To Democrats: What will be the big difference with a Clinton II Presidency?


Platinum Member
Sep 22, 2014

Looking at it now. The GOP are funny they are so bad, Bernie is running an effective but out gunned campaign... So Clinton II is coming, Bill is Back...

Do we see a administration continuing on from Obama while running a Clinton type Presidency...

By the way, the doom sayers from the RW. Clinton I was very successful period for the US economy.

Looking at it now. The GOP are funny they are so bad, Bernie is running an effective but out gunned campaign... So Clinton II is coming, Bill is Back...

Do we see a administration continuing on from Obama while running a Clinton type Presidency...

By the way, the doom sayers from the RW. Clinton I was very successful period for the US economy.
And the fact that we were experiencing a tech bubble had nothing to do with that, right...

Looking at it now. The GOP are funny they are so bad, Bernie is running an effective but out gunned campaign... So Clinton II is coming, Bill is Back...

Do we see a administration continuing on from Obama while running a Clinton type Presidency...

By the way, the doom sayers from the RW. Clinton I was very successful period for the US economy.
Bill Clinton is not my favorite person but he was a good President. If I thought Hillary would be as good as Bill, I would vote for her.

Looking at it now. The GOP are funny they are so bad, Bernie is running an effective but out gunned campaign... So Clinton II is coming, Bill is Back...

Do we see a administration continuing on from Obama while running a Clinton type Presidency...

By the way, the doom sayers from the RW. Clinton I was very successful period for the US economy.

I would think if you like Obama, you'll love Clinton. The greatest amount of nonsense from the last 8 years was that Obama was liberal. Far from it, in fact.

In some ways, you may get the "best of both worlds".The center-left policies of Obama and the bare nuckles unabashed triangulation of Bill Clinton.

What we need is an incubator for entirely new industries; each industry comes with spin-offs that find their own footing. New energy companies featuring tidal, solar, nuclear; more space entrepreneurship, partnerships for children's healthcare, etc..

Looking at it now. The GOP are funny they are so bad, Bernie is running an effective but out gunned campaign... So Clinton II is coming, Bill is Back...

Do we see a administration continuing on from Obama while running a Clinton type Presidency...

By the way, the doom sayers from the RW. Clinton I was very successful period for the US economy.
And the fact that we were experiencing a tech bubble had nothing to do with that, right...

That explains 415,000 jobs in total over four years...

Tech back then was not what it is today by any stretch, I worked in the industry at the time.

Looking at it now. The GOP are funny they are so bad, Bernie is running an effective but out gunned campaign... So Clinton II is coming, Bill is Back...

Do we see a administration continuing on from Obama while running a Clinton type Presidency...

By the way, the doom sayers from the RW. Clinton I was very successful period for the US economy.
Bill Clinton is not my favorite person but he was a good President. If I thought Hillary would be as good as Bill, I would vote for her.
He was certainly better than the crap we have had the last 15 years but that really is not saying a whole lot.

Looking at it now. The GOP are funny they are so bad, Bernie is running an effective but out gunned campaign... So Clinton II is coming, Bill is Back...

Do we see a administration continuing on from Obama while running a Clinton type Presidency...

By the way, the doom sayers from the RW. Clinton I was very successful period for the US economy.
And the fact that we were experiencing a tech bubble had nothing to do with that, right...

That explains 415,000 jobs in total over four years...

Tech back then was not what it is today by any stretch, I worked in the industry at the time.
It accounts for a large chunk of that 'prosperity.'

It bared a lot of resemblance with the housing boom - tech companies that made no money and had no value claiming to be worth millions. I don't think Clinton's policy did squat for the economy. I think 'free trade' is one of those policies set up in his term that we are still paying the price for. Nor do I think that Hillary is a second term for bill either. It is a different world for one (constant global warfare without pause) and to think that she is somehow going to herald a return of what Bill stood for I believe is folly.

Looking at it now. The GOP are funny they are so bad, Bernie is running an effective but out gunned campaign... So Clinton II is coming, Bill is Back...

Do we see a administration continuing on from Obama while running a Clinton type Presidency...

By the way, the doom sayers from the RW. Clinton I was very successful period for the US economy.
Bill Clinton is not my favorite person but he was a good President. If I thought Hillary would be as good as Bill, I would vote for her.


The thing is the personal in the administration should either be the same or come from similar DNA. Hillary and Bill are super tight politically so I see Clinton 1 being very close to Clinton 2...

Looking at it now. The GOP are funny they are so bad, Bernie is running an effective but out gunned campaign... So Clinton II is coming, Bill is Back...

Do we see a administration continuing on from Obama while running a Clinton type Presidency...

By the way, the doom sayers from the RW. Clinton I was very successful period for the US economy.

He deregulated and helped set up the collapse of 2008. The bubble burst in 2000 and sent us into a recession in March of 2001.

Looking at it now. The GOP are funny they are so bad, Bernie is running an effective but out gunned campaign... So Clinton II is coming, Bill is Back...

Do we see a administration continuing on from Obama while running a Clinton type Presidency...

By the way, the doom sayers from the RW. Clinton I was very successful period for the US economy.
And the fact that we were experiencing a tech bubble had nothing to do with that, right...

That explains 415,000 jobs in total over four years...

Tech back then was not what it is today by any stretch, I worked in the industry at the time.
It accounts for a large chunk of that 'prosperity.'

It bared a lot of resemblance with the housing boom - tech companies that made no money and had no value claiming to be worth millions. I don't think Clinton's policy did squat for the economy. I think 'free trade' is one of those policies set up in his term that we are still paying the price for. Nor do I think that Hillary is a second term for bill either. It is a different world for one (constant global warfare without pause) and to think that she is somehow going to herald a return of what Bill stood for I believe is folly.

So you think Clinton did nothing... So you believe the President had nothing to do with the economy.

Great so. Probably don't need to really vote for a president since the only thing Clinton did is not squander trillions on wars and idiotic tax breaks during a war.
"To Democrats: What will be the big difference with a Clinton II Presidency?"

Eight more years of Camelot. It will be hilarious watching the American Taliban being governed by a strong woman like President Hillary Clinton.
Just a reminder to the left what was accomplished under Bill Clinton on the economic front was done with the help of a Republican Congress something many seem to forget. Bill Clinton was a skilled politician who was able to work across party lines Hillary is not someone who has shown she can do that nor has she shown herself to be a skilled politician her setting up her own private e-mail server at her home and how she has handled this scandal is proof of that. On the political front the only thing Bill and Hillary have in common is the last name Clinton.

Looking at it now. The GOP are funny they are so bad, Bernie is running an effective but out gunned campaign... So Clinton II is coming, Bill is Back...

Do we see a administration continuing on from Obama while running a Clinton type Presidency...

By the way, the doom sayers from the RW. Clinton I was very successful period for the US economy.
And the fact that we were experiencing a tech bubble had nothing to do with that, right...

That explains 415,000 jobs in total over four years...

Tech back then was not what it is today by any stretch, I worked in the industry at the time.
It accounts for a large chunk of that 'prosperity.'

It bared a lot of resemblance with the housing boom - tech companies that made no money and had no value claiming to be worth millions. I don't think Clinton's policy did squat for the economy. I think 'free trade' is one of those policies set up in his term that we are still paying the price for. Nor do I think that Hillary is a second term for bill either. It is a different world for one (constant global warfare without pause) and to think that she is somehow going to herald a return of what Bill stood for I believe is folly.

So you think Clinton did nothing... So you believe the President had nothing to do with the economy.

Great so. Probably don't need to really vote for a president since the only thing Clinton did is not squander trillions on wars and idiotic tax breaks during a war.
Interesting take on things I did not say.

care to try again or is vitriol all you have?
You people are insane. There is no non-European out there that is going to respect a woman. Add to that the fact that she is a notoriously bad politician, crooked, and an Alinski-ite, and you have a cocktail for a disastrous presidency. This bitch has never held a job except for a couple of years at the Rose Law firm fucking people out of their money. We were NEVER intended to be a republic ruled over by a political ruling class. Hillary will just continue with this modern trend, to the detriment of our nation.

Looking at it now. The GOP are funny they are so bad, Bernie is running an effective but out gunned campaign... So Clinton II is coming, Bill is Back...

Do we see a administration continuing on from Obama while running a Clinton type Presidency...

By the way, the doom sayers from the RW. Clinton I was very successful period for the US economy.

He deregulated and helped set up the collapse of 2008. The bubble burst in 2000 and sent us into a recession in March of 2001.

Bill Clinton: Glass-Steagall repeal had nothing to do with financial crisis
Our ruling

Clinton said, "There's not a single, solitary example that" signing the bill to end Glass-Steagall "had anything to do with the financial crash."

By focusing on the bill that officially repealed Glass-Steagall, Clinton's statement ignores the fact that the demise of Glass-Steagall took place over decades, amid a deregulatory push in which the Clinton administration played a role. By the time the law to repeal hit his desk, Glass-Steagall had been whittled down so much that it wasn’t very meaningful. It's a matter of debate how much of a role the overall demise of Glass-Steagall had in causing the financial crisis, but we couldn't find any economists who argue that the regulation was the sole linchpin keeping the financial system stable until its official repeal in 1999. Overall, we rate Clinton’s claim Mostly True.

You have to stop believing the funny pages.
Just a reminder to the left what was accomplished under Bill Clinton on the economic front was done with the help of a Republican Congress something many seem to forget. Bill Clinton was a skilled politician who was able to work across party lines Hillary is not someone who has shown she can do that nor has she shown herself to be a skilled politician her setting up her own private e-mail server at her home and how she has handled this scandal is proof of that. On the political front the only thing Bill and Hillary have in common is the last name Clinton.
This is very important.

Something that people seem to not understand is that part of our broken political problem is that the last two figures have been EXTREMELY polarizing (both Bush and Obama) and that is destroying the political process. Hillary is another extremely polarizing figure.

Looking at it now. The GOP are funny they are so bad, Bernie is running an effective but out gunned campaign... So Clinton II is coming, Bill is Back...

Do we see a administration continuing on from Obama while running a Clinton type Presidency...

By the way, the doom sayers from the RW. Clinton I was very successful period for the US economy.
And the fact that we were experiencing a tech bubble had nothing to do with that, right...

That explains 415,000 jobs in total over four years...

Tech back then was not what it is today by any stretch, I worked in the industry at the time.
It accounts for a large chunk of that 'prosperity.'

It bared a lot of resemblance with the housing boom - tech companies that made no money and had no value claiming to be worth millions. I don't think Clinton's policy did squat for the economy. I think 'free trade' is one of those policies set up in his term that we are still paying the price for. Nor do I think that Hillary is a second term for bill either. It is a different world for one (constant global warfare without pause) and to think that she is somehow going to herald a return of what Bill stood for I believe is folly.

So you think Clinton did nothing... So you believe the President had nothing to do with the economy.

Great so. Probably don't need to really vote for a president since the only thing Clinton did is not squander trillions on wars and idiotic tax breaks during a war.
Interesting take on things I did not say.

care to try again or is vitriol all you have?

What virtriol, You said Clinton didn't do nothing for the economy... I just pointed out things he did...

Looking at it now. The GOP are funny they are so bad, Bernie is running an effective but out gunned campaign... So Clinton II is coming, Bill is Back...

Do we see a administration continuing on from Obama while running a Clinton type Presidency...

By the way, the doom sayers from the RW. Clinton I was very successful period for the US economy.

He deregulated and helped set up the collapse of 2008. The bubble burst in 2000 and sent us into a recession in March of 2001.

Bill Clinton: Glass-Steagall repeal had nothing to do with financial crisis
Our ruling

Clinton said, "There's not a single, solitary example that" signing the bill to end Glass-Steagall "had anything to do with the financial crash."

By focusing on the bill that officially repealed Glass-Steagall, Clinton's statement ignores the fact that the demise of Glass-Steagall took place over decades, amid a deregulatory push in which the Clinton administration played a role. By the time the law to repeal hit his desk, Glass-Steagall had been whittled down so much that it wasn’t very meaningful. It's a matter of debate how much of a role the overall demise of Glass-Steagall had in causing the financial crisis, but we couldn't find any economists who argue that the regulation was the sole linchpin keeping the financial system stable until its official repeal in 1999. Overall, we rate Clinton’s claim Mostly True.

You have to stop believing the funny pages.

There was more than Glass-Steagall, maybe you should do some research instead of believing everything the left tells you.
Just a reminder to the left what was accomplished under Bill Clinton on the economic front was done with the help of a Republican Congress something many seem to forget. Bill Clinton was a skilled politician who was able to work across party lines Hillary is not someone who has shown she can do that nor has she shown herself to be a skilled politician her setting up her own private e-mail server at her home and how she has handled this scandal is proof of that. On the political front the only thing Bill and Hillary have in common is the last name Clinton.
This is very important.

Something that people seem to not understand is that part of our broken political problem is that the last two figures have been EXTREMELY polarizing (both Bush and Obama) and that is destroying the political process. Hillary is another extremely polarizing figure.


Obama is Center Left and possibly Center. The divisiveness came mainly from one side.

Look at the fact checkers, the lies are mainly from the right.

It was Luntz who set up a meeting to assassinate the Obama admin.

The way the GOP has been hijacked it is nearly impossible to deal with them, the GOP is not the party of Reagan any more.

Looking at it now. The GOP are funny they are so bad, Bernie is running an effective but out gunned campaign... So Clinton II is coming, Bill is Back...

Do we see a administration continuing on from Obama while running a Clinton type Presidency...

By the way, the doom sayers from the RW. Clinton I was very successful period for the US economy.

He deregulated and helped set up the collapse of 2008. The bubble burst in 2000 and sent us into a recession in March of 2001.

Bill Clinton: Glass-Steagall repeal had nothing to do with financial crisis
Our ruling

Clinton said, "There's not a single, solitary example that" signing the bill to end Glass-Steagall "had anything to do with the financial crash."

By focusing on the bill that officially repealed Glass-Steagall, Clinton's statement ignores the fact that the demise of Glass-Steagall took place over decades, amid a deregulatory push in which the Clinton administration played a role. By the time the law to repeal hit his desk, Glass-Steagall had been whittled down so much that it wasn’t very meaningful. It's a matter of debate how much of a role the overall demise of Glass-Steagall had in causing the financial crisis, but we couldn't find any economists who argue that the regulation was the sole linchpin keeping the financial system stable until its official repeal in 1999. Overall, we rate Clinton’s claim Mostly True.

You have to stop believing the funny pages.

There was more than Glass-Steagall, maybe you should do some research instead of believing everything the left tells you.


Any actual meat to it...

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