Tobacco Use Benefits


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Wait what? Believe it or not, smoking tobacco has some benefits. Despite decades of 'smoking will kill you' propaganda, the truth isn't so clear cut (as with other things the government doesn't want you to do like use marijuana.)

Googling for info (and omitting smoking related sources assuming their info might be, well, biased)

5 Health Benefits of Smoking | Long-Term Smoking & Heart Attacks | Smoking Lowers Parkinson's Disease Risk | LiveScience

1. Smoking lowers risk of knee-replacement surgery
2. Smoking lowers risk of Parkinson's disease
3. Smoking lowers risk of obesity
4. Smoking lowers risk of death after some heart attacks
5. Smoking helps the heart drug clopidogrel work better

"“Death rates for current pipe smokers were little if at all higher than for non-smokers, even with men smoking 10 pipefulls per day and with men who had smoked pipes for more than 30 years.” even more surprising to me was this quote on page 92 “Pipe smokers who inhale live as long as non-smokers and pipe smokers that don’t inhale live longer than non-smokers.”
That needs repeating…”Pipe smokers that don’t inhale live longer that non-smokers”
This makes it clear that smokers should switch to pipes, it would be a much healthier way to enjoy this natural herb. It is not recommended that non-smokers start smoking tobacco because of the addictive properties of nicotine"

The above quote might seem unbelievable, until you consider the source:
US Surgeon General report “Smoking and Health” (No. 1103, page 112)

" Leary explained that studies in the past few years, many sponsored by the federal government, show that nicotine may delay the onset and effects of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases and may improve symptoms of attention deficit disorder and Tourette's syndrome."
Metanews: could nicotine be beneficial?

Before swallowing the party-line, spend a little time educating yourself on the actual facts of various claims. Yes, ciggarettes increase risk-factors for health. But much of the propaganda is patently untrue as anyone will discover with just a few minutes googling around.
Other benefits:

Reduce drain on Social Security "Trust Fund" (you'll die earlier)

Reduce contraction of communicable diseases (because nobody wants to be near you)

Eliminate injuries due to high-impact exercises (because you can't perform them)

Weight loss (due to suppressed appetite...and cancer)

I think you are on to something.

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