To racist: Do you need our help?


Jun 3, 2018
Hypothetically speaking, if we went to war today or tomorrow would white America need the aid of African, Asian, or Hispanic Americans? Would they want our help? Should we protect ourselves instead? Are we not all Americans at the end of the day?
Hypothetically speaking, if we went to war today or tomorrow would white America need the aid of African, Asian, or Hispanic Americans? Would they want our help? Should we protect ourselves instead? Are we not all Americans at the end of the day?
Welcome Kid. Sure, we would need and want all Americans' help. You do see yourself as an American, right?
As part of the greeting committee, have a snack.
Hypothetically speaking, if we went to war today or tomorrow would white America need the aid of African, Asian, or Hispanic Americans? Would they want our help? Should we protect ourselves instead? Are we not all Americans at the end of the day?
Welcome Kid. Sure, we would need and want all Americans' help. You do see yourself as an American, right?
As part of the greeting committee, have a snack.
View attachment 196496
Thank You! But that didn't answer any of my questions
Hypothetically speaking, if we went to war today or tomorrow would white America need the aid of African, Asian, or Hispanic Americans? Would they want our help? Should we protect ourselves instead? Are we not all Americans at the end of the day?
Welcome Kid. Sure, we would need and want all Americans' help. You do see yourself as an American, right?
As part of the greeting committee, have a snack.
View attachment 196496
If white racist need and want our help as Americans, why tear us down?
-------------- china , the norks , iran , we might find out . I hear and suppose that a Draft MAY be coming and everyone plus maybe girls will be Drafted Oreo
Hypothetically speaking, if we went to war today or tomorrow would white America need the aid of African, Asian, or Hispanic Americans? Would they want our help? Should we protect ourselves instead? Are we not all Americans at the end of the day?
Welcome Kid. Sure, we would need and want all Americans' help. You do see yourself as an American, right?
As part of the greeting committee, have a snack.
View attachment 196496
Thank You! But that didn't answer any of my questions
Well, I just said to myself, OOPS!, 'cuz I'm not a racist so I shouldn't have replied, but you did need your donut.
I would hope the answer to your question is of course, because our current military certainly includes African, Asian and Hispanic Americans already. I guess maybe you need to explain what kind of scenario you're envisioning here.
-------------- china , the norks , iran , we might find out . I hear and suppose that a Draft MAY be coming and everyone plus maybe girls will be Drafted Oreo
Me and a couple buddies of mine had this conversation, and we all have no problem fighting for our country, but not for a country that doesn't want to fight for us. And if its that simply maybe we shouldn't. If I had to choose prison or death versus fighting for people who want to kill me anyways, let it all burn! But I'm an extremist lol
Hypothetically speaking, if we went to war today or tomorrow would white America need the aid of African, Asian, or Hispanic Americans? Would they want our help? Should we protect ourselves instead? Are we not all Americans at the end of the day?
Welcome Kid. Sure, we would need and want all Americans' help. You do see yourself as an American, right?
As part of the greeting committee, have a snack.
View attachment 196496
Thank You! But that didn't answer any of my questions
Well, I just said to myself, OOPS!, 'cuz I'm not a racist so I shouldn't have replied, but you did need your donut.
I would hope the answer to your question is of course, because our current military certainly includes African, Asian and Hispanic Americans already. I guess maybe you need to explain what kind of scenario you're envisioning here.
I've been looking through the forums and there are a majority of white racist who would want African Americans and other races to "go back where you came from" even though I was born here??? So if it all boiled down to it. Racist would need the aid of all the same people who they don't want here in the first place. So why be racist? We are all Americans and regardless we all need each other. That was the point I was making. Being that you aren't racist it probably went over your head.
-------------- china , the norks , iran , we might find out . I hear and suppose that a Draft MAY be coming and everyone plus maybe girls will be Drafted Oreo
Me and a couple buddies of mine had this conversation, and we all have no problem fighting for our country, but not for a country that doesn't want to fight for us. And if its that simply maybe we shouldn't. If I had to choose prison or death versus fighting for people who want to kill me anyways, let it all burn! But I'm an extremist lol
Not many people irl want to kill you. I'd put money on that. Unless you're a gang banger or something--but just for being a 20-something black guy? Nah, don't buy it.
You definitely should meet Asclepias. He'll be delighted.

Hypothetically speaking, if we went to war today or tomorrow would white America need the aid of African, Asian, or Hispanic Americans? Would they want our help? Should we protect ourselves instead? Are we not all Americans at the end of the day?
Welcome Kid. Sure, we would need and want all Americans' help. You do see yourself as an American, right?
As part of the greeting committee, have a snack.
View attachment 196496
Thank You! But that didn't answer any of my questions
Well, I just said to myself, OOPS!, 'cuz I'm not a racist so I shouldn't have replied, but you did need your donut.
I would hope the answer to your question is of course, because our current military certainly includes African, Asian and Hispanic Americans already. I guess maybe you need to explain what kind of scenario you're envisioning here.
I've been looking through the forums and there are a majority of white racist who would want African Americans and other races to "go back where you came from" even though I was born here??? So if it all boiled down to it. Racist would need the aid of all the same people who they don't want here in the first place. So why be racist? We are all Americans and regardless we all need each other. That was the point I was making. Being that you aren't racist it probably went over your head.

I see we have another far left racist that believes the far left propaganda peddled to them.

You will find most people you think are "racist" are true not. Far left propaganda rots the brain, stay away from it.
Hypothetically speaking, if we went to war today or tomorrow would white America need the aid of African, Asian, or Hispanic Americans? Would they want our help? Should we protect ourselves instead? Are we not all Americans at the end of the day?
Welcome Kid. Sure, we would need and want all Americans' help. You do see yourself as an American, right?
As part of the greeting committee, have a snack.
View attachment 196496
Thank You! But that didn't answer any of my questions
Well, I just said to myself, OOPS!, 'cuz I'm not a racist so I shouldn't have replied, but you did need your donut.
I would hope the answer to your question is of course, because our current military certainly includes African, Asian and Hispanic Americans already. I guess maybe you need to explain what kind of scenario you're envisioning here.
I've been looking through the forums and there are a majority of white racist who would want African Americans and other races to "go back where you came from" even though I was born here??? So if it all boiled down to it. Racist would need the aid of all the same people who they don't want here in the first place. So why be racist? We are all Americans and regardless we all need each other. That was the point I was making. Being that you aren't racist it probably went over your head.
------------------------------------------ yeah , you and your kids and Daughter MAY just be drafted then we will see what you do Oreo . [keep in touch if you recieve some kinda callup notice eh]
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Hypothetically speaking, if we went to war today or tomorrow would white America need the aid of African, Asian, or Hispanic Americans? Would they want our help? Should we protect ourselves instead? Are we not all Americans at the end of the day?
Welcome Kid. Sure, we would need and want all Americans' help. You do see yourself as an American, right?
As part of the greeting committee, have a snack.
View attachment 196496
If white racist need and want our help as Americans, why tear us down?

Amplifying a little, aren't you Oreo? Blacks are racist. Read the language of your posts if you need proof of that. You kill your own. Read a Chicago news paper for proof of that. You are already at war.
Could I trust you to have my whitey child's back in a military situation? Judging from your posts I don't think so. Stay home and leave the protection of this country up to those who see beyond race...
Hypothetically speaking, if we went to war today or tomorrow would white America need the aid of African, Asian, or Hispanic Americans? Would they want our help? Should we protect ourselves instead? Are we not all Americans at the end of the day?

What a convoluted question.
Would they want our help? The bigger question is would they offer their help?
If not they dont deserve to be Americans.
and i know no one that is against Americans that are black except for themselves . Except for lefties of all races that have thrown in with the third world imported people that are flooding the USA , just a comment .
-------------- china , the norks , iran , we might find out . I hear and suppose that a Draft MAY be coming and everyone plus maybe girls will be Drafted Oreo
Me and a couple buddies of mine had this conversation, and we all have no problem fighting for our country, but not for a country that doesn't want to fight for us. And if its that simply maybe we shouldn't. If I had to choose prison or death versus fighting for people who want to kill me anyways, let it all burn! But I'm an extremist lol
LOL the great argument about nothing. Racism exist EVERY where in all cultures and all Countries to claim somehow the US is so Racist it wants you as a person of color dead as a COUNTRY is ignorant pap.
Oreo may have seen a White little old lady clutch her purse more tightly as he got into an elevator with her . And that showed him that he is hated by Whites ,
would white America need the aid of African, Asian, or Hispanic Americans?
White Americans have always needed the help of African, Asian and Hispanic Americans - to build our country after we stole it, to build our railroads, to farm the land, to extract the gold, to buy our products, etc. We have always been more dependent on them than we care to admit. I've been reminded of all of this recently while reading a book by Tim Wise.

And in the case of war, whites would absolutely need all their help, although, again, they may not wish to admit it.
would white America need the aid of African, Asian, or Hispanic Americans?
White Americans have always needed the help of African, Asian and Hispanic Americans - to build our country after we stole it, to build our railroads, to farm the land, to extract the gold, to buy our products, etc. We have always been more dependent on them than we care to admit. I've been reminded of all of this recently while reading a book by Tim Wise.

And in the case of war, whites would absolutely need all their help, although, again, they may not wish to admit it.
LOL using your definition EVERY Country on earth was stolen by the current population of that Country.
This is a pretty political board. Irish Ram is the only one who isn't just giving you a hard time for your politics, though.
would white America need the aid of African, Asian, or Hispanic Americans?
White Americans have always needed the help of African, Asian and Hispanic Americans - to build our country after we stole it, to build our railroads, to farm the land, to extract the gold, to buy our products, etc. We have always been more dependent on them than we care to admit. I've been reminded of all of this recently while reading a book by Tim Wise.

And in the case of war, whites would absolutely need all their help, although, again, they may not wish to admit it.
LOL using your definition EVERY Country on earth was stolen by the current population of that Country.
Don't understand what you mean. What definition? White people took land from the native Americans. True? What does that have to do with any other country?

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