‘Tis The Season For Scandals


Sep 23, 2010
There are so many political scandals brewing in Washington I think a good old-fashioned sex scandal is needed for flavoring. If Hillary wants to take the heat off of herself she should buy Bubba a box of cigars and tell him to hire some talkative interns.

The Bible tells us there is a time to plant and a time to uproot. The Associated Press scandal is dripping with poetic justice, or should I say reaping what you sow. Everyone who is interested knows the details; so I’m only going to cover this:

Outraged AP reporters told Politico the Obama administration move could harm their relationships with confidential sources.

“People are pretty mad — mad that government has not taken what we do seriously,” one reporter told Politico. “When the news broke yesterday … people were outraged and disgusted. No one was yelling and screaming, but it was like, ‘Are you kidding me!?’”

Another reporter said, “People are ticked. Everyone supports the reporters involved.”

Strong criticism of the Justice Department’s phone records seizure is coming from both the political left and right.

Did Obama want to punish AP?
Phone scandal story contradicted White House terror claim
Published: 11 hours ago
Garth Kant

Did Obama want to punish AP?

My first instinct when the AP story broke was that the government was not guilty. It made no sense for Hussein & Company to crap on their front line troops?

I finally concluded that the AP flap was a rope-a-dope scam. Nothing less than belief was at stake here. The public’s gullibility remained one constant in an ever-changing world until Hussein came out of a Chicago sewer. For more than four years the sewer rat and his people could do no wrong. Throughout Hussein’s time in the limelight his media stooges covered for him. They reported all of the lies he and his people told as the truth. Then came Benghazi.

The MSM ignored Benghazi until the facts became an embarrassment. Before testimony about Benghazi could be pooh-poohed away it started raining. No sooner had the Benghazi spin fell apart and along came the IRS. Thanks to the persistence of FOX News something had to be done to convince the public that an adversarial relationship really did exist between the media and the government; hence, a bit of trickery was called for. Happily, it’s backfiring.

If the AP story is not a rope-a-dope, I believe that most Americans think the entire media is getting what it deserves. The media has been stooging for the government throughout my adult life; convinced the government would only abuse private sector Americans. Media people were such loyal puppets it never occurred to them that the government would turn on them. Well, the government is turning on the media and they don’t like it; so they whine about freedom of the press to a public that does not care. Put it this way. Because of the press’ conduct since 1945 freedom of the press is the one freedom Americans will not fight to preserve.

Something to consider

The press lies about everything. The press covers up every lie told by the government, yet when it comes to the press lying about the government the media hangs it credibility on fair and balanced reporting. The rule is: Don’t lie about the government, or the people in government. The question is: Why Not? The First Amendment says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Nowhere does the First Amendment say the press cannot lie about the government. My point: Short of repealing the First Amendment there is not a damned thing the government can do about it should the press lie about the government in order to call attention to the truth. Here’s what happens when the press lies about the government rather than lie for the government:

The effort liberals would have to devote to combating media lies they do not like would leave them no time to spin their way of the government lies they do like. Basically, the Left would be placed in the same position the folks on the Right occupied since TV became the media; i.e., pissing into the wind.

Jim Treacher over at the Daily Caller has a brief article that coincides, in part, with my take on the AP story. He closes with this:

You ruined your entire industry for this guy, MSM. Serves you right.

Finally, the rest of the world catches up
Jim Treacher

Finally, the rest of the world catches up | The Daily Caller
I disagree with Mr. Treacher on that point. The MSM was ruined decades ago. Everyone of this country’s troubles can be laid at the press’ doorstep. The welfare state, the out of control education industry, socialized medicine, foreign policy, continued membership in the United Nations, global government, judges legislating from the bench, treason in high places, open-borders, illegal immigration, and every other problem the government created were only possible because the media either supported them, ignored them, or chose not to oppose them.

Roe v. Wade is the most egregious thing the MSM did in its long sorry history. Had the media done its job there would be no Roe v. Wade —— ending in the butchery done by Kermit Gosnell and others of his ilk. Democrats are already spinning his savagery by saying women would be forced to return to back ally abortions without clinics like Gosnell’s little shop of horrors. And all the while the media is reporting the spin with nary a correction heard.

The fact is that all of the back ally butchers in the world could not escape detection and prosecution long enough to murder the number of infants Gosnell’s fraternity murder every year. Even today, the MSM defends tax dollar funding for Planned Parenthood; the largest slaughterhouse in the world.

Finally, did anyone in the media ever wonder where all of those back ally butchers went after Roe v. Wade decriminalized infanticide?
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Even today, the MSM defends tax dollar funding for Planned Parenthood; the largest slaughterhouse in the world.

J.R. Dunn’s piece for the American Thinker about Gosnell is a must read. This excerpt tells me something I did not know about Planned Parenthood and Gosnell. Note the final three sentences in the quote:

We come to Planned Parenthood. That organization is on record as making regular referrals to Gosnell's "Women's Medical Society." The staff of Planned Parenthood knew exactly what was going on there. How many times did some woman step into Gosnell's building, smell the stench, see the blood and the dirt and rust, and flee with a shudder to make a return call to PP to urge them not to send anyone else to that place? How many medical doctors heard stories and warned them? How many times did they hear of women being taken straight from Gosnell's to a local ER? People involved in any industry know who the bad apples are. And yet, Planned Parenthood kept shoving 'em onto the treadmill. Who were the supervisors and staffers responsible? Any good reporter could find out in short order. Too bad we've run out of those.

May 15, 2013
If Obama had an Uncle...
By J.R. Dunn

Articles: If Obama had an Uncle...

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