most of them will be so strung out on herion, high on crack, busy with a prostitute, or drunk off of their ass, that they will have no idea an election is going on and will not show up at the polls.

I did just "mark your words" and can't wait to laugh my ass off at you when Romney wins in a landslide just like Reagan did over Carter :lol:
The multi-millionaire who pays 14% has contempt and envy for the 40,000 a year person with 2 kids who pays zero %?

What a shit.

Oh, btw, the funniest thing about that tape is that Romney says that all 47% of Obama's support comes from the 47% who don't pay taxes.

I've told you many times, Romney is in this to lower taxes for the rich and pay for it by taking away from the poor. This tape proves it.
What I love about the idiot liberal Dumbocrat is that they take normal, every day conversations and try to twist them into a "scandal". The scandals that their candidates are actually caught up in.

Like when Obama was caught on mic telling Russian President Demetri Medvedev that he needs Vladamir Putin to give him time until after the election - because the American people would no re-elect him if they knew what his plans were (ie to give in to Russia's every request). Now that is a real scandal. When you have to hide your intentions from the American people to get re-elected, you are a serious fucking scumbag.

Romney was simply saying that there's no point in trying to convince the Obama marxist followers that capitalism works and marxism fails. They are going to vote for Obama no matter what he does or says. I respect the fact that he's not willing to lie to them (like Obama does) to capture their vote. He'd rather just focus on the rest of the voters.
Thank God I paid taxes one year. $267.00.
I'd hate feeling like was one of those 47% who have never paid taxes.
I've never had unemployment, welfare, government paid medical.
Given a grant. Some years I didn't qualify for the tax stimulus that was out there.
I could really get all of that, but I don't want to be diagnosed as a diabetic.
I wonder if diabetics in my State know of this?

People worrying over a 16 trillion dollar deficit should take a look and pay more
attention to their own house that swimming underwater and the 10.K in credit card debit.
Otherwise they are just adding to the problem later when the banks use up all the money
And the next President has to bail out the banks for the 7th time in the last 50 years.
40,000 a year person with 2 kids who pays zero %?

40k and two kids you need pay something to help build that

They do.

They pay Sales Taxes.
They pay Social Security Taxes.
They pay Medicare Taxes
They pay State Income Taxes (if their state has one)
If they own a home, they pay property taxes.

In fact, the reason why these people might actually end up paying nothing in income tax is because AFTER all those other taxes are deducted or accounted for on Schedule A, their deduction becomes bigger than the amount of income tax that was withheld.
Mitt did it- he went out and spoke the truth- 47% of the households in the US pay ZERO in federal income tax. Gash darn it!! Obama's a lock now!! He simply can't lose!! All you liberals can stay at home on election day. It's already been decided by Mother Jones. Why bother to vote? Obama can't lose....everybody knows it!! So lean back in your recliner and kick off your shoes...sit back and watch PMSNBC and laugh, knowing that there is simply no way Obama can lose!! 2010 was an aberration.......people like Obama.....really they do.....he's cool and stuff....:lol:
The multi-millionaire who pays 14% has contempt and envy for the 40,000 a year person with 2 kids who pays zero %?

What a shit.

Oh, btw, the funniest thing about that tape is that Romney says that all 47% of Obama's support comes from the 47% who don't pay taxes.

I've told you many times, Romney is in this to lower taxes for the rich and pay for it by taking away from the poor. This tape proves it.

You sound dumber by the minute. How much tinfoil do you have on your head right now, trying to hide from this huge conspiracy?!?! :lol:

The fact is, Romney and the rest of us pay 55% or more of our entire income in taxes. It's just a fact that none of your lies can change.

Our salaries are taxed BEFORE we even get the money

What's left we use to purchase a home with then. Then they tax our money AGAIN by taxing the property we purchased with the post-taxed salary

What's left after those first two rounds, we use to live off of by purchasing necessitites (food, clothing, gas, etc.). And what do the dumbocrats do? They tax is a THIRD time, via sales tax.

Then, what little bit is left we have to invest since we won't have left for retirement now that government has taken it all. So what do dumbocrats do? Capital Gains taxes!!!

Our taxes taxes taxes are taxed. And at the end of the day, the lazy bum parasite like NYcarbineer lives off of us as government takes 55% of what we earn and hands it over to them.
Mitt did it- he went out and spoke the truth- 47% of the households in the US pay ZERO in federal income tax. Gash darn it!! Obama's a lock now!! He simply can't lose!! All you liberals can stay at home on election day. It's already been decided by Mother Jones. Why bother to vote? Obama can't lose....everybody knows it!! So lean back in your recliner and kick off your shoes...sit back and watch PMSNBC and laugh, knowing that there is simply no way Obama can lose!! 2010 was an aberration.......people like Obama.....really they do.....he's cool and stuff....:lol:

That's vintage idiot liberal dumbocrat "logid" for you - the politician who tellls the truth is a lock to lose....?!?!? Since dumbocrats lie about everything, they can't comprehend someone being honest. :cuckoo"
Today, Mitt Romney Lost the Election

Yes, he did. Just think of all the campaign ads team Obama can make out of that tape.

Romney is like a year-round Santa for Obama. He just keeps on giving...
Makes working tax payers want to vote for him.

HorseRADISH! It makes Americans with IQs above room temperature wonder how he got nominated by the party. And we thought Bush, (SAT 1205 from Andover) was less than brilliant. Romney seems to be competing to appear DUMBER than Dubya.

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