To Kill a Mockingbird becomes an Obama Re election commercial


When was the last time any president wentonto national TV and stated that a victim in a crime he knew nothing about that had yet to be presented to the proper authorities stuck his nose in a place it did not belong?
When is the last time the GOP brought a 30 year old women to the halls of congress to tell us that no matter your beliefs, yor choice in birth control did not exist?
When is the last lie John B gave us?
That we had created millions of jobs scince 09? or that he had inherited a 1.7 trillion dollar defict in 09?
What about the last time a GOP represenative stated that because you make money you should be punished? and that capital gains are the same as income, and those people who invest there own wealth to establish those gains should be punished?
What was the last piece of legeslation that was forced on the American people? that-that legeslation would have no tax increases within it, yet when the supreme court ask about those "fines" that same group called it a tax?
That to intimidate people at a place we vote was ok, just because those doing the intimidating where black?
How many times have we heard that Ryans budget would kill 1000s of old people? while at the same time not produce one your self?
Sarah Palin has been called every-name in the book, her daughter called a tramp, That the reason a Dem senator was shot was because of the tight wing media? yet at the same time nothing is said about the "bounty" on Zimmermans head
Bush lied, people died
the war is lost
American troops, never mind

I could go on and on here

The GOP has had no power scince 2006
Any way, there is a big difference in debate and just plain lying BS, no matter who you think is at fault, it needs to stop

Now now....don't get pissy. Everything you say is correct. Obama is a total piece of shit. The Democrats are divisive hate mongers. They lie, they twist, they refuse to support their positions with facts or documentation (yeah I mean you Jake ;) ). Damn right they are the scum of the Earth.


Do we have moral high ground? The siege on homosexuals by the religious right (that like it or not is a part of the GOP) is the very same thing. We twist the gospels to further a political agenda. We alienate a segment of society and attempt to deny them constitutional rights based upon a principle that has no place in government and in violation of the very constitution we profess to defend. We divide where homosexuality is concerned and the denial of civil rights has never been something that the GOP stood for.

Our party was founded to ensure civil rights, not deny them. It was the GOP who fought to end slavery, to ensure the civil rights of blacks in the 60s (not the Democrats who were too busy hanging people from trees at the time). My party's treatment of homosexuals is a violation of everything our party stands for, everything we have fought for, and everything we claim to represent. We cannot, at the same time, claim to be "defenders of the constitution" while attempting to deny homosexuals their constitutional rights.

Until we work that out, we can correctly condemn the actions of Obama and the Democrats...but we must do so with shame and hypocrisy and the knowledge that we lack the moral ground upon which to pass judgement.

Nah, BP, you are describing generally the far right wing extremists in my party and the far left wing extremists in the Dems. They deny rights to minorities or to homosexuals or to women or to whomever when it works for them politically. Obama is certainly no worse than Bush, and in some ways, is much better.

When we let the JRKs continue with their lies (that somehow the crash began on Obama's watch and the policies from 1994 to 2006 had not one blessed thing to do with it), those people and their lies damage the GOP's chances for the future.

Either we clean up our act, which means throwing the McConnells and the Ryans out on their ears, or we will be in the minority for ever without any chance at governance.

You are misreading the mood of the country if you don't believe I am telling it straight.
Really? How do you understand how the present comes to be without a clear look at the past? Incidentally, if you're viewing 25-50 years ago as ancient history, you must be quite young or a dishonest person. You pick.

Well first of all I have a feeling I understand history very well and the university where I teach history generally agrees. Second, I never said anything about "ancient history", you did. I pointed out that the statement you were attempting to refute was talking about the present, where you are arguing the past. You might as well be arguing that the Arizona Cardinals can't compete in the NFL because the city of St. Louis won't build them a new stadium.

In generational terms, a person who grows up poor is most likely to remain poor, and the lessons passed on through the elders take a generation or two to wash for a reason - just because laws are made that prohibit certain actions or codify others doesn't mean those laws are followed. Segregation, for instance, was a little something Nixon worked against in order to gain support from the states that made up his southern strategy. The ERA has yet to be ratified, union labor was kneecapped by the gipper, and public employees are the new welfare queens.

BTW, and FYI, I specified workers, women,and minorities, not just black people.

In other words you are attempting to deflect from the point and change the terms of the argument. Sorry, I am not going to let you do that. The issues that you are discussing have nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not the original statement that you argued against is accurate. That statement was that race has no bearing on taxes and rights. It has nothing to do with workers, women, the Nixon years, cycles of poverty, or any of the other bullshit you have come up with.

And you still haven't answered the question.

So, you're going with dishonest.
I could go on and on here

Yes, unfortunately – in a festival of unsubstantiated nonsense and subjective partisan opinion.

Our party was founded to ensure civil rights, not deny them.

A founding principle the GOP abandoned some 40 years ago.

It was the GOP who fought to end slavery, to ensure the civil rights of blacks in the 60s (not the Democrats who were too busy hanging people from trees at the time).

Actually is was conservatives, advocates of ‘states’ rights,’ busy hanging people from trees, many of whom are now republicans, working today to deny homosexuals equal access to the law.

I fear what few ‘actual’ republicans might be left lack the courage or numbers to reject the powerful narcotic that is social conservatism.
I could go on and on here

Yes, unfortunately – in a festival of unsubstantiated nonsense and subjective partisan opinion.

Our party was founded to ensure civil rights, not deny them.

A founding principle the GOP abandoned some 40 years ago.

It was the GOP who fought to end slavery, to ensure the civil rights of blacks in the 60s (not the Democrats who were too busy hanging people from trees at the time).

Actually is was conservatives, advocates of ‘states’ rights,’ busy hanging people from trees, many of whom are now republicans, working today to deny homosexuals equal access to the law.

I fear what few ‘actual’ republicans might be left lack the courage or numbers to reject the powerful narcotic that is social conservatism.

Trust me
The southern Democrat, the liberal, food stamp, southern democrat such as WV Rober Byrd is the classic example of the true racist
Look, real racisim has players on both sides as the black panther party is running neck and neck with the Klan for being living in the dark ages when it comes to those rights as afforded to us by the constitution

People are racist, not a party of ideals, and using a pistol to rob ranks where in the scheme of hanging and innocent person whether it be black or white?
I could go on and on here

Yes, unfortunately – in a festival of unsubstantiated nonsense and subjective partisan opinion.

Our party was founded to ensure civil rights, not deny them.

A founding principle the GOP abandoned some 40 years ago.

It was the GOP who fought to end slavery, to ensure the civil rights of blacks in the 60s (not the Democrats who were too busy hanging people from trees at the time).

Actually is was conservatives, advocates of ‘states’ rights,’ busy hanging people from trees, many of whom are now republicans, working today to deny homosexuals equal access to the law.

I fear what few ‘actual’ republicans might be left lack the courage or numbers to reject the powerful narcotic that is social conservatism.

The GOP never abandoned those principles. We just didn't go along with the Democraps idea to enslave blacks with entitlements and tell them we're on their side.

Oh....and you think that there are no conservative Democraps???? There are still Southern Democrats that have always voted Democrat and will always vote Democrat. If they knew the Democrat party was run by communist they might change, but of course the Dems hide this fact.

I've never heard anyone call Christianity a narcotic. From what I know there are no bad physical side-effects if that's the case.
Yes, our GOP did abandon those principles.

When you write stuff like "Democrat party was run by communist" you lose any expectation of being taken seriously.

What does US history have to do with the status quo?
Does this mean we should have BHO intro Tora-Tora and chant were not going to stand for sneak attacks?
Should we have him intro private ryan and chant were not going to stand for Fascisim?
You want me to go on?
Whats the difference?

Is there some reason GWB was never allowed to do this?
Its pure race baiting political and has NOTHING to do with US history
Injustice is pure and simple, injustice
and the event as it was protrayed in the movie has nothing to do with Obama, Race issues in 2012 and a history that has not been learned from.

History has everything to do with the current status quo. Neither of the movies you mentioned deals with the problem of racism in our country.

Allowed? You mean asked to introduce a movie? Perhaps "Gone With the Wind"?

Nothing baiting about having our first bi-racial President introduce a culturally significant movie. If you think racism is a thing of the past you are sadly mistaken.

Well I can say this about these events
Race issue have no place in my life, yet they fill yours
I dont need to have the president state "I am not going to stand for racisim" followed by commercials stating the same for me to know what the right thing to do is every day of my life
Can you say the same?

And yes race issues exist today
so does fascisim
and the freedom to choose to have nothing to do with that crap as millions of us do, or the freedom to take part in being a dickhead
Nazis and black panthers included
Yet there is no movies about Black Panthers murdering whites being introduced by Obama is there, or being intimidated at the voting booth

When it comes to a job, racisim is dead Boo
The only race and gender that is not protected is me, the white male

What else you want Boo?

Show me where the President said "I am not going to stand for racisim" in his introduction.

50 years ago, a film came along that instantly captivated the nation. Based on the timeless novel by Harper Lee, “To Kill A Mockingbird” brought to life an unforgettable tale of courage and conviction, of doing what was right no matter what the cost, and it gave us one of the great heroes of American cinema – Atticus Finch played so memorably by the late Gregory Peck.

Half a century later, the power of this extraordinary film endures. It still speaks to us. It still tells us something about who we are as a people, and the common values that we all share. So I hope you enjoy the film, and if you haven’t already, I hope you get a chance to read the book. It’s an American classic, and it’s one of my family’s favorites. Now, “To Kill A Mockingbird.”

Also, what commercials? I really wasn't paying that much attention but I think they went right into the movie and it has limited commercial interuptions too.

Where did you get the idea that either of those happened? What did I miss?

We never embraced fascism or communism like we embraced racism in this country.

White males generally have an advantage in this country.
Yes, our GOP did abandon those principles.

When you write stuff like "Democrat party was run by communist" you lose any expectation of being taken seriously.


Jake I have not said that, but to those who did we all see things right now to those extremes
The Democratic party was once the party of the poor have become the party of thr deciet. If I was still a southern Dem as I was raised to be
Communisim is not what Obama is, but he is a pure socialist whic is the path to communisiom

Are the three closest to a pure socilaist event on this countries history. All three have impacted our economy trillions for ever
History has everything to do with the current status quo. Neither of the movies you mentioned deals with the problem of racism in our country.

Allowed? You mean asked to introduce a movie? Perhaps "Gone With the Wind"?

Nothing baiting about having our first bi-racial President introduce a culturally significant movie. If you think racism is a thing of the past you are sadly mistaken.

Well I can say this about these events
Race issue have no place in my life, yet they fill yours
I dont need to have the president state "I am not going to stand for racisim" followed by commercials stating the same for me to know what the right thing to do is every day of my life
Can you say the same?

And yes race issues exist today
so does fascisim
and the freedom to choose to have nothing to do with that crap as millions of us do, or the freedom to take part in being a dickhead
Nazis and black panthers included
Yet there is no movies about Black Panthers murdering whites being introduced by Obama is there, or being intimidated at the voting booth

When it comes to a job, racisim is dead Boo
The only race and gender that is not protected is me, the white male

What else you want Boo?

Show me where the President said "I am not going to stand for racisim" in his introduction.

50 years ago, a film came along that instantly captivated the nation. Based on the timeless novel by Harper Lee, “To Kill A Mockingbird” brought to life an unforgettable tale of courage and conviction, of doing what was right no matter what the cost, and it gave us one of the great heroes of American cinema – Atticus Finch played so memorably by the late Gregory Peck.

Half a century later, the power of this extraordinary film endures. It still speaks to us. It still tells us something about who we are as a people, and the common values that we all share. So I hope you enjoy the film, and if you haven’t already, I hope you get a chance to read the book. It’s an American classic, and it’s one of my family’s favorites. Now, “To Kill A Mockingbird.”

Also, what commercials? I really wasn't paying that much attention but I think they went right into the movie and it has limited commercial interuptions too.

Where did you get the idea that either of those happened? What did I miss?

We never embraced fascism or communism like we embraced racism in this country.

White males generally have an advantage in this country.

I had snacks
and my fluffy people waiting on this movie to caome on not knowing BHO was going to do the intro
I assumed he followed the same path the commercials following did
not afraid to stand up to racisim commercial USA today - Bing Videos
You know my issue here is the use of the film, not so much the message
Black innocent victim
hung by white southern radicals
Thats race of a White Male doing a very un ethical thing to a innocent black male when we have today as much racial in justices from blacks to white

The message was about the event in Sanford, to stir the base. I love the film, not because of the racial overtones
The acting
and the part of the old south I was raised in, kids playing, etc...
I was about there age at the time of the movie

any-way there you are, I am sure BHO did the same, you can google it
Well I can say this about these events
Race issue have no place in my life, yet they fill yours
I dont need to have the president state "I am not going to stand for racisim" followed by commercials stating the same for me to know what the right thing to do is every day of my life
Can you say the same?

And yes race issues exist today
so does fascisim
and the freedom to choose to have nothing to do with that crap as millions of us do, or the freedom to take part in being a dickhead
Nazis and black panthers included
Yet there is no movies about Black Panthers murdering whites being introduced by Obama is there, or being intimidated at the voting booth

When it comes to a job, racisim is dead Boo
The only race and gender that is not protected is me, the white male

What else you want Boo?

Show me where the President said "I am not going to stand for racisim" in his introduction.

50 years ago, a film came along that instantly captivated the nation. Based on the timeless novel by Harper Lee, “To Kill A Mockingbird” brought to life an unforgettable tale of courage and conviction, of doing what was right no matter what the cost, and it gave us one of the great heroes of American cinema – Atticus Finch played so memorably by the late Gregory Peck.

Half a century later, the power of this extraordinary film endures. It still speaks to us. It still tells us something about who we are as a people, and the common values that we all share. So I hope you enjoy the film, and if you haven’t already, I hope you get a chance to read the book. It’s an American classic, and it’s one of my family’s favorites. Now, “To Kill A Mockingbird.”

Also, what commercials? I really wasn't paying that much attention but I think they went right into the movie and it has limited commercial interuptions too.

Where did you get the idea that either of those happened? What did I miss?

We never embraced fascism or communism like we embraced racism in this country.

White males generally have an advantage in this country.

I had snacks
and my fluffy people waiting on this movie to caome on not knowing BHO was going to do the intro
I assumed he followed the same path the commercials following did
not afraid to stand up to racisim commercial USA today - Bing Videos
You know my issue here is the use of the film, not so much the message
Black innocent victim
hung by white southern radicals
Thats race of a White Male doing a very un ethical thing to a innocent black male when we have today as much racial in justices from blacks to white

The message was about the event in Sanford, to stir the base. I love the film, not because of the racial overtones
The acting
and the part of the old south I was raised in, kids playing, etc...
I was about there age at the time of the movie

any-way there you are, I am sure BHO did the same, you can google it

So you didn't hear President Obama say what you claim he stated. His intro was not followed by commercials. So I ask once again(not that expect an answer from you) Where did you get the idea that either of those happened?

The film was going to air regardless of what happened in Stanford Fla.

I think they were going to ask the President to introduce it regardless of what happened at Stanford Fla.
Show me where the President said "I am not going to stand for racisim" in his introduction.

50 years ago, a film came along that instantly captivated the nation. Based on the timeless novel by Harper Lee, “To Kill A Mockingbird” brought to life an unforgettable tale of courage and conviction, of doing what was right no matter what the cost, and it gave us one of the great heroes of American cinema – Atticus Finch played so memorably by the late Gregory Peck.

Half a century later, the power of this extraordinary film endures. It still speaks to us. It still tells us something about who we are as a people, and the common values that we all share. So I hope you enjoy the film, and if you haven’t already, I hope you get a chance to read the book. It’s an American classic, and it’s one of my family’s favorites. Now, “To Kill A Mockingbird.”

Also, what commercials? I really wasn't paying that much attention but I think they went right into the movie and it has limited commercial interuptions too.

Where did you get the idea that either of those happened? What did I miss?

We never embraced fascism or communism like we embraced racism in this country.

White males generally have an advantage in this country.

I had snacks
and my fluffy people waiting on this movie to caome on not knowing BHO was going to do the intro
I assumed he followed the same path the commercials following did
not afraid to stand up to racisim commercial USA today - Bing Videos
You know my issue here is the use of the film, not so much the message
Black innocent victim
hung by white southern radicals
Thats race of a White Male doing a very un ethical thing to a innocent black male when we have today as much racial in justices from blacks to white

The message was about the event in Sanford, to stir the base. I love the film, not because of the racial overtones
The acting
and the part of the old south I was raised in, kids playing, etc...
I was about there age at the time of the movie

any-way there you are, I am sure BHO did the same, you can google it

So you didn't hear President Obama say what you claim he stated. His intro was not followed by commercials. So I ask once again(not that expect an answer from you) Where did you get the idea that either of those happened?

The film was going to air regardless of what happened in Stanford Fla.

I think they were going to ask the President to introduce it regardless of what happened at Stanford Fla.

Dude, you'll never get the last word in. The GOP is the "yeah but" party of right now. When they get the White House back, the Democrats will be the "yeah but" people. JRK is the best practicioner of "yeah but" arguing.
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So you want us to focus on Romney and ignore what a fuck-up Obama is??

Makes sense if you want to lose.

Nah......I'm gonna keep focusing on the shit-for-brains fuckup in the White House.

Feel free to talk about Obama's policies that matter. Your focus on the ephemra of his part in this movie is a non-issue among other non-issues.

As for people having shit for brains, you'd be the authority given the content of the space between your ears--remember when OBL was killed by Obama; you called it a "mistake". Another failure.

This issue makes you look petty, silly, impotent, and above all else, these are accurate representations if this is all you've got. Your lack of enthusiasm for Mittens speaks volumes about how you've picked the wrong dog out of the pack.

I've been talking about them for years. I've said what he was going to do and he's done it.....and then some.
Currently, you're doing it on a thread about a movie. High standards for debate there sonny.

What has he accomplished since he passed Health Care in 09'?

Can you name anything he's done since then?
Lets see, cash for clunkers, wall street reform, appointment of Kagan and Sotomayor, ensured the payroll tax holiday over stringent GOP opposition since it wouldn't benefit the millionaires...

All you can do is talk about what he wants to do. All you do is repeat his nonsense like it's real.

Give him 4 more years. He'll eventually get it right.

I say he's had his chance. It's time to let somebody else have a chance to fix this mess.

The guy just doesn't do his job. He doesn't give a damn about the debt, the unemployment, the terrible housing market.

He hasn't lifted a finger on immigration.

He hasn't done anything right when it comes to foreign affairs. His only claim to fame is killing Bin Laden. Assassination is not a foreign policy.
You're right about immigration except he's deported more persons than Bush did.

As for foreign affairs, we're not fighting in Iraq any more. We're on a time table to leave Afghanistan, we have more drone strikes going on keeping Soldiers further out of harm's way. We backed the insurgents in Lybia (right or wrong), tacitlly supported the uprising in Egypt.

The economy seems to be turning the corner as well.

Most of his strongest supporters on this site hate America. Many of them aren't even Americans. What does that tell you about the man?

Now you're just being stupid (again).
Yes, our GOP did abandon those principles.

When you write stuff like "Democrat party was run by communist" you lose any expectation of being taken seriously.


Jake I have not said that, but to those who did we all see things right now to those extremes
The Democratic party was once the party of the poor have become the party of thr deciet. If I was still a southern Dem as I was raised to be
Communisim is not what Obama is, but he is a pure socialist whic is the path to communisiom

Are the three closest to a pure socilaist event on this countries history. All three have impacted our economy trillions for ever

It's not socialism by any stretch of the imagination. And socialism is often associated with democratic countries. Think Denmark, think Sweden, think Canada off and on.
I had snacks
and my fluffy people waiting on this movie to caome on not knowing BHO was going to do the intro
I assumed he followed the same path the commercials following did
not afraid to stand up to racisim commercial USA today - Bing Videos
You know my issue here is the use of the film, not so much the message
Black innocent victim
hung by white southern radicals
Thats race of a White Male doing a very un ethical thing to a innocent black male when we have today as much racial in justices from blacks to white

The message was about the event in Sanford, to stir the base. I love the film, not because of the racial overtones
The acting
and the part of the old south I was raised in, kids playing, etc...
I was about there age at the time of the movie

any-way there you are, I am sure BHO did the same, you can google it

So you didn't hear President Obama say what you claim he stated. His intro was not followed by commercials. So I ask once again(not that expect an answer from you) Where did you get the idea that either of those happened?

The film was going to air regardless of what happened in Stanford Fla.

I think they were going to ask the President to introduce it regardless of what happened at Stanford Fla.

Dude, you'll never get the last word in. The GOP is the "yeah but" party of right now. When they get the White House back, the Democrats will be the "yeah but" people. JRK is the best practicioner of "yeah but" arguing.

not afraid to stand up to racisim commercial USA today - Bing Videos
There is your idea that either did happen, this would be the later
The movie goes on after the event in Sanford
President Obama to Deliver Special Introduction for USA Network Airing of ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers
And as far as your error in "yeah but" provide an example, or have your reputation take another hit
you are (you're) your own worst enemy
JRK is nothing but a "yeah but" neo-con. Nothing else. Period.

Jake is that all you know how to do? attack people?
I let you off of ignore for 2 days and look at you
Just because we dis agree you have to make it personal Jake
Good Luck dude
you need it
JRK, I am no ad homming you. This is not personal. You are a neo-con, and that is the prescription for the end of the USA as a major presence in the word. Tis what tis.

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