Title IX show trials dealt a blow


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
This whole thing needs to be ash-canned. When you start with blinders on, justice will not be found.
Campus Sexual Assault: Amy Barrett Strikes Blow against Kangaroo Courts | National Review
Judge Barrett was unsparing in her criticism of the university’s procedures. In perhaps the most telling critique, she noted that Purdue’s process, with its permanent, devastating consequences for the student’s career, “fell short of what even a high school must provide to a student facing a days-long suspension.” Withholding evidence from the plaintiff by itself was sufficient to render the process unfair. So was the failure to provide any means of meaningfully examining the accuser’s credibility. As Barrett wrote, the evidence suggests that the committee “decided that John was guilty based on the accusation rather than the evidence.”
TitleIX is moot in the day and age in which people can choose their gender :abgg2q.jpg:
Can Title IX be enforced in an equitable fashion by a liberal Ed establishment? Was it even meant to be?.

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