To those who nominated Trump.......

Democrats were voting for their own candidate, and then voting for Trump because he was the furthest left candidate on the Republican side, and they figured he had no chance against Hillary.

And how did they manage to do that, exactly? Do you know how an open primary works?

Everyone has been able to figure this out, except you.

No, I think it's just your little secret.

For starters, it wasn't 'independents'.
12 Million Democrats voted in the Republican Primaries | RedState
They were Democrats. They just vote in the Republican primary because they knew Bernie had no chance.

Your source is one man's speculation. It's not evidence.

Besides that, I'm fairly certain there are some states where you can completely legally vote in one primary, then the other.

No, you vote in either one or the other. You don't get to do both, so there were not Democrats who voted in their own primary and then voted for Trump on the GOP side as well as you earlier claimed.
I already provided evidence, which you ignored because it didn't fit the false narrative that you gobble up.

That's not what flacaltenn said.
I got to vote in TWO primaries. Totally legally. I walked in on primary day and decided to monkey wrench the GOP by choosing ONE candidate, but voting for 13 electors splitting my choices between my "1st choice" and my "2nd choice". I'll enjoy any chaos that creates at the convention.. Could have chosen to be a Dem for the day and done voted for Bernie -- just because I could..

Then --- I attended the Libertarian State convention and voted in my party's REAL primary. And made my choice known to the LP leadership. The LATTER is a REAL party primary..

(and it didn't cost the public a dime)

He said it best, really.

It's simply because my Libertarian Primary holds it's OWN primaries and nominations. Without burdening the taxpayers or monkey wrenching each other with "open primaries" and other horseshit political gimmicks that they love... ALL parties should have their own primaries. Maybe then, we wouldn't end up with such damaged candidate choices and people voting out of FEAR instead of principles.

So I chose to be GOP in order to monkey wrench the delegate selections, because they ALLOWED me to do that. And then I actively participated in my own party process away from the clowns and the circus acts.
To those who nominated Donald Trump as the Republican Nominee. I do so hope you are happy because your choice will barring a YUGE miracle result in Hillary Clinton the most corrupt politician in modern history as being President.

Type, Respondents Clinton Trump Margin
Rasmussen New 10/17 - 10/19
40 43 Trump +3
IBD/TIPP New 10/14 - 10/19
Live Phone779
40 41 Trump +1
Quinnipiac University New 10/17 - 10/18
Live Phone1,007
47 40 Clinton +7
YouGov/Economist New 10/15 - 10/18
42 38 Clinton +4
Fox News New 10/15 - 10/17
Live Phone912
45 39 Clinton +6
Bloomberg/Selzer New 10/14 - 10/17
Live Phone1,006
50 41 Clinton +9
Ipsos/Reuters New 10/13 - 10/17
43 39 Clinton +4
Public Religion Research Institute/The Atlantic New 10/12 - 10/17
Live Phone692
51 36 Clinton +15
UPI/CVoter New 10/11 - 10/17
51 46 Clinton +5

That is the polls... I know some wont accept these polls because they are not as of today... And yes some of them look good for Trump but that's only if you believe spamming electronic polls as valid.

No I am not a Democrat OR a liberal which is why I never voted for Donald Trump. I also am not so ignorant like some to have actually believed the HE was the anti-establishment candidate.

I have made up my mind and decided to pinch my nose and throw away my vote and vote for Trump. I say throw it away because he isn't going to win. He was never going to win. Winning was never his intention. How do I know you ask???? Because he is already Blaming others for a loss that hasn't happened yet.

Just remember this most of you angry little people. Your disgust for the actions of the corrupt Republican establishment clouded your judgment so much you nominated a bonafide New York liberal who was Always part of the Establishment. It just happened to be mostly the Democrat establishment.

So when our country goes through 4 more years of horrible governance and more and more of our liberties are stripped from us just remember those of you driving the Trump Train. YOU gave us President Hillary Clinton.

I am very happy, we actually have 2 candidates this year who have opposing visions for the United States. The rest of the GOP nominees were no different from Hillary.

Cuckservatives like Jeb, Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich were globalist shills.
You are so foolish to think they are different???? If that was so Trump wouldn't have spent so much money On Clinton. One is dangerous the other just arrogant and foolish. Nether are good for this country and NETHER have differing ideologies.

Trump's polices are real change and would be good for this nation.
To those who nominated Donald Trump as the Republican Nominee. I do so hope you are happy because your choice will barring a YUGE miracle result in Hillary Clinton the most corrupt politician in modern history as being President.

Type, Respondents Clinton Trump Margin
Rasmussen New 10/17 - 10/19
40 43 Trump +3
IBD/TIPP New 10/14 - 10/19
Live Phone779
40 41 Trump +1
Quinnipiac University New 10/17 - 10/18
Live Phone1,007
47 40 Clinton +7
YouGov/Economist New 10/15 - 10/18
42 38 Clinton +4
Fox News New 10/15 - 10/17
Live Phone912
45 39 Clinton +6
Bloomberg/Selzer New 10/14 - 10/17
Live Phone1,006
50 41 Clinton +9
Ipsos/Reuters New 10/13 - 10/17
43 39 Clinton +4
Public Religion Research Institute/The Atlantic New 10/12 - 10/17
Live Phone692
51 36 Clinton +15
UPI/CVoter New 10/11 - 10/17
51 46 Clinton +5

That is the polls... I know some wont accept these polls because they are not as of today... And yes some of them look good for Trump but that's only if you believe spamming electronic polls as valid.

No I am not a Democrat OR a liberal which is why I never voted for Donald Trump. I also am not so ignorant like some to have actually believed the HE was the anti-establishment candidate.

I have made up my mind and decided to pinch my nose and throw away my vote and vote for Trump. I say throw it away because he isn't going to win. He was never going to win. Winning was never his intention. How do I know you ask???? Because he is already Blaming others for a loss that hasn't happened yet.

Just remember this most of you angry little people. Your disgust for the actions of the corrupt Republican establishment clouded your judgment so much you nominated a bonafide New York liberal who was Always part of the Establishment. It just happened to be mostly the Democrat establishment.

So when our country goes through 4 more years of horrible governance and more and more of our liberties are stripped from us just remember those of you driving the Trump Train. YOU gave us President Hillary Clinton.

I am very happy, we actually have 2 candidates this year who have opposing visions for the United States. The rest of the GOP nominees were no different from Hillary.

Cuckservatives like Jeb, Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich were globalist shills.
You are so foolish to think they are different???? If that was so Trump wouldn't have spent so much money On Clinton. One is dangerous the other just arrogant and foolish. Nether are good for this country and NETHER have differing ideologies.

Trump's polices are real change and would be good for this nation.
Yes, Trump's policies would be a real change in the United States but we have seen these policies in other countries and they were certainly not good.
To those who nominated Donald Trump as the Republican Nominee. I do so hope you are happy because your choice will barring a YUGE miracle result in Hillary Clinton the most corrupt politician in modern history as being President.

Type, Respondents Clinton Trump Margin
Rasmussen New 10/17 - 10/19
40 43 Trump +3
IBD/TIPP New 10/14 - 10/19
Live Phone779
40 41 Trump +1
Quinnipiac University New 10/17 - 10/18
Live Phone1,007
47 40 Clinton +7
YouGov/Economist New 10/15 - 10/18
42 38 Clinton +4
Fox News New 10/15 - 10/17
Live Phone912
45 39 Clinton +6
Bloomberg/Selzer New 10/14 - 10/17
Live Phone1,006
50 41 Clinton +9
Ipsos/Reuters New 10/13 - 10/17
43 39 Clinton +4
Public Religion Research Institute/The Atlantic New 10/12 - 10/17
Live Phone692
51 36 Clinton +15
UPI/CVoter New 10/11 - 10/17
51 46 Clinton +5

That is the polls... I know some wont accept these polls because they are not as of today... And yes some of them look good for Trump but that's only if you believe spamming electronic polls as valid.

No I am not a Democrat OR a liberal which is why I never voted for Donald Trump. I also am not so ignorant like some to have actually believed the HE was the anti-establishment candidate.

I have made up my mind and decided to pinch my nose and throw away my vote and vote for Trump. I say throw it away because he isn't going to win. He was never going to win. Winning was never his intention. How do I know you ask???? Because he is already Blaming others for a loss that hasn't happened yet.

Just remember this most of you angry little people. Your disgust for the actions of the corrupt Republican establishment clouded your judgment so much you nominated a bonafide New York liberal who was Always part of the Establishment. It just happened to be mostly the Democrat establishment.

So when our country goes through 4 more years of horrible governance and more and more of our liberties are stripped from us just remember those of you driving the Trump Train. YOU gave us President Hillary Clinton.

I am very happy, we actually have 2 candidates this year who have opposing visions for the United States. The rest of the GOP nominees were no different from Hillary.

Cuckservatives like Jeb, Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich were globalist shills.
You are so foolish to think they are different???? If that was so Trump wouldn't have spent so much money On Clinton. One is dangerous the other just arrogant and foolish. Nether are good for this country and NETHER have differing ideologies.

Trump's polices are real change and would be good for this nation.
Job killing tariffs and lies about how he will handle immigration doesn't help this country. Nether does payed maternal leave. Nor will babies enjoy when he flips once again on abortion and tries to make the tax payer pay for it. He will do that because he is a regressive. Thankfully he can be stopped by congress... Hillary I am not so sure.
To those who nominated Donald Trump as the Republican Nominee. I do so hope you are happy because your choice will barring a YUGE miracle result in Hillary Clinton the most corrupt politician in modern history as being President.

Type, Respondents Clinton Trump Margin
Rasmussen New 10/17 - 10/19
40 43 Trump +3
IBD/TIPP New 10/14 - 10/19
Live Phone779
40 41 Trump +1
Quinnipiac University New 10/17 - 10/18
Live Phone1,007
47 40 Clinton +7
YouGov/Economist New 10/15 - 10/18
42 38 Clinton +4
Fox News New 10/15 - 10/17
Live Phone912
45 39 Clinton +6
Bloomberg/Selzer New 10/14 - 10/17
Live Phone1,006
50 41 Clinton +9
Ipsos/Reuters New 10/13 - 10/17
43 39 Clinton +4
Public Religion Research Institute/The Atlantic New 10/12 - 10/17
Live Phone692
51 36 Clinton +15
UPI/CVoter New 10/11 - 10/17
51 46 Clinton +5

That is the polls... I know some wont accept these polls because they are not as of today... And yes some of them look good for Trump but that's only if you believe spamming electronic polls as valid.

No I am not a Democrat OR a liberal which is why I never voted for Donald Trump. I also am not so ignorant like some to have actually believed the HE was the anti-establishment candidate.

I have made up my mind and decided to pinch my nose and throw away my vote and vote for Trump. I say throw it away because he isn't going to win. He was never going to win. Winning was never his intention. How do I know you ask???? Because he is already Blaming others for a loss that hasn't happened yet.

Just remember this most of you angry little people. Your disgust for the actions of the corrupt Republican establishment clouded your judgment so much you nominated a bonafide New York liberal who was Always part of the Establishment. It just happened to be mostly the Democrat establishment.

So when our country goes through 4 more years of horrible governance and more and more of our liberties are stripped from us just remember those of you driving the Trump Train. YOU gave us President Hillary Clinton.

I am very happy, we actually have 2 candidates this year who have opposing visions for the United States. The rest of the GOP nominees were no different from Hillary.

Cuckservatives like Jeb, Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich were globalist shills.
You are so foolish to think they are different???? If that was so Trump wouldn't have spent so much money On Clinton. One is dangerous the other just arrogant and foolish. Nether are good for this country and NETHER have differing ideologies.

Trump's polices are real change and would be good for this nation.
Yes, Trump's policies would be a real change in the United States but we have seen these policies in other countries and they were certainly not good.


The EU has an aggressive Trade Policy with the US, as demonstrated by the recent WTO Airbus ruling and they thus have a large trade surplus with the US.

To their great benefit.

Germany for example has TWICE the per capital level of manufacturing employment, which traditionally has been the back bone of the Middle Class and Middle Class upward mobility.

So, how has that been "not good"?
To those who nominated Donald Trump as the Republican Nominee. I do so hope you are happy because your choice will barring a YUGE miracle result in Hillary Clinton the most corrupt politician in modern history as being President.

Type, Respondents Clinton Trump Margin
Rasmussen New 10/17 - 10/19
40 43 Trump +3
IBD/TIPP New 10/14 - 10/19
Live Phone779
40 41 Trump +1
Quinnipiac University New 10/17 - 10/18
Live Phone1,007
47 40 Clinton +7
YouGov/Economist New 10/15 - 10/18
42 38 Clinton +4
Fox News New 10/15 - 10/17
Live Phone912
45 39 Clinton +6
Bloomberg/Selzer New 10/14 - 10/17
Live Phone1,006
50 41 Clinton +9
Ipsos/Reuters New 10/13 - 10/17
43 39 Clinton +4
Public Religion Research Institute/The Atlantic New 10/12 - 10/17
Live Phone692
51 36 Clinton +15
UPI/CVoter New 10/11 - 10/17
51 46 Clinton +5

That is the polls... I know some wont accept these polls because they are not as of today... And yes some of them look good for Trump but that's only if you believe spamming electronic polls as valid.

No I am not a Democrat OR a liberal which is why I never voted for Donald Trump. I also am not so ignorant like some to have actually believed the HE was the anti-establishment candidate.

I have made up my mind and decided to pinch my nose and throw away my vote and vote for Trump. I say throw it away because he isn't going to win. He was never going to win. Winning was never his intention. How do I know you ask???? Because he is already Blaming others for a loss that hasn't happened yet.

Just remember this most of you angry little people. Your disgust for the actions of the corrupt Republican establishment clouded your judgment so much you nominated a bonafide New York liberal who was Always part of the Establishment. It just happened to be mostly the Democrat establishment.

So when our country goes through 4 more years of horrible governance and more and more of our liberties are stripped from us just remember those of you driving the Trump Train. YOU gave us President Hillary Clinton.

I am very happy, we actually have 2 candidates this year who have opposing visions for the United States. The rest of the GOP nominees were no different from Hillary.

Cuckservatives like Jeb, Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich were globalist shills.
You are so foolish to think they are different???? If that was so Trump wouldn't have spent so much money On Clinton. One is dangerous the other just arrogant and foolish. Nether are good for this country and NETHER have differing ideologies.

Trump's polices are real change and would be good for this nation.
Job killing tariffs and lies about how he will handle immigration doesn't help this country. Nether does payed maternal leave. Nor will babies enjoy when he flips once again on abortion and tries to make the tax payer pay for it. He will do that because he is a regressive. Thankfully he can be stopped by congress... Hillary I am not so sure.

What do you think about the job killing subsidies demonstrated by the recent WTO Airbus ruling?

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

Our current policy is to be their bitch. Is that the policy you support?
To those who nominated Donald Trump as the Republican Nominee. I do so hope you are happy because your choice will barring a YUGE miracle result in Hillary Clinton the most corrupt politician in modern history as being President.

That is the polls... I know some wont accept these polls because they are not as of today... And yes some of them look good for Trump but that's only if you believe spamming electronic polls as valid.

No I am not a Democrat OR a liberal which is why I never voted for Donald Trump. I also am not so ignorant like some to have actually believed the HE was the anti-establishment candidate.

I have made up my mind and decided to pinch my nose and throw away my vote and vote for Trump. I say throw it away because he isn't going to win. He was never going to win. Winning was never his intention. How do I know you ask???? Because he is already Blaming others for a loss that hasn't happened yet.

Just remember this most of you angry little people. Your disgust for the actions of the corrupt Republican establishment clouded your judgment so much you nominated a bonafide New York liberal who was Always part of the Establishment. It just happened to be mostly the Democrat establishment.

So when our country goes through 4 more years of horrible governance and more and more of our liberties are stripped from us just remember those of you driving the Trump Train. YOU gave us President Hillary Clinton.

I am very happy, we actually have 2 candidates this year who have opposing visions for the United States. The rest of the GOP nominees were no different from Hillary.

Cuckservatives like Jeb, Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich were globalist shills.
You are so foolish to think they are different???? If that was so Trump wouldn't have spent so much money On Clinton. One is dangerous the other just arrogant and foolish. Nether are good for this country and NETHER have differing ideologies.

Trump's polices are real change and would be good for this nation.
Yes, Trump's policies would be a real change in the United States but we have seen these policies in other countries and they were certainly not good.


The EU has an aggressive Trade Policy with the US, as demonstrated by the recent WTO Airbus ruling and they thus have a large trade surplus with the US.

To their great benefit.

Germany for example has TWICE the per capital level of manufacturing employment, which traditionally has been the back bone of the Middle Class and Middle Class upward mobility.

So, how has that been "not good"?
Yeah, ask Germany about the benefits of following a charismatic leader that used minorities as scapegoats for the nation's problems, promised easy solutions, played on people's fantasies, promoted racist demagoguery, unbridled self-confidence, and authoritarian hostility toward a free press. How well did it workout for them?

There is nothing new about Trump's campaign of hate and bigotry.
To those who nominated Donald Trump as the Republican Nominee. I do so hope you are happy because your choice will barring a YUGE miracle result in Hillary Clinton the most corrupt politician in modern history as being President.

That is the polls... I know some wont accept these polls because they are not as of today... And yes some of them look good for Trump but that's only if you believe spamming electronic polls as valid.

No I am not a Democrat OR a liberal which is why I never voted for Donald Trump. I also am not so ignorant like some to have actually believed the HE was the anti-establishment candidate.

I have made up my mind and decided to pinch my nose and throw away my vote and vote for Trump. I say throw it away because he isn't going to win. He was never going to win. Winning was never his intention. How do I know you ask???? Because he is already Blaming others for a loss that hasn't happened yet.

Just remember this most of you angry little people. Your disgust for the actions of the corrupt Republican establishment clouded your judgment so much you nominated a bonafide New York liberal who was Always part of the Establishment. It just happened to be mostly the Democrat establishment.

So when our country goes through 4 more years of horrible governance and more and more of our liberties are stripped from us just remember those of you driving the Trump Train. YOU gave us President Hillary Clinton.

I am very happy, we actually have 2 candidates this year who have opposing visions for the United States. The rest of the GOP nominees were no different from Hillary.

Cuckservatives like Jeb, Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich were globalist shills.
You are so foolish to think they are different???? If that was so Trump wouldn't have spent so much money On Clinton. One is dangerous the other just arrogant and foolish. Nether are good for this country and NETHER have differing ideologies.

Trump's polices are real change and would be good for this nation.
Job killing tariffs and lies about how he will handle immigration doesn't help this country. Nether does payed maternal leave. Nor will babies enjoy when he flips once again on abortion and tries to make the tax payer pay for it. He will do that because he is a regressive. Thankfully he can be stopped by congress... Hillary I am not so sure.

What do you think about the job killing subsidies demonstrated by the recent WTO Airbus ruling?

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

Our current policy is to be their bitch. Is that the policy you support?
So in your hate trade mind we ether use Tarriffs which will cause another depression or we use welfare which will cause another collapse.... Are you trump humpers that low info? by the way genius who do we trade with when we punish ALL who dare to try and sell us stuff???? Tell genius who will buy OUR products when we triple tax theirs? It is hard to believe that so many of you are so ignorant of economics.
I am very happy, we actually have 2 candidates this year who have opposing visions for the United States. The rest of the GOP nominees were no different from Hillary.

Cuckservatives like Jeb, Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich were globalist shills.
You are so foolish to think they are different???? If that was so Trump wouldn't have spent so much money On Clinton. One is dangerous the other just arrogant and foolish. Nether are good for this country and NETHER have differing ideologies.

Trump's polices are real change and would be good for this nation.
Job killing tariffs and lies about how he will handle immigration doesn't help this country. Nether does payed maternal leave. Nor will babies enjoy when he flips once again on abortion and tries to make the tax payer pay for it. He will do that because he is a regressive. Thankfully he can be stopped by congress... Hillary I am not so sure.

What do you think about the job killing subsidies demonstrated by the recent WTO Airbus ruling?

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

Our current policy is to be their bitch. Is that the policy you support?
So in your hate trade mind we ether use Tarriffs which will cause another depression or we use welfare which will cause another collapse.... Are you trump humpers that low info? by the way genius who do we trade with when we punish ALL who dare to try and sell us stuff???? Tell genius who will buy OUR products when we triple tax theirs? It is hard to believe that so many of you are so ignorant of economics.
Easy...Directors and CEOs don't need to own 20 estates all over the world.
You are so foolish to think they are different???? If that was so Trump wouldn't have spent so much money On Clinton. One is dangerous the other just arrogant and foolish. Nether are good for this country and NETHER have differing ideologies.

Trump's polices are real change and would be good for this nation.
Job killing tariffs and lies about how he will handle immigration doesn't help this country. Nether does payed maternal leave. Nor will babies enjoy when he flips once again on abortion and tries to make the tax payer pay for it. He will do that because he is a regressive. Thankfully he can be stopped by congress... Hillary I am not so sure.

What do you think about the job killing subsidies demonstrated by the recent WTO Airbus ruling?

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

Our current policy is to be their bitch. Is that the policy you support?
So in your hate trade mind we ether use Tarriffs which will cause another depression or we use welfare which will cause another collapse.... Are you trump humpers that low info? by the way genius who do we trade with when we punish ALL who dare to try and sell us stuff???? Tell genius who will buy OUR products when we triple tax theirs? It is hard to believe that so many of you are so ignorant of economics.
Easy...Directors and CEOs don't need to own 20 estates all over the world.
Who made it your business what others do with their property???? You are jealous so the whole country needs to suffer? What idiocy!
Trump's polices are real change and would be good for this nation.
Job killing tariffs and lies about how he will handle immigration doesn't help this country. Nether does payed maternal leave. Nor will babies enjoy when he flips once again on abortion and tries to make the tax payer pay for it. He will do that because he is a regressive. Thankfully he can be stopped by congress... Hillary I am not so sure.

What do you think about the job killing subsidies demonstrated by the recent WTO Airbus ruling?

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

Our current policy is to be their bitch. Is that the policy you support?
So in your hate trade mind we ether use Tarriffs which will cause another depression or we use welfare which will cause another collapse.... Are you trump humpers that low info? by the way genius who do we trade with when we punish ALL who dare to try and sell us stuff???? Tell genius who will buy OUR products when we triple tax theirs? It is hard to believe that so many of you are so ignorant of economics.
Easy...Directors and CEOs don't need to own 20 estates all over the world.
Who made it your business what others do with their property???? You are jealous so the whole country needs to suffer? What idiocy!
Because corporate CEOs and Directors hand over Legislation to Congress.
Did you ever vote for Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg?
Job killing tariffs and lies about how he will handle immigration doesn't help this country. Nether does payed maternal leave. Nor will babies enjoy when he flips once again on abortion and tries to make the tax payer pay for it. He will do that because he is a regressive. Thankfully he can be stopped by congress... Hillary I am not so sure.

What do you think about the job killing subsidies demonstrated by the recent WTO Airbus ruling?

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

Our current policy is to be their bitch. Is that the policy you support?
So in your hate trade mind we ether use Tarriffs which will cause another depression or we use welfare which will cause another collapse.... Are you trump humpers that low info? by the way genius who do we trade with when we punish ALL who dare to try and sell us stuff???? Tell genius who will buy OUR products when we triple tax theirs? It is hard to believe that so many of you are so ignorant of economics.
Easy...Directors and CEOs don't need to own 20 estates all over the world.
Who made it your business what others do with their property???? You are jealous so the whole country needs to suffer? What idiocy!
Because corporate CEOs and Directors hand over Legislation to Congress.
Did you ever vote for Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg?
So now it is speech you hate.....Tell me why is it you fear liberty? I mean shit you are sound just like Clinton and her ilk.
What do you think about the job killing subsidies demonstrated by the recent WTO Airbus ruling?

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

Our current policy is to be their bitch. Is that the policy you support?
So in your hate trade mind we ether use Tarriffs which will cause another depression or we use welfare which will cause another collapse.... Are you trump humpers that low info? by the way genius who do we trade with when we punish ALL who dare to try and sell us stuff???? Tell genius who will buy OUR products when we triple tax theirs? It is hard to believe that so many of you are so ignorant of economics.
Easy...Directors and CEOs don't need to own 20 estates all over the world.
Who made it your business what others do with their property???? You are jealous so the whole country needs to suffer? What idiocy!
Because corporate CEOs and Directors hand over Legislation to Congress.
Did you ever vote for Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg?
So now it is speech you hate.....Tell me why is it you fear liberty? I mean shit you are sound just like Clinton and her ilk.
Not speech; influence.
No member of Congress will ever be persuaded by someone who can't afford a major contribution.
So in your hate trade mind we ether use Tarriffs which will cause another depression or we use welfare which will cause another collapse.... Are you trump humpers that low info? by the way genius who do we trade with when we punish ALL who dare to try and sell us stuff???? Tell genius who will buy OUR products when we triple tax theirs? It is hard to believe that so many of you are so ignorant of economics.
Easy...Directors and CEOs don't need to own 20 estates all over the world.
Who made it your business what others do with their property???? You are jealous so the whole country needs to suffer? What idiocy!
Because corporate CEOs and Directors hand over Legislation to Congress.
Did you ever vote for Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg?
So now it is speech you hate.....Tell me why is it you fear liberty? I mean shit you are sound just like Clinton and her ilk.
Not speech; influence.
No member of Congress will ever be persuaded by someone who can't afford a major contribution.
Dummy that is speech. Jesus you Trumpers are stupid.
Easy...Directors and CEOs don't need to own 20 estates all over the world.
Who made it your business what others do with their property???? You are jealous so the whole country needs to suffer? What idiocy!
Because corporate CEOs and Directors hand over Legislation to Congress.
Did you ever vote for Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg?
So now it is speech you hate.....Tell me why is it you fear liberty? I mean shit you are sound just like Clinton and her ilk.
Not speech; influence.
No member of Congress will ever be persuaded by someone who can't afford a major contribution.
Dummy that is speech. Jesus you Trumpers are stupid.
So Congress taking orders from MNCs is free speech.
And you call ME stupid?
First Trump may still win this no matter what the liberal media predicts.
Second politicians of both parties are responsible for Trump's nomination.
If they had kept their promises then the people would not have felt betrayed.
So it is solely on the career politicians who only care about increasing their bank accounts.
First Trump may still win this no matter what the liberal media predicts.
Second politicians of both parties are responsible for Trump's nomination.
If they had kept their promises then the people would not have felt betrayed.
So it is solely on the career politicians who only care about increasing their bank accounts.
No, I don't hold politicians responsible for Trump. I hold our educational system and the media responsible. We have failed in educating a lot of our voters. They do not understand how government works or how difficult problems are to solve. They become easy pray for politicians selling them solutions to problems that are fantasies. Failures are exaggerated by the media to a point where many voters believe politicians are superfluous.
I am very happy, we actually have 2 candidates this year who have opposing visions for the United States. The rest of the GOP nominees were no different from Hillary.

Cuckservatives like Jeb, Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich were globalist shills.
You are so foolish to think they are different???? If that was so Trump wouldn't have spent so much money On Clinton. One is dangerous the other just arrogant and foolish. Nether are good for this country and NETHER have differing ideologies.

Trump's polices are real change and would be good for this nation.
Yes, Trump's policies would be a real change in the United States but we have seen these policies in other countries and they were certainly not good.


The EU has an aggressive Trade Policy with the US, as demonstrated by the recent WTO Airbus ruling and they thus have a large trade surplus with the US.

To their great benefit.

Germany for example has TWICE the per capital level of manufacturing employment, which traditionally has been the back bone of the Middle Class and Middle Class upward mobility.

So, how has that been "not good"?
Yeah, ask Germany about the benefits of following a charismatic leader that used minorities as scapegoats for the nation's problems, promised easy solutions, played on people's fantasies, promoted racist demagoguery, unbridled self-confidence, and authoritarian hostility toward a free press. How well did it workout for them?

There is nothing new about Trump's campaign of hate and bigotry.

So, I made a real point about Trade Policy, supported by a recent WTO ruling, and you respond with a Godwin smear?

THere is nothing new about YOUR panic mongering or politics of Personal Destruction.

My point about Trade stands, as you have done chosen to dodge and deflect rather than seriously address it.

Germany has TWICE the level of manufacturing employment, which traditionally has been the back bone of the Middle Class and Middle Class upward mobility, than we have.

We should learn from them and have a Trade Policy based more on pursuing US interests.

Why should US policy give up on those jobs that could so greatly benefit so many American citizens?
I am very happy, we actually have 2 candidates this year who have opposing visions for the United States. The rest of the GOP nominees were no different from Hillary.

Cuckservatives like Jeb, Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich were globalist shills.
You are so foolish to think they are different???? If that was so Trump wouldn't have spent so much money On Clinton. One is dangerous the other just arrogant and foolish. Nether are good for this country and NETHER have differing ideologies.

Trump's polices are real change and would be good for this nation.
Job killing tariffs and lies about how he will handle immigration doesn't help this country. Nether does payed maternal leave. Nor will babies enjoy when he flips once again on abortion and tries to make the tax payer pay for it. He will do that because he is a regressive. Thankfully he can be stopped by congress... Hillary I am not so sure.

What do you think about the job killing subsidies demonstrated by the recent WTO Airbus ruling?

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.”

Our current policy is to be their bitch. Is that the policy you support?
So in your hate trade mind we ether use Tarriffs which will cause another depression or we use welfare which will cause another collapse.... Are you trump humpers that low info? by the way genius who do we trade with when we punish ALL who dare to try and sell us stuff???? Tell genius who will buy OUR products when we triple tax theirs? It is hard to believe that so many of you are so ignorant of economics.

1. I pointed out that our current Trade Policy is to let our trade partners fuck US. (supported by recent WTO trade ruling)

2. I asked you if that is what you support, because that is what nearly all the other candidates support(ed).

3. You did not directly answer that question and instead responded with the Logical Fallacy of Begging the Question.

This reveals that you are not able to defend your support of the current Trade Policy.

Query: DId you research the WTO ruling looking to challenge my reading of it, and then realized that I was right?

If ALL of our Trade Partners are fucking US, as demonstrated by the WTO Airbus Ruling, then re negotiations as Trump has called for are desperately needed.

Your counter questions assumed that any and all negotiations would fail to reach real mutually beneficial agreements, (perhaps because all our Trade Partners have gotten used to the idea that Fucking US is their right.)

That is a real possibility.

BUT the costs of the Status Quo is literally KILLING US,

We have to try.

ON the plus side, Trump is an experienced negotiator and will have TREMENDOUS leverage as the leader of the world's largest market.

That threat of a world wide collapse of Trade, will be a "Stick" to our Trade "Partners" as much as to US.

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