Tlaib wins Conyers seat congress to get 1st Muslim woman

DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!
How can you be possibly be this hateful ?
You know that some of the top doctors, surgeons, scientists , etc....are american muslims ?
How the hell did you come up with all that hate ? Have you ever seen or interacted with a Muslim?
Btw they 2 legs and 2 arms.


When you have a brain and can comprehend our country and freedom and their countey which has no freedom you let us know how well that works out for you when you pukes try turning this into a another Europe oh wait we're not gonna let assholes take tis country that's right. ........
Turn to Europe? Looooool ever visited ?
Cleaner than the US.
Europeans are healthier, slimmer, and live longer
They have longer vacation times.
Healrh care accessible to all.
Education. Accessible to all.
You wish you were like them.

I don't wish shit cyka you do.
I bet you live in a shithole where u dont get to see muslims who are policemen, surgeons, teachers, businessmen, normal people....ya in red states sit in front of fox news all day and absorb the hate and become haters.
Watch the GOP bigots fuming.
Why? It is progressives that bring the religious test to people in office.

Just ask anyone who is Christian and how they will be attacked for using their religion to do away with abortion on demand.

I wonder what this new Muslum woman's views on gay rights are and if they're just lip service?
Conservatives in general are anti gay...why u so consider with 1 single Muslim woman , while millions of homophobics are Christian's? Bigotry?
I'm not. Try comprehending what I am saying.

Conservatives do not have a religious litmus test for public office. So, when you say we are going to be pissed if a Muslim gets in office, it will not be because she is Muslim. Only you leftists have a religious test.
DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!
Hard to believe you are terrified



WHen you google what it says this is just one result


Rape and Adultery in Islam


Saudi Sharia court sentences gang rape victim to 200 lashes
This isn't fiction or conspiraciease dumb asses.
DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!
How can you be possibly be this hateful ?
You know that some of the top doctors, surgeons, scientists , etc....are american muslims ?
How the hell did you come up with all that hate ? Have you ever seen or interacted with a Muslim?
Btw they 2 legs and 2 arms.
Muslims also beat people to death on campuses for "blasphemy". Do you see that happening anywhere else in the world? Quit pretending that muslims are just like everyone else. Muslims generally arent good people. There are exceptions, but not many.
I am VERY uncomfortable and reject any practicing Muslim from holding positions of power and influence in the fabric of our local, state and national governance. Our Nation was founded on the tenets of Judaeo Christian doctrine. The tenets of Islam, while superficially congruous in many regards, does in no uncertain terms compel / require that there is no tolerance for the 'infidel'; they are to be either converted or eradicated (PERIOD). Our Nation welcomes all faiths, creeds & and religions, however, this does not mean that they should be elevated to higher office by the constituency. The check, absence of a 'religion test' lies solely in the people. (I btw am all for allowing a 'religious test' when it comes to those openly subscribing to a faith (whose rigid, ideological orthodoxy) espouses death to others who differ.

For example, lets speculate, based on the evidence, that Barack O is a Muslim, or at the very least, deeply sympathetic toward them. He unilaterally, unconstitutionally used his 'pen and phone' to the overt & specific detriment of Christians and Jews abroad. The deleterious effect on our Nation is even now being realized, long after the fact, as we deal with a cash infused, sanguinary Iran, just one example of many. We must not have more Muslims or Islamic sympathizers wielding power and tugging diametrically on the reins of US governance.

There is no religious test for holding office nor should they. You talk about Islam's lack of intolerance and your solution is intolerance towards Muslims. You are a disgusting bigot.
It's one thing to have tolerance for your neighbor and fellow citizen; quite another to have that same tolerance for the leaders and shapers of this Nation (local - state - nation). I'm a firm believer that Article VI of the Constitution be amended, allowing for a 'religious test' for those seeking office. If one's strict orthodoxy of ideology espouses killing those that don't subscribe to that particular religion... Sorry, you can't shape my school board, town, city, state or nation!

You want a Christian theocracy. Thank God that you are not in charge. No Muslim who is running for office has said anything about killing anyone.
Of course they haven't "said anything"... If they espouse an ideology that seeks to overrun all other ideologies (conversion or death) as a cornerstone of their faith, that's tantamount to saying it.

They are guilty by association. That is bigotry in it's purest form. Everyone is equal under the law. That is why a murderer can be set free on a technicality. If you don't like it then leave.
I am VERY uncomfortable and reject any practicing Muslim from holding positions of power and influence in the fabric of our local, state and national governance. Our Nation was founded on the tenets of Judaeo Christian doctrine. The tenets of Islam, while superficially congruous in many regards, does in no uncertain terms compel / require that there is no tolerance for the 'infidel'; they are to be either converted or eradicated (PERIOD). Our Nation welcomes all faiths, creeds & and religions, however, this does not mean that they should be elevated to higher office by the constituency. The check, absence of a 'religion test' lies solely in the people. (I btw am all for allowing a 'religious test' when it comes to those openly subscribing to a faith (whose rigid, ideological orthodoxy) espouses death to others who differ.

For example, lets speculate, based on the evidence, that Barack O is a Muslim, or at the very least, deeply sympathetic toward them. He unilaterally, unconstitutionally used his 'pen and phone' to the overt & specific detriment of Christians and Jews abroad. The deleterious effect on our Nation is even now being realized, long after the fact, as we deal with a cash infused, sanguinary Iran, just one example of many. We must not have more Muslims or Islamic sympathizers wielding power and tugging diametrically on the reins of US governance.

There is no religious test for holding office nor should they. You talk about Islam's lack of intolerance and your solution is intolerance towards Muslims. You are a disgusting bigot.
It's one thing to have tolerance for your neighbor and fellow citizen; quite another to have that same tolerance for the leaders and shapers of this Nation (local - state - nation). I'm a firm believer that Article VI of the Constitution be amended, allowing for a 'religious test' for those seeking office. If one's strict orthodoxy of ideology espouses killing those that don't subscribe to that particular religion... Sorry, you can't shape my school board, town, city, state or nation!

You want a Christian theocracy. Thank God that you are not in charge. No Muslim who is running for office has said anything about killing anyone.
Of course they haven't "said anything"... If they espouse an ideology that seeks to overrun all other ideologies (conversion or death) as a cornerstone of their faith, that's tantamount to saying it.

They are guilty by association. That is bigotry in it's purest form. Everyone is equal under the law. That is why a murderer can be set free on a technicality. If you don't like it then leave.
Conversely, I'm a citizen practicing my 1st Amendment rights. As a constituent I have the freedom to campaign for candidates that support passing legislation that might change The Constitutional requirements for elected office, entry into our nation etc. For example, I worked damn hard getting Trump elected, as did thousands of others at the grass roots level as a champion of some of the above sentiments. I was in full support of his stop gap / temporary "Muslim ban" even though it was nothing more than blocking some Muslim countries and not others (Egypt etc). I'm all for a moratorium on all immigration, until we sort out the mess we have and appropriate the funds necessary for the arriving influx of new immigrants (yes they require your tax dollars once they set foot on US soil). What U call bigotry is what I call old fashioned common sense, nationalism and above all self preservation.

The 2A haters love going back to the 'musket' 'common arms' tact, which btw was presciently thought out by our founders. Well lets apply that same logic here where it might actually be appropriate to call into question whether Article VI clause 3 should be amended or repealed in light of the melting pot nation that we have become. I'm not a bigot for not wanting "convert the infidel or kill them" as a tenet of those who are charged with the awsome responsibility of shaping and directing the course of any level of governance.

During the 1960 presidential campaign, the issue of whether the nation would for the first time elect a Catholic to the highest office in the land raised the specter of an implicit, but no less effective, religious test. John F. Kennedy, in his Address to the General Houston Ministerial Association on 09-12-60 addressed the question directly, saying,

"Neither do I look with favor upon those who would work to subvert Article VI of the Constitution by requiring a religious test, even by indirection. For if they disagree with that safeguard, they should be openly working to repeal it"

OK so I'm not espousing subversion of Article VI but as JFK exhorted... I'm damn serious about trying to amend or repeal it to the best ability through my legislators. Quite frankly I'm in adamant support of Article VI with the one caveat being; one's rigid ideological orthodoxy compelling one to rise up in homicidal Jihad as a cornerstone of their PROFESSED faith. Other than that, I'm fine with Article VI and openly support it.
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DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!
How can you be possibly be this hateful ?
You know that some of the top doctors, surgeons, scientists , etc....are american muslims ?
How the hell did you come up with all that hate ? Have you ever seen or interacted with a Muslim?
Btw they 2 legs and 2 arms.
Muslims also beat people to death on campuses for "blasphemy". Do you see that happening anywhere else in the world? Quit pretending that muslims are just like everyone else. Muslims generally arent good people. There are exceptions, but not many.
Lol show me 5 countries that have death campuses knowing that there are 56 Muslim countries go on provide links please :)

In the US gays get shot, beaten. Harassed and in some instances killed.
Sikhs and minorities are attacked and harmed.
Blacks get shot and locked up unfairly.
Kids get separated from their parents.

Does that make all Americans killers, racists, and bigots?

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