Tlaib wins Conyers seat congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Watch the GOP bigots fuming.

Actually some of us are hoping you Dem scum indeed get a Muslim run state and local government; we look forward to your living under Shariah law and a far more 'conservative' govt. And your own stupidity will be the cause. lol

Yeah, she looks like the epitome of Shariah law. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Yeah they said the same fkg thing in Europe until the invasion and they became the TOP POPULATION and the natural born were told go fk yourself yeah riiiight. DO YOU KNOW WHAT INFILTRATE FROM WTIHIN MEANS................


Becase the LEFTIST IDIOTS OF EUROPE thought the same gawd dam thing until their daughters, mothers, sisters began getting raped by GANGS oh but that's fale huh. lol

BRITISH SOLDIERS who dare to criticize the Army’s ‘diversity’ ad campaign will face disciplinary action

DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!
Hard to believe you are terrified



The Muslim Brotherhood's Strategic Plan For America – Court Document

At least a dozen terror-linked individuals have been tied to the Islamic Center of Tucson (ICT). The mosque and the state of Arizona are mentioned 59 times in the 9/11 Commission Report.[1] The mosque is considered to be “basically the first cell of al Qaeda in the United States.”[2]

The mosque also has significant links to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. The ICT’s bylaws state that the North American Islamic Trust is the “trustee and beneficiary” of its property. The bylaws also mandate relationships with multiple groups that have " class="glossaryLink " target="_blank" style="box-sizing: border-box; transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out; color: rgb(157, 29, 54); border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dotted;">Muslim Brotherhood origins.

The Islamic Society of North America, the Muslim Students Association and the Muslim Arab Youth Association (a now-defunct U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity) are allowed to have offices on the premises. The bylaws also require that the ICT work with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the American Muslim Council that was led by Abdurrahman Alamoudi, an admitted secret U.S. Muslim Brotherhood member
Islamic Center of Tucson

DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!
Hard to believe you are terrified

I ain't terriified it's you clueless who should be terrified, all you have to do to see the exact plan unfolding is look to EUROPE and if you are that uninformed well you are part of why this will happen here if yah don't wake up LOL to the games being played.

Bet when your watch gang rapes in your face you will wake up and realize how SCARED YOU WILL BE for your female loved ones.

Actually some of us are hoping you Dem scum indeed get a Muslim run state and local government; we look forward to your living under Shariah law and a far more 'conservative' govt. And your own stupidity will be the cause. lol

So you think getting a Muslim elected to a state position will result in Sharia Law being enforced? Despite the US Constitution?

Okey Dokey

I said a Muslim run state, not 'one Muslim in office'.

If you're going to toss out strawmen at least back away from the bong and do a better job of it.

As for 'The Constitution', it went out the window by 1860. The law now is based on whatever whim some Judge has. Get over it.

And yet, when the liberals in Maryland decided to write laws telling their citizens they couldn't have guns, the US Constitution was how it was stopped.

You going to try and claim they've stopped trying to ban them? Good luck.

All they needed was a Hillary victory and a couple more insane stupid drunks on the SC to team up with Obama's drunks and traitors and a few more sicko faggots on the District Courts benches owned by the Democrats to get it through with flying colors.

I made no such claim. But you claimed the Constitution went out the window 150 years ago. It obviously did not. The DC v Heller is proof. And the separation of church and state has been defended and upheld consistently.

Didn't say you did, I just pointed out you couldn't make that claim, so it isn't 'settled' at all. And, the DC V Heller vote was 5 to 4; with Scalia gone, and Sotomayor and another Hillary appointee squatting on the Court, it would have gone the other way; and it still would today as as soon as Hillary stacked the Court and the left dreamed up another fake 'challenge' and reversed DC V Heller.

I don't why anybody thinks it was 'settled' when yet another case re the 2nd when in fact DC V Heller itself being ruled on proved it isn't and pooped up in 2008, after 218 years or so. That's just silly. The Modern Court doesn't give two shits about 'historical precedents'. Just one sample: Warning link is to a pdf file, not a web page, so ...

It is only the make up of the Court that prevents a lot of cases being brought; you can bet the Democrats and their commie buddies would unleash a flood of cases if Hillary had gotten to make appointments instead of Trump.

Hacks will simply go around it, or re-invent it. How many 1st Amendment rulings since the 1950's cite any preceding cases re religious freedoms before 1947? We now live in a time when crazed sicko tards can claim a nasty neurotic sexual fetish is a 'political issue', and then claim pastors and churches can't say anything about it, cuz 'separation of church n state' n stuff, completely retarded nonsense argument.
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DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!
More worried about the Jews in congress and AIPAC controlling things than I am Muslims...just my opinion though.
ain't terriified it's you clueless who should be terrified, all you have to do to see the exact plan unfolding is look to EUROPE and if you are that uninformed well you are part of why this will happen here if yah don't wake up LOL to the games being played.

Bet when your watch gang rapes in your face you will wake up and realize how SCARED YOU WILL BE for your female loved ones.

They know what's going on, and they SUPPORT IT. Their hatred of America and our culture is that strong.
DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!
Hard to believe you are terrified

I ain't terriified it's you clueless who should be terrified, all you have to do to see the exact plan unfolding is look to EUROPE and if you are that uninformed well you are part of why this will happen here if yah don't wake up LOL to the games being played.

Bet when your watch gang rapes in your face you will wake up and realize how SCARED YOU WILL BE for your female loved ones.


WE know their fans won't be stepping in to prevent the rapes, either, they will scuttle off and claim it was 'none of my business'.
I am VERY uncomfortable and reject any practicing Muslim from holding positions of power and influence in the fabric of our local, state and national governance. Our Nation was founded on the tenets of Judaeo Christian doctrine. The tenets of Islam, while superficially congruous in many regards, does in no uncertain terms compel / require that there is no tolerance for the 'infidel'; they are to be either converted or eradicated (PERIOD). Our Nation welcomes all faiths, creeds & and religions, however, this does not mean that they should be elevated to higher office by the constituency. The check, absence of a 'religion test' lies solely in the people. (I btw am all for allowing a 'religious test' when it comes to those openly subscribing to a faith (whose rigid, ideological orthodoxy) espouses death to others who differ.

For example, lets speculate, based on the evidence, that Barack O is a Muslim, or at the very least, deeply sympathetic toward them. He unilaterally, unconstitutionally used his 'pen and phone' to the overt & specific detriment of Christians and Jews abroad. The deleterious effect on our Nation is even now being realized, long after the fact, as we deal with a cash infused, sanguinary Iran, just one example of many. We must not have more Muslims or Islamic sympathizers wielding power and tugging diametrically on the reins of US governance.
DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!
How can you be possibly be this hateful ?
You know that some of the top doctors, surgeons, scientists , etc....are american muslims ?
How the hell did you come up with all that hate ? Have you ever seen or interacted with a Muslim?
Btw they 2 legs and 2 arms.

Get over yourself. Nearly all terrorist violence is perpetrated by muslims. Remember 9-11? That was not a Mormon attack. I will never acknowledge that there is any such thing as an American muslim. Can't be both. The only good muslim is a dead muslim.

I think that maybe 30% of those living in Islamic shitholes would abandon the cult in a heartbeat if allowed to do so, but the regime changes necessary would be fairly bloody and not worth it to those capable of actually bringing that about. We can only work to destroy the stranglehold via internal revolts and hope for the best. Long shot, though.
No. While this sounds good, muslims who escape the violence in their home countries invariably institute the same violence where ever they go.

I didn't endorse taking them in; the only refugees we should take in should be Christians or other fairly decent sects. Islam is a political ideology, not a religion.
I didn't endorse taking them in; the only refugees we should take in should be Christians or other fairly decent sects. Islam is a political ideology, not a religion
I will never forget that Obama flooded our country with Muslim "refugees" while letting Christians be killed, raped and kidnapped by the very cult he imported here. He cared not one bit for the Christians suffering under the oppression of the very people he allowed in this country.
Islam is a political ideology, not a religion
People keep saying that, but it is. It IS a religion. Because it is foreign to Christianity doesn't make it "not a religion."

Of course they don't see it, but this Allah fellow IS Satan.
I didn't endorse taking them in; the only refugees we should take in should be Christians or other fairly decent sects. Islam is a political ideology, not a religion
I will never forget that Obama flooded our country with Muslim "refugees" while letting Christians be killed, raped and kidnapped by the very cult he imported here. He cared not one bit for the Christians suffering under the oppression of the very people he allowed in this country.

Yep. He and his fans are total pieces of shit. His siding with the UN scum re Christians not being refugees was the most open proof of that one could have.
Islam is a political ideology, not a religion
People keep saying that, but it is. It IS a religion. Because it is foreign to Christianity doesn't make it "not a religion."

Of course they don't see it, but this Allah fellow IS Satan.

I say it because it's true; over 80% of it is about political matters, not theology. The Koran is simply some ripped off and rewritten rubbish from the book of Moses, and some Zoroastrianism, and local asteroid worshiping mythology. There isn't any theology in the book, it's just a collection of rambling babbling from a crazy bandit chief.
DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!

OH MY GOD!! It's the end of the world!! Head for the hills!! Another MOOOOOOOOOSLIM just got elected to Congress.

Show me in the Constitution where it requires a religious litmus test for running for federal office.
I say it because it's true; over 80% of it is about political matters, not theology. The Koran is simply some ripped off and rewritten rubbish from the book of Moses, and some Zoroastrianism, and local asteroid worshiping mythology. There isn't any theology in the book, it's just a collection of rambling babbling from a crazy bandit chief.

Which is different than the Bible how?
DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!

OH MY GOD!! It's the end of the world!! Head for the hills!! Another MOOOOOOOOOSLIM just got elected to Congress.

Show me in the Constitution where it requires a religious litmus test for running for federal office.
It doesn't and furthermore it's explicitly unconstitutional, the constituency is the only check on who they elect of any faith, creed or religion... IMHO, I'd like to amend Article VI of the Constitution in this regard...

" religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

Article VI"
I say it because it's true; over 80% of it is about political matters, not theology. The Koran is simply some ripped off and rewritten rubbish from the book of Moses, and some Zoroastrianism, and local asteroid worshiping mythology. There isn't any theology in the book, it's just a collection of rambling babbling from a crazy bandit chief.

Which is different than the Bible how?
1) The Quran Is the Jewel of Islam

In 2011, the burning of a Quran by a Florida pastor incited violence, even though a few years prior the US Government incinerated a cache of Bibles in Afghanistan without incident. Why the different responses? Qureshi says,

The answer lies, at least partly, in the fact that the Quran has a different place in the hearts and minds of Muslims than the Bible does in the hearts and minds of Christians…The traditional Muslim reverence for the Quran is almost inestimable. (104, 105)

2) The Quran is the Eternal Word of Allah

The reason why the Quran is valued differently than Christians—to the point of inciting violence—is that the very nature is understood differently than the Bible. As Qureshi explains, “[The Quran] is the closest thing to God incarnate… Its place in Islamic theology is that of Jesus in Christian theology.” (269) Meaning: the Quran is to Islam what Jesus is to Christianity. This is a significant difference between the two religions, for Christians believe the Bible is inspired by God, not eternal.

3) The Quran is Literally God’s Words

“Since Muslims believe the Quran is an eternal expression of Allah, they do not think that the Quran was written by men in any sense. It is the very speech of Allah, inscribed on a heavenly tablet, from which it was read by Gabriel and dictated to Muhammad.” (106) Rather than this word being inspired, in the Christian sense, it is revealed:

Allah revealed it piecemeal to Muhammad, dictating it through the angel Gabriel. Muhammad had nothing to do with shaping the text; he only relayed it. (106)

4) The Quran Is One Genre

The contents of the Bible and Quran is where some of the starkest differences emerge. We know the Bible is diverse in its literary genres and reading, because God inspired specific men to write using their own experiences and perspectives. Not so the Quran:

It contains essentially one genre: Allah speaking to Muhammad. Although there are significant exceptions…the Quran more or less reads in the same manner throughout its text. (108)

5) The Quran’s Compilation Was Fluid

Given the nature of Arabic during Muhammad’s life, the Quran was not written but orally known, and by memory. Muhammed would recite the same verse multiple ways, so would his followers. He would also cancel previous texts through so-called abrogation: Mohammed “would tell his followers that certain portions of the Quran he had relayed before were no longer to be recited as part of the Quran.” (110) Therefore, if he needed part of the text to go away, he would replace it with another and tell his followers to stop reciting it and forget it. The Bible never underwent this sort of abrogation.

6) The Quran’s Textual Transmission is Problematic

Did you know that “today’s Quran, which was not put together by one of the teachers Muhammed named, is but one of multiple Quranic canons, the one that received official approval by the caliphate and became the standard text when the rest were burned”? (285–286) That’s right, the first burning of the Quran was actually by Caliph Uthman, who recalled all the variant manuscripts, destroyed them by fire, and issued an official, standardized version according to his reading. Qureshi’s indictment is important:

The Quran’s textual transmission is pockmarked by human artifice and intervention, and none of the other arguments for the Quran’s inspiration bear the weight of scrutiny. (286-287)

7) The Quran Is the Why of Islam

Perhaps the most important insight Qureshi offers is the “why” of Islam. He explains, “the primary use of the Quran is to serve as the basis of why Muslims believe in Islam.” (112) The Quran is Islam’s why because of its purported:

  • literary excellence
  • numerous prophecies
  • scientific knowledge
  • mathematical marvels
  • perfect preservation
“Unlike the Quran, the primary use of the Bible is to serve as the basis of what Christians believe, not why they believe.” (112) Qureshi reminds us that we believe what we believe because of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection; that’s our why.

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