To The Catholic Conservatives About the Pope...

We've had bad Popes before, and somehow the Church survived.
He reminds me of the fictitious pope Peter the 2nd in the Left Behind books. In the sense that he is very worried about being politically correct.

But, I've never understood why Catholics seem to believe they need a human mediator between them and God, when if they read the Bible, they would see that Jesus became that mediator, and they can pray to Him directly, and no contrition is required.
Of all the things asked of you to believe as a Christian, THAT'S what gives you pause?
That's what gives me pause when it comes to Catholics, that and why they pray to Mary, please show me in the Bible where it says to pray to Mary. My belief is that Mary is in the grave, same as every other person who has ever died, save for Jesus, and wont be resurrected until the resurrection day. So praying to her is akin to praying to your forefathers.

Millions of protestants believe this, not just me.
The Pope gives me pause....
I am unclear what you mean?

I'm a practicing Catholic and some of the things the Pope says and does gives me pause. I think his heart is in the right place but I also think he's making some comments that go against the Church and God. As for that globull warming nonsense? I still haven't figured out why he decided to weigh in on that
He's the voice of God on Earth. Is he not?

All Christians are called to be the voice of God on earth, not only in voice but in deed as well.
We've had bad Popes before, and somehow the Church survived.
He reminds me of the fictitious pope Peter the 2nd in the Left Behind books. In the sense that he is very worried about being politically correct.

But, I've never understood why Catholics seem to believe they need a human mediator between them and God, when if they read the Bible, they would see that Jesus became that mediator, and they can pray to Him directly, and no contrition is required.
Of all the things asked of you to believe as a Christian, THAT'S what gives you pause?
That's what gives me pause when it comes to Catholics, that and why they pray to Mary, please show me in the Bible where it says to pray to Mary. My belief is that Mary is in the grave, same as every other person who has ever died, save for Jesus, and wont be resurrected until the resurrection day. So praying to her is akin to praying to your forefathers.

Millions of protestants believe this, not just me.
You are a wee bit off topic.
What do you think about his leftist public opinions?
He is very accepting of people. Instead of preaching hatred, he preaches understanding. It's a welcome change from the type of extremely negative rhetoric that has dominated the language of Christianity the las couple of decades.
Don't confuse Catholicism with Christianity. Christianity is predominately protestant.
Most of the extremely negative rhetoric has come from protestants. And there are more Catholics in the world than Protestants btw.
As I said, Christianity is predominately protestant, I never said they outnumbered Catholics.

Again, please show me in the Bible where a man is to be the mediator between God and man.

Don't badmouth me, just show me.
We've had bad Popes before, and somehow the Church survived.
He reminds me of the fictitious pope Peter the 2nd in the Left Behind books. In the sense that he is very worried about being politically correct.

But, I've never understood why Catholics seem to believe they need a human mediator between them and God, when if they read the Bible, they would see that Jesus became that mediator, and they can pray to Him directly, and no contrition is required.
Of all the things asked of you to believe as a Christian, THAT'S what gives you pause?
That's what gives me pause when it comes to Catholics, that and why they pray to Mary, please show me in the Bible where it says to pray to Mary. My belief is that Mary is in the grave, same as every other person who has ever died, save for Jesus, and wont be resurrected until the resurrection day. So praying to her is akin to praying to your forefathers.

Millions of protestants believe this, not just me.
Millions of people believe if we're bad we'll reincarnate as roaches. Just because you have numbers doesn't prove your belief correct.
What do you think about his leftist public opinions?
He is very accepting of people. Instead of preaching hatred, he preaches understanding. It's a welcome change from the type of extremely negative rhetoric that has dominated the language of Christianity the las couple of decades.
Don't confuse Catholicism with Christianity. Christianity is predominately protestant.
Most of the extremely negative rhetoric has come from protestants. And there are more Catholics in the world than Protestants btw.
As I said, Christianity is predominately protestant, I never said they outnumbered Catholics.

Again, please show me in the Bible where a man is to be the mediator between God and man.

Don't badmouth me, just show me.
So your saying Catholics are not Christian?
The Pope gives me pause....
I am unclear what you mean?

I'm a practicing Catholic and some of the things the Pope says and does gives me pause. I think his heart is in the right place but I also think he's making some comments that go against the Church and God. As for that globull warming nonsense? I still haven't figured out why he decided to weigh in on that
He's the voice of God on Earth. Is he not?

I myself believe don't believe in the infallibility of the Pope. The Pope isn't perfect and all he says doesn't come from God, and not all he says is infallible

Seems reasonable. Here's what I've found: Galatians 1 8 9

See, even us heathens read us some Bible from time to time. :D
What do you think about his leftist public opinions?

As a Roman Catholic..the pope is a South American leftist....his political opinions and thoughts on economics are dumb....
What do you think about his leftist public opinions?
He is very accepting of people. Instead of preaching hatred, he preaches understanding. It's a welcome change from the type of extremely negative rhetoric that has dominated the language of Christianity the las couple of decades.
He can accept all the people he wants, and they will go straight to Hell for being misled when they die. It's not technically their fault, but a technicality will still get you sent there.

You seem to be a person that thinks the church should change it's thinking to accommodate all people, but that is not the churches decision, a true church must follow the rules in the Bible as closely as they understand those rules. It doesn't mean we should preach hate, but we should preach the truth as we know it, or believe it to be. And that truth as we know it is subject to change, if it can be proven through the Scriptures, if it can't be, then it cant be changed.

Being a homosexual will not keep anyone out of Heaven, not claiming Jesus, and asking His forgiveness for sins and not believing He is the risen Son of God, will keep many out of Heaven.

Asking the Pope or Cardinal or Catholic Father to forgive you, instead of asking the same of Jesus, will keep many out of the Kingdom, even though they were simply fooled.

If Catholic's or Baptists or whoever thinks they can kill or hate or lie and claim Christianity and just have their sins absolved by a Priest, yet never accept Jesus into their lives, if they think they are going to Heaven, then they have been fooled by the prince of lies.
What do you think about his leftist public opinions?

As a Roman Catholic..the pope is a South American leftist....his political opinions and thoughts on economics are dumb....
Also, he may be leftist or whatever, but he sure has a ton of money at his command should he want to use it. I could be all giving and leftist if I had a bankroll like the Catholic Church has.
I don't think you'd have ever found Christ in all that luxury.
Of course, the same goes for all you "evangelical" preachers out there. :thup:
What do you think about his leftist public opinions?
He is very accepting of people. Instead of preaching hatred, he preaches understanding. It's a welcome change from the type of extremely negative rhetoric that has dominated the language of Christianity the las couple of decades.
He can accept all the people he wants, and they will go straight to Hell for being misled when they die. It's not technically their fault, but a technicality will still get you sent there.

You seem to be a person that thinks the church should change it's thinking to accommodate all people, but that is not the churches decision, a true church must follow the rules in the Bible as closely as they understand those rules. It doesn't mean we should preach hate, but we should preach the truth as we know it, or believe it to be. And that truth as we know it is subject to change, if it can be proven through the Scriptures, if it can't be, then it cant be changed.

Being a homosexual will not keep anyone out of Heaven, not claiming Jesus, and asking His forgiveness for sins and not believing He is the risen Son of God, will keep many out of Heaven.

Asking the Pope or Cardinal or Catholic Father to forgive you, instead of asking the same of Jesus, will keep many out of the Kingdom, even though they were simply fooled.

If Catholic's or Baptists or whoever thinks they can kill or hate or lie and claim Christianity and just have their sins absolved by a Priest, yet never accept Jesus into their lives, if they think they are going to Heaven, then they have been fooled by the prince of lies.
Yet they believe equally that it is YOU who have been fooled by the prince of lies. And have as equal an amount of evidence as you do.
What do you think about his leftist public opinions?
He is very accepting of people. Instead of preaching hatred, he preaches understanding. It's a welcome change from the type of extremely negative rhetoric that has dominated the language of Christianity the las couple of decades.
Don't confuse Catholicism with Christianity. Christianity is predominately protestant.
Most of the extremely negative rhetoric has come from protestants. And there are more Catholics in the world than Protestants btw.
As I said, Christianity is predominately protestant, I never said they outnumbered Catholics.

Again, please show me in the Bible where a man is to be the mediator between God and man.

Don't badmouth me, just show me.
So your saying Catholics are not Christian?
Not at all, I believe many Catholics are Christian.

Yet I believe a great number are not Christian as well. Many think they are, and many (like protestants) just put on an act on Sunday, and are what I call hypichristians, they are fooling everyone around them, yet they can't fool God.
The Pope gives me pause....
I am unclear what you mean?

I'm a practicing Catholic and some of the things the Pope says and does gives me pause. I think his heart is in the right place but I also think he's making some comments that go against the Church and God. As for that globull warming nonsense? I still haven't figured out why he decided to weigh in on that
He's the voice of God on Earth. Is he not?

I myself believe don't believe in the infallibility of the Pope. The Pope isn't perfect and all he says doesn't come from God, and not all he says is infallible

Seems reasonable. Here's what I've found: Galatians 1 8 9

See, even us heathens read us some Bible from time to time. :D

Pretty much how I feel on it, thanks for the link
The Pope gives me pause....
I am unclear what you mean?

I'm a practicing Catholic and some of the things the Pope says and does gives me pause. I think his heart is in the right place but I also think he's making some comments that go against the Church and God. As for that globull warming nonsense? I still haven't figured out why he decided to weigh in on that
He's the voice of God on Earth. Is he not?

I myself believe don't believe in the infallibility of the Pope. The Pope isn't perfect and all he says doesn't come from God, and not all he says is infallible

Seems reasonable. Here's what I've found: Galatians 1 8 9

See, even us heathens read us some Bible from time to time. :D
It doesn't say that the Pope is the voice of God on earth, or that he is infallible.

Galatians 1
6I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!

10Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Preaching the Gospel is to be checked and rechecked in the Scriptures, anything taught outside of Scripture and said to be of God is false.

The Galatians accepted the Gospel of Jesus as taught to them by Paul, yet they quickly turned to a different gospel, by listening to other people, who were only trying to confuse them and pervert the Gospel of Christ.

This is something that I believe the Catholic church has done for centuries. And I believe the whole Catholic church to be under God's curse talked about in verse 9, yet even some of those in that church will accept Jesus and will get to Heaven, because they can find their way through the darkness to the light.
What do you think about his leftist public opinions?

As a Roman Catholic..the pope is a South American leftist....his political opinions and thoughts on economics are dumb....
Also, he may be leftist or whatever, but he sure has a ton of money at his command should he want to use it. I could be all giving and leftist if I had a bankroll like the Catholic Church has.
I don't think you'd have ever found Christ in all that luxury.
Of course, the same goes for all you "evangelical" preachers out there. :thup:
Matthew 19:24"Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Mark 10:25"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Luke 18:25"For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

3 different Gospels, repeated word for word. My feelings are that the Catholic leadership knows the truth, yet are unwilling to give up their leadership and power, and money to reveal the truth to the majority of their congregation.
What do you think about his leftist public opinions?
He is very accepting of people. Instead of preaching hatred, he preaches understanding. It's a welcome change from the type of extremely negative rhetoric that has dominated the language of Christianity the las couple of decades.
He can accept all the people he wants, and they will go straight to Hell for being misled when they die. It's not technically their fault, but a technicality will still get you sent there.

You seem to be a person that thinks the church should change it's thinking to accommodate all people, but that is not the churches decision, a true church must follow the rules in the Bible as closely as they understand those rules. It doesn't mean we should preach hate, but we should preach the truth as we know it, or believe it to be. And that truth as we know it is subject to change, if it can be proven through the Scriptures, if it can't be, then it cant be changed.

Being a homosexual will not keep anyone out of Heaven, not claiming Jesus, and asking His forgiveness for sins and not believing He is the risen Son of God, will keep many out of Heaven.

Asking the Pope or Cardinal or Catholic Father to forgive you, instead of asking the same of Jesus, will keep many out of the Kingdom, even though they were simply fooled.

If Catholic's or Baptists or whoever thinks they can kill or hate or lie and claim Christianity and just have their sins absolved by a Priest, yet never accept Jesus into their lives, if they think they are going to Heaven, then they have been fooled by the prince of lies.
Yet they believe equally that it is YOU who have been fooled by the prince of lies. And have as equal an amount of evidence as you do.
Show me your evidence, I can produce mine, it is the Word of God,

if you own a Bible, then read it, and seek the Lord, not just from Catholic Priests but from Jews, and Protestants as well. Baptists, and Methodists, Presbyterians and Mormons, I have consulted all of them, as well as Catholics, if you truly want to learn, then seek Him and He shall reveal things you never knew.
What do you think about his leftist public opinions?
He is very accepting of people. Instead of preaching hatred, he preaches understanding. It's a welcome change from the type of extremely negative rhetoric that has dominated the language of Christianity the las couple of decades.
He can accept all the people he wants, and they will go straight to Hell for being misled when they die. It's not technically their fault, but a technicality will still get you sent there.

You seem to be a person that thinks the church should change it's thinking to accommodate all people, but that is not the churches decision, a true church must follow the rules in the Bible as closely as they understand those rules. It doesn't mean we should preach hate, but we should preach the truth as we know it, or believe it to be. And that truth as we know it is subject to change, if it can be proven through the Scriptures, if it can't be, then it cant be changed.

Being a homosexual will not keep anyone out of Heaven, not claiming Jesus, and asking His forgiveness for sins and not believing He is the risen Son of God, will keep many out of Heaven.

Asking the Pope or Cardinal or Catholic Father to forgive you, instead of asking the same of Jesus, will keep many out of the Kingdom, even though they were simply fooled.

If Catholic's or Baptists or whoever thinks they can kill or hate or lie and claim Christianity and just have their sins absolved by a Priest, yet never accept Jesus into their lives, if they think they are going to Heaven, then they have been fooled by the prince of lies.
Yet they believe equally that it is YOU who have been fooled by the prince of lies. And have as equal an amount of evidence as you do.
Show me your evidence, I can produce mine, it is the Word of God,

if you own a Bible, then read it, and seek the Lord, not just from Catholic Priests but from Jews, and Protestants as well. Baptists, and Methodists, Presbyterians and Mormons, I have consulted all of them, as well as Catholics, if you truly want to learn, then seek Him and He shall reveal things you never knew.
Have you consulted Muslims, Hindu's, or Buddhists?
What do you think about his leftist public opinions?
He is very accepting of people. Instead of preaching hatred, he preaches understanding. It's a welcome change from the type of extremely negative rhetoric that has dominated the language of Christianity the las couple of decades.
He can accept all the people he wants, and they will go straight to Hell for being misled when they die. It's not technically their fault, but a technicality will still get you sent there.

You seem to be a person that thinks the church should change it's thinking to accommodate all people, but that is not the churches decision, a true church must follow the rules in the Bible as closely as they understand those rules. It doesn't mean we should preach hate, but we should preach the truth as we know it, or believe it to be. And that truth as we know it is subject to change, if it can be proven through the Scriptures, if it can't be, then it cant be changed.

Being a homosexual will not keep anyone out of Heaven, not claiming Jesus, and asking His forgiveness for sins and not believing He is the risen Son of God, will keep many out of Heaven.

Asking the Pope or Cardinal or Catholic Father to forgive you, instead of asking the same of Jesus, will keep many out of the Kingdom, even though they were simply fooled.

If Catholic's or Baptists or whoever thinks they can kill or hate or lie and claim Christianity and just have their sins absolved by a Priest, yet never accept Jesus into their lives, if they think they are going to Heaven, then they have been fooled by the prince of lies.
Yet they believe equally that it is YOU who have been fooled by the prince of lies. And have as equal an amount of evidence as you do.
Show me your evidence, I can produce mine, it is the Word of God,

if you own a Bible, then read it, and seek the Lord, not just from Catholic Priests but from Jews, and Protestants as well. Baptists, and Methodists, Presbyterians and Mormons, I have consulted all of them, as well as Catholics, if you truly want to learn, then seek Him and He shall reveal things you never knew.
Have you consulted Muslims, Hindu's, or Buddhists?
Nope, none of them recognize Jesus at all, the only reason I consulted Jews was for a better understanding of the Tanukh.(I misspelled that greatly), the Old Testament. And most Jews recognize the New Testament, even if they disagree with it from page 1.
What do you think about his leftist public opinions?

As a Roman Catholic..the pope is a South American leftist....his political opinions and thoughts on economics are dumb....
Also, he may be leftist or whatever, but he sure has a ton of money at his command should he want to use it. I could be all giving and leftist if I had a bankroll like the Catholic Church has.
I don't think you'd have ever found Christ in all that luxury.
Of course, the same goes for all you "evangelical" preachers out there. :thup:
Matthew 19:24"Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Mark 10:25"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Luke 18:25"For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

3 different Gospels, repeated word for word. My feelings are that the Catholic leadership knows the truth, yet are unwilling to give up their leadership and power, and money to reveal the truth to the majority of their congregation.
Don't all the people who follow the Catholic church also read their Bible? How can it have stood for so long with such an obvious contradiction? Plus, they tithe every week. Poor, working class people. How can the church take their money when a lot of the people who are giving it can barely make ends meet? Some have no ends at all.
It's been my opinion for a long time now that if one truly believes one has the word of God, one does not sell it. It's free. If it's one's calling to preach the word of God, then do so. Earn a living doing something else, but the word should be free of charge. This is why I tend to disbelieve so-called preachers. They all want money for what they're doing. Rubbish.
I'm sure a lot of the money that's taken in goes to worthy causes--not just colorful costumes and Cadillacs--but it should be most of the money. The priests and preachers should live austerely. But, ultimately, this all falls on the shoulders of those who choose to follow them and give them their money--of course if you're taught from birth that this is how it is, what're you going to do?
He is very accepting of people. Instead of preaching hatred, he preaches understanding. It's a welcome change from the type of extremely negative rhetoric that has dominated the language of Christianity the las couple of decades.
He can accept all the people he wants, and they will go straight to Hell for being misled when they die. It's not technically their fault, but a technicality will still get you sent there.

You seem to be a person that thinks the church should change it's thinking to accommodate all people, but that is not the churches decision, a true church must follow the rules in the Bible as closely as they understand those rules. It doesn't mean we should preach hate, but we should preach the truth as we know it, or believe it to be. And that truth as we know it is subject to change, if it can be proven through the Scriptures, if it can't be, then it cant be changed.

Being a homosexual will not keep anyone out of Heaven, not claiming Jesus, and asking His forgiveness for sins and not believing He is the risen Son of God, will keep many out of Heaven.

Asking the Pope or Cardinal or Catholic Father to forgive you, instead of asking the same of Jesus, will keep many out of the Kingdom, even though they were simply fooled.

If Catholic's or Baptists or whoever thinks they can kill or hate or lie and claim Christianity and just have their sins absolved by a Priest, yet never accept Jesus into their lives, if they think they are going to Heaven, then they have been fooled by the prince of lies.
Yet they believe equally that it is YOU who have been fooled by the prince of lies. And have as equal an amount of evidence as you do.
Show me your evidence, I can produce mine, it is the Word of God,

if you own a Bible, then read it, and seek the Lord, not just from Catholic Priests but from Jews, and Protestants as well. Baptists, and Methodists, Presbyterians and Mormons, I have consulted all of them, as well as Catholics, if you truly want to learn, then seek Him and He shall reveal things you never knew.
Have you consulted Muslims, Hindu's, or Buddhists?
Nope, none of them recognize Jesus at all, the only reason I consulted Jews was for a better understanding of the Tanukh.(I misspelled that greatly), the Old Testament. And most Jews recognize the New Testament, even if they disagree with it from page 1.

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