To Cheat Or Not To Cheat?

Nuc said:
I have been in several long distance relationships. I believe there is a curve. Maybe you fall in love with somebody but for professional reasons, or whatever, you can't live in the same town. You try to see each other as much as possible and that's sweet for about a year. But if you're not willing to compromise and find a way to be together after that, bail, because you are just treading water.

I was really only refering to the comment about certain traits and how they are easier to overlook or put up with over longer periods of time due to being apart. Oh no, don't tell me I was speed reading again too! :eek:
The ClayTaurus said:
Can't live in the same town to start, or after a certain amount of time living close to each other?

In my case I met these women on my travels. In one case the woman moved to my town. In another we both moved to a town neither of us were living in. And in the third case we split up after about 1 1/2 years because we didn't want to make a commitment.
Said1 said:
I was really only refering to the comment about certain traits and how they are easier to overlook or put up with over longer periods of time due to being apart. Oh no, don't tell me I was speed reading again too! :eek:

I was not disagreeing with you, just adding to it.
Nuc said:
In my case I met these women on my travels. In one case the woman moved to my town. In another we both moved to a town neither of us were living in. And in the third case we split up after about 1 1/2 years because we didn't want to make a commitment.

Well what if you had been together for a couple years, then had to split and live in different places. There's a relationship base built there, do you still think there's a timer as to how long you can be apart before you're treading water?
The ClayTaurus said:
Well what if you had been together for a couple years, then had to split and live in different places. There's a relationship base built there, do you still think there's a timer as to how long you can be apart before you're treading water?

I've never been in this scenario, but I tend to think if you are a couple you don't move away from each other.
Kathianne said:
Personally, I found that once I was 'certain' that I loved someone, I didn't consider 'temptations'. I liked to look, but no touchie. I would have said 'that may just be women', but nowadays seems that many cheat about the same as men...

I think it's choice.

I agree and would add that when your really head over heels in love there really is no big temptation other than being flattered by the attention.
Bonnie said:
I agree and would add that when your really head over heels in love there really is no big temptation other than being flattered by the attention.

i don't care how long I am married, i still get the butterflies when a guy tries to pick me up or ask for my number. i wear my wedding ring 24-7, so its not like they would not know, and many times i am with my son. :dunno:
fuzzykitten99 said:
i don't care how long I am married, i still get the butterflies when a guy tries to pick me up or ask for my number. i wear my wedding ring 24-7, so its not like they would not know, and many times i am with my son. :dunno:

Of course, EVERYONE wants to know now and again that they still have IT, whatever that is :p: It's part of being human and in our case women :)
Flirting is healthy and is nice when someone acknowledges you are still attractive!...'whatever that is' :dunno:
Bonnie said:
Of course, EVERYONE wants to know now and again that they still have IT, whatever that is :p: It's part of being human and in our case women :)
Hell I know I got it, I see everytime I shower. The thing is, I forgot what I'm pose to do with it. :cry:
Mr. P said:
Hell I know I got it, I see everytime I shower. The thing is, I forgot what I'm pose to do with it. :cry:

Geez...some things are best left unsaid...take two Viagra...hit the sack...then call the Doctor in the morning! :whip3:
Mr. P said:
Viagra helps the memory, huh? ;)

'here comes the judge...order in the court now here comes the Judge'memory refreshed now?
Mr. P said:
Hell I know I got it, I see everytime I shower. The thing is, I forgot what I'm pose to do with it. :cry:

Just like riding a bike ;)
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